Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 1006 Him? !

As his skills were abolished, Chu Nan Gong's energy and spirit were extremely depressed. If he were not still breathing, he would feel like a dead person.

After all, he is too old. His skills are all condensed with energy and spirit. Now that he has been transformed by Zhao Gao, there is even more poison left in his body. Even if he is still alive at this moment, his time is running out. His trembling appearance, if Wu Liu Sword Slave helped him, and he was already paralyzed on the ground, extremely weak.

Zhao Gao took Six Sword Slaves and brought Duke Nan of Chu to Luo Yan.

"If you had cooperated from the beginning, why would you have gone through this trouble?"

Luo Yan looked at the weak Chu Nan Gong at this moment, sighed softly, and spoke slowly with a bit of compassion.


When Chu Nan Gong heard what Luo Yan said, he smiled bitterly and couldn't help but cursed in his heart: He is really a sinister boy. He clearly wants to attack him, but he talks about being benevolent, righteous and moral.

Can't he see clearly at this moment?

Regardless of whether he cooperates or not, the boy in front of him will not keep him. It is estimated that he met Donghuang Taiyi that day, and this news reached his ears, and the other party has already made plans for today.

I had calculated everything, but in the end I didn't expect that the other party would hollow out the entire Yin Yang family.

At this moment, Chu Nan Gong was very curious as to whether Donghuang Taiyi had expected this. If not, it would have really led a wolf into the house, and the future might be even more interesting.

This is the real variable.

Chu Nanggong shook his head, his eyelids drooped, as if he didn't even have the strength to open his eyes. He stood tremblingly, barely using a cane to maintain his last dignity, and said in an extremely old voice: "Hey, I don't know if Donghuang Taiyi Do you know all this? If you don’t know, that’s it. If you know..."

At the end of the sentence, Chu Nan Gong laughed to himself.

If Donghuang Taiyi knew that Luo Yan had hollowed out the Yin Yang family, he would seem to have become a clown.

"That's all, this old man's life is short. His whole life's calculations are all in vain. It's ridiculous~"

As he spoke, he trembled with a hand and took out a simple bamboo slip from his arms. The bamboo slip was made of an unknown material, just like jade, and it was bound with gold wire. The material alone gave people such a feeling. The feeling of something extraordinary.

When Star Soul, Moon God, Zhao Gao and others saw this object, their eyes flickered, and they had some guesses in their hearts.

"The Yellow Stone Heavenly Book, I didn't expect this thing to be in the hands of this old guy."

A flash of greed flashed in Xinghun's eyes. It was not that he had a bad character, but that the value of this object was not much lower than the secret of Canglong Qisu, because its first owner was Emperor Xuanyuan. According to legend, Emperor Xuanyuan passed through After understanding the secrets in the Yellow Stone Heavenly Book, he gained magical power and defeated Chi You.

The second master was Jiang Ziya. His attainment of enlightenment in Qishan was related to the Yellowstone Heavenly Book.

No matter which one of them is a mythical figure, they control inexplicable power.

This object is even related to Canglong Qisu.

It can be seen.

"This thing is the Yellow Stone Heavenly Book. The old man has a dull aptitude. After studying it for decades, he can only understand one or two. Now this thing is useless in the old man's hands, so he gave it to King Yueyang. It also has a great connection with Canglong Qisu. If we can understand the connection between Canglong Qisu, we may be able to understand the true meaning of this book."

A flash of curiosity flashed in Luo Yan's eyes. He reached out to take it, and then pulled it open, revealing the simple words inside. There were not many, hundreds of words, all in so-called oracle bone inscriptions. He couldn't understand a single word, so he could only rely on Guess.

With just one glance, Luo Yan knew that this thing had no connection with him, but he could take it back and show it to Xiao Li.

"Do you still understand this ancient writing?"

Luo Yan looked at the treasure boy Chu Nan Gong and asked.

Chu Nan Gong said in a feeble voice: "After searching through ancient books, I can still understand something about it. Unfortunately, if I want to truly understand it, I can't see it with my eyes. I have to understand it with my heart. Maybe I am too old to be able to understand it in my life. I can’t even get a glimpse into its secrets.”

"Indeed, this thing is destined to me."

Luo Yan nodded, put the things away, and handed them to Xiao Meng who was aside. He felt Xiao Meng's curiosity about this thing.

Xiao Meng was not polite to Luo Yan. She glanced at Luo Yan's expression, then calmly grabbed the Yellowstone Book, opened it, and started reading. However, after a while, she was just like Luo Yan and lost interest in it. , these days, there may be people who know Oracle, but definitely not many.

There are absolutely very few people who know this kind of writing that has been passed down from ancient times and was even used to worship gods.

