Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 1010 Fate?

Lian Yi looked at the sleeping cheap sister Mi Xin, with a touch of pity in her elegant and beautiful eyes. Although she was the son of his father and another woman, she was actually a victim. With the destruction of the Chu Kingdom, as a Chang Ping Jun's child, she never had a peaceful life. She was hiding in XZ. She got a strange disease at a young age. She coughed every day. Even a peaceful sleep was a luxury.

She hated her father, hated him for abandoning his wife and children, and even for a period of time, she also hated Mi Xin, but she was her sister after all, and blood was thicker than water.

"What do the people of the Xiang clan want to do here? Our sisters have already ended up like this. Are you still unwilling to let us go?"

Lian Yi's eyes were slightly cold as he glanced at Ji Bu and asked in a cold voice.

She was not a fool. When she learned that the Xiang clan had come to Dongjun, she knew that what was supposed to come had come.

If the Chu Kingdom wants to recover, it must have a royal bloodline to call on the Chu people. This cannot be done by the Xiang family. They are just generals, not descendants of the royal family. Only the bloodline of Lord Changping Only then can it be justified.

At this point, Mi Xin is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate, which is why Yingbu has been protecting her.

Maybe Lord Changping gave birth to her just for today.

...Father, you are really cold-blooded.

Lian Yi turned to look at the pale Mi Xin, caressing her cheek, feeling cold in her heart.

"It was our incompetence and failure to protect His Highness."

When Ji Bu heard this, he said apologetically.

Lian Yi said coldly: "I don't need your protection."

A hint of helplessness flashed in Ji Bu's eyes. Looking at Lian Yi's delicate face, a touch of love was deeply suppressed. Even though he knew that Lian Yi didn't like to hear it, he continued to persuade: "Your Highness, this is our last There's a chance. The empire has already taken action against hundreds of schools of thought. Mohism and Confucianism have been destroyed one after another. Now is our best chance!

By uniting the power of the six countries and the masters from hundreds of schools of thought, we may be able to accomplish something! "

"What if it fails?"

Lian Yi's expression remained unchanged and she asked calmly.

After the words fell, the faces of several people present became a little more solemn. They all knew how difficult this uprising was, and the possibility of success was very small, but this was the last chance they could see. If they miss it this time, Maybe the Six Kingdoms will really be lost in the long river of history. In a few decades, will anyone still remember the Six Kingdoms?

"Even if I don't agree, you guys will still act, so why ask me? For you, we are just tools."

Lian Yi said lightly, with an extremely cold tone.

"Your Highness, we have absolutely no intention of doing this!"

Ji Bu's face changed slightly, he knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice.

Yingbu also knelt on one knee, looked at Lian Yi with a livid face, and said in a deep voice: "Does your Highness really not have any hatred of family and country? The empire destroyed the Chu State, and even killed Your Highness's father. !”

"He abandoned us first."

Lian Yi stood up slowly, her long skirt swaying, her beautiful eyes looked at Ying Bu, and she said calmly.

After the words fell, the atmosphere became a little dull for a moment.

Huaying also pursed her lips. It was an indisputable fact that Lord Changping was indeed ashamed of Lian Yi and her mother for what happened back then.

Lian Yi did not continue talking to the others, bowed slightly to Huaying, and walked out of the house.

Huaying's beautiful eyes watched Lianyi leave with worry, sighed softly, looked at Ji Bu and Yingbu, and whispered: "Don't force her, she knows how to do it, even if she doesn't want to."

"We didn't force her, we just mentioned it..."

The hot-tempered Yingbu clenched his fists and said in a solemn voice.

Ji Bu looked at Yingbu and shook his head, stopping the topic. Then he looked at his sister and asked, "When will the Zhu family meet us?"

"The news has been sent. There will be news in a few days."

Huaying said softly.

In a beautiful attic in Zuimenglou.

Lian Yi stood next to a birdcage, looking at a brightly colored canary kept in it, silent.

Canary turned her head slightly, staring at the master in front of her with dark eyes.

Another moment passed.

Lian Yi stepped forward, opened the basket, and released the canary inside. Holding it with both hands, he walked slowly to the window, raised his hand and released it. Watching it fly away without looking back, there was a trace of light in his eyes. Reluctant and complicated colors flowed around, just looking at the dark night sky quietly.

"Why did you suddenly remember to let it go?"

Hua Ying walked into the house and happened to see this scene. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. She walked to Lian Yi and asked with concern.

