Game world.

In the following day

, with tens of thousands of times the speed of the supreme god and demon

wings, Lin Tian quickly raided all the areas and planes that could be explored in the legendary world, and after this process, the equipment on his body, except for the unknown quality of divine fire and wings, had all been replaced with illusion level.

In the process

, he also harvested other divine fires and wings again, and after synthesis, the divine fires and wings that were already of unknown quality were also enhanced again!


Heavenly God Realm.

Lin Tian sat on the throne of the Angel Queen, stepping on the corpse of the King of Angels, and browsing the most complete map of the legendary world in his hand.

"Where else haven't you been..."

muttered Lin Tian as he flipped through the map.

Beside him, Hades Da Hei was eating happily on the corpse of the Heaven Saint Beast, at this time, Da Hei's strength had already broken through to the imperial level, and his body became larger and his appearance became more hideous.

Scanning the map for a long time,

Lin Tian found that it seemed that the East Island Holy Land near the Zhongzhou Continent was left that he still had not yet explored.

East Island Holy Land, he had been to it before, and went to the Tower of Trials over there to break the transfer letter of the Realm Sword Venerable.

Because it was too close to the Zhongzhou Continent,

Lin Tian accidentally ignored the East Island Holy Land when he attacked each area one by one in the order of distance and nearness.

"Let's go, Dahei."

"Last stop."


Nowadays, Da Hei's barking is more and more inclined to dog barking, which makes its dog owner very happy.

Lin Tian yawned a little bored and got up, took the Hades big black, his figure flashed, and quickly rushed to the East Island Holy Land.

The journey across the plane took a total of twenty minutes, and the bosses who attacked the East Island Holy Land took only five minutes.

Compared to the top plane like the Heavenly God Realm, the East Island Holy Land was too different, and Lin Tian didn't have any passion at all, only let Da Hei move his claws and take down the East Island Holy Land.

After defeating the finale overlord-level boss of the East Island Holy Land with a snap of his fingers,

a prompt popped up in front of Lin Tian's eyes.

[You have conquered all the interfaces and all the territories of the Mad Blood Legend Continent, defeated all the bosses, and forged a new legend! ] 【

After the end of this game, the quality of the settlement reward you received will be greatly improved! 】 【

You are canonized as a legendary human! 】 【

You are the first legendary human! 】 】

【You are the seventh legendary creature of the Mad Blood Legendary Continent, successfully obtained the qualification to enter

the Endless Wilderness Domain】【In the Endless Wilderness Domain, the lowest quality monster is the lord level, and there are many king-level royal-level monsters, after entering the Endless Wilderness Domain, you will have the opportunity to challenge the top six legendary creatures! 】

【In the Endless Wilderness Domain, it is extremely dangerous, if you choose to enter, please be fully prepared before entering】

"It turns out that this is the way to enter the Endless Wilderness Domain!" After seeing this series of prompts, Lin Tian was abrupt.

When he was in the Dark Realm before, the giant hydra he encountered came from the Endless Wilderness Domain, and since then, he has been interested in the Endless Wilderness Domain,


he has never found a way to enter it.

Unexpectedly, the requirements required to enter the Endless Desolate Domain

were actually met by Lin Tian at this time.

"It takes close to two days to return."

"Stay is stay, go to the endless wasteland!"

"Perhaps, you can further increase the settlement reward after the game ends."

Lin Tian thought.

However, before choosing to enter the Endless Wilderness Domain,

he planned to slightly synthesize items such as props and gems in his backpack to further improve his combat power.

After raiding all the areas of the legendary world

, Lin Tian obtained countless high-quality props and treasures, among which the highest quality magic color level alone was as high as hundreds, and the color quality was even more numerous.

After combining these prop gems and using them

, it can undoubtedly greatly improve Lin Tian's combat power again, and it is more convenient for him to do evil in the Endless Desolate Domain.

