"We caught a petty thief, don't worry about it!"

The noise of Wei Fan and Han Qian fighting had alarmed the neighbors. Someone opened the door and asked Wei Fan if he needed help, but he persuaded him to go back.

He looked down at Han Qian who was restrained and said, "Don't you want to tell me? You want me to make you unhappy!"

Han Qian's expression changed, and the next moment he felt a piercing pain in his hand, which made his expression distorted.

It turned out that Wei Fan had crushed one of his fingers, and the blood and flesh were blurred.

Han Qian gritted his teeth and said, "I admit defeat, and someone will get this blood debt back for me sooner or later!"

He was also tough, and he didn't shout even when his fingers were crushed.


Seeing this, Wei Fan crushed the remaining fingers of Han Qian: "You still have one last chance!"

Han Qian's expression was distorted with pain, and he was sweating all over from the pain, but he still didn't say anything.

"You're still so stubborn, so I'll send you on your way!"

Han Qian didn't say anything even at this point. Wei Fan knew that he probably couldn't get anything useful out of him, so he immediately crushed Han Qian's neck.

[Kill Han Qian and gain 40 years of power]

[Current power: 331 years]

The accumulated power has exceeded 300!

Wei Fan began to search the body. After a while, he found that except for some money, there were no useful clues on Han Qian's body.

"Forget it, unless those people don't avenge him, they will know who wants to kill me sooner or later."

Wei Fan went over and picked up Han Qian's flying sword.

The material of this sword is very good. Although it didn't hurt him, under the huge force of 100,000 pounds of his single arm, the sword didn't break, and even didn't curl.

"Cold Moon Sword?!"

He looked carefully and found that this sword actually had a name. The two small words "Cold Moon" were engraved on the handle.

"You will be my saber from now on!"

He drew out the saber he had just received and touched it with the Lengyue sword, which instantly cut a gap.

He asked a few night patrol officers to take away Han Qian's body, and Wei Fan went home to sleep.


Early in the morning, Wei Fan entered the class room with a saber on his waist.

"Captain Wei!"

"Hello, Lord Wei!"

Facing the people who greeted him, Wei Fan nodded one by one and walked to his seat to sit down.

After sitting for a while, the squad leader Luo Wen appeared.

"The identity of Han Qian who assassinated you last night has been revealed!"

Luo Wen just sat down. He was still sleeping last night. He came to deal with it overnight after hearing that Wei Fan was assassinated. Now he has found out some things: "It is because you, Wei Fan, were assassinated that the people in the city are so active in identifying the body.

Someone just came to report that Han Qian came to Yuncheng yesterday and brought two people into the City Lord's Mansion. After that, the two took the bodies of the City Lord and the Second Young Master and left Yuncheng.

This matter should be related to the death of the City Lord."

The City Lord?

The city lord was killed by the demons, so it's his fault.

Luo Wen continued: "I checked, the city lord's hometown is in Sucheng, you should be more careful in the future, he is dead, and there is no way to investigate later."

Wei Fan nodded, knowing what his origin was.

After going to Sucheng, he will check Han Qian's background.

"By the way, is there no news about the new city lord?"

That is to say, he has swept away the monsters in Yuncheng with force, otherwise the city lord will die and Yuncheng will be in chaos.

Luo Wen said: "Sucheng has been notified. The new city lord should take office within seven or eight days. By then, with your merits, no captain will be able to escape."

Wei Fan shook his head. Luo Wen didn't know that he was about to enter the Demon Suppression Division.

How could a small captain in Yuncheng be as majestic as the Demon Suppression Division.

A day passed quickly. After work, they had a meal in the restaurant. Seeing the captain changed his clothes, Wei Fan joined Ning Xuan and Su Xuerong and rushed to the Black Wind Village.

The nest of Black Wind Village is located in a steep mountain outside Yuncheng. It is independent on a steep mountainside.

When Wei Fan and the other two arrived here, the sky was already slightly dark.

"This terrain is not easy to sneak into the village quietly. It is said that killing the crocodile monster will be enough, but with this posture, there is no chance to kill the crocodile monster except for a strong attack."

Looking at the terrain around Black Wind Village, Ning Xuan frowned.

Even if they can sneak into Black Wind Village quietly, how can they not alert others when they fight with the crocodile monster.

"There should be a chance to sneak into the village at night. At that time, you two can protect yourselves, and leave the rest to me!"

Wei Fan looked for a long time and found that there was no possibility of killing the crocodile monster alone except for the head-on confrontation with all the bandits in Black Wind Village.

"Then I'll trouble Brother Wei!"

The three found two hidden places to sit down and recuperate. Time soon came to late at night.

At this time, the people patrolling the Black Wind Village began to relax and were not as serious as before.

"Change of post, now!"

When they found that the patrolman was missing at a certain moment, the three of them started to move, climbing up along a hidden cliff and successfully entered the mountain village.

Although this is a platform on the mountainside, it is extremely vast, with many houses built and even a training ground.

"You stay here, I will catch someone to ask where the crocodile monster is. If there is any danger, you can come to help me!"

After discussing with Su Xuerong and Ning Xuan, Wei Fan disappeared in the dark night and quickly caught a patrolling minion.

"Tell me where your boss's room is, I will spare your life. Don't shout, I can kill you before you shout!"

Wei Fan let go of his hand.

The little minion was terrified, but did not shout out, instead he pointed in a direction to Wei Fan.

"Don't kill me, the boss is there!"

"Now you take a nap!"

He knocked the little minion unconscious with a slap, but did not kill him.

Although the other party was a bandit, the panel did not respond to the little minion, which means that he did almost nothing bad.

In fact, except for a few people who were really bad, most people in Heifeng Village were forced to go up the mountain to become bandits because the people down there could not survive.

If they really wanted to have food and clothes, not many people would be willing to go up the mountain to become bandits.

Taking advantage of the cover of the night, Wei Fan turned into a wisp of green smoke and floated towards the room pointed by the little minion.


As soon as he approached the room, a deep bell sounded.


Wei Fan frowned and stopped.

Then, torches lit up from all directions, and dozens of crossbowmen appeared in an instant, surrounding him heavily.

"Haha... Wei Fan, you are finally here. Are you satisfied with my gift?"

The room opened and a sturdy man walked out.

He had a full beard, but like the crocodile monster that Wei Fan killed, he had a big bald head, and his hands and feet were generally short and thick, which was very uncoordinated.

[Crocodile monster: fourth level in the real realm, the leader of the Black Wind Village, who has eaten more than a hundred people]

[Kill it and you will gain 160 years of power]

Wei Fan's mouth twitched.

I used to praise the terrifying intelligence of the Demon Suppression Division, but now it seems that it is just that.

The guide said that the leader of the Black Wind Village was only a third level demon in the real realm, but the panel showed that he was a fourth level. If he hadn't participated in it, Ning Xuan and Su Xuerong might have been tricked to death.

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