Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 1016 Stab

Late at night, the moonlight is intoxicating.

In the drunken dream building.

Lian Yi is wearing a gorgeous long dress, her delicate facial features are quite beautiful, her eyes are like a pool of clear water, she has a noble and elegant temperament as she looks around, her hands are folded on her lower abdomen, standing at the window, looking at the night sky Under the bright moonlight, there is melancholy and reminiscence between the eyebrows.

She used to be very happy, with a mother and father who loved her, but since that day, everything changed.

The mother was crying all day long, and the servants in the mansion looked at them with different eyes. Although they did not verbally insult them, they secretly felt extremely clear. It seemed that the country under their feet could no longer accommodate their mother and daughter, and their former home could no longer tolerate them. It's not home anymore.

She didn't understand at the time, but she gradually understood that her father abandoned their mother and daughter and went to the Chu Kingdom to become the king. Later, he married a woman as the queen and gave birth to a daughter.

I don’t know when my longing for my father turned into hatred and resentment.

She hated her father for leaving them without saying goodbye, hated her father for abandoning them, and even more hated him for marrying another woman...

Until she heard that her father had died for the country, and as the last city of Chu fell, she committed suicide on the city tower.

that moment.

Lian Yi understood that her father would never come back, and later, she lost her mother.

In just a few years.

She lost everything, all favor.


The reminiscence in Lian Yi's eyes slowly faded away, a touch of coldness covered it, and he whispered to himself: "Compared to the so-called Chu Kingdom, are my mother and I so worthless in your eyes? If so, I will destroy it with my own hands. The Chu State you care about will be completely destroyed."

Women are far more cruel than men.

Lian Yi reached out to close the window and turned to look at the secret message on the desk. On it was the mission passed by Luo Wang. This was the plan she had set when she joined Luo Wang.

"Father, after all, you are still no match for King Liyang. He has figured out all your plans, including the peasant family."

Lian Yi raised her hand and handed the secret letter to the candle beside her. As the paper was ignited, the flames reflected her eyes, just like the fire of revenge hidden deep in her heart. She hated Chu State for taking everything away from her, and even more. These descendants of the Chu State, why do they always refuse to give up?

The Chu State had been destroyed for so many years, but they still clung to it, even treating her seriously ill sister as the hope of restoration.

In the dense forest where the Xiang clan is hiding, a special guest was welcomed today.

Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect.

Seeing the person coming, Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were both stunned, a little surprised, "Why did the Taoist priest suddenly come here?"

At the same time, the two of them were a little confused. The place they chose was extremely hidden. How did Xiaoyaozi find it? If it was so easy to be discovered here, they must consider moving, otherwise they would be discovered by the people of the empire. There's big trouble.

"A few days ago, Yinghuo Shouxin, a meteorite fell to the east. The meteorite landed in Dongjun. Naturally, I had to come and have a look. I never thought that you would be here too."

Xiaoyaozi had a smile on his face, and his fairy-like appearance made people feel good. He stroked his beard and explained.


Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng looked at each other. They were not prepared for Xiaoyaