The king-level combat skill "Lord of Original Sin" gave Lin Tian a great surprise.

This kind of growth-type passive skill is

undoubtedly the rarest among many combat skills, and the potential is also the greatest!

Lin Tian did not hesitate and immediately learned.

【Ding! You have learned the skill "Lord of Original Sin"] [

Skill Bar (2/4

)] [Blood Slash (Elite

Level)] [Lord of Original Sin (King Level)]

four skill slots, barely filled half.

He still has two skill books in his hand.

But the normal-level "Summon Zombies" and the life skill "Advanced Botany" didn't mean much to him, and he didn't plan to learn to use them.

The equipment obtained is reviewed and the

skills are learned.

Lin Tian immediately began to work on the plan of "Saving Big Daddy Lin Yuan".

Picked up the phone and took a quick look.

There were more than a dozen missed calls.

Among them, most of them were fought by Liu Zhou.

A few were fought by the school.

Without her mother's phone,

it seems that she has not come out in the world of cassettes.

In addition to the phone call, there

were two text messages, which were messages from two girls in the class who wanted to ask him out.

Obviously, the good results of the final exam have increased Lin Tian's opposite-sex attraction a lot.

"Which one to make an appointment first..." Realizing

that his thoughts began to wander again,

Lin Tian quickly patted his cheek.

"The current situation is urgent, it is not appropriate to talk about love, we should put Big Daddy first!"

Without paying attention to these missed text messages

, Lin Tian immediately called back to the number where his father called before, but the response was that this number could not be connected temporarily.

Dad's side, may be afraid of being tracked by the signal, so after making a call, he directly removed the mobile phone card, maybe the mobile phone has been thrown away.

"What should I do?"

Lin Tian thought about it and decided to go directly to the business hall to check the location of his father when he made this call to him.

Put on a mask and hat,

Lin Tian went out.

On the way, he plans to try to do some evil things by the way to improve the effect of his skill "Lord of Original Sin".

When I went downstairs, I

saw someone piling garbage bags in front of the door.

"Evil Flying Kick!"

Lin Tian went up and directly kicked over the garbage bag, and the garbage was scattered all over the ground, including some paper towels stained with golden yellow, and big wings of blood-red things!

Immediately, a trace of black gas surged up!

Lin Tian's sin power increased a little.

Came downstairs and saw two puppies playing stacking music in the community.

"Evil roar!"

Lin Tian quietly approached the past and snorted!

The puppy above directly shrunk back in fright!

Another trace of black qi surged up!

Lin Tian's sin power increased again!

Walking to the road, I

saw an old grandmother crossing the street slowly with crutches.

After walking for about five minutes, I finally came across the road.

Lin Tian went up, picked up the grandmother, and sent it back to the original point, shouting: "Evil Demon Transposition!"

The grandmother was stupid.

The black qi on Lin Tian's body was surging wildly, and

the power of sin was strengthened again!


Ten minutes later,

Lin Tian came to the nearby business hall and successfully got the address of his father when he made the last call.

For the average person, it is certainly not so easy to find this kind of private information.

However, Lin Tian is not an ordinary person now.

His level reached LV22!

Probably, it is even higher than the level of the Cloud City City Lord!

In this game city where the level determines social status, the convenience that high levels can bring is almost everywhere, and

those officially certified high-level e-sports players even have a certain number of "manslaughter indicators" every year....

"Huaicheng, the old eastern city..." Lin

Tian booked the ticket for the night as soon as he got the address he got.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble

, Lin Tian also bought a gray-haired hood and a pair of large-framed glasses before returning to the community, and carried out a second disguise, disguised as an old man walking tremblingly, and walked into the community.

Who expected, he had just returned to the house not long ago.

The knock on the door was still immediately.

Looking out through the cat's eye

, outside the door, there were several men in black.

The leader was the

woman who broke into Lin Tian's house a few nights ago!

"Hello, we are from the Bureau of Investigation and would like to consult you about something." The woman said while knocking on the door.

"It seems that this group of people has been watching the people entering and leaving this building in the dark..." Lin

Tian reacted immediately, but he didn't panic.

With his current strength, even in the entire circle of e-sports players in the Great Xia Dynasty,

it is estimated that he can rank above the middle level.

These pony boys, who were sent out to find people,

posed no threat to him.


Lin Tian put on a wide robe to cover his strong muscles.

Then, he smiled and opened the door, wearing a white-haired hood and large-framed glasses that covered half of his face, and hunched his back with his throat pressed: "Hey! Big girl! What a thing! The

woman in black couldn't help but twitch her face when she heard Lin Tian's call, but she still showed a smile and said: "Sir, we are from the Investigation Bureau, and because there are important cases, we conducted an inventory of the residents of the entire building a few days ago."

"You weren't there, so I didn't ask you."

"I need your cooperation today, make up a record."

Saying that, she also took out a fake certificate and

shook it in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian scratched the hair on his hood, raised his hands and surrendered, "Yoxi! I am tired of wow, if there is anything you want to ask, you can ask casually, I will definitely cooperate fully!

