Pushing the Martial Arts: Starting from the Tiger Roaring Golden Bell

Chapter 325: City Lord Marries Daughter, Mass Grave

Not every place in Beidingzhou is filled with outstanding people. In fact, just like the wasteland, there are also relatively "barren" places.

This "barrenness" does not refer to wealth, but to martial arts.

Eight days later, Wei Fan and the others set foot on the boundary of Youshan City. The essence of heaven and earth here was far less rich than that of Tianxing City. It was as if there was a lack of vitality in the air, and there was a depressing atmosphere similar to that of the wasteland, which made the martial arts less obvious.

Warriors would definitely not like such a place.

But for ordinary people, there is no difference between this place and Tianxing City. For ordinary people, it is good to live and work in peace and contentment.

The three of them entered Youshan City all the way, and the martial arts here was indeed not prosperous.

It is difficult to see a strong martial artist in the bad streets of Tianxing City here. Divine realm martial arts are rare. The mainstream is Zhenqi martial artist. Heavenly and human martial masters are rare, and there are even people who have no cultivation at all.

Logically speaking, given the popularity of martial arts in the five major domains, there shouldn't be anyone who doesn't know the slightest bit of martial arts.

Even if the martial arts in Youshan City is not obvious, it will only have an impact at the level of the King of Martial Arts. For warriors in the Zhenqi realm, the training environment here will not have a great impact on them. They will not be able to get started with Zhenqi after practicing for decades.

"The Demon Hunter organization cannot protect all races in all aspects. In some remote and barren places, practicing martial arts is safer than not practicing martial arts!"

As if seeing Wei Fan's doubts, Zhihua explained: "Places that the demon hunter organization cannot touch means that demons are more rampant and more dangerous."

So shouldn’t it be about practicing martial arts to become stronger?

It stands to reason that in a place like this, without the protection of the demon hunter organization and relying solely on the conscience of the city lord and nearby forces, the best way is to become stronger.

Feng Hua shook his head: "What you said makes sense, but you take it too much for granted. Not everyone is as evil as you and can achieve results through cultivation.

In barren, backward, and unsafe places, the people's experience accumulated over countless years is that it is safer not to practice than to practice, unless you can become strong.

If they cannot become strong, cultivation for them will only become the favorite food of demons because of their strong blood.

Think about it, when those demons want to eat people, do they prey on strong-blooded people or ordinary people? "

Wei Fan nodded. He only looked at the problem as a human being, but ignored the monsters.

For ordinary people, if they can't achieve any results through cultivation and just gain some physical strength, they are really trying their best to become something that monsters like to eat.

In this case, it is better to practice martial arts than not to practice, and it is safer not to practice.

The three of them were not in a hurry to check the places where the population had disappeared. They planned to inquire about the information first. Demon Saints did not know how many places there were in the Five Domains. Various taboos existed and there were many strange things.

The three of them entered a large restaurant in the city and sat down to eat while collecting news. Soon after they sat down, someone began to discuss the disappearance of people in the village.

"This is already the fourth village. What kind of monster did it?"

Someone said, looking worried.

The expressions of Wei Fan and the other three people all darkened. During the time they arrived, people from two more villages disappeared without a trace.

"Where are our knights in Youshan City? Why didn't anyone investigate this matter?" Someone asked in confusion.

"How could it not be possible? Li Canyun, the iron sword scholar in Lijiazhuang, and Li Daxia, rushed to investigate the problem in the first village on the same day. Don't you know? The second village that disappeared was Lijiazhuang."

"Some people say that this is the demon's revenge on the iron sword scholar Li Canyun, so many people are frightened. If their cultivation is not as good as that of the hero Li Canyun, it will only bring disaster to their families!"

"The city lord doesn't care about this matter. If he asks for help from outside, there will definitely be a strong person to solve this matter."

"The city lord is busy getting married, so he has no time to pay attention to these things. In recent years, the city lord has not cared about the life and death of the people outside the city. There are fewer and fewer people in Youshan City."

After listening for a long time, Wei Fan and the others did not hear anything very useful.

Wei Fan greeted: "Boy, give these eldest brothers a pot of spiritual wine on the table. It's mine."

He pointed at the people he was talking to, and they all looked at Wei Fan in surprise: "Brother, what do you mean?"

Wei Fan cupped his hands and said, "Brothers and younger brothers, I would like to ask, what kind of cultivation level are you talking about, Li Canyun and Hero Li?"

When several people saw this, they probably understood that Wei Fan was also a member of the martial arts world, and they immediately clasped their fists and said, "Little brother, he is from outside. To be honest, little brother, Hero Li Canyun is the first level of Martial King, ranking among the top ten in Youshan City. Strong."

Martial King First Level, ranked in the top ten...

Wei Fan was stunned for a moment. The situation here was only better than in the wasteland.

Having seen the scene where the Martial Lords of Tianxing City were everywhere and the Martial King was no better than a dog, he couldn't adapt to the situation in Youshan City for a while.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no geniuses here. It is estimated that every genius has left here and been taken away by those big cities or sects with prosperous martial arts, leaving this originally barren place with few strong people.

