Pursuit of the Truth

Chapter 844: what are you

The killing between the same level of life is to plunder each other's life, this is killing. The strong people suppress the weak, and the momentum of the change between the hands, they kill and kill, call for death.

And ... beyond the level of life, such as the will of the heavens to condense the ants, then this can not be called killing, but can not be called to give death, this is erased.

For example, in a picture drawn on the drawing board, there is a life in the picture. When the hand is pasted on the drawing board, the picture is erased, and all the life inside it is erased.

At this moment, everyone in the land of 100,000 stone tablets is surrounded by the remnant of the sound of screaming in the ear. After witnessing the scene of the demise of Su Ming’s light and faint wave of nearly 100 people, their minds all emerged. Now, erase these two words.

Fear, trembling, horror, shock, all kinds of emotions have been suffocated, making this 100,000 stone monument world, in an instant, dead, including Zhou Kang, almost everyone’s eyes subconsciously look at Su Ming, that look With deep awe.

How can they not see it, this is the rule of the age of the place, and is obeying Su Ming.

How can they not see it? The rules of the old dust are not only obeying, but even they can say that there is a strange connection between them.

In the world of 100,000 stone tablets, mastering the rules of this place, then this person, no one will dare to provoke, because he can decide the life and death of everyone.

Even if Su Ming thought, he could let the rules of the old dust kill all the people here, but the consequences of this will be completely broken with the evil spirits. As a result, they will be strongly rejected, and their nine souls will be wary. It will be extremely difficult for Su Ming to devour them in the future.

Moreover, once Su Ming erases everyone, then the Eugly Nine Souls will even unite to fight against each other. This is not worth the candle. Therefore, even if the temptation is great, Su Ming did not choose this radical way.

In addition, the rules here are protection and obliteration. Su Mingruo made this request, afraid that the rules will be silent, after all, the age of the dust rules to listen to Su Ming. It is also within the limits of its rules, unless ... Su Ming's repair can be re-established here.

Su Ming’s calmness and the erasing of the lives of nearly a hundred people seem to be insignificant for him. He has not considered whether these people are really damned. These are not important to him.

What is important is that these people who have been erased are coming for the reward of the four real worlds. The important thing is that these people... insulted themselves.

Only then, they lost the qualification to survive, because they got the freedom and got the freedom given by Su Ming. You don't have to be in the land of 100,000 stone tablets, and you will be permanently indulged.

When the eyes of the people around him looked at Su Ming with awe, Su Ming looked up and looked at the people around him, sweeping away one by one, but everyone who looked with him. They are all trembled, no matter what they are doing, as long as they are the people of this place, they all subconsciously bow their heads and dare not look at it with Su Ming.

Su Ming's eyes swept over a circle and paused in Zhou Kang. He had seen before that Zhou Kang's stone monument was blue.

In the end, Su Ming’s gaze fell on the ground and twitched. Although there was no scream, the body was dry and there was only one sigh of relief.

This big man is the first person to shoot on Su Ming. His stone tablet is purple. To erase this person, Su Ming does not need to explain anything to Er Cang Jiu, because this big man is here. That moment, it became a tribute to Su Ming.

"Reading you to repair is not easy, seeing you as a tribute to me, you can't die." Su Ming faintly opened, his right hand waved, and immediately the body trembled and twitched, immediately stopped shaking, and restored his mind, He stood up in a difficult way, and his heart was so terrified that Su Ming was so extreme that he quickly hugged his fist and worshipped him deeply.

The words tribute fell into his ears and fell into the minds of other people around him, turning into surprise.

"You wait for a few hundred people, all of them are tributes of Momo." Su Ming faintly opened the room, walked forward, and walked to the side of the big man, this big man looked awed and followed behind Su Ming.

Until Su Ming went to the hundreds of people who had just arrived in the new arrival, he did not stop, but there was a pressure that only hundreds of talents could perceive, and suddenly spread from Su Ming.

This pressure, for these hundreds of monks, like Tianwei, let them feel the moment, the heart and soul of the violent vibration, a Su Ming can master their feelings of life and death, a strong emergence.

This feeling is extremely real, even they suddenly found that their heartbeat and other people have remained on the same frequency, and this frequency belongs to Su Ming.

Su Ming’s heartbeat, and their heart beats. This strange scene makes hundreds of people retreat when Su Ming comes. Even dozens of people are pale and roaring from Su Ming. The pressure of the efferent souls made them feel like they were going to collapse. There seemed to be a strong will in their minds to let them go and worship Su Ming.

