Pushing the Martial Arts: Starting from the Tiger Roaring Golden Bell

Chapter 112: The powerful bloodline of the demon king, the battle between humans and demons (asking

The next day, the three of them continued to hibernate and did not go out.

Zhang Xianlong looked at Wei Fan doubtfully: "You seem to be a little different!"

Although Wei Fan's aura tightened and his face changed into a very ordinary one, Zhang Xianlong, who was familiar with him, still noticed the change in his temperament.

Wei Fan's movements give people a profound and mysterious feeling.

Wei Fan nodded: "There is a breakthrough in cultivation!"

His breath couldn't be restrained at all. The perfect power in his body was still developing his body's potential. No matter how he restrained it, it was useless.

The true power of the Heavenly Realm can temper the physical body, but Wei Fan's true power has never had such an effect, because he also practiced body-refining martial arts, and the true power can hardly temper the physical body.

But it's different now. Even his physical body, which has a strength of more than 10,000 kilograms in one arm, can be tempered to perfect the supreme true power.

From last night to now, he felt that his strength had increased by at least several hundred thousand kilograms, and his defensive hardness had almost doubled.


Zhang Xianlong uttered two words softly, and then looked at Long Xueyi: "Let's move together or separate in three days?"

Long Xueyi thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "Let's act separately!"

It's not that she looks down on Zhang Xianlong, but that Zhang Xianlong's cultivation will not benefit from following her and Wei Fan except for safety.

With Wei Fan's fighting power and her, Zhang Xianlong would not have any chance to kill the enemy.

Moreover, their target was not at a level that Zhang Xianlong could match. At least demons of the ninth level of Condensation were qualified to be hunted by them.


Wei Fan suddenly felt the Demon Hunter Waistband in his arms tremble, and immediately reached out to grab the Waistband and input his true power.

Glancing out of the corner of their eyes, Long Xueyi and Zhang Xianlong stopped talking and also picked up their waist cards to input their real power.

"Everyone, be careful. Someone seems to have seen the big demon Cang Niu appearing in Qingyun Mountain. After going hunting and leaking his scent, it's best to leave as soon as possible!"

A message appeared in Wei Fan's mind.

As this information is read, four or five messages appear immediately afterwards:

"Thanks for reminding me, my breath has been collected by Cangniu. It seems that I can't move recently."

"Cang Niu is actually here too, retreat! The Demon-Suppressing Ginseng will not come out, and none of our demon hunters in Sioux City can match him."

"Why are you running? This beast is very conceited. Why don't you let Mr. Jin Wucheng organize a few Half-Step God Realms to destroy this beast?"

"Where is Long Xueyi? She has the momentum now and should be able to match Cang Niu."

"I don't know if he's here or not, but I guess it's still a little bit worse. This beast has even defeated the Demon-Suppressing Ginseng General."

Except for the first message, the rest are of little use.

Wei Fan looked at Long Xueyi and Zhang Xianlong in confusion: "Why is this big demon Cang Niu so strong? What's its origin?"

One name almost scared away the demon hunters gathered in Qingyun City.

Several messages revealed that even Jin Wucheng had to find a few more half-step gods before he dared to take action against Cang Niu. Only masters like Zhou Zhenyuan, who was at the half-step god realm and could still master the momentum, could compete with Cang Niu.

Zhang Xianlong showed his murderous intent: "Not only strong, he is ridiculously strong. He almost succeeded in chasing Xueyi twice. Not to mention how many ordinary people in the surrounding counties and cities died in his hands, just the hunters he killed The devils can’t be counted on one hand.”

Long Xueyi nodded: "This beast is the son of the Demon Lord Ningshen. He is extremely talented. Even if I have the power now, I have no confidence that I can compete with this beast, let alone kill it."

Her face was full of fear, as if she recalled the embarrassing scene when she was chased by the Cangniu.

Seeing that Wei Fan was still puzzled, Zhang Xianlong said: "Cang Niu is the real son of the Demon King of Ningshen. Don't look at the beasts like Young Master Baixiang and Yuan Xiao. They are all the sons of the Demon Lord, but they are actually different in nature.

The demons such as Young Master Baixiang and Yuanxiao were all born before their father became the Ningshen Demon Lord. Therefore, although they have a father who is the Ningshen Demon Lord, they did not inherit the tyrannical bloodline of the Ningshen Demon Lord and cannot be regarded as Ningshen in the true sense. Descendants of the demon king.

This Cang Niu was born after his father became the Demon Lord and inherited the true bloodline of the Demon Lord.

Ordinary demons give birth to litter after litter, but when they reach the realm of the Concentrating Demon King, it is difficult to give birth to offspring because the bloodline evolves due to the tempering of the body.

