Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 824: Longing for the strongest obsession

"It turned out that the scene that made me desperate in the past was so ridiculous after I had the cultivation of the world." Su Ming laughed, but the laughter revealed a strong ridicule. He was not ridiculed by others. This world is his own.

There is no comfort in his heart, and the happiness of those who do not avenge is only ridicule. .

In those days, the people who sacrificed for this robbery, Su Ming tried to do everything that could not be changed, and finally only bleak the experience of choosing to yield. At this moment, how ridiculous, strong, weak, in this moment, Yu Suming There is a strong awareness in my heart.

As in his memory, there is a phrase in the whirlpool of the year.

Just the "can" of a strong man's mouth can make the catastrophe collapse. Just like the current Su Ming, if he wants to kill, then all the slaves of the Taoyuan are like ants in his eyes. What a irony, this is What a heartbreaking.

"Be strong, I don't want to be weak again. I want to be a strong person. I want to control my own life. I don't want to let people around me die to protect me. I don't want to let all the people around me disappear, and I... It can only be a poor orphan in this vast world."

"I don't want it!" Su Ming has never been so profound about the strength and weakness of the present, even if it is the will of the dying whirlpool in the past, he is only shocked, just bitter, the other party's huge repair, let him At the same time as the inner trembling, a strong desire was born.

The desire to make him crazy, let him want to become stronger, until now, by the power of the stone monument he returned to the past, in one point of this memory, he revenge, he mastered the repairs that he wanted in the past, Just... he is not happy.

Because, at this moment, he is not strong enough. At this moment, he is not a strong person. Maybe he can kill the Taoist and all his slaves, but he can now take revenge. But after all, time has passed for a long time.

And if there is an enemy that he can't fight, then the same scene will still be staged again, for example, he stepped into a different place. It was because of the force majeure.

He didn't want to be self-cultivated every time he was in the catastrophe. He could only go back to the day after the passage of time, to laugh, to cry, to feel the ridiculous fate.

He has to go before fate to guide his destiny how to walk. Instead of being led by fate like a puppet, he has to be stronger!

"Strong and weak, such a simple truth, I Su Ming really understand today." Su Ming looked up and smiled, tears flow more, his blood in the sky, the bright red water of the earth, this is the color of autumn .

The tears he shed. Drowning in the eyes made the world awkward, and he was not in this battle. Not the sea, all are endless red.

Autumn, in this unconsciousness, appeared in Su Ming’s consciousness and appeared in his mind. At the moment when this autumn appeared, Su Ming stood in the air, and his body repaired in vain. .

Winter, autumn, summer, spring!

This is Su Ming's life, which is his own path to the future, such as from death to life. In the land of yin death, Su Ming's life is the winter, it is the death of death, until in the East Tower, he realized the color of autumn, longing for the earth to become red. This autumn red will make him feel the death of death in the midwinter.

"What is autumn... between life and death, it is autumn!"

"Because autumn is an alternation of cold and warmth, because autumn is the transition between winter and summer, because autumn... is the path from everything to lush.

In the autumn, it should be red, in the endless killing, to change the life and death of everyone, to complete my understanding, this is the autumn kill! ”

Su Ming's body repairing speed is getting faster and faster. With Su Ming's understanding, the world in front of him is full of bright red. With Su Ming's self-deprecating laughter, his cultivation is like a thunder roar. .

"My life is winter, summer, spring, and my life is missing, not the soul, not the flesh, but my life, I lack life, because I was in the mother's arms, the dead baby!"

"I have consciousness. This is because of the speciality of the plastic family. My body can grow up in the world of the fairy. This is because the person who died, can not continue to grow!"

Life and death, strong and weak, so simple, so simple! Su Ming laughed and mad, his cultivation is the beginning of life, but also the earth repair.

But at this moment, with the operation of his cultivation, with Su Ming’s understanding of his own life, his cultivation broke out, the heavens and the earth changed, the sky was low, and the eight sides were in turmoil. Su Ming, who was in the air, his cultivation was soaring from the beginning of his life, and he was directly in the middle of his life.

"I want to be a strong, I want to be the strongest person in this world...!" Su Ming Yang Tianzhu, this is his first time, making such a voice, in the past he just wanted to become stronger, but There is no specific goal, but now, at this moment, Su Ming’s roar is earth-shattering, which represents his inner desire and represents his strong obsession at this moment.