In fact, it is estimated that Youshan City is the norm in most places in Beiding Continent. Those who are capable will probably go to places like Tianxing City. Just like him, when he became strong, he left the wasteland and pursued the five major domains where martial arts were more prosperous.

"I would also like to know about those villages where the population has disappeared. Did the people who went to check find any abnormalities?"

Wei Fan spoke again.

It's a pity that these people don't know much about it. After the accident happened in Lijiazhuang, many people didn't dare to go to the village where the accident happened.

Although these people all have cultivation bases, they are only heavenly martial arts masters, and they don't dare to get involved in something that even killed King Wu.

After asking a few more questions but still getting no useful information, Wei Fan and the others finished their meal and walked towards the last village where the accident occurred.

Half an hour later, a silent village appeared in the sight of the three people.

Rows of neat houses were located at the foot of a mountain, but there was no sign of anyone. The three of them walked into the village and used the magic of gathering energy to find monsters, but nothing was collected.

"Isn't it caused by demons?" Wei Fan frowned.

Or maybe after the demon lured the person away, he took action to wipe away all his breath bit by bit.

The three of them checked the houses one by one and found that all the houses were intact and no traces of damage were left.

And according to previous inquiries, there are no powerful demons near Youshan City.

The three of them separated and began to investigate one by one with strong minds.

An hour or two later, the three people had scanned the hundred-mile radius of Youshan City with their minds, but still no problem was found.

"No, there are still places that I haven't scanned yet!" Wei Fan said.

Fenghua frowned: "You mean in the city?"

Wei Fan nodded: "In addition to the city, there are also those places covered by the formation. It is unlikely that so many people will enter the city."

Although there are no powerful people in Youshan City, there are still quite a few forces with King Wu sitting in charge.

When they scanned the surroundings, they were worried about causing misunderstandings, so they avoided the forces outside the city that were enveloped by King Wu's formation.

“Go check out these places!”

If they can't find the problem, then they can only adopt the stupid method of waiting and waiting for the mastermind to appear again.

"We don't know this person, so if we come to the door so rashly, won't we alert him?" Zhihua frowned.

Fenghua also looked at Wei Fan. Even if they came to visit politely one by one, they might not open the formation and let them in.

"I know a little about the formation!" Wei Fan said.

Soon Feng Hua and Zhi Hua understood what Wei Fan meant by the "Luke Tong Formation". He easily opened a hole in the first King of Martial Formation without alerting anyone at all.

Moreover, with just a cup of tea, Wei Fan understood this force's mountain-protecting formation and cracked it open.

"Is this what you call Luetong?"

Zhihua and Fenghua were both dumbfounded. Although the strong warriors of the King of Martial Arts were required to practice formations, they were not really familiar with them and could only arrange some formations to enhance the power of the divine weapons.

They don't even have the ability to set up a mountain-protecting formation like this, let alone crack it.

Wei Fan's attainments in this formation can be called a master.

The speed of cultivation is already so fast, it is hard to imagine where Wei Fan has the time to understand the formation.

"That's not the point!"

Wei Fan shook his head, and the three of them gathered their breath and entered the formation to check the forces up and down, but found no problems.

"Let's go directly to the three strongest families. The other Martial King forces should not be able to destroy Li Family Village silently."

After coming out of here, Wei Fan and the others planned to check out the three strongest forces in Youshan City.

Li Canyun has the strength of the first level of the Martial King. To kill him silently is not something that ordinary Martial King can do. At the very least, it requires a strong person of the fourth or fifth level of the Martial King.

The three of them quickly arrived at the nearest Zhong’s house!

The Zhong family was built on a mountainside, but King Wu's formation shrouded several surrounding mountains.

According to the introductions of several people before, the Zhong family has a strong man at the sixth level of the Martial King.

"There's something wrong with this formation!"

Before he even got close, Wei Fan discovered that the Zhong family's formation was abnormal.

Logically speaking, this kind of mountain-protecting formation is generally focused on defense, followed by attack, and finally gathering the essence of heaven and earth.

However, the main purpose of the Zhong family's formation was to cover up the aura. From a distance, the Zhong family was shrouded in heavy fog, and everything was covered up.

"Can you untie it quietly?" Feng Hua said.

Wei Fan nodded: "It's not a big problem, just spend more time and be careful. There may be a problem here."

The three of them circled around the Zhong family's formation, and Wei Fan sat down again to deduce carefully for a while, and soon opened an opening in a hidden place.

"It stinks!"

As soon as the three people entered the formation, they immediately smelled an unpleasant stench that made people feel sick.

"This is the smell of corpses!" Zhihua's eyes flashed coldly: "Is there a mass grave here?"

This is not the stench of dead mice like that of demons, but the corpse stench of decomposing human bodies. It is hard to imagine how many people must have died in such a vast area of ​​the Zhong family for this unpleasant corpse stench to pervade everywhere.

Wei Fan opened his eyes to look at the magic spell, and his eyes immediately turned into darkness. He saw a burst of black smoke rising into the sky on the mountain peak where the Zhong family was located. The thick black smoke was pouring out from there.

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