This tricky teacher was holding a Chinese textbook and dressed in a black suit, looking very solemn and solemn.

The expressions on its three heads are also a serious constipation with a frown, only six eyeballs are very naughty and spinning around, and there is a faint black liquid oozing out of the eye sockets.

The moment he entered the door.

Lin Tian clasped his hands together, and read the Diamond Sutra mantra in his mouth, urging the mantra written on the door: "Mommy Mommy coaxed a few handfuls to kill you!" "


In an instant

, above the gate, golden light burst open!


The three heads of the Chinese trickster teacher were blown up and blown up in an instant, and his entire body was also broken, his limbs flew horizontally, and a thick black liquid sprayed out like a spring!

However, the strange vitality is indeed strong.

Even though he was blown up like this

, the body of the language trickster teacher was still twitching, and above the three shattered and exploded heads, the eyeballs were still very energetic, and one of the mouths also made a voice: "The article we are going to learn today is, the old corpse of the mountain village..."

Seeing this, Lin Tian couldn't help but be a little moved, if he could, he kind of wanted to personally award it the award that touched the top ten strange figures in the Great Xia Dynasty.

As a reward, it is also to express the students' love for the teacher.

He reached out and took out two pieces of Diamond Sutra Buddhist paper from his pocket and threw them on the remains of the Chinese teacher.

Compared to those formation-type scriptures written on the door,

these Voldemort's scriptures written on paper and made into spells are more lethal!


The golden light exploded, and the Buddha Yi enveloped half of the classroom.

In the next instant, the Chinese trickster teacher had been blown up into countless slag!

The remaining stump and broken arm were also quickly melted into nothingness under the light of the Buddha


Green light rushed up.

Above Lin Tian's arm, the number jumped again.

After killing the Chinese tricky teacher,

Lin Tian got a full 10 soul points!

Seeing that he had passed the soul point to make the fourth

choice, Lin Tian did not care too much, and immediately made a choice.

【Trick Choice

】【The fourth time to choose, you need to consume 8 soul points

】【Current number of soul points: 10

】【Do you want to choose?】


As soon as his mind moved,

two options popped up in front of Lin Tian's eyes.

[Intermediate Melee Magic Weapon: Curse Magic Wand

] [Intermediate Ranged Magic Weapon: Minami no Amitlin]

The fourth pop-up selection is two weapons.

Lin Tian thought for a while, feeling that when it was strange to kill,

it was safer to use long-range weapons.

With a move in his mind,

he chose the latter.


selection] [The next time you make the fifth selection, you need to consume soul points: 16 points]


, in his hand, the light flashed.

As the light dissipated,

Lin Tian already had an extra black and bright Gatling heavy machine gun in his hand!

On this heavy machine gun, various Buddhist inscriptions are engraved on each barrel, and a huge Buddha power surrounds it, and the black-gold light flashes darkly.

On the butt, there is also a Buddha wearing sunglasses and gesturing with one hand with the OK logo.

Holding the handle of this Nan Wu Amitrin's gun, Lin Tian could obviously feel that the Buddha power on his body was connected with

this weapon, and he could now condense his Buddha power into ammunition through this weapon, and shoot it out at an extremely fast speed and great power!

"Amitabha, I Buddha have compassion!"

Carrying this domineering heavy machine gun around his neck,

Lin Tian showed a compassionate smile and

clasped his hands together to express satisfaction.

When Taotao and Dai Qing saw this scene, they

were speechless for a while.

"His talent... It's perverted!

"How can you play such a game!"

Peach couldn't help but complain.

After making the fourth choice

, Lin Tian was already very confident in his strength, although it was not impossible to wait in the classroom for the next teacher to send him soul points, but after all, the efficiency was a little low.

Lin Tian no longer planned to play in the classroom.

He wanted to go out and see.

From his pocket, he took out a large amount of Diamond Sutra talisman paper with defensive spells written on it, and pasted it on himself to prevent a strange sneak attack after going out.


, he wrote the spell of the Diamond Sutra on the Nanmu Amitlin heavy machine gun in his hand, further strengthening the weapon's ability to kill strangely.

After that

, he asked for some paper and pens from his classmates, made some various types of diamond scripture talisman paper, and after preparing everything,

Lin Tian finally took a step and wanted to try to walk out of the classroom door.

The students looked at Lin Tian's back, their eyes full of excitement, and they pinned their hopes for getting rid of this strange campus life on him for a while.

When he tried to walk out of the classroom door

, Lin Tian was blocked by an invisible, slimy disgusting force.

In front of him, on the classroom door,

a blood-red text appeared out of thin air.

[Permission to leave the classroom has not been obtained

] [Two ways to

leave the classroom] [Method 1: You must get permission from a teacher and spend 1 soul point to leave the classroom for five minutes, and for each additional soul point, you can leave the classroom for an additional five minutes, up to 20 minutes each time! [

Method 2: After killing all the weirdness in the classroom, there will be no restrictions on entering and exiting the classroom............

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and touched the invisible viscous force at the door of the classroom.

He could feel that this limiting force was not very strong.

With his own Buddha power,

he should be able to break it easily.


, he did not rush to break the prohibition of the classroom in front of him, but turned his head and looked at the many students behind him with a smile.

At present, the two tricky teachers who have entered the classroom are dead,

but the entry and exit restrictions of the classroom have not been lifted.

This means that there are other weirdness lurking in the class.


these hidden cuties should not pose any threat to him.

But after all, killing weirdness has a soul point to take!

There are benefits, naturally you can't let it go.

Lin Tian immediately greeted the group of students and said, "Students, among you, there are still strange hidden secrets, in order to ensure your safety, I will use my magic weapon to solve the strange hidden among you!"

"All students, please stand on the podium!"

As soon as he heard Lin Tian say that there was also something strange hidden among the students around him,

the students were immediately shocked and hurriedly stood on the podium.

Among the students, several students with wrong faces and obviously some blackened in the hall seemed to be afraid of something and did not want to stand on the stage.

However, having seen Lin Tian's power

, they did not dare to resist openly, and were surrounded by the crowd to the podium.

Seeing that in the class

, except for the two players Taotao and Dai Qing, all the students stood on the stage

, Lin Tian raised Nan Wu Amitlin's muzzle and explained to everyone: "Don't be afraid, my magic weapon, urged by the use of Buddha power, will launch Buddha light bullets after launching, which should only have an impact on weirdness and cause no harm to humans."

On the podium,

several students turned dark and trembled silently.

When most of the normal students heard this, they nodded repeatedly: "Please, quickly clear out the weirdness among us, it's really terrifying to have the appearance of pretending to be an adult around all the time!"

"Classmate Lin Tian, you are really our savior!!"

"It's all up to you, classmate Lin Tian!"

"Huh? Wait, did he just say 'should'..."

Lin Tian pulled the trigger!

Bang bang !!!!

The loud noise will shake the entire classroom!!

Countless Buddha light bullets burst out in an instant!

Sure enough,

those "students" who were acting suspiciously turned into a black weapon and dispersed after being hit by the Buddha light bullet.

Those normal students, however, did not react this way after being shot.

Poof, poof, poof!!


In a scream

, the bodies of ordinary students were pierced through a large number of blood holes by Buddha light bullets, and they fell directly to the ground and died!

With Lin Tian's help

, finally

, they no longer had to be afraid of those terrifying weirdness, and they didn't know when they would appear, quietly taking their lives.

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