Da Siming looked at Xiao Meng who was standing next to Luo Yan, his cold eyes flashed and his lips pursed, as if he was unhappy.

...That was her place.


Chu Nan Gong was at a loss for words. He was just polite. Luo Yan was really rude. He was really evil. He had watched countless people in his life. He was the number one like Luo Yan. Everything he said and did was different. In this era, it seems to be a little out of tune with the world.

This may be the so-called variable, a variable that will stir up chaos in the entire world.

Since his entry into Qin, the fate of all countries has changed.

Even Qin is like this.

"Please continue to tell me what we talked about with Donghuang Taiyi before I entered the Yin Yang family. I hope you can help me clarify my doubts."

Luo Yan looked at Chu Nan Gong and continued.

"Are you sure you want to say it here?"

Duke Nan of Chu asked instead without answering.

"It doesn't matter, we are all our own people."

Luo Yan did not hesitate and said directly that the group of people at the moment are indeed his own, including Xinghun and Yunzhongjun. The former's family is in his hands, and the latter's mirage is also under his control. What's more, sooner or later, If you want to take them to kill Donghuang Taiyi, there are some secrets that you don’t need to hide.

At this time, he did not forget to win people's hearts, ha... But Chu Nanggong shook his head, and the eyes that could not be opened opened again. Different from the bright eyes before, the eyes at this moment were a little cloudy, but unusual. He looked at Luo Yan calmly: "Only you can know this news."

Luo Yan didn't understand the meaning of this matter, but he did.

"Okay, you guys stand back for now."

Luo Yan satisfied Chu Nan Gong's small request, waved his hand, and everyone immediately retreated to the rear. No one thought that Chu Nan Gong could still pose a threat to Luo Yan at this moment, unless Zhao Gao didn't want to mess around.

After a while, everyone retreated ten meters away.

Chu Nan Gong looked at Luo Yan, his feeble voice seemed to disappear if the wind blew: "I went to the Yin Yang family to find an answer. The first owner of the Yellow Stone Heavenly Book was Xuanyuan Huangdi. What is contained in this Heavenly Book? Using the power of this world, its second owner is Jiang Taigong..."

"Do you know when Canglong Qisu appeared?"

"Is it related to Jiang Taigong?"

Luo Yan's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice that he had made this speculation before, but he lacked clues and evidence and could not go into details.

"There are no direct clues, but everything points to that era. Eight hundred years ago, Jiang Taigong obtained the Huangshi Book of Heaven, glimpsed the secrets of the sky, and understood the secrets. He arranged his troops in formations, created Qimen Dunjia, and assisted King Wen of Zhou to annihilate the well-equipped troops. The army of the Shang Dynasty...but after that, the road seemed to be blocked."

Chu Nan Gong's cloudy eyes seemed a little sad and unwilling: "No one can control the power of this world anymore, and even the path of martial arts is cut off. At this step, I have been sitting there for fifty years, unable to make any progress. It seems that this will This is the limit of human beings. During this period, I didn’t believe it and traveled around the country but found nothing. Until I accidentally got this Yellowstone Book, it’s a pity that I can’t understand it thoroughly.”

Luo Yan somewhat understood Chu Nan Gong's reluctance. There are mythical powers in this world, such as the Reverse Scale Sword. This sword of death was not something that could be created in this era. The same is true for the mechanism technique. It seems to be the simplest myth. The technique only requires materials and inscriptions, but people cannot take that step.

In other words, the old man in front of him is unwilling to give in. He doesn’t want to be a human being anymore!

Human beings have limits. They cannot live forever and cannot control the divine power of this world. They can only be eroded by time until they grow old and frail, approaching the end of life.

"Is this what you want to say?"

Luo Yan looked at Chu Nan Gong, frowned and asked, he didn't think there was any special secret in Chu Nan Gong's words.

Chu Nan Gong suddenly smiled and looked at Luo Yan with some pity and sympathy: "If I tell you that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi of the Yin Yang family is the Jiang Ziya who destroyed the Shang Dynasty, would you believe it or not?"


Luo Yan blinked, wondering if his ears had heard it wrong: "How is this possible? How can someone live for eight hundred years? If he really lived for eight hundred years, what would happen to the Seven Kingdoms! "

"What if he's not human?"

Chu Nan Gong said calmly.


Luo Yan was silent.

Well, people have their limits. If you are not a human, there is no limit. If Jiang Ziya transforms himself into a machine beast, it is not impossible.

Chu Nan Gong seemed to see Luo Yan's shock, smiled complacently, and continued: "There has always been a big hand behind the changes in the countries. It seems to be hidden deeply, but there are traces to follow. The so-called Hundreds of Scholars How many of his shadows are there in the home?"