Looking at the old man in front of her

, the woman in black inexplicably felt a little strange, but she didn't think much for a while, coughed and pretended to take out a book, and asked while writing: "Do you know the person who lives next door to you?" The

old man Lin Tian nodded: "I know, isn't it that handsome, personable, dignified, good looks, radiant, tall and powerful, eyebrows, handsome young man Lin Tian?" "

The Woman in Black: .

The woman in black: "So, do you know where he went?" As far as we know, Lin Tian has been missing for half a month, and now the school and parents are crazy, if you can provide any information, please be sure to tell me. "

I want to think..."

Old Master Lin Tian thought thoughtfully.

One second....

Ten seconds....

One minute....

After a while, he suddenly snorted!

This voice came

suddenly, came quickly!

It scared all the people in black!

"You thought of it?"

The woman in black didn't care about hooking the scared chest strap, and quickly asked.

The old man Lin Tian nodded: "I remember, some time ago, he seemed to have encountered something, saying that he wanted to find a place to hide..." The

woman in black saw that there was hope for information, and her eyes immediately lit up and asked: "Did he say where he planned to hide?"

The old man's brows tightened, and he made an effort to recall, and then suddenly said: "That's right!" It seems to be saying that he is going to hide above the east Shijialing of Binyang Road! You guys go rummaging over there! Better bring a shovel!

"Good! Thank you so much! When

the woman who had no expectations heard this, she immediately showed a look of great joy, and after she thanked the old man Lin Tian, she immediately rushed to the direction of Shijialing East of Binyang Road with people.

Looking at the backs of the group of people leaving in a hurry,

Lin Tian nodded gratifyingly: "What a good comrade who is responsible!" "

Go back to the house, lie down on the couch and watch a funny show.


More than an hour later, there was another knock on the door.

Seeing that it was the woman in black with a group of subordinates, her face was livid and blue.

Lin Tian quickly opened the door and asked with a concerned look, "How is it, big girl?" Did the person find it? The

woman in black gritted her teeth and said, "Sir, the address you gave me seems to be a cemetery, right?"

Lin Tian scratched his head: "Huh? Lin Tian's kid ran to the cemetery to live? This kid is also too rolled, I haven't bought this yin house yet, he went straight to the place first! The

woman in black was speechless, forced to endure her anger and asked: "Think about it again, are you mistaken, we went to Shijialing to see it, but we didn't find Lin Tian."

When Lin Tian heard this, he showed his thoughts again, and after a moment, his eyes widened: "Oh! It seems to be a mistake! He should be talking about the factory at No. 22 Jinxiang Road in the eastern suburbs of Yuncheng!

"Think about it again, are you sure?"

"I'm sure! I vouch with my hood, it must be there! Getting

the exact answer,

the woman in black faded a little.

No more nonsense,

she directly led people to the factory at No. 22 Jinxiang Road in the eastern suburbs of Yuncheng.

Lin Tian went back to the house and continued to watch TV.


More than an hour passed.

Lin Tian saw that the time was almost the same, and it was time to go to the airport.

He was getting ready to go.

The woman in black returned with a group of men and knocked on the door.

As soon as Lin Tian opened the door, he immediately pinched his nose:

"What smell, it stinks!"

The woman in black resisted the urge to punch Lin Tian's face, her face was extremely gloomy, and her eyes were blazing: "You play with us, right?" Isn't the address you gave a septic tank?

"I tell you, you interfered with the investigation so much, but you will be legally responsible!"

Lin Tian saw that the woman in black was anxious, and stopped talking nonsense, and said with a smile: "Girl, it's not that I don't want to tell you, the main thing is that your process of handling the case is not right!" "

Huh?" The woman in black was stunned.

"Just by showing your documents, how can I be sure that you are from the investigation team? Just tell you the information like this

, if you are some kind of perverted female demon, wouldn't it hurt that handsome, personable, dignified, good-looking, radiant, tall and powerful, clear eyebrows, handsome young man Lin Tian?

"You at least have to show me the identity bracelet!" The information on the identity bracelet and the information on your ID can be matched, so that I can confirm that you are a member of the investigation team! Lin Tianyi said righteously.

The woman in black thought about it and felt that it did make a little sense.

Moreover, her forged documents use her real name, and

she is not afraid to compare with the identity bracelet.

So, she showed her bracelet, handed it to Lin Tian, and said impatiently:

"Look! After reading it, you'd better give an explanation! [

Name: Song Xiaoxiao

] [Level: LV12(77/1250)

] [Game Point Card: 58050 Points]

After confirming that the other party's level was much lower than his own,

Lin Tian completely relaxed his heart.

"You want to say it, don't you..."

he took off his hood and glasses directly in front of the people in black


Then, under the dull gaze of the men in black...


A big forced fight directly slapped the face of the woman in black!

Seeing the woman in black spinning in a circle and flying out upside down

, Lin Tian sneered:

"Level 12 Lese, what is the name of this dog with your father?"

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