Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 194: Expose An An's true identity?

Although An Yi returned to normal, she still did not give up the goal of "Sky Cup". She suffocated her energy and wanted to surprise her brother.

However, she still underestimated Anri’s observation ability. It didn’t take long for Anri to figure out his sister’s purpose and thoughts. He was very moved by this and blamed himself even more. It turned out that he was the culprit that caused his sister’s exhaustion. what!

Because he knows that his sister himself is not very interested in what awards he has won, but he likes to see his sister win awards, and he is very familiar with the "Sky Cup" in early July. This painting competition is indeed very famous. Big.

His company's video website is also preparing to cooperate with this painting competition, hoping to live broadcast this highly concerned painting competition like a TV station.

My sister is going to participate in the competition and win prizes. Besides making him happy, what other reasons are there?

Such a sister can only make him sigh. This unconscious sister is indeed a deeply hidden arrogant girl. She obviously cares about his brother, but she insists on making some troubles on weekdays, which makes him very distressed. And his sister's self-reliance is something he has been very worried about. If this continues, wouldn't he have to take care of his sister for a lifetime?

Hey...I really don't worry about my sister!

In any case, the younger sister still cares about his brother in her bones, which makes Anri feel happy.

An Li is not going to expose his sister's careful thoughts, but he wants to help her sister secretly so that her sister can win the only gold award in the "Sky Cup" as he wishes.

Then when his sister surprises him, he will pretend to be a big surprise. In this way, his sister will be very happy.

And to win this "Sky Cup", the sister's strength will certainly not have any problems, and her luck will certainly not be bad. The shortcomings are her qualifications, connections and popularity.

In terms of contacts, An Li would like to ask An Yi's former mentor Xu Liyong. Then he himself will use his influence to influence those judges, but it is not necessary for them to favor Anyi, but hope that they can judge more fairly.

As for qualifications, it is the biggest shortcoming of Anyi, because she has disappeared from the traditional painting world for too long. Apart from the awards won as a child, there is actually only one high school student drawing competition award. Seriously, this Qualified painters to participate in the "Sky Cup" are like cannon fodder.

Anritsu set his sights on "popularity." But I was thinking about how to build momentum for my sister before she went to participate in the "Sky Cup".

The easiest way is undoubtedly to announce the identity of teacher An Yi Na An An, and An Yi is also the mysterious voice actor who dubbed "An An" in "An An's Daily Life".

Due to An Yi's recent full preparations for the "Sky Cup", the progress of her comics has been completely stopped, but there is no archive. That is, "An'an's Daily Life" and "Haruhi Suzumiya Series", these two works are loved by the majority of otaku.

Therefore, the publication of these two works has been temporarily suspended, which undoubtedly makes many otaku who follow these two comics deeply resentful. After "An'an Dafa is Good" has gradually become popular, many otaku have become uncomfortable without watching "An'an's Daily". It is clearly just a four-frame comic with a simple running account, but it just makes people want to stop.

And "Haruhi Suzumiya Series" is a work that makes people very look forward to. Not only does it have an open mind and full of cuteness, but it is also full of suspense. Everyone is waiting to see what kind of story the teacher An An will draw next. As a result, when the plot became more and more exciting, it broke!

This kind of thing is really uncomfortable, especially since Mr. An An didn’t even say any reason. He was so cold that "the issue was closed without explanation". It would be okay if the issue was closed, but if it was abandoned directly, then it would be finished. NS!

All of this has caused the majority of otaku readers to start spontaneously exploring the identity of Teacher An An.

The famous writer Ou He, who was rumored to have a close relationship with Teacher An An, was spotted by these dead houses. They came to Ou He's blog and left a lot of messages, hoping that Ou He could reveal more information about Teacher An An.

Many of the people who left messages were the group owners of the An An qq fan group. They hoped that after reaching Teacher An An’s QQ account, they would be able to pull Teacher An An into their fan group, so that they could get in touch with Teacher An An at close range. You can also urge her to change...

However, the famous writer Ou He was completely unmoved. He and Anyi had a year-end relationship, so how could he sell a friend like Anyi?

The magazine "This Time" he founded recently seems to have reached a bottleneck in sales. He doesn't care about sales very much, but as the editor-in-chief of a magazine, who doesn't want the sales of his magazine to be higher, and the sales are higher, It means that he thinks that this "artistic" magazine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can influence more people.

Ou He is different from those traditional writers who completely despise commercial literature. He believes that only when literature is combined with commerce can it have strong vitality and become a real classic. Otherwise, it will be too much literature and literature and art works with too few readers. What's the point?

As an "An An teacher", An Yi has been so strong recently that he is already ready to ask An Yi for a manuscript. Of course, he does not want An Yi to draw cartoons or illustrations for his magazines, but hope that An Yi can draw her. The poetry picture book similar to "Asuka" was published in his magazine.

Regardless of whether this picture book of poetry has the level of "Asuka", Ou He believes that her reputation can make the sales of "This Time" soar.

It can be seen that Teacher An An is indeed in a hot state. Even Ou He, a famous writer, wants to ask An Yi for help.

It’s no wonder that Anri, the overbearing president, wants to make his sister’s identity public, and it will surely cause a huge wave of waves. At that time, her sister will bring such a terrifying popularity to participate in the "Sky Cup", and so, In the audience SMS voting session, that sister will definitely win without any suspense!

An Li has never underestimated the attraction of "Ms. An An" to those dead houses. To be honest, he even likes to watch a few episodes of "An An's Daily Life" to feel the warmth of being healed. By the way, my sister's cute voice is really cute. awesome! The voice is high!

So, should he secretly expose his sister's identity?


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