Finally, we arrived at the Holy Land of East Island.

Lin Tian landed in front of a tall tower and took steps to enter.

At the door, a knight in heavy armor stopped Lin Tian.

"To enter the trial tower, you need to purchase a ticket."

"Every time you enter, you need to spend one million gold coins."

The knight introduced with a cold voice.

Until now,

Lin Tian's gold coins had already exceeded 100 million. Naturally, he didn't care about this mere one million gold coins. He immediately took it out of the package and threw it aside, forming a mountain of gold coins.

Reach out and put away the gold coins,

The knight stepped aside.

Lin Tian took steps and walked into the trial tower.

The guardian on the first floor of the trial tower is a level 80 female archer.

The moment Lin Tian stepped into it,

There were more than dozens of arrows, shooting straight at him with a sharp tearing sound in the air!

Lin Tian raised the Shuangwu giant sword in his hand and easily stopped the arrow.

Then, a sword light was thrown out with the purple Great Thousand Realm Yan.



The sword light knocked the archer back wildly,

The Great Thousand Realm Yan attached to it instantly swallowed it up.

In an instant, all the archers were burned to the ground.

[You have passed the Tower of Trials for the first time]

[After the trial now, you can get the "Elf Archer" job transfer book]

[Continue the trial and have a chance to obtain a higher-quality job transfer certificate]

[But if you die in the trial, you will gain nothing]

[End this trial? 】


Lin Tian gave an answer and continued to move forward, leading to the second floor.

The guardian on the second level is a berserker holding two axes.

The level is lv83.

His ending is the same as the archer on the first level.

Lin Tian killed him instantly with a casual blow.


It was an easy journey and passed the level.

Basically all the defenders on the first twenty floors,

They were all defeated by Lin Tian with an instant kill using ordinary attacks with Daqian Jie Yan.

Until after the twentieth floor,

The enemy's level has reached level 120 or above.

Lin Tian's fight was a little more challenging.

However, just use the powerful skills attached to some dark gold equipment,

Lin Tian could still easily kill these defenders.

Until the thirtieth floor,

The enemy who appeared in front of Lin Tian made him look at it face to face.

The highest level opponent,

He is a warrior wearing dark armor and holding a green heavy sword.

The ominous aura continued to spread from his side like waves.

The terrifying power enveloped the entire trial venue with an indescribable sense of oppression.

Under him, he also rode a terrifying green bone dragon.

Lin Tian can feel it,

This top-level defender is completely different from the previous enemies!

This guardian might... really have a chance to defeat himself.

Staring at the opponent in front of me,

Lin Tian's eyes were faintly flashing with excitement.

"Being here proves that you are indeed very strong. You seem to be a poor person who was abandoned by the Holy City Alliance." He opened his mouth slightly, a hoarse voice coming from his throat.

"If you don't want to die in vain... take this and leave."

A job transfer book exuding black energy appeared.

Slowly, he floated in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian got another prompt from the game system.

[You have reached the highest level of the Tower of Trial]

[Now that you have finished the trial, you can obtain the "Yu Tian Longqi" job transfer certificate]

[Continue the trial and challenge the final guardian of the Trial Tower. You will have the opportunity to obtain the tower-defending treasure of the Trial Tower, the "World-Breaking Sword Master" job transfer book]

[But if you die in the challenge, you will get nothing]

[End this trial? 】

We've all come this far,

Lin Tian naturally would not choose to retreat.

"No, challenge the final guardian."

With a thought,

The prompt disappears.

Lin Tian raised the Frosted Giant Sword and began to use the accompanying skills on a dark gold equipment. Various blessing lights filled his body, instantly improving his condition to the best!

"Scorching sun, rise!"

"Jie Yan, burn!"

With two whispers,

The colorful flames of the Holy Feather of the Sun and the phantom-quality Daqianjie Yan Shenhuo are also attached to Lin Tian's frosty sword. The purple light blends with the red brilliance, and combines with the ice blue reflected by the sword. mix.

In an instant, on top of the giant sword,

A very strange chaotic brilliance formed.

Standing on the bone dragon, the dark armored warrior showed a strange smile on his face: "Oh? Is this your choice? In that case..."

The green shadow flashes!

Lin Tian's figure disappeared almost at the same time!


Boom, boom! ! !

The next moment,

Two figures clashed,

The huge leaked energy almost destroyed the trial tower!

Chapter 53 Utilization of props, fusion of divine fire?




The two giant swords collided continuously, and the sound shook the world!

Huge energy keeps leaking out!

The Tower of Trial was also confronted by the two people again and again.

Continuously collapsing and destroying!

Lin Tian became more and more courageous as he fought, and his eyes were filled with fighting spirit that he had not seen for a long time.

After defeating the first regional BOSS and obtaining colorful quality wings,

It's been a long time since an opponent has been able to hold on for so long.

The dark armored warrior rode on the bone dragon, his eyes were full of green light, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Very good! Very good!! Since I was expelled from the Holy City Alliance, I haven't fought like this with all my strength for a long time!"

Lin Tian was stunned when he heard this, frowned in disappointment, and said lightly: "Is this your full strength? Then... let's not waste time and finish it as soon as possible."

As soon as the voice fell,

black light flashed on the edge of Lin Tian's sword.

"Ultimate... Evil Slash!"

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