Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 447: Teacher An'an is preparing to cheat people...

   Ke Qingyun almost finished a full twelve words in one breath, during which time he never moved his eyes away from the computer!

The plot that made him feel extremely enjoyable was Lulu Xiu's use of "justice". If he is the protagonist of other comics, he is often inherently righteous. They agree with justice from the bottom of their hearts and seek justice. , It looks very magnificent.

   However, Lu Lu Xiu sneered at "justice" completely. Compared to justice, he believed more in the power that he could control.

However, he used his Black Knights, which was clearly a resistance organization and terrorist organization, and disguised it as a just face by fighting drugs and punishing corrupt officials, and then gained the hearts and minds of the 11 districts. , Let more people who don’t know the truth get on his chariot as his chess pieces and cannon fodder.

   He promoted his Black Knights as the savior who helped the 11th district get rid of the colonial status. In fact, he only used the Black Knights to satisfy his selfish desires—that is, to avenge the emperor's father and create a happy world for his sister Nanali.

Such an approach really makes Ke Qingyun look too enjoyable. How about Teacher An’s protagonist has a villain boss style, because this kind of "justice" is used to deceive the people and treat them as pawns and cannon fodder for their own revenge. , Such a style, where is the style of the decent protagonist?

   If other cartoonists are allowed to draw, the protagonist will definitely be packaged as a magnificent character. Even if he forms the Black Knights, it is estimated that he really wants to serve the public. The protagonist really believes in the so-called justice.

   Ke Lulu Xiu, the black prince, doesn't believe in justice at all. He just regards other protagonists as a code of conduct and turns them into tools for his own use. He doesn't care about these at all. He really does nothing to achieve his goal.

   This kind of practice instantly elevated Lulu Xiu's compulsion, making all readers who have anti-traditional and anti-routines in their hearts feel very novel, and then developed a strong interest in this work!

   With the style of Lulu Xiu, Ke Qingyun had already settled on this comic, and decided to pay for the book collection after the comic was over, because he liked this black-bellied protagonist who took an unusual way too much.

   Ke Qingyun is now scared. Teacher An An will habitually suspend the publication, and he will still play the suspending publication during sex. Then he guesses he really wants to send the blade...

Of course, in the works, there is also something that makes Ke Qingyun feel sore. Lelouch has a good friend named Rotten Wood Suzaku. The existence of this guy is simply a **** stick. If it weren't for him, then Some of Lulu Xiu's calculations and combat operations will be more complete, but this shit-chucking stick always jumps out to stir the **** at critical times, which makes people sick.

But Ke Qingyun had to admit that Lelouch and Suzaku, the playmates who grew up together, really have a deep relationship. Lelouch can use other people as pawns by any means, but he can’t treat them like that. Suzaku, he is always soft on Suzaku.

What made Ke Qingyun feel speechless was that Zhuque, a native of District 11, ideally wanted to make reforms after gaining power within the imperial system, and then create a better world. He resisted surrender, and even killed his own prime minister's father...this man is simply a traitor!

There is no doubt that the character of Suzaku is too controversial. Many readers feel that the appearance of this character proves that An An’s literary and youthful illness is still not cured. She can clearly draw a delightful, enjoyable, and hearty drawing. Comics, for example, Lelouch’s wonderful high IQ battles crushing opponents’ command mechas, like a super chess player in control of a chessboard, hitting his Valkyrie Sister in the face, not to mention how enjoyable the plot is. She instead arranged for Suzaku to drive the super mech Lancelot out to play "Destroy Skills with Force".

   If Lulu Xiu is a commanding talent with high IQ and poor physical strength, then Suzaku is a natural warrior with a thief in his armour. In martial arts novels, he is a super master, who can never be brave.

Many readers have predicted that even though Lelouch and Suzaku still don’t know that they are already in hostile forces, one day the truth will be revealed. At that time, this pair of good brothers and sisters will love each other and kill each other. Woolen cloth?

You know, the road that Lelouch wants to take is completely different from that of Suzaku. Suzaku wants to play with reforms within the system, while Lelouch wants to engage in a violent revolution, to overthrow the "tyranny" of the empire, and kill the emperor's father. , Revenge for the mother, create a happy and beautiful world for the sister.

   This one is a reformist and the other is a revolutionary. The differences are too great. Interestingly, the reformist is a native of the 11th district colony, while the revolutionary is the prince of the empire.

   This dramatic arrangement has made many readers hooked. They only feel that they are more looking forward to the development of the next plot, but they can't be caught off guard. Finally, in the 12th chapter, Teacher An An is habitually poisoning again.

   It is clear that in Chapter 12, it is a romantic plot of Lu Lu Xiu and Xia Li kissing in the rain. Why is it said that Teacher An An was poisoned?

That’s because Xia Li still didn’t know that her father had already died in the battle of Narita, and this Narita offensive and defensive battle was a large-scale battle planned by Lulu Xiu, that is to say, Lulu. Xiu was the indirect murderer who killed Xia Li's father...

The readers guessed that Mr. An An might use such a plot to express the cruelty of the war, but they almost expected that there would be no good results between Lulu Xiu and Xia Li, and they were obviously about to come together. what!

"Ms. An An is taking revenge on the society! I think she is full of resentment towards lovers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now she draws the kiss between Lelouch and Xia Li so romantically, it seems to us The readers are sugary, but I see, within these three words, Xia Li, a cute girl, must be surprised. Don't forget, the guy who created the fff group is also the teacher An An!"

When Ke Qingyun saw this post in the book review area, it seemed very popular. He couldn't help but replied: "No? I think Xia Li, a girl with a very good appearance, body and personality, is really a good match for Lu Lu Xiu. Is Teacher An An really so cruel?"

"Is the one upstairs who just entered the pit of Mr. An An’s work? With Mr. An An’s urine, I think Xia Li would be very gentle to us readers... Of course, I’m my sister party. I don't care about Xia Li, as long as Lulu Xiu and Nana Li are together, I will be satisfied!"

When Ke Qingyun saw this reply, he couldn't help feeling tight. In fact, he is really not a reader who has thoroughly studied the works of An An. He basically took a look at many of An An's works. He was a little depressed. They have been evaded in advance, and now seeing a certain old reader swear so swearly, I suddenly feel lost.

   But he still wants to watch the next content... because the storyline is so exciting and exciting!

   There is no doubt that some readers who "are not afraid to speculate on Teacher An'an with the greatest malice", God has predicted!

   Teacher An An has tricked readers again! (To be continued.)

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