You keep saying that, I'm really panicking... Luo Yan's eyes flashed and he whispered: "If that's the case, why should he hide behind it? This only shows that he is weak and can only use some superior methods. Don’t use superficial tricks to influence the direction of history.”

If Donghuang Taiyi was really Jiang Ziya, and if he was really that fierce, why would he be secretive and hide behind the scenes? Wouldn't it be better to just push him aside?

Eight hundred years.

A pig can become an emperor and change the world.

"Have you forgotten what I said before? The road to this world is cut off, the gates of the three realms are sealed, the realms of heaven and man are cut off, and there is no possibility for people to take a step forward. Even that Jiang Taigong is the same. He His limit is just this. He can't break the door between heaven and man. Even if he gives up his qualifications as a human, he still can't break it. The road is broken.

This may be the reason why Canglong Qisu was born.

If the manpower is exhausted, then we must concentrate on the national destiny... This is the plan of Grand Duke Jiang.

Maybe he tried it eight hundred years ago, but failed.

Who knows how many identities he has changed in the past eight hundred years~"

Chu Nanggong said softly, while looking at Luo Yan with amusement in his eyes. He seemed to want to see the scene where Luo Yan, a variable, confronted Donghuang Taiyi.


Luo Yan was silent again. He felt that he had received a lot of information. At the same time, he was a little glad that he didn't ask everyone to listen. Otherwise, this secret might really destabilize the entire empire.

Lived for eight hundred years, ha~

The only good news seems to be that when it comes to limits, even if Jiang Ziya stops being a human being, he still can't get rid of this limit.

There was silence for a long time.

Luo Yan raised his head and looked at Chu Nan Gong, wanting to ask Chu Nan Gong how he knew the news, but before he could ask, Chu Nan Gong's breath died, and he remained standing with no life left. After telling all the secrets, his life finally came to an end.

Maybe Chu Nan Gong wanted to see Jiang Ziya before, no, it was Donghuang Taiyi, and wanted to see if Donghuang Taiyi could open that road.

It's a pity that Chu Nan Gong encountered this unreasonable and tough opponent of Luo Yan and was played to death.

Looking at the dead Chu Nan Gong.

Luo Yan's heart became a little solemn, because according to what Chu Nan Gong said before, Donghuang Taiyi was very likely to know the news that the Yin Yang family had been hollowed out, but the other party didn't care. If the birth of Canglong Qisu was related to Jiang Ziya, then the situation Seriously.

The Yin Yang family has been pursuing secrets for thousands of years. It's all such a routine, what is true and what is false. At this moment, Luo Yan was a little upset by Chu Nan Gong's words.

"It seems we still have to watch Xiao Li~"

Luo Yan thought of Xiao Li and whispered.

Since there is a limit in this world, let Xiao Li, who has exceeded the limit, take action. It was indeed the right choice to fool Xiao Li in the first place.

"It doesn't matter whether Donghuang Taiyi is Jiang Ziya or not. It doesn't matter what the opponent's plans are. As long as Xiao Li's combat power is above the ceiling, it won't be a big problem. With Xiao Li's sword, he can crush the Demon God of Soldiers. No problem, I am the only one who knows Xiao Li’s combat power now.”

Luo Yan thought about it and calmed down immediately.

"I hope you won't lie to me until you die."

Luo Yan bowed his hands to Chu Nan Gong and whispered to himself, then slowly stood up and took a deep look at Chu Nan Gong's body.

"Mr. Chu Nan was unwell and passed away today. He was buried well!"

Luo Yan said in a deep voice.

As Luo Yan finished speaking, the people who had retreated to a distance came closer one after another, and their eyes fell on Luo Yan and Chu Nan Gong. Mo Ya led the people to deal with the battlefield and Chu Nan Gong's body.

Chu Nan Gong's status is extraordinary, and he cannot be dealt with hastily even if he dies, not to mention Luo Yan has spoken.

Xiao Meng even asked directly: "What did this old man say to you? Your heart was beating very fast just now."

Luna Xinghun and others also looked at Luo Yan, and they were also very curious about this conversation. After all, this conversation is likely to involve Donghuang Taiyi of the Yin Yang family, who is the boss and head of their Yin Yang family!

"Some unverified speculations are a bit scary."

Luo Yan took a deep breath and said slowly.

Donghuang Taiyi and Jiang Ziya were really incompatible with each other, but Chu Nangong's words were so clear-cut that he couldn't help but not believe them.

PS: This part of the original work has nothing to do with the original work. If you think it is unreasonable, you can raise it.

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