When Angie arrived in front of the blue-haired girl with twin ponytails,

a huge bloody hole had been pierced through her chest.


Angie held up the blue-haired girl's body,

and tears of grief kept pouring out of her eyes.

The pale face of the blue-haired girl showed a slight smile.

She moved her lips slightly.

Although she no longer had the strength to make a sound.

But, Angie still understood what the girl said.

"Boss, stay alive."


The pupils were dilated,

and the eyes lost their luster.

The last cadre of the A Corps,

the last person that Angie really cared about in this world.


He lowered his head and looked at the motionless girl in his arms.

Angie only felt that his heart was pierced by countless needles.




He wanted to say something.

But his throat couldn't make a sound.

The shaking body,

after a moment, became calm.

When he raised his head again,

his eyes were already filled with blood red.

Blood began to flow from the entire surface of his body.

A few seconds later,

the blood solidified on his body, forming a layer of blood-red blood armor.

The pure black strange samurai sword was also greedily sucking Angie's blood. The blade became sharper in the process, and the volume of the whole sword was also rapidly expanding, and the pure black color gradually turned into a weird black and red.

Angie turned his eyes.

The red eyes without any emotion

slowly moved towards the God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantry who was killing in the crowd.

Bang! ! ! !

The next moment, a huge gap appeared on the ground!

Bang! ! ! !

The black and red blade drew a huge blood-red blade curtain in the air,

and chopped towards the God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantry!

This knife was even faster than the speed of the God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantry!

There was no time to dodge,

the God-killer nuclear-powered infantry could only raise his arms, the core in his chest rotated wildly,

the huge nuclear energy quickly filled all parts of the armor!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

The huge tremor almost caused the entire Los Santos to fall into a brief earthquake.

After one knife.

In the center of the battlefield,

a huge pit with a diameter of more than 50 meters appeared!

A large number of A Corps soldiers and alloy armored warriors of the Hanging Wall Gang were caught in the aftermath of this attack and lost their lives.

In the deepest part of the pit,

the God-killer nuclear-powered infantry fell to the ground with serious injuries,

and there were many damages on the entire set of Meteorite No. 17 nuclear-powered armor.

Anji's eyes were scarlet as if they could ooze blood,

holding the black and red battle blade, he stepped forward step by step.

"Die! Die! Die!"

He unconsciously chanted a word.

Just when he was less than ten meters away from the God-killer nuclear-powered infantry. "Start, God-killing mode." The God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantryman who fell to the ground uttered a few words coldly. Clang! The rotating black core on his chest suddenly stopped. Bang! The next second, the core actually exploded! The huge energy began to overflow uncontrollably, filling the Meteorite No. 17 Nuclear-Powered Battle Armor! The broken gray battle armor was restored in an instant. The black light that originally only existed on the energy core in the chest, at this moment, began to wrap around the whole body of the God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantryman. Standing up, the God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantryman stretched out his hand and opened the space storage system. A huge mechanical heavy sword slowly emerged from the space storage system. This is the God-killing Star Steel Heavy Sword, the weapon of the God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantryman. The God-killing Nuclear-Powered Infantryman who had been fighting with his bare hands and in the ordinary form had only exerted about 50% of his strength. The real battle to the death has just begun! In the huge pit,

two figures, one gray and one blood-red,

collide again!!

Chapter 23 Cyber ​​Mechanical Swordmaster, the General's Order

After two hours of fierce fighting.

The land on the northern outskirts of Los Santos,

has been destroyed beyond recognition, with huge pits and cracks everywhere.

On the battlefield,

except for the blood-red and dark-gray figures,

there are no other living things.

Exhausted and without any strength, Angie knelt on one knee.

The black and red giant blade in his hand supported his almost shattered body.

On the other hand, the God-killing Nuclear Powered Infantry,

is in a very bad state at this time!

The left arm is broken and the right leg disappears.

A huge gap on the waist is constantly oozing blood.

He walked towards Angie step by step,

as if he wanted to end this battle.


When he came in front of Angie.

He finally couldn't hold on first,

and fell to the ground and died!

Seeing this, Angie,

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