Pushing the Martial Arts: Starting from the Tiger Roaring Golden Bell

Chapter 143: You are powerful enough to fight against the three great gods, and you want to compete

Lin Shiqi looked unhappy.

His attitude has always been very low, because he really doesn't want to conflict with the Demon Suppressor. If he fights with the Demon Suppressor, he will destroy the whole family if he loses. If he wins, the trouble will be even greater.

He was ready to bleed a lot.

He even planned to agree to send most of his disciples into the Demon Suppression Division to make up for the manpower lost by the Demon Suppression Division in one battle at a time.

But Wei Fan didn't come to negotiate terms for someone, but to ask Silver Moon Valley to leave Su City.

If you leave Su City and lose all your roots, Silver Moon Valley will still be nothing but Silver Moon Valley.

Wei Fan stared at the past: "Whatever, I'm not here to discuss with you, leave or not, Silver Moon Valley decides for itself. The opportunity is given, it's your business whether to cherish it or not!"

His face was expressionless, and his voice had almost no emotion. To him, it didn't matter whether he left Silver Moon Valley or had to go to Zhenmo Division Hard Steel.

"I, Silver Moon Valley, are just a martial arts sect. Xianyun Yehe is not a member of the yamen, and has no duty to fight against demons. Just because Silver Moon Valley did not help the Demon Suppressing Division, the Demon Suppressing Division forcibly asked us to move out of Su City. It’s too domineering!”

Lin Shiqi looked carefully at Heng Lian Xiantian, whom he met for the first time.

From the first day when I heard that the Demon-Suppressing Division had a Henglian Xiantian, their sects all knew that something bad was going to happen, and they took action to suppress him.

But what they didn't expect was that before they could react, the other party would become a stranger.

And just as they feared, he has now become a serious problem, and his methods are more domineering, ruthless, and even unreasonable than those of Long Jianying and Huo Tianzheng.

Wei Fan shook his head: "The Demon Suppression Division did not force you to leave. You can choose to stay. I will just destroy you in Silver Moon Valley."

Is this human language?

If you don't leave, you will be destroyed. Isn't this called leaving by force?

Long Xueyi couldn't help but said: "Fighting demons is everyone's responsibility. Who told you that Jianghu sects have no responsibility to fight demons?

Is there anything you eat, wear, or use that you don’t get from the people of Sioux City?

Even for your 1,583 disciples in Silver Moon Valley, 90% were found among millions of people.

If you don’t protect the people of Sioux City, what qualifications do you have to continue to take advantage of them? "

Even she was irritated.

If the human race is as selfish as Silver Moon Valley, sooner or later all people in the world will become food for the monsters.

"If you don't protect the human race, what is the use of such a sect?"

"If you think the Jianghu sect has no responsibility to fight against demons, then get out of Sioux City and find someone with responsibility!"

A demon-suppressing guard shouted.

Long Xueyi was not the only one who was angered by Lin Shiqi's words.

These demon-suppressing guards who have been fighting on the front line of demons were also angered by these words.

On the opposite side, Lin Shiqi's expression changed slightly, and even the hatred of these demon-suppressing guards was aroused. After talking for a long time, the matter seemed to be getting more and more difficult: "In this matter, I, Silver Moon Valley, was at fault, but the crime will not lead to death. I can Send the disciples and elders into the Demon Suppression Division to take up the responsibility of protecting the human race and fighting against the demons.”

His voice was hoarse.

Obviously bowing to Wei Fan was still difficult for him to accept.

After all, he and He Taixian were of the same generation. When they reached the divine realm, neither Long Xueyi nor Wei Fan was born yet.

How could it be possible for him to feel better now that he was being held down by two juniors?

It's a pity that even if he lowers his head, the matter will not be revealed.

Wei Fan looked indifferent: "It's too late, who knows if you have colluded with the demons. For many years, few of your disciples from Silver Moon Valley have entered the Demon Suppressing Division. Now that you are willing, the Demon Suppressing Division does not dare to use you.

Ask the group of soldiers behind me who dares to work with the Silver Moon Valley disciples. "

"Don't dare!"

The army behind Wei Fan all roared.

They were not following Wei Fan's trend, but the attitude of Silver Moon Valley during the previous incident in Qingyun City was indeed suspected of colluding with demons. Whoever works with the disciples of Silver Moon Valley is not afraid of being stabbed in the back.

Seeing that it was not possible to bow his head and submit, nor to send his disciples to take on the responsibility of fighting against the demons. The Demon Suppressing Division was determined to drive Silver Moon Valley out of Su City. Lin Shiqi's waist suddenly straightened up, and his aura changed drastically.

"The three major sects will advance and retreat together, and we will make concessions again and again. Unless we are afraid of you, if the Demon Suppression Division wants to force us to leave Su City, then we will all die together!"

As he said these words, two figures emitting the aura of the Divine Realm Martial Sect appeared in the sky above Silver Moon Valley and landed next to Lin Shiqi.