It seems that if they do not bow down, they will perish. It seems that if they do not bow down, their souls will not be able to follow. One of the youths, with a trembling in his body, became the second person to worship after the great man.

Then, the second, third, fourth... these hundreds of people, when Su Ming came, bowed down one by one until Su Ming went to the front of the Zhao family ancestors, surrounded by purple stone tablets Hundreds of people have all bowed to the ground.

The eyes of the ancestors of the Zhao family have long been recovered from the emptiness above, and they have been condensed on Su Ming’s body. With Su Ming’s coming, with the worship of hundreds of people around him, the powerful will pressure in his mind His shortness of breath made his face bulge, and the sweat filled the whole body.

He is fighting against the will of the body and fighting against his own soul. As a ancestor of the Zhao family, he will never bow down to people, but the strong will in the body is not a cultivation, but a soul, a different level of 辗The pressure made the ancestors of Zhao’s ancestors tremble more and more intensely, and it was even more bleak.

"We, we met again." Su Ming stood in front of the Zhao family ancestors, a calm opening.

The ancestors of the Zhao family did not speak, because at this moment he could not speak. His entire strength was used in the fight against the soul. He was a little relaxed, and he was afraid that he would immediately control his body.

This is still the second, because even if the other party let him kneel, it is just a body, really let the Zhao family ancestors fear, and even regret not to avoid the pursuit of killing, stepping into the different places, is he feels at the moment, in the soul of his own soul In the confrontation, he found that his heart was not only fearful of Su Ming, but also had awe, and there was even a sense of obedience that could not resist.

This is not only the feelings of his body, but also his soul. Everything in his heart, like after entering this place, there is more than one master in his life, and one more master.

Su Ming did not speak again. He stood quietly in front of the Zhao family's ancestors. He was surrounded by hundreds of people around him, and more outside. Tens of thousands of people witnessed this scene, and they were already stunned.

In their minds, at this moment all of them have emerged a word that Su Ming said.


"What exactly did he gain in the world of stone tablets, how could it... how could it be so powerful!"

"Even if the rules are obeyed by him, the land of this stone tablet is changed twice, which must be the reason why he can be so powerful!"

"What did he do, what did he get, why did hundreds of people want to bow down... Could it be that he... became the rule?"

"Even if his stone monument reached 100,000 feet, even if he mastered some of the power of the gods, in my memory, no one of those who reached 100,000 feet in the previous years could compare with him.

Even if it is 100,000 feet, even those who are 200,000 feet, 300,000 feet or even more will not be able to do this. ”

There is no screaming argument, but there is a speculation that emerges in the mind of awe. In the minds of tens of thousands of people around this, it turns into an invisible storm.

The ancestors of Zhao’s ancestors were sweating, his body trembled more and more, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, his eyes were desperate, his body slowly... He bowed down until the knee touched the ground, he was like everyone else around him. I worshiped around Su Ming.

It was almost the moment when Zhao’s ancestors bowed. Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound from the top of the emptiness. There was a huge crack like a torn apart. A long laugh echoed, from the crack, stepping Get out of one person.

"The millennium, the old man has returned to this place, Zhao Tianyi, you are an old hybrid, you think that if you escape to here, you can find the reason for the strong old man. In fact, the real purpose of the old man is to force you to this place!

Let you experience the pain that I forced you to hide in this place in the endless indulgence. Your people have been killed by thousands of old people. You can rest assured that when the old man’s stone monument becomes 200,000 feet, I will go out again. In the millennium, kill all your people. "When the long laugh spreads all over the place, everyone in this place noticed the emptiness, and an old man in a blue robe came.

"The owner of the 100,000-foot stone monument, this person is... Gongsun Yin!"

"It is him, it is the Gongsun Yin who left this place thousands of years ago. He is back." Many people around the group immediately recognized the identity of the old man.

The old man looks ugly and his hair is scattered, but the repair is to reach the late stage of the position. His look is proud and he is coming, but when he sees that the Zhao family’s ancestors were in front of Su Ming, his voice immediately became a look. It was a bit stunned.

The Zhao family's ancestors were silent, and the long laughter and voice from the ear made him bow his head. A complex mood that could not be said was saddened in his heart and became bitter.

He did not look up to see the killing of his Zhao family, and forced himself to enter the enemy hiding in the field, because he was desperate at the moment he was kneeling.

But... Su Ming in front of him raised his head.

"Mu's tribute, only Momo can reprimand, what are you." Su Ming faintly opened.

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