"I can't change my own destiny, but I can change its destiny~"

Lian Yi was silent for a moment and said softly.

Huaying stretched out her hand to hold Lian Yi's slightly cold jade hand, her beautiful eyes were gentle: "In troubled times, everyone has their own destiny that they cannot escape."

"Sister, I'm tired."

Lian Yi shook her head slightly and had no intention of chatting with Hua Ying.

"Don't think too much, go to bed early."

Huaying nodded and said softly.

As Huaying left, a trace of sadness flashed in Lian Yi's eyes, and she whispered to herself: "Sister, you are right, everyone can't escape their own destiny. Ever since he abandoned me and my mother, my destiny has changed." It has changed..."

If Lord Changping had taken her and her mother to leave Xianyang City, she might stand with them now.

But Changping Jun didn't, he abandoned them.

His choice determines Lian Yi's choice.

This may be called cause and effect.

. . . . . . . . . . .

The next day, a secret letter was delivered to Luo Yan. There was news about the canary he had raised for more than ten years.

"As expected, you still chose a farmhouse?"

Luo Yan sat in the study, watching the news from Dongjun, his eyes moved slightly, and he whispered to himself, Mi Lian, also known as Lian Yi, was a secret he prepared back then. Since Lord Changping defected to the Qin State, , he had already expected that today, if Chu State wanted to be restored, it would definitely need a royal bloodline.

Lord Changping has two daughters. As Mi Lian is a direct descendant of the royal family, she is naturally qualified. Moreover, since she is older, she is more suitable than the young Mi Xin.

After more than ten years of planning, most of the remaining game now consists of Luo Yan's chess pieces.

Looking around, it seems that there is no opponent that can be beaten.

Luo Yan sat at the table and pondered for a moment, then looked at Mo Ya, who was waiting in front of him, and said calmly: "Send a message to Tian Zhong, and the plan can begin."


Mo Ya answered with cupped hands and strode out of the house.

"After keeping Tian Meng for so many years, it's time for him to die."

Luo Yan whispered to himself.

Tian Meng was not killed before, mainly because he lacked a dog. Tian Meng is very suitable. The most important thing is that he is very cooperative and very afraid of death, but he is also very scheming. He only has the meaning of living if the Zhu family is alive, so The fighting with Shennongtang over the years has not been too harsh, at least it has not reached the level of life and death.

But now, Luo Yan doesn't plan to keep him anymore. He looks annoyed. Tian Zhong is a dog that is easier to use than him. After so many years, Tian Zhong has settled down in the farmhouse and can replace Tian Meng.

With the help of Tian Meng's death, Tian Hu and the Zhu family worked hard to force the Xiang family to enter the field, and at the same time caused a wave of internal strife in the farm family, making it easier for him to take over.

I have to say that Zhao Gao's method of dealing with farmers in the original work is very good and very labor-saving.

Luo Yan shook his head and suppressed these things. For him, the farm affairs could only be regarded as trivial matters. They had been arranged more than ten years ago. There is no chance of an accident happening now unless Liu Ji gets the blessing of his descendants. , come and use the meteorite falling from the sky.

Just when Luo Yan thought about the great mage of the Liu family, a sound of breaking through the sky suddenly sounded.


Luo Yan appeared at the door in a flash, looked up at the sky, and saw a flaming meteorite streaking across the sky, with a long flame tail, and hit Dongjun's position.

Luo Yan looked at the meteorite, with a flash of thought in his eyes. He changed the empire's script, but what originally happened in the script still happened. Especially this meteorite, combined with the current celestial phenomena, seemed extremely ominous, as if in the It heralds the fall of the Emperor Star.

Is it related to Ying Zheng? !

Luo Yan secretly thought to himself, his eyes serious. He didn't know if Ying Zheng's lifespan was determined by fate, but this sudden change made him a little uneasy. If something unexpected happened to Ying Zheng at this juncture, the empire would definitely be in turmoil. Get up, this is undoubtedly a good thing for the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, their troubles will make Luo Yan's more than ten years of hard work come to nothing.

Building is always harder than destroying.

More than ten years of recuperation cannot withstand a large-scale turmoil.

"It doesn't have to be Ying Zheng. Historically, Liu Ji and Shao Yu will also become kings, including Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang. Gee, so many kings die together, which is consistent with this horoscope."

Luo Yan touched his chin and whispered to himself.

If calculated in this way, this horoscope seems to be very reasonable.