Wei Fan's expression remained unchanged: "You Shunyi, the leader of Qingfeng Sword Sect! Fang Xuanheng, the leader of Tianmen Mountain! You two, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Their actions were not kept secret, and the army was huge along the way. As long as the heads of the three sects had no problem with their brains, they would all understand the intention of the Demon Suppression Division. As long as they were not stupid, they would unite together.

The appearance of Qingfeng Sword Sect leader You Shunyi and Tianmen Mountain leader Fang Xuanheng was not an accident.

Even Wei Fan delayed so much time just to wait for the two people to appear and solve the matter in one fell swoop.

Although Su City is big, for the Divine Realm Martial Sect, no matter where it is, it is like the doorstep. They have never thought that they can defeat the three sects one by one.

You Shunyi looked at Wei Fan carefully and couldn't help shouting, "How brave!"

The two juniors, who had just entered the realm of gods, did not change their expressions when facing the heads of the three major sects. He could not help but praise this calmness.

Fang Xuanheng nodded lightly: "But courage is not strength. Even when Long Jianying was here, he didn't dare to force the three sects like this. You two juniors can't do anything to us."

Long Xueyi couldn't help but yelled: "Don't flatter yourself. When my grandfather was here, you were as obedient as a dog. I didn't touch you at that time because you were obedient."

Everyone knows that when her grandfather was here, Sucheng was peaceful and tranquil.

It's just that her grandfather hasn't appeared for a few years. These people know that something is wrong, so they start to disobey one by one.

The three heads looked unhappy.

Wei Fan's indifferent voice continued: "Since you two are here, I don't have to make two more trips. I will repeat what I said before. Take your people and get out of Sucheng. Go wherever you want.

Whether you want to leave or stay, give me a quick answer!"

The three of them laughed in anger. Lin Shiqi shouted coldly: "Eradicating the three major sects at once, what a courage. Do you really think we dare not kill the leader of the Demon Suppression Division? If you piss us off, we will kill you two. At most, you can hide in the demon territory."

The three didn't expect that with such a huge gap in power, Wei Fan would still be unmoved, as if there were two more martial masters in the God Realm, just like two more ordinary people.

Wei Fan shook his head: "Is this your choice? If you don't cherish the opportunity, then... I'll crush you!"

A glimpse of the sky!

He took the lead and rushed out in a stream of light.

He had given the three major sects the opportunity to move out according to Mr. Huo's request. What the three major sects chose had nothing to do with him.

"How courageous! Do you really think you are invincible just because you have practiced horizontal training?"

Seeing Wei Fan take the lead, Lin Shiqi and the other two showed mockery on their faces.

Who was not a monster among his peers when he was young when he could cultivate to the divine realm? Wei Fan wanted to fight three of them alone, which was simply a humiliation to them.

"You two, let me be the host of the Silver Moon Valley!"

Lin Shiqi took a step forward, and a terrifying aura was steaming all over his body. His palm glowed with silver light and he chopped it out.

In an instant, his palm power turned into a silver moon and shot out, emitting boundless power, as if a silver moon really fell from the sky.


Wei Fan was covered in dazzling purple light and punched the silver moon.

In an instant, silver and purple light splashed and disappeared in an instant, and the power was controlled in a very small range.

Lin Shiqi was worried about hurting the disciples of the Silver Moon Valley behind him, and Wei Fan was also worried about affecting the army behind him, so they didn't let go of their hands and feet to fight.

This confrontation seemed to be evenly matched, but in fact Wei Fan won.

Because he just hit it casually, without using any martial arts, while Lin Shiqi's palm was obviously hit with martial arts.

"Go to a distant battle!"

Lin Shiqi also knew that he couldn't let go of his hands and feet here. If he really wanted to fight with Wei Fan here recklessly, no matter who won or lost, the disciples of the Silver Moon Valley behind him would probably not survive.

He was the first to break through the air, followed by Fang Xuanheng and You Shunyi. Wei Fan broke through the air in one step and followed.

At the same time, Long Xueyi also chased after him.

"Trampling the Silver Moon Valley!"

Seeing that the battle in the God Realm had begun, Chen Qiming shouted and led the army to rush towards the disciples of the Silver Moon Valley.

A few breaths later, Wei Fan caught up with Lin Shiqi and his two companions on a mountain top. The three of them stood in the air, their whole bodies filled with the aura of a master, and the mountains and rivers below were shaken.

"It's still not too late for the Demon Suppression Division to retreat now!"

Lin Shiqi growled, but in fact he still didn't want to really turn against the Demon Suppression Division. After all, it was just a first-class sect, how could it compete with such a behemoth as the Demon Suppression Division.

For them, even if they killed Wei Fan and Long Xueyi, they couldn't really win, and it would only lead to the real terrifying figure of the Demon Suppression Division.

And there was no sign that Long Jianying was dead.

