Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 394: Brother and sister

When An Yi saw that her bib message was maxed out by fans, she was on a spring outing with her classmates. This should be regarded as the last large-scale event organized by the school before the college entrance examination in June. It aims to relax the mind and body of the classmates. Adjust everyone's status.

There are so many roads to travel this spring outing, which can be regarded as a stretch. This is a pain for An Yi, a delicate girl who has not been very physically strong. Fortunately, Qi Yujing, the "sister-in-law" takes care of her. Otherwise, Anyi doesn't know if she can reach her destination.

This destination is undoubtedly the outskirts. The native population of Greater China in this world is not so dense. After all, the territory and colonies are so vast, so in addition to the big cities, the scenery on the outskirts of the city is really great, and the environmental protection is excellent. It can be called a beautiful landscape.

This place is just an unknown small mountain river in Greater China, but there is a very beautiful waterfall. It has not been developed into a scenic spot. There are very few tourists. At this moment, it has been occupied by the teachers and students of the High School Affiliated to Shenzhen University. Get close to nature, relax your mind, reduce your burden, and strive to achieve excellent results in the college entrance examination more than a month later.

At this time, An Yi was very tired sitting on a flat rock, lowering her head to play with her specially-designed Apple mobile phone, whose performance is obviously better than that of the Apple mobile phones on the market. After all, she is the "father of Apple mobile phones" Anri's relatives. Sister, of course can enjoy a different treatment.

Qi Yujing, who was on the side, was slicing the peeled apple into slices and then sending them to Anyi's mouth. It can be said that she took care of Anyi in every possible way.

Anyi relies on her brother Anli at home, and sticks to her "sister-in-law" at school, because they always can't resist An Yi's coquettish offensive and willingly take care of this lovely sister.

Anyi’s lazy cancer is obviously what these two are used to...

Since An Yi's reputation has become more and more popular, there are many people on campus who come to find An Yi to take photos, or want An Yi to take pictures together, but Qi Yijing, a majestic sister, is present. All these requirements have been met. Qi Yujing refused unceremoniously, because she didn't care about her image.

It is precisely because of this that Qi Yujing, the former student president of the school’s post bar, was horribly blacked by some people, but An Yi has become a pure and flawless white lotus. Everyone feels that they are always safe. Quiet, she is very gentle and kind, but it is a pity that the girlfriends she has made are really terrible. Qi Yujing has almost been hacked into a "male enemy". Everyone thinks that her evil witch has imprisoned the beautiful princess An Yi... …

Qi Yujing doesn’t care about what’s right or wrong on the Internet. In fact, as the president of the "Light Bulb Society" and the company’s female president, she was praised as a goddess by a bunch of dead houses, and she was also nicknamed "My Lady Queen." The pervert even hopes to be trampled on by the "Master Queen". Qi Yejing, who has experienced such a big scene, is not guilty of any black her remarks. There is a list of stupid boys in the school, and there is not even one who can fight!

Now Qi Yujing is very satisfied with her life. The sister in the family is too sensible. Although she is also very cute and capable, she can't enjoy the feeling of being a sister. On the contrary, An Yi has changed. Her destiny's friend, Qi Yujing feels great, this is the sister in her mind.

This sister Anyi always calls her "sister-in-law", and she likes to hold her with everything in school. Sometimes she is confused and cute, which makes people feel pity. The most important thing is that sister Anyi is always so unreserved. I trust her and rely on her. Whenever she does something for Sister An Yi, she can enjoy Sister An Yi’s adoring gaze. Such a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, not to mention how refreshing it is!

In any case, although An Yi is extremely poor in self-care skills, she opens her mouth when she eats and stretches out her hands with her clothes, but she is indeed talented. She can paint the most beautiful paintings in the world, and she can also write the most moving poems. She is still famous. A great "national sister", she is also a top cartoonist and has created many cartoons that have swept the Greater China. Her achievements now make people look up to...

When such a legendary girl looks at you with admiring eyes, and even depends on you, how can it not make people feel fulfilled?

Qi Yujing feels that if she is a man, she will definitely love An Yi even more. As a girl, she will sometimes be a little jealous of An Yi’s beauty and talent, but if she is a man, she will only treat her wholeheartedly. Well, let her live a happy life without worries and happily forever.

Speaking of it, Qi Yujing suddenly found that she really didn’t know An Yi’s family status. She only knew that An Yi was an orphan, and both of her parents had died, but she didn’t know if she had any other relatives, and she didn’t say anything about her. Yi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Because she was afraid to evoke An Yi’s sadness, she learned from Lin Qingnuo that An Yi was so sad because of the death of her parents that she even gave up painting...

If Anyi has no relatives, then as the "sister", she will become the only relative of Sister Anyi. In this way, it seems that Anyi belongs to her alone? Thinking about it, there is still a little excitement...Looking at An Yi's beautiful profile, watching her eat the apple that she had cut for her, Qi Yujing showed a warm smile.

However, An Yi was very troubled at this time. She still doesn't know why her "national sister" bib was maxed out by fans who complained about breaking through the sky. She opened the browser that came with her phone. This Apple phone is self-explanatory. The browser that comes with it, of course, won’t have a bad user experience like the other world, but a browser that is very suitable for Chinese users like uc browser and qq browser. The homepage also pushes news, which is very convenient for users who like to watch news. Sometimes there will be some welfare-oriented cosplay pictures, **** pictures and so on.

Therefore, this built-in browser directly makes other companies that want to be mobile browsers have no way to survive. It can only be said that Anritsu is too powerful, and even the mobile Internet does not give others any chance.

And this built-in browser, of course, can also directly read novels and comics, but of course you have to pay. This will undoubtedly open up new income channels for novels and comics authors. As long as they are authors with a bit of vision, they will obviously I chose to create on the station and comics website under the Ping An Technology Group, because its channels are indeed very wide.

An Yi directly used the Baidu that comes with her browser, only to find that she was on the Baidu search list again. The keywords were "national school flowers", "an Yi campus style clear big picture" and other words, she suddenly realized. (To be continued.)

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