[Note: If you don't get out of the siege within 10 hours and leave the Hell Realm, the Hell Demon Lord will be awakened! ]

"If I can kill or subdue this Hell Demon Monarch, then the reward I will get should be rich!" Lin Tian's eyes lit up slightly, and he thought to himself.

Although the Hell Demon Lord is recognized by the system as a means of punishment for players after clearing the mission, according to the combat strength of the demonized monsters in the Hell Realm, Lin Tian's eight pocket monsters of the supermodel should be able to compete with the Hell Demon Monarch.

Moreover, Lin Tian had already found the exit to the Hell Realm.

Even if he can't fight,

he can escape through the exit at any time.

Challenging the Hell Demon Lord is definitely worth a try!

"At present, there are still seven hours before the Hell Demon Lord wakes up, and there should be some more preparations to ensure that he can be defeated smoothly... That's right! After

making the decision to try to challenge the Hell Demon Monarch, Lin Tian's spirit moved, and he immediately ordered the eight God Emperor-level monsters and a group of undead legions to collect the corpses of the demonized monsters.

After his necromancer class level was increased to lv100, he awakened an ultimate skill.

[Return of the Dead (Awaken the ultimate powerhouse of the undead world to fight for you with a random number of corpses, the number of corpses and the combat power of the corpses before their death will determine the level of the ultimate powerhouse of the undead world that you summon)! ] The

demonic monsters in the hell world are powerful, basically they are super evolved monster-level combat power, and their number is also very large, just the best material for "Return of the Dead"!

The current situation is just right for the use of this skill!

"After returning to the ground, super evolution-level monsters are rare, and it is probably not so easy to collect such a huge number of powerful monster corpses!" Lin Tian thought to himself, slightly looking forward to it.

With such a large number of powerful monster corpses gathered, I don't know what kind of undead creature can be summoned!

Since he planned to summon a powerful enough undead creature to come out as much as possible

, after giving the order,

Lin Tian immediately opened the cheat shop.

In just two hours

, Lin Tian had wiped out a large number of demonic monsters, and he had accumulated more than ten million dollars on his hands.

Among the goods in the level 6 cheat store,

there is an item that Lin Tian has not purchased.

[Necromancer Ultimate Blind Box: Open this gift box to randomly get a piece of excellent necromancer equipment or a superb necromancer skill book for 1,000,000 money! ] Adding

some of the necromancer's superb equipment skills to yourself should effectively increase the strength of your ability to summon undead creatures!

As soon as his mind moved,

he directly spent 1 million money to buy a blind box.

[You purchased "Necromancer Ultimate Blind Box X1"!

In front of him, a delicate black wooden box inlaid with a golden skull appeared.

Lin Tian stretched out his hand and opened the wooden box.

A flash of golden light.

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations on obtaining the ultimate equipment: the Grim Reaper Robe! 】

【Death Robe: Necromancer equipment, after wearing it, get the power of the undead to protect, your own physical defense and special defense attributes are greatly improved, and the level of all your undead summoners is increased by 50 levels!

"Well, yes, it's a defensive piece of equipment, and it can also increase the level of summons." Lin Tian looked at the cold black magic robe that appeared in the box in front of him, nodded in satisfaction, and directly put the magic robe on.

After the magic robe was put on his body, in

an instant, a miserable white undead power instantly wrapped Lin Tian's body.

At the same time,

a green light flashed on Lin Tian's group of undead!

All undead soldiers, the level is directly increased by 50 levels!

After the upgrade, the most garbage ordinary skeleton soldiers have LV150 level combat power, they have become more burly and solid, their equipment and weapons are more sophisticated, the strongest bone dragon, the level is as high as LV250, and faint blue flames emerge from their eyes!

After putting on the Grim Reaper's robe,

Lin Tian purchased several "Necromancer Ultimate Blind Boxes" in a row.

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations on obtaining the best equipment: the Lich King Scepter! 【

The blind box is opening...

】【Congratulations on obtaining the ultimate skill: Evil King's Boots!】 【

The blind box is opening...

】【Congratulations on obtaining the ultimate skill: Death Boils!】 】


A series of superb equipment has greatly increased Lin Tian's attributes and the strength of summons, and now his equipment can increase the summoner level by a full 300!

At present, his lowest-level skeleton soldiers have reached a full level of 400, and an ordinary skeleton can basically crush more than 95% of pocket monsters!

In addition to his equipment,

Lin Tian also opened up two superb skills.

[Death Boiling: Urge the power of the soul to get a 50% full attribute bonus for all your undead summons! ] 】

【Sacrificial Rite: Worship the God of the Undead, your next undead summoning skill will be blessed by the God of the Undead, and the combat power level of the summoned undead creatures will be greatly improved! ] 】


These two

skills, needless to say in the former, are large-scale gain skills that can increase Lin Tian's entire undead legion, and have a huge impact on the combat power of the undead legion!

The latter is a special summoning amplification skill, which can affect the summoning effect of the next summoning skill, which can be used just before he urges the "Return of the Dead"!

Hours passed, and

the bodies were almost gathered.

Lin Tian stood in front of the mountains of demonized monster corpses, waved the Lich King scepter in his hand, and took the lead in using the summoning amplification skill: "Sacrifice Rite!" God of the Dead, please send your blessings! "

Skill launch.

Immediately, a strange terrifying black light descended, shrouding Lin Tian's body.

Feel the effect of the "Ritual of Sacrifice" skill activated.

Lin Tian waved his magic staff again and officially summoned: "Return of the dead!" Sleeping, open your closed eyes, and it's time to wake up and grant this world the supreme death!! "

Spells move, skills cast.

Around, there was a sudden silence, and the air seemed to freeze.

The next moment....


The purple evil magic array suddenly shot up into the sky!

Evil undead magical energy filled the entire sky!

At this moment, the entire Hell Realm changed

from the original crimson to an even more weird and terrifying deep purple!

Huge mana fluctuations spread wildly!

In the center of this huge magical impact

, above the deep purple magic array, a proud and miserable figure slowly emerged...

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