And there was also the old monster Huo Tianzheng. Although the old monster fought with the Green Ox Demon King and the Silver Fox Demon King and both were injured, he could still threaten them if he really fought hard.

Wei Fan and Long Xueyi dared to destroy the three major sects, and they didn't believe that the two had the strength to do so.

"It's too late for you to leave now!"


The impassioned dragon roar sounded, and the dragon-shaped finger swooped down, instantly covering Lin Shiqi and his two companions.

Wei Fan is actually going to fight three people alone!

"You are so arrogant!"

"You two, since he is stubborn and wants to force us to a dead end, there is nothing to say. He rebelled against the Demon Suppression Division and killed the leader of the Demon Suppression Division today!"


You Shunyi slashed out a sword beam, but it was instantly shattered by the Dragon Roar Sky-Breaking Finger. Among the three masters, he was the only one who was only in the early stage of the God Realm.

Facing the finger beam condensed by the Supreme True Power, how could his sword split it? In the end, it was Fang Xuanheng who blasted out a punch to shatter the Dragon Roar Sky-Breaking Finger.

The three of them were all moved.

Henglian Xiantian was indeed a monster. He had just broken through the God Realm. It took the combined efforts of the two masters to shatter a finger beam.

You should know that not far away, there was another monster named Long Xueyi who was not much weaker than Wei Fan.

Two against three, it seemed that they were more likely to lose.

They didn't know that these were all sent out by Wei Fan casually, without even using his soul.

The martial arts that have been refined into the soul, even Master Fu Zheng, who is in the middle stage of the divine realm, can't handle it, how can it be broken so easily.

"You are just like this, if there are only three of you, it's not enough to kill, call your sect beasts together!"

The three major sects all have sect beasts, but they have never appeared.

If they want to take action, Wei Fan naturally hopes to kill them all at once.

He swooped down from the sky, as fast as lightning, and with one punch, he knocked You Shunyi back dozens of meters, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

After practicing Tianpeng Xishen Gong, his potential increased dramatically, the power of his physical body far exceeded before, and it was easier to temper it.

Even if You Shunyi had been in the God Realm for two hundred years, his physical body was not as good as Wei Fan's.

He counterattacked Lin Shiqi with a palm, shattering the silver moon, causing Lin Shiqi to retreat in panic in the void, and then dodged to avoid Fang Xuanheng's sword light.

In an instant, he fought against three God Realm masters, two of whom were in the middle stage of the God Realm, and he was still in the upper hand.

"The horizontal training innate is so terrifying!"

Lin Shiqi and the other two were shocked. The terrifying physical strength actually exceeded their physical bodies that had been tempered for one or two hundred years.

If Wei Fan was allowed to temper for a few hundred more years, his physical body would be so terrifying.

"Don't hold back, both of you. Today, either they die or we die!"

Seeing that Long Xueyi was about to enter the battlefield, Lin Shiqi couldn't help but let out a long howl.


In an instant, a roar came from the deep mountains not far away, and the mountains trembled. Then a huge wolf demon with a white body soared into the sky, bringing up countless boulders.

The guardian beast of the Silver Moon Valley, the Snow Wolf!

"Roar, roar..."

As Fang Xuanheng and You Shunyi also let out long howls, two more beast roars sounded, and a big lion and a big grizzly bear leaped into the sky and ran here quickly.

In an instant, the sky was dark and covered by rolling demonic energy.

They had long been prepared for a big battle, so not only did they come with their own people, but also brought the guardian beasts of the sect.

The three major sects, the sect leaders plus the guardian beasts, six divine realm combat forces, this is their confidence.

When the Divine Sword Sect was still there, there were as many as eight divine realm combat forces.

They dared to neglect the Demon Suppression Division and not take it seriously. It was not without reason that such a force was enough to destroy most county cities.

Even if the demons broke through Qingyun City and rushed straight to Su City, they would not dare to provoke them.

It is true that they have the confidence to say that Long Jianying did not dare to force them too much when he was there.

The disappearance of Long Jianying, the rebellion of Fu Shizheng, and the death of He Taixian, they did not misjudge the situation. The only miscalculation was that Wei Fan, this monster, broke through the God Realm so quickly and turned the tide in Qingyun City.

Lin Shiqi's face was full of murderous intent: "If you don't cherish the opportunity given to you, then don't blame us for killing the genius of the human race."

No matter how talented Henglian Xiantian is, can he still fight one against six?

Besides, the three of them are not the strongest. The real strong ones are the guardian beasts of their respective sects.

Even with Long Xueyi, Wei Fan needs to fight one against five.

If five God Realm warriors who have practiced for at least a hundred years can't beat a God Realm warrior who has only broken through ten days, then they really deserve to die.

You Shunyi turned his wrist, and a divine sword with a green glow appeared in his hand, emitting an infinite sharpness: "Physical strength is only a part of the God Realm. The combat power of the God Realm is mainly the divine weapon."

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