At this time, inside the bomb shelter.

After Lin Tian sent a God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantryman, he was holding a bucket of instant noodles with relish, staring at the monitoring screen expectantly, ready to enjoy the next picture.

On the side

, the speeding party Joey was carrying a mop to sweep the toilet, but his mood was extremely nervous.

Through the footage he just saw from the surveillance,

Joey fully saw the horror of Corps A.

He knew that once Corps A attacked the bomb shelter,

he would probably be killed as a member of the wall-hanging gang.

He could only pray in his heart that Lin Tian still had a back hand on his side.


, in the face of this powerful A Corps that quickly crushed the alloy armored warriors and the future science and technology soldiers, Lin Tian only sent a gray armored soldier who looked ordinary.

This couldn't help but make Joey's heart even heavier.

"What use can it be to send only this one person?"

"Doesn't the wall-hanging gang have any other backhand?"

Yes, the next second.

The God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry suddenly disappeared!

Almost in just two breaths,

he had already appeared on the frontal battlefield ten kilometers away!

A mediocre punch, smashed out!



In an instant, a tank exploded on the spot!

The figure flashed again,



Almost less than a second apart,

another tank was smashed into a square pie!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A moment later,

the entire tank unit of Corps A was almost completely destroyed!

In addition to the leader Anji, the strongest

six A Corps cadres tried to launch an offensive against the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry with electromagnetic weapons in their hands.


, the speed of the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry was too fast, and electromagnetic weapons could not lock his position at all!

Like a gray lightning monster,

the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry entered the group of armed trucks and harvested the entire battlefield at great speed!

Just by virtue of the power of this soldier!

The situation that had been dumped on the side of Corps A was reversed again!

"Oh my God!"

When Joey saw this scene, he couldn't help but be stunned, and

he was terrified of this terrible gray monster in his heart.

However, such a terrifying monster,

not far in front of him, there were still nineteen standing!


On the battlefield, Anji, who is wantonly killing future science and technology soldiers, also found the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry who entered the team at this moment.

Angie couldn't help but be shocked in her heart.

He found that Rao, with his terrifying dynamic vision enough insight into the trajectory of bullets, was completely unable to capture the movement of the God Destroyer's nuclear-powered infantry!

Seeing this, the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry suddenly turned his head and targeted a cadre of the A Corps, and locked on the spectacled man carrying a large bazooka...

Angie shouted urgently: "Flash away!" "

However, the next moment....


With one punch, the glasses man's head was directly shattered!

Seeing his important brother and companion die in front of him

, Angie's pupils contracted, and his eyes were blood-red: "Yak!! "


The ground shattered under your feet!

He burst out with full strength and rushed towards the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry!

However, when he came to the location of the Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry.

The figure of the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry had already moved again, and came to the tall and strong man like a small mountain!

"Give me !! death"

The tall man like a hill frantically pulled the trigger,

and the electromagnetic Vulcan machine gun in his hand was aimed at the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry and continuously spit out tongues of fire!


, the bullets blessed by the powerful electromagnetic force hit the armor of the God Destroyer's nuclear-powered infantry

, but it was like a drizzle into the sea, and it could not provoke the slightest splash.


One punch!

The tall and strong man like a small mountain also flew up with his head that was beaten in an instant.

"Ericos !!!"

Angie roared, anger and grief welled up in his heart, and the teeth in his mouth were almost crushed!

Without waiting for him to react,

the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry had already moved again.

After entering the central position of the A Corps troops

, he took the lead in targeting the six enemies who could pose a threat to future science and technology soldiers, and at this time, the figure flashed, and he moved on the remaining four in succession!

Angie tried her best and chased madly.

However, the speed is still one percent behind!





A few punches were thrown out.

Six A Corps cadres were killed.

When Angie rushed to the blue-haired double-ponytailed girl, a

huge blood hole had been penetrated from the girl's chest.


Angie hugged the blue-haired girl's body, tears

of grief welling up from her eyes.

The blue-haired girl's miserable white face was slightly smiling.

Her lips moved slightly.

Although, there is no longer the power to make a sound.

However, Angie still understood the girl's words.

"BOSS, stay alive."

"I... Love... You. "

The pupils are dilated, and

the eyes are tarnished.

The last cadre of Corps A,

the last person that Angie really cares about in this world.


Looking down, he looked at the girl who was no longer moving in his arms.

Angie only felt that her heart felt as if it had been pricked by countless needles.


But the throat could not make a sound.

The body that was constantly trembling,

after a moment, became calm.

When he raised his head again, his

eyes were already filled with blood red.

On the entire surface of the body, blood stains began to gush out.

After a few seconds

, the blood solidified on the surface of his body, forming a layer of blood-red blood armor.

The pure black weird katana is also greedily sucking Angie's blood, the blade becomes sharper and sharper in the process, the volume of the entire knife is also expanding rapidly, and the pure black color gradually changes to a strange black red.

Angie rolled her gaze.

The crimson eyes, which did not contain any emotion,

slowly moved towards the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry who were killing in the crowd.


In the next instant, the ground cracked into a huge opening!


The black-red blade cut a huge blood-red knife curtain in the air,

slashing towards the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry!

This knife is actually faster than the speed of the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry!

There was no time to dodge

, the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry could only raise his arms, the core of his chest turned wildly, and

the giant nuclear energy quickly filled the armor everywhere!

Boom rumble!!!!

The huge tremor almost plunged the entire Los Saint into a brief earthquake.

After a knife.

In the center of the battlefield,

a huge crater with a diameter of more than 50 meters appeared!

A large number of A Corps soldiers and the alloy armored soldiers of the wall-hanging gang

were caught up in the aftermath of this blow and lost their lives.

In the deepest part of the crater

, the Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry fell to the ground, suffering heavy injuries, and

there were multiple damages on the entire set of Meteorite 17 nuclear-powered armor.

Anji's eyes were scarlet as if he could ooze blood, holding

a black and red battle blade, and stepped forward step by step.

"Die! Die! Die!

He unconsciously read a word.

Just when he was less than ten meters close to the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry.

"Start, God Killer Mode."

The god-destroying nuclear-powered infantry who fell to the ground coldly spat out a few words.


At his chest, the spinning black core suddenly came to a standstill.


In the next second, the

core exploded!

The behemoth energy began to overflow uncontrollably, filling the Meteorite 17 nuclear-powered armor!

The shattering on the gray armor was restored in an instant.

The black light that originally existed only above the energy core in the chest, at

this moment, began to wrap the whole body of the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry.

Standing up,

the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry reached out and opened the space storage system.

A huge mechanical epee slowly emerged from the space storage system.

This is, the God Destroyer Steel Epee, the

weapon of the God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry.

The God Destroyer nuclear-powered infantry, who had just been fighting empty-handed, in its ordinary form, probably only exerted about fifty percent of its strength.

The real battle to the death has only just begun!

In the huge crater

, two figures, one gray and one blood-red,

collided again!!

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