Why did the White Elephant Demon Lord go crazy after the death of a son? Because he only had such a son. It was already difficult for the White Elephant clan to give birth to offspring, and it became even more difficult after becoming a Demon Lord. It was no surprise that the White Elephant Demon Lord would die like this. He That's why he's so crazy. "

Wei Fan suddenly realized that the reason why Cang Niu was terrifying was that he was the offspring of a bull demon who became a demon king.

He was moved in his heart and said: "What about my human race's divine martial sect? After they become the divine martial sect, it will be difficult for them to have heirs. If they give birth to heirs after becoming the divine martial sect, will their descendants be as powerful as this blue bull?" "

Zhang Xianlong nodded: "Yes, the same situation applies to the Divine Realm Martial Sect of our human race. It is difficult to have heirs, but once an heir is born, he is also gifted and far superior to his peers.

When my master was young, he was obsessed with martial arts and did not have a family. After he became a martial arts master in the divine realm, he still had no offspring even though he had five or six wives and concubines and worked hard for decades.

The same goes for the commander-in-chief. He has more wives and concubines than my master, and he also has no descendants.

Only the three commanders got married before breaking through to the divine martial sect, and they were the only ones among the three commanders who had descendants.

He also married a bunch of concubines, trying to give birth to offspring with the blood of his divine martial sect, but failed. "

Wei Fan suddenly couldn't bear to look directly at the three commanders of the Demon Suppression Division.

He thought that these people were obsessed with martial arts, but he didn't expect that all of them were singing and singing every night, and all of them had five or six wives and concubines.

Wei Fan was speechless and said: "Are the three commanders so ridiculous? They are also so persistent in their future generations..."

Zhang Xianlong shook his head: "You are wrong about this. They are not here for pleasure. There are tens of millions of people in Suzhou City, but there may not be another god-level martial arts sect in ten or twenty years.

But as long as the divine martial sect gives birth to offspring, there is at least an 80% chance that the offspring will become a divine martial sect in the future.

Even if they don't become a martial arts master in the divine realm, their descendants will still be extremely powerful in the heavenly realm and can inherit martial arts!

If you are lucky, the talent of the child you give birth to may be higher than your own, and you can rely on your child to reach a higher level in the future. "

Wei Fan nodded lightly, it really shouldn't be just for pleasure.

In this world where the strong are respected, why not enjoy yourself and have a gifted offspring at the same time.

Zhang Xianlong glanced at Long Xueyi, and finally fell on Wei Fan. He rarely showed a smile: "So if you want to have descendants, it is best to get married before breaking through to the divine realm, and the same goes for Xueyi."

Wei Fan rolled his eyes at Zhang Xianlong: "What about you?"

Zhang Xianlong shook his head: "Haha... I got married a long time ago, don't you know? My master was worried that I would be like him in the future, waiting to have children but not being able to have them, so he arranged a marriage for me early."

Long Xueyi raised her brows coldly: "Do you think I've become easier to talk to lately!"

Zhang Xianlong laughed and continued to look at Wei Fan: "Actually, it is very simple for a divine martial artist to give birth to an heir. All he needs to do is marry a divine martial artist as his wife in the future. It is difficult for ordinary divine martial artists to have children because of their wives and concubines. We are all ordinary people. If you can in the future... I won’t say anything!”

He felt a coldness spreading in the air, and immediately left Wei Fan behind and ran away. If he continued talking, someone would strike him with a sword.

Long Xueyi stood up: "I'll go back to my room and meditate!"

Although you are dormant, you can still practice the visualization of the soul.

Wei Fan called out to Long Xueyi: "Wait..."

Long Xueyi's fingers clenched unconsciously under her sleeves: "Is there anything else?"

"You can collect the aura of a blue bull, I plan to kill him!"

This Demon Lord Bloodline Cang Niu aroused his interest. If it had breath, he would like to see how powerful the Demon Lord Bloodline is.


Long Xueyi left quickly.

The two times she encountered Cang Niu, she was chased and killed, so she had no time to collect Cang Niu's aura.

Wei Fan was slightly disappointed and returned to the room.

[Nine hundred years of skill, the sixth level of Dragon Elephant Holding Heaven and Heavenly Man chapter is complete, your one-arm strength reaches 14 million kilograms]

[Dragon Elephant Qingtian Gong·Heavenly Man Chapter (Sixth Level of Perfection)]

[Current skill: 213 years]

Wei Fan opened his eyes, and the tyrannical physical strength gave him the illusion that he could break the sky with one punch.

With a huge force of 14 million kilograms, even without any martial arts, he can kill some ordinary half-step gods with just one shot.

"The improvement of physical strength by the supreme true power is almost gone. It seems that when the body training is completed, my strength will only be 20 million kilograms at most!"

Wei Fan frowned slightly.

The improvement of physical strength here by the Supreme is not unlimited.

The Dragon Elephant Sky-Lifting Technique breaks through again, weakening the improvement of physical strength caused by real power.

