At this moment, the whole Daxia was stupid!

Lin Tian's home.

Old mother Zong Xueying excitedly shook her father Lin Yuan, who was asleep on the sofa, and couldn't help but scream: "Old Lin, look quickly!" Our son is photogenic!

Lin Yuan quickly rubbed his eyes, sat up in a daze, and asked, "What?" Is this kid doing anything! "

Eh..." Zong Xueying was silent for a moment, recalling the scene of Lin Tian's appearance just now, her head was also a little confused for a while, and said in a slightly doubtful voice, "Not yet, but... He seems to have appeared as a villain boss. "

Lin Yuan: ......

Zong Xueying: "Why are you lying down again?"

Lin Yuan: "I must not have woken up yet." "


Cloud City, Longhao Five Star Hotel.

The principal of Cloud City No. 2 Middle School was toasting under the leaders of the Cloud City Game Education Department in turn, and he was bragging with a red face:

"I have long seen that this kid Zhao Wenjun has potential, I have been focusing on training him in the past three years, and now I am in the college entrance examination room, which really confirms my vision!"

The leaders of the game education department also praised: "This college entrance examination, your school has produced such an excellent genius, I am afraid that Principal Liu's future is immeasurable!"

"In the future, when you are promoted to a big place, don't forget our old brothers!"

"Come and drink! Principal Liu, I respect you! "


You all drink and eat while

watching the live broadcast of the college entrance examination.

A leader of the game department smiled and asked: "By the way, Lao Liu, didn't you say that there is another person named Lin Tian in your school who should not be underestimated?" Why didn't he appear on the live stream? The

words did not fall, and in the live broadcast screen, the

villain BOSS appeared.

The slightly drunk principal of the second middle school immediately pointed to the screen and said with a smile: "What's the hurry, isn't this on camera!" "

Looking at the game, riding on the thousand-meter dragon, the villain boss named Lin Tian,

the leaders of the game department were stupid on the spot!

Coming back to his senses, the principal of the second middle school himself was also stunned, and slammed the table: "Lying groove!" Your posture is not quite right! "


Game cartridge world.

Time, as if frozen.

Under the huge coercion,

all living beings could hardly walk.

Just supporting your knees and standing is

already exhausting your strength for most people.

Lin Tian scanned the twelve Xuanyuan City War Gods in the air and said with a slight smile: "How?" Don't do it yet?

Among the twelve Xuanyuan City God of War, the leader showed a wry smile: "You, who are you?" If I'm not mistaken, among the twelve dark generals, there should be no such person as you, right?

Lin Tian smiled: "As your last question before you die, I will answer you with kindness..."

There are no more twelve dark generals, what dark halls, what holy city alliances, in fact, it is no longer important.

"Because, the nature of the game, has changed."

He waved his finger slightly, and several sword shadows of the return of ten thousand swords flashed.

Poof, poof, poof!

The twelve gods of war in Xuanyuan City were all killed in an instant.

Below, countless people saw that the strongest combat power of Xuanyuan City had disappeared like this.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and they couldn't slow down for a while.

From above the high school, Lin Tian rode down the Hades Great Black.

Seeing the name of the player above Lin Tian's head, the

players were also completely dumbfounded.

"Yes, it's him!"

Chen Bingqi's pupils contracted.

Yuan Fenghua was also shocked when he saw the name above the villain BOSS's head!

She guessed that Lin Tian, who was terrifying in strength, should reappear in front of other players during the seven-day exam time,


Appearing in this gesture

was something she could not imagine anyway.

Huang Tianao and Xiao Yun also had dull faces after seeing the player's name above the villain boss, and Zhao Wenjun's birth had already greatly damaged the self-confidence of the two top geniuses.

But fortunately,

Zhao Wenjun's strength is understandable.

The two still have room to catch up.

But, this person in front of you....

They are still struggling to upgrade the brush monster in the Zhongzhou Continent, how come this person has become a villain BOSS!?

Moreover, a Zheng Mian also gave the 12 strongest NPCs on his side a second!