【Synthesis successful! 】 】

【Cosmic Almighty Stone (colored) + Cosmic Almighty Stone (colored) = Vast Star Stone (Illusion Color)】


【Synthesis successful! 】 】

【Vast Star Stone (Illusion Color) + Vast Star Stone (Illusion Color) = Genesis Star Iron (Quality: Unknown)]


【Synthesis successful! 】 】

【Ascending God Fruit (Illusion Color) + Flying Ascending God Fruit (Illusion Color) = Final God Liquid (Quality: Unknown)]


【Synthesis successful! 】 】

【Ascending God Fruit (Illusion Color) + Flying Ascending God Fruit (Illusion Color) = Final God Liquid (Quality: Unknown)]


【Synthesis successful! 】 】【

God-level Equipment Advanced Stone (Illusion Color) + God-level Equipment Advanced Stone (Illusion Color) = Anti-Sky Gem (Quality: Unknown)]


The Genesis Star Iron can be embedded in

equipment, providing an additional 100,000 full attributes for equipment.

The Ultimate God Liquid can

directly increase Lin Tian's 80,000 full attributes after use!

The role of the Sky-Defying Gem was just as Lin Tian expected, and it could be promoted to Illusion-level quality equipment!

In addition to these three unknown quality items,

Lin Tian also synthesized many other powerful and practical unknown quality items.

Just as he was sitting on the peak of a sacred land in the East Island, he was constantly synthesizing the items in his backpack.

Behind him, there was suddenly the sound of footsteps.

Glancing back, seeing that the visitor

was a player, Lin Tian was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "Why, came to get my bounty?"

"Although, since breaking Xuanyuan City

, Lin Tian has become the most wanted criminal, and the location information has been shared with all players.

But he really didn't expect that there would be players who would dare to come to him.

Behind him,

Huang Tianao appeared.

Feeling the cold breath of the Hades King beside Lin Tian,

cold sweat welled up on Huang Tianao's forehead, and he shook his head and said, "You misunderstood, I still have this self-knowledge."

"I came here to ask you for advice."

"You... How exactly did you get to this extent in the game?

"Since seeing the sword that Lin Tian cut out in Xuanyuan City

, Huang Tianao's belief was shattered, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

After thinking about it for a whole day

, but still unable to think of the reason why Lin Tian was so powerful

, Huang Tianao had to pursue Lin Tian's location with a trace of extravagance

, and came to the East Island Holy Land to ask him for advice.

Although the East Island Holy Land is not a high-level area, the

minimum level of monsters is also 80.

The fact that this player can come here on the fifth day and find himself is

obviously extraordinary.

After brushing the strange for another day

, Lin Tian just wanted to find someone to chat with, so he casually asked: "Are you eager to become stronger?"

Huang Tianao's eyes nodded firmly.

Lin Tian was curious: "Why did you become stronger?"

Huang Tianao hesitated slightly, this proud and somewhat indifferent teenager rarely confided his true heart: "In order to fulfill a promise."

"My grandfather, Huang Wanjun, was once one of the four major e-sports town keepers in Daxia."

"When the four major e-sports town keepers were there, Daxia was unparalleled here, almost the world's number one country, and it was mighty all over the world."

"But as the years go by, the four guardians of the town have successively soared into the metaverse cassette world to seek ways to prolong their lives, and the Great Xia Dynasty has also begun to decline due to the departure of these four people."

"Daxia, which was once unparalleled in the world, has even lost in gambling battles with other countries in recent years, and has lost a lot of territory..." Speaking

of this, Huang Tianao's voice trembled slightly, his fists clenched, and after a pause

, he continued,

"My grandfather, as the last town keeper to leave, he did not intend to ascend to the metaverse cassette world, but wanted to use the last stage of his life to guard the gate of Daxia for three years.

"However, I did not want to see him grow old and eventually fall, so I promised him that I would definitely take over his responsibility and guard Daxia from invasion, so that he would finally ascend."

"I want to fulfill my promise to my grandfather and guard Daxia."

"That's why I have to get stronger."

As the words were revealed,

Huang Tianao's eyes became more and more firm.

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