Just when Luo Yan was blindly deciphering the numbers, the figure of the Moon God came into view. She was wearing an icy blue dress, veil covering her eyes, long dark purple hair, indescribable coldness, arrogance and mystery, and even more so in her tutu. Adding a sense of dignity and elegance, he formed a seal with his hands and appeared in front of Luo Yan in a mysterious and unpredictable manner.

"Yinghuo guards the heart, the meteorite falls in the east, this star phenomenon is very unusual."

The Moon God came to Luo Yan in a blink of an eye, looked at Luo Yan solemnly, opened her red lips lightly, and said in a deep voice.

According to the Yin Yang family's stargazing technique, this kind of star sign represents the fall of the emperor, which is extremely ominous.

"I saw it~"

Luo Yan had calmed down at this moment. He, Luo, had never believed in anything like astrology. He only believed that man could conquer nature. Even the incarnation of the goddess was taken care of by him, so the talk of ghosts and gods didn't matter.

Luna walked slowly to Luo Yan, looked up at Luo Yan slightly, frowned and said, "Don't you know what this means?"

"Is this what you came here to say?"

Luo Yan looked at Luna, smiled, put his arms around her waist, and said with a smile: "If you have time to study this astrology, why don't we discuss something more meaningful? After all, we are here."

As he spoke, Luo Yan hugged Luna and walked towards the house. His strength had broken through. He had been a bit energetic recently. As the saying goes, you can learn the new by reviewing the past. The old has to go and the new will not come back. You still have to use it, otherwise it will be useless. Don't the gadgets become decorations?


Luna blinked her eyes, obviously not expecting Luo Yan to do this. She pursed her lips and reminded in a deep voice: "This kind of astrology represents the fall of the Emperor Star. Do you know what this means?"

"Ying Zheng is not the only emperor in this world. There shouldn't be too many people with the destiny of an emperor. According to you, wouldn't I also suffer a bloody disaster?"

Luo Yan chuckled and looked down upon Ying Huo Shouxin.

The astrology may predict something, but obviously you can't believe it all.

"If something happens to Ying Zheng, what are your plans?"

Luna held Luo Yan's chest with both hands, stared at Luo Yan closely with her beautiful eyes, and asked.

Luo Yan paused, pondered for a moment, looked at the Moon God, and said slowly: "If something happens to Ying Zheng, the empire still has Fusu. He is my disciple and can support the empire!"

He has no intention of usurping the throne, nor does he have the need to do so. There will be too many sequelae of improperly taking the throne, and he has no intention of doing so.

The most important thing is that being an emperor is so tiring.

If something really happened to Ying Zheng, Luo Yan felt that he was most likely exhausted. He had to deal with government affairs until late at night every day for ten years. This is really not something that ordinary people can persist. At least Luo Yan couldn't persist, even with his strength. It's true that the test of handling government affairs is the mind. It's okay for a short time, but over time, the body and mind will eventually become exhausted.

Maybe I need to write a letter of concern... Luo Yan hugged Luna and muttered in his heart.

"As the only king with a different surname in the empire, you have no idea?"

Moon Goddess stared at Luo Yan with her beautiful eyes and whispered softly.

Luo Yan's eyes flashed slightly and he said slowly: "You'd better pray that nothing happens to Ying Zheng. If something happens to him, I think there will be a lot of trouble and many people will die."

"...I thought you would be interested."

Luna stared into Luo Yan's eyes and said softly.

"I'm only interested in you now."

Luo Yan pinched Luna's cheek and said with a smile, he still prefers women than power. He only has so many hobbies in his life. It's because there are too few entertainment projects in this world. He can only Make more contributions to the inheritance of mankind.

Luna shook her head slightly, seeming a little helpless at Luo Yan's expression. She had thought about some of Luo Yan's reactions, but Luo Yan always surprised her.

"When do you plan to open Canglong Qisu?"

Luna pondered for a moment and continued to ask.

"Donghuang Taiyi is not in a hurry. Why should I be in a hurry? I will wait for him to come to me."

Luo Yan said softly.

He didn't know what was in the copper box of Canglong Qisu, so he didn't plan to open the copper box rashly. He planned to wait until Donghuang Taiyi couldn't sit still. During this period, he took care of some matters within the empire. , but the sudden arrival of the horoscope made Luo Yan's heart cast a haze.

Although he said it calmly, he was still a little stressed inside.

If Ying Zheng really dies, many things will become troublesome, and the current good situation will collapse.

This is not what Luo Yan wants to see.

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