What the hell is this?!!

Huang Tianao and Xiao Yun's breath was disordered, and for a while they suddenly felt that deep down, they firmly believed that they could become the strongest belief, and they

were broken.

Among all the people present

, if anyone had the highest acceptance of the scene in front of him, it must be Zhao Wenjun, who had already placed Lin Tian next to his ancestral tablet in his heart!

Seeing Lin Tian descending from the air

, he rushed over as soon as possible, and tears of excitement came out: "Brother Tian! Brother Tian! It's me! Zhao Wenjun! I'm your brother!

"Yo, what are you doing here?"

Lin Tian also recognized Zhao Wenjun at a glance, and said hello with a smile.

Zhao Wenjun patted his chest and said proudly: "Brother Tian, I am now the master of the Sand City Alliance, responsible for commanding all players!"

"Thanks to the equipment and props you gave me, it should be no problem for me to get a top ten in the country in this exam!"

"Okay, good, keep up the good work." Lin Tian reached out and touched Zhao Wenjun's head, with a kind expression on his face, and he really had a bit of a fatherly appearance.

Glancing at the giant white dragon hovering in the low sky, and then at the lion and tiger giant beast following Lin

Tian, Zhao Wenjun swallowed his spit and asked cautiously: "Brother Tian, how did you become the big boss of the dark hall?" Are you here to kill us players?

Lin Tian shook his head slightly: "The task I received here is to destroy Xuanyuan City, as for whether to kill players or not, there is no hard requirement..." After

thinking about it a little

, after the exam, you have to return to reality,

there is no need to offend too many people.

Moreover, killing these players is not good for yourself.

Lin Tian said with a smile: "Everyone has come to this examination room after nine years of hard work in the obligatory game, and don't cause your exam to be affected because of my task." "

Aren't you some Sand Egg Alliance Lord, go talk to the other players in the city and near Xuanyuan City, and keep them away from here."

"Give them five minutes to evacuate, and after five minutes, I will start working to destroy Xuanyuan City."

When Zhao Wenjun heard that Lin Tian did not intend to kill them, he was overjoyed, and the chicken nodded again and again like a rice peck: "Okay, I'll go and organize the players to evacuate!"

After saying that, he immediately turned around and returned to the vicinity of Xuanyuan City, seeing that the other players were staring in the direction where Lin Tian was with a look of shock and fear

, Zhao Wenjun waved his arms and shouted: "I am Zhao Wenjun, everyone obeys my command, hurry out of the city!"

"Folks, don't be afraid! The imperial army does not grab food! "

The villain boss is my eldest brother, he promised not to hurt everyone, get out of the city quickly!"

"Everyone can live away from Xuanyuan City after leaving the city, if you don't go out of the city, then wait for death!" Brother Tian only gives everyone five minutes!

"Everyone obey my command and evacuate from the four gates of the east, west, south and north!" Be careful not to shove and watch out for stampedes! "


In this way, the righteous battlefield alliance owner began to help the villain BOSS evacuate a group of ignorant masses, and the scene was once very weird.

Five minutes passed

, Lin Tian didn't say much, and the magic weapon in his hand flashed brightly in the Nine Netherworld Sea: "Boundary-breaking Sword Tomb!" "

The ultimate skill of this Realm Breaking Sword Venerable, the attack range and power are also positively correlated with strength and physical attributes.

Lin Tian released this skill this time, and his own attributes were already much higher than when he released it last time!


With a sound of breaking air.

The giant sword like several continuous mountains suddenly descended from the sky, directly shrouding the entire Xuanyuan City in a giant sword shadow!

Boom rumble!!

After the huge tremor,

the second largest city of the Holy City Alliance

had already been reduced to ruins!

[War Mission Completed

] [You get reward: Five-Star War Chest

] [You have become a mortal enemy with the Holy City Alliance] [You have become

the most wanted criminal, now, all players can check your location information at any time and hunt you down] [

Players who kill you will get the Glass Chest reward].

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