Between heaven and earth, inside and outside the sky, the strongest! !

"I want to let anyone who has insulted me, forced me, killed me, and controlled me, all to the market, to become the dust of the sky, I want to let anyone who has been me, help me, protect me, even if they are guilty of their own sins, But also to become the eternal existence of this sky, no one dares to hurt the slightest!

Be the strongest and strongest! "When Su Ming’s voice echoed in the heavens and the earth, all the reds around this place trembled. They rolled straight and went straight to Su Ming. Those dead slaves, those **** autumns, all poured into this moment. After Su Ming’s body, from the inside of his body sweat pores, Su Ming Yang Tianyi.

His gray hair flutters, his cultivation is once again climbing in this moment, from the mid-life of the life to the late life, only one step can be completed, if the breakthrough after the completion, Su Ming is the life palace, but also Tian Xiu !

At the same time that Su Mingxiu had reached the peak of repairing the earth, and only one step away from Tian Xiu, Su Ming’s emptiness turned into a huge vortex. This whirlpool roared and turned into a huge eye.

At the same time as this eye appeared, Su Ming's body was blurred and gradually disappeared. Su Ming turned his head in the moment before his disappearance. His eyes no longer have madness, but he is not willing.

In this stone space, he felt that the power of sealing his own emotions and pains had dissipated, as if here, this power was naturally suppressed.

He is surrounded by the ninth peak people, the familiar faces, the eternal people in Su Ming's memory, although they are already dead, but in Su Ming's heart, they have been alive.

"I will... let you rise again, one day..." Su Ming murmured, and he thought about the magical power of the plastic genus mentioned in the words of Chi Huo Hou, and his body gradually disappeared until it was scattered in the heavens and the earth.


Four real worlds.

Daochen Zhenjie, osmanthus star.

The reason why it is called this name is that the star is covered with sweet-scented osmanthus, light and fragrant, floating in the wind. In the southeastern part of the star, there are countless beautiful lofts between the mountains, and many monks exist here.

In one of the attices, the sound of the music of the guzheng came out, and it echoed around for a long time. In the attic, a woman in white was sitting cross-legged. This woman has a long shawl and looks beautiful. If Su Ming can, He will recognize that this woman was in the illusory land of the dying place, and the female who appeared in one of the three souls in the body, is also the body of Bai Su.

"It’s a strange feeling... I faintly think that this piece of music is like a dream.” The white goddess looks stunned and muttered in the sound of the guzheng. In this music, it seems to contain Su Ming’s mocking laughter. There is sadness in his tears.

The same is the morning of the real world, an ordinary comprehension star, a cave in the middle of the house, sitting on the knees of a monk, this monk is unusual, and even some thieves eyebrows, but at this moment he is in the knees, but his eyes are tears flowing down, for a long time Later, when he opened his eyes, there was recollection in his eyes.

"I can't forget the barbarians, I can't forget the ninth peak, and I can't forget the happiness in the barbarians. Su Ming." The monk was not high, he muttered and closed his eyes again.

Daochen Zhenjie, the fairyland, the dying vortex... On the land of the barbarian, the ninth peak of Su Ming’s memory stands a male like a flower. The man is dressed in white and the sea breeze blows his clothes. Go and dance his long hair to reveal a feminine face.

He no longer let the sun shine on his side, no longer always with a gentle smile on his face, his smile has not appeared for a long time, he stood there silently, in front.

"Teacher, I dreamed of you... Dreaming that you killed the Tao, killing all the slaves, dreaming of you...becoming a strong, this is a dream..." Two brothers, muttered softly.

Inside the cave house behind him, the tiger shed tears and opened his eyes from his dreams. His face was full of scorpion. He didn't want to scrape it. He looked like a cockroach, picked up the jug around him, and sipped his mouth. .

The wine ran down from the corner of his mouth, it was not a tear, but the tiger was drinking and drinking, his tears could not stop flowing, he cried silently.

"Teacher, I dreamed of you again, I miss you..."

The ninth peak is in the bottom of the sea. In the place where the master is in his retreat, he has no head, but there is madness in his body. He is practicing, he is constantly practicing, only in this way. Can make him no longer suffering, let him no longer blame himself.

"Teacher...Master, sorry for you, if not for saving me..."

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