After the journey of the endless wasteland

, Lin Tian's equipment, as well as his own attributes,

had once again undergone dozens of advanced enhancements.

Magic quality is the limit of the game.

Unknown quality, which is the limit of text display.

But neither of these is

definitely the limit that Lin Tian has reached.

In this world,

his existence is the limit itself!

Fingertips flick,


The body of the Holy City Alliance Lord was penetrated, and

the whole person flew out upside down like a meteor

, smashing the ground, smashing out a huge deep pit!


In the real world, silence continues.

The vast majority of people who saw this scene did

not know what words to use to describe their feelings.

There is happiness, there is shock, there is joy, there is confusion...

Many people didn't realize until their faces turned red until they

were holding their breath.

Supreme Game Research Headquarters, Data Room.


Li Xiu looked at this scene blankly, and

the fists he had been clenching unconsciously relaxed.

Turning his head, he found that the data clerks who were repairing the running channel of the "pointer" were also staring at the screen blankly, Li Xiu quickly slapped the table to wake them up, and said sharply: "The situation has not yet been decided, continue to prepare the 'pointer'!" "



In the game world, the central holy city.

After a while, the sand and dust dissipated.

In the deep pit

, a large hole was pierced through the chest of the Holy City Alliance Lord, blood gushed from his mouth, and he gasped with a pale face and forced a smile: "This, is this the power that surpasses the upper limit of the world?"

"Otherworldly, you have made me more interested in what is happening beyond this world."

"I, I'm going to step on your corpse and get free!!"

As a word spit out of his mouth,

the eyes of the Holy City Alliance Lord surged with data.

In the next instant, the injuries on his body recovered in an instant!

An even more majestic momentum spread out from above his figure!

His size began to swell, and his body was full of white light.

All over the body, the chain imprint of white data emerged.

His eyes also turned into two white lights in the process!

The hurricane formed by the energy swirled around it,

sweeping up a large amount of gravel and sand!

In an instant,

the power of the Holy City Alliance Lord had actually broken through the limits of the world!


Seeing this scene

, outside the game world, the hearts of countless audiences that had just fallen hung again!

Supreme Game Research Headquarters, Data Room.

Seeing this, Li Xiu's eyes lit up: "He is burning his own data chain!" Very good, although burning the data chain can temporarily obtain

the power beyond the limit of the world, but at the same time, it will also quickly deplete the power of the origin of his own data, as long as the loss is large enough, it will not be so easy for him to break through the world barrier later! At least it will take a lot longer!

"Lin Tian has already bought us a lot of time!"

"Quick! Speed up the repair of the 'pointer' channel! Don't let the time Lin Tian win go to waste!

Li Xiu couldn't help but shout out excitedly.


Feel the rapid rise in the combat power of the Holy City Alliance Lord.

Lin Tian raised his eyelids slightly, revealing a slightly interested smile, he sat on the throne, cocked Erlang's legs and said, "This is the second stage?" Very good, please start your show. Before

the words fell

, the figure of the Holy City Alliance Lord had already disappeared, and

almost at the same moment,

hundreds of behemoth sword shadows containing terrifying power crushed towards Lin Tian!

"Ara Yu, defend the realm!"

In the face of this powerful and terrifying attack

, Lin Tian only smiled slightly, and

his wings waved behind him.

An invisible light blue barrier is instantly generated!

This barren feather is the ultimate product of the synthesis of dozens of wings.

The accompanying special effects cover almost everything, both offensive and defensive!

Hundreds of sword shadows smashed on

the barrier, but only created a booming sound, and could not break the barrier in the slightest!

"Give... I... Die!!! At

this time, above the mid-air, the

figure of the Holy City Alliance Lord

had already become extremely blurred.

Only half of his body remains physical.

The other half is completely changed to vague flow data.

One eye, flashing red.

The other eye is the white light of data!


Suddenly, the Holy City Alliance advocates opening a blood basin!

A huge torrent of white energy spewed out and slammed into the white barrier in front of Lin Tian's body!

The barrier swayed slightly, and

finally there was a slight break.

But, that's about it.

I thought that I could have a slightly suspenseful battle to bring this game to a perfect end, but the performance of the Holy City Alliance Lord really disappointed Lin Tian.

He shook his head and sighed, "Forget it, don't spit here."

He waved his fingers lightly and

said in his mouth: "Forbidden Domain Sword Sea." "

This is one of the professional skills of the Genesis Sword God class.

The power of this move... Not bad.

In the next instant,

hundreds of thousands of sharp swords shining with purple light fell from the sky!

Like a rushing current, it completely surrounded the Holy City Alliance Lord in an instant, sealing

all his ways out!


A loud sound like the crashing of the waves!

Countless sea of swords converged in an instant!


The Holy City Alliance Lord roared loudly, wanting to dodge, but he couldn't avoid it at all.

As if a drop in the ocean, his figure was sealed in the sea of swords, and after a while, it would not be crushed into countless particles, and not even a trace of residue remained.

Even if it is a burning data chain, the Holy City Alliance Lord who broke through the restrictions of the world still can't hold up a move in Lin Tian's hands.

Like crushing a worm,

Lin Tian ended the life of the Holy City Alliance Lord.

"Oh, it's not interesting!"

Lin Tian yawned

, waved his finger again, and the sea of swords disappeared.

Just when everyone in the real world was dumbfounded,

thinking that it was all over.

Lin Tian, however, suddenly widened his eyes and looked up into the sky.

Above the sky,

a dark green projection appeared silently at an unknown time.

Dark armor, pale face, gray-green hair, green crown...

This image is like the king of ruins in a hot MOBA battle game, Foyego!

"What's the situation? How did the Ruined King appear in the legendary world? Lin Tian was stunned for the first time, the sword in his hand was clenched, ready to attack

, but after probing the past, he found that the figure in front of him was just a simple projection, and did not have entity and power.

Foyego's face was grim, and his voice was cold: "Waste, this can't be won... However, it doesn't matter, I didn't intend to let you alive invade the Blue Star Cassette World.

As the words came out,

his palm flipped.

Below, the place where the Lord of the Holy City Alliance had just died.

A dark green soul emerged.

Foyego's palm clenched slightly

, the green soul condensed into an entity, and the huge green light energy exploded!

"You are still a slave to the Curse of Ruin, go and fight for me!"

"Hahahaha! Lin Bei! You killed my father and emperor, insulted my mother, robbed my wife, robbed my daughter, and attacked me when I... I will slaughter all your creatures to vent my wrath!! The

projection of the ruined king Foyego laughed maniacally.

After a few moments, the projection disappears.

In front of Lin Tian's eyes

, the Holy City Alliance Lord covered in green light stood up again, like a dead body without any emotion, and slowly walked towards Lin Tian.

He didn't care to think about the large amount of information in the words of the Ruined King just now.

"And the third stage?"

Feeling the terrifying and ominous aura on the Saint City Alliance Lord after the resurrection,

Lin Tian showed a serious look on his face and finally stood up from the throne.

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