Of course, it's just that his strength has not continued to increase. His vitality, physical strength, mental strength, etc. are still slowly increasing.

"When this improvement is gone, that's when I will break through to the divine martial arts!"

Wei Fan understood clearly in his heart that he had not yet reached true perfection. Only when all aspects were perfect would he be more confident in breaking through to the divine realm.

[Dragon's Roar Shattering Finger·Heavenly Man Chapter (Perfection)]

[Current skill: 143 years]

Just after using seventy years of skill to perfect the Dragon Roar Broken Heaven Finger, which had not been perfected before, Wei Fan felt like an earthquake, and the house was shaking slightly.

He hurriedly opened the door and walked out, and found that Zhang Xianlong and Long Xueyi also noticed the abnormality and walked out.

"The army is at war with demons!"

The three of them jumped up to the roof and looked at Qingyun Mountain in the distance. They saw the army of demons all over the mountains and plains spreading like a tide, and the smoke and dust rising like wolf smoke.

"So many monsters!"

It was the first time for Wei Fan to see so many demons. It was almost endless, and his vision was filled with demon figures everywhere.

Most of these demons have not transformed. It is better to say that they are demons than powerful beasts.

Of course, there are also powerful demons that turn into evil winds and stir up black clouds to fly in the sky.

On the ground, human soldiers lined up neatly, and soon the two sides came into contact and started fighting.

Some school captains soared into the sky to fight against the big demon that turned into a demon wind, while some demon-suppressing guards jumped high and knocked down the demon with the power of the demon wind to the ground.

"Aren't we going to help?"

Looking at the demons covering the ground, Wei Fan wanted to rush over and release the golden bell a few times.

With the golden bell's ability to kill in groups, the sound of the bell may mean that tens of thousands of years of skill have been paid off.

That kind of scene is exciting to think about.

The only time I had a good killing was when I was in Zhuhai County, but the number of demons that time was nothing compared to the demons in front of me. The number of demons in front of me was definitely tens of thousands.

Long Xueyi shook her head: "This kind of battle between two armies is not suitable for us demon hunters. Our enemies are members of the Demonic Sky Alliance."

Zhang Xianlong's voice sounded: "And didn't you notice that although there are many demons, there are no real masters."

Wei Fan nodded gently. He had discovered before that on the human side, except for a general who led the team to participate in the fight, the others were all lieutenants.

The demons were similar to the human race in terms of masters. Except for a great demon of the ninth level of Condensation Pill fighting with the lieutenant general, there were no other powerful demons.

He looked puzzled: "Why is this?"

He originally thought that once the war started, the commander-in-chief and the second commander-in-chief would inevitably fight with the great demons of the White Elephant Demon King and the Black Python Demon King.

But he didn't expect that not only did the battle in the divine realm not break out, but even the demon-suppressing lieutenant general did not appear.

Zhang Xianlong said, "This is considered a tacit understanding. If the Grandmaster and the Demon King fight on the battlefield, how many soldiers and demons around can survive? If they really fight, it is estimated that before they can decide the winner, their subordinates will all die.

The Grandmaster and the Demon King are more often deterred from each other. Unless they are sure to kill each other, they will not fight easily."

The battle did not last long. After about a quarter of an hour, there were corpses on the battlefield. Those demons retreated back to Qingyun Mountain and disappeared, as if they were just training.

Wei Fan and the other two came down from the roof.

That night, another message about Cang Niu came through the demon hunter's waist card. The huge white ape that appeared in Donglin City before also appeared in Qingyun Mountain.

"Ape Howl!"

Wei Fan still remembered that the name of the ape demon was Ape Howl, and it fought equally with Jin Wucheng, the veteran demon hunter.

And he had the blood of Ape Howl given to him by Jin Wucheng in his body.

He closed his eyes and sensed it. Sure enough, the breath of Ape Howl in his body was active, pointing to a direction outside Qingyun City.

At noon the next day, another message came that a demon hunter was found by Cang Niu. Before he died, he hurriedly sent a message for help with his waist badge and disappeared!

On the third day, two people dressed in ordinary clothes left Qingyun City and entered Qingyun Mountain.

"When tracking demons, try not to leak your breath. Once the breath is leaked and sensed by nearby demons, you will immediately change from a hunter to someone else's prey. Track the demon and end the battle as soon as possible..."

Long Xueyi passed on her experience to Wei Fan: "This is your first time to be a demon hunter in the true sense. You must be careful about everything. There are many demons in Qingyun Mountain. This is also my first time to go deep here..."

While talking, Long Xueyi closed her eyes and sensed which of the breaths she collected were active. Soon she had a target: "A white deer of the ninth level of Condensation Pill, about 20 kilometers away from us..."

She identified a direction and began to lead the way. Without using her cultivation, she took Wei Fan through the mountains and forests.

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