The next day, Kyoto

, Esports Players Union, Kyo-West Division.

The two parties arrived at the agreed time.

Since the assessment of whether Lin Tian can clear the C-grade game cartridge was jointly supervised and inspected by Kyoto and Qingyuan

, the two sides agreed on a relatively public position, that is, the Kyoto E-sports Players Union, as the location for Lin Tian to use the C-level game cartridge.

On the side of Kyoto E-sports University, the leading female vice president, named Dai Qing, can be regarded as the strongest real power in the entire Kyoto E-sports Academy except for the president.

This headmistress Dai Qing is probably in her thirties, although not so young, but she is quite well maintained, her face is beautiful, but she has always had a tense face, and her expression is serious, giving people a cold and frosty feeling of unkindness.

On the side of Qingyuan E-sports University, the leader is an old acquaintance, Vice President Huo Qingsong, who belongs to the kind of relationship and diplomacy in the academy.

This kind of scene,

his appearance is indeed the most appropriate.

"Long time no see, Principal Dai."

"Hello, Principal Huo."

After the leaders of the two sides met, they shook hands first.

Behind the two leaders,

the members of the entourage also stepped forward to greet each other.

Although, on the surface, the two sides seem to be very harmonious.

However, in the eyes,

there is a hidden smell of gunpowder.

After all, Kyoto and Qingyuan have been competing for the position of Daxia's No. 1 Esports University for decades.

Although in recent years, due to external factors, the two sides have been much more harmonious, reducing competition and adding many cooperation projects.

However, the almost subconscious mentality of seeing the other party as a competition object is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the members of the two academies.

The personnel on both sides greeted warmly in

the open, but secretly competed in their hearts.

On the side of Qingyuan E-sports University, there is only a woman dressed in a pink cheongsam with a beautiful posture, sitting on the steps in front of the e-sports union, struggling to nibble on the large pancakes she just bought.

This pink cheongsam woman

is the female commentator Taotao who appeared as a special guest in the college entrance examination live broadcast before!

Now, it is customary to call her sister Niu [beep] on the Internet.

"Teacher Liu Tao! Come and get to know!

Huo Qingsong glanced back at the peach who was nibbling on the pancake, a little speechless, quickly waved her over, and introduced Dai Qing, "This is the game lecturer of the love department of our school, Liu Taotao."

"This time, our Qingyuan side will send her and Lin Tian to enter the C-grade cassette world together to record Lin Tian's performance in the game world."

"Hello, Principal Dai." Taotao hurriedly put a pair of small oil hands on her body and rubbed them, and reached out to say hello to Dai Qing.

"Hello, I remember, you are Liu Qing's daughter, right? It really looks like your dad! The

corners of Dai Qing's mouth slightly hooked a smile, and his attitude when talking to Taotao looked a little more enthusiastic than when he talked to Huo Qingsong.

After a brief chat

, Huo Qingsong asked curiously: "President Dai, who are you going to send from Kyoto University to follow Lin Tian into the game world to make observation records?"

Dai Qing shook his head slightly: "It depends on the situation, it is not yet determined, I will make a choice after seeing Lin Tian himself... If this person is reliable, I will send random people to record.

"If it is not reliable, my side may personally go into the cassette to make further observations to see if this person can really carry the burden of Kyoto University and entrust him with the heavy task."

When Huo Qingsong heard this, he smiled and nodded, but he couldn't help but pinch the sweat for Lin Tian in his heart.

Dai Qing's strictness is very famous in the entire e-sports university circle.

As a powerful and powerful faction of Kyoto E-sports

University, Dai Qing has repeatedly expelled several students of Qingyuan University who are quite talented on the grounds of bad attitude, and she is more picky about the character of students than talent, as for the reason...

It seems that because she once taught a student with outstanding qualifications, and the school also poured a lot of resources into him.

Even, under Dai Qing's recommendation and guarantee, Kyoto University once planned to train him as a candidate for the president of Kyoto University.

However, in the end,

the student defected from Kyoto and Daxia.

In order to pursue interests

, he joined the Mei Frank Empire and became one of the "key candidates", and later even played for Mei Frank many times to suppress Daxia in international game competitions.

This incident hurt Dai Qing not lightly,

but it also made her understand a truth.

As a teacher, when choosing students,

character is far more important than talent.

For students with bad character, do not know how to be grateful, and eat inside and outside, even if they use more energy to teach and pour more resources, in the end, they may harm themselves, the school and the country.


Breaking free from some bad memories

, Dai Qing looked at Huo Qingsong and asked, "By the way, didn't you go to contact Lin Tian when the college entrance examination was just over?" What do you think of his character?

Huo Qingsong was stunned when he heard this, and asked rhetorically: "After Director Chen Baiqi went back, didn't he meet with you to talk about Lin Tian?"

Mentioning Chen Baiqi,

the corner of Dai Qing's mouth twitched: "Meet? That pervert runs naked all day, how do I meet him? "

Oh... Also. When Huo Qingsong heard this, he remembered Chen Baiqi's frank appearance, and it was also a little painful

, he pulled the topic back and thought a little, "Lin Tian's character..."

Dai Qing frowned when he heard this: "Why is it difficult to say?"

Huo Qingsong helplessly spread his hands and said, "If you want to talk about character... He has to be at least a person, right? "

Dai Qing: ...

Dai Qing: "Eh... What do you mean?

Huo Qingsong showed a strange expression on his face and said, "Lin Tian, this kid... It's a little special, at least, after we first met, he really hasn't done a single thing! "

Using the word beast to describe his words does not reflect his evil, and using the devil to describe his words does not express his shamelessness, in short... He is a difficult person to define.

"However, you don't have to worry that he will betray Daxia."

"This product really does not treat foreigners as people, and the leader of the 'key candidate team' who came on behalf of the headquarters of the e-sports union, was almost killed by him."

Dai Qing: ......

Dai Qing touched his chin and showed a rare look of curiosity: "Interesting, it seems that this C-level game cassette, I have to personally follow in to observe this kid." "


While chatting, time passes slowly.

Seeing that two hours had passed since the agreed meeting time, Lin Tian had not yet appeared.

Dai Qing frowned slightly: "Why hasn't he come yet?"

"It should be that the flight is delayed, Cloud City is not far from Kyoto, I don't know why, this kid has to take a plane..."

Huo Qingsong was also a little anxious, helpless to spread his hands.

Just when the crowd was a little impatient and began to complain.

A man dressed as a flight attendant got out of the taxi and walked straight in the direction of the esports union.

After approaching, the

flight attendant suddenly exclaimed: "Principal Huo? Sorry, there was something wrong with the flight, I was late. Seeing

the flight attendant's face,

Huo Qingsong was stunned.

Dai Qing was stunned.

Everyone in Kyoto and Aomoto was stunned!

This person dressed as a flight attendant

was actually Lin Tian himself!

Huo Qingsong held his forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched and asked: "You said you, such a short distance, why do you have to take a plane?"

Lin Tian took off his flight attendant hat, his expression was as calm as a sage, and he answered honestly: "Because, the super class is really crazy!" "

Huo Qingsong: ...

Huo Qingsong: "Then, what is wrong with the plane?" Why are you so late?

Lin Tian: "Because, the super class is really crazy!" "

Huo Qingsong: ...

Huo Qingsong: "Why did you wear such a dress?"

Lin Tian: "Because, the super class is really crazy!! "

Everyone: .

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