"There you have it!"

Lin Tianjian finally obtained the soul point, and suddenly showed an excited look.

Seeing above the podium, the black-faced teacher continued to lecture.

Lin Tian's mind moved, urging the plug-in.

【Choice of trick

】【The first time to choose, you need to consume

1 soul point】【Current number of soul points: 1

】【Do you want to choose?】

Lin Tian's mind moved: "Yes!" Immediately

, before his


two options appeared in front of his eyes.

[Asking for Buddha]


"Eh..." "

Is this for me to choose to enter the Buddhist sect or the Taoist?"

"If you deal with weirdness, it should be better to use the Buddhist family."

Lin Tian thought slightly and made a choice.

After choosing

, in an instant

, on him, the holy golden light quietly flashed.

The school uniform also disappeared at this moment

, and in the blink of an eye, it was replaced by a solemn and bright luxurious robe!

At the same time, Lin Tian also felt a cold on his head, reached out and touched it, and the top of his head also turned into a bare piece, and it felt quite silky.

Not only that

, Lin Tian's entire temperament also underwent a huge change after making a choice, and the original cynical, righteous and evil temperament in his body completely dissipated at this moment, replaced

by a thick holy and noble body, incomparably magnificent righteousness.


On Lin

Tian's side, Dai Qing, who had been paying attention to Lin Tian's movements, was the first to notice the changes in Lin Tian's body, and she was stunned for a while: "What, what's the situation?" How did this person shave his head and change his clothes in the blink of an eye?

Taotao also took the time to glance at Lin Tian, but she was relatively dull, and at the first time she just felt that Lin Tian's body was a little strange, and after looking at it for a long time, she found that Lin Tian, who was just a student, had

become a solemn monk at this moment!

When the two were shocked

, on the podium

, the black-faced teacher had already finished another knowledge point: "Living person - human head = headless dead body, this is the main formula that needs to be mastered in this section, you better remember clearly, and the exam will definitely be taken later."

After talking about the knowledge points

, the black-faced teacher picked up a blood-red thermos cup on the podium, drank a sip of the strange liquid, and a burst of eerie laughter came out of his throat, and his voice was low:

"Next, it's everyone's favorite time to answer questions."

"Answer the question correctly and you will be rewarded with soul points."


answer, sluggish..." "The consequences of a wrong answer, I think you should be clear."

While speaking,

the black-faced teacher stretched out his legs and kicked the corpse on the podium.

This corpse, dressed in a school uniform.

It should be the corpse of a little unlucky bastard who gave the wrong answer when answering a question before.

"Did someone offer to answer the question?"

"Taking the initiative to answer the question is a plus!"

Blackface Sensei asked.

The students were silent.

Lin Tian didn't speak, thinking while snorting his big bald head.

I don't know what kind of path it is, and I don't know if I can do this black-faced teacher now, Lin Tian still plans to stabilize his hand first, and then start doing things after making a few more choices.

"Didn't you? Then I can name randomly! Seeing

this, the black-faced teacher's face turned a little dark.

Turning back,

it started to play questions on the board.

The first question, it says: 15+5=?

Seeing that this first question turned out to be so simple

, the students' eyes immediately lit up, hoping to randomly call themselves to answer the question.

After finishing the question, turning around,

the black-faced teacher called out the name of a student: "Li Lei!

Suddenly, a round-inch boy stood up:

"Hello, my teacher!"

The round-inch boy immediately stepped onto the podium and smoothly wrote the answer.


Due to the restrictions in the class rules, one of them was that he could not leave his seat for more than a minute, so after Li Lei answered the question, he quickly ran back and sat back in his seat.

"Not bad, reward you with two soul points."

The black-faced teacher nodded in satisfaction and waved his finger.

Immediately, a green light entered the arm of the round inch boy Li Lei.


Li Lei's face was beaming and he clenched his fists.

Immediately afterwards,

the black-faced teacher began to write the second question on the blackboard.

2πr×Archimedes coefficient -9.8XαDK²+85169×0.551259411=?

Seeing this question,

the whole classroom was dumbfounded!

"Han Meimei!"

The black-faced teacher once again randomly called names.

A girl stood up trembling and came to the blackboard, she looked at the topic in front of her, and her hand holding the chalk was constantly shaking.

See, time is passing, and a minute is about to pass.

The black-faced teacher coldly prompted: "There are still ten seconds left." The

girl Han Meimei was desperate.

At the last second,

she turned pale and spat out an English word:



In the next instant, in the dark face of the black-faced teacher, a black giant hand directly poked out, and immediately grabbed Han Meimei's head, like pinching tomatoes, and suddenly pinched it!

This sudden death immediately

frightened the class.

However, no one dared to exclaim.

Because they knew that if they called out,

then their consequences would not be too different from Han Meimei.

Watching Han Meimei's body fall to the ground

, Li Lei, who had just successfully answered the question, and left the podium couldn't help but cry silently.

Without delaying too much time because of the death of the student,

the black-faced teacher wrote the third question on the blackboard immediately after executing Han Meimei.

The title of the third question is:


After writing

, the black-faced teacher immediately read the name of a student: "Lin Tian, come up and answer the question!"

"So simple? Isn't this sending me soul points! Lin Tian was overjoyed when he heard this, he immediately got up and clasped his hands together, "Amitabha!" Poor monk, here comes!

With that, he walked towards the blackboard.

Halfway through, considering the time to answer the question

, just in case,

Lin Tian went back and moved the chair to the podium.

Under the stunned gazes of the people in a classroom and the ghosts,

Lin Tian sat down on the podium and picked up the chalk.

He thought, "Then you shouldn't have to be afraid to leave your seat for more than a minute!" Seeing

this scene

, vaguely, the black-faced teacher's face darkened a little.

Under the podium,

Taotao couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when she saw his commotion: "Eh... Indeed, this way there is no need to worry about time.

Dai Qing snorted: "This is a move, such a simple question, is it enough to answer it directly?"

On the podium

, Lin Tian, who was not very good at mathematics, had a brain running rapidly, and he didn't care about what the people in the audience thought, and he tried his best to mobilize all the memories of elementary school mathematics that were sealed in his mind.

After carefully examining the questions on the blackboard and making sure that there were no traps in them

, Lin Tian immediately began to answer, and the chalk kept swiping on the blackboard.




"Here, I remember that you can use the law of multiplication commutation."

Lin Tian paused slightly and continued to write.




"Huh? How did it come back? Counting

here, Lin Tian was stunned.

Under the podium, the students sweated profusely.


Peach slammed her head on the desk.

Dai Qing also couldn't help but hold his forehead and lie on the desk: "What kind of plane is this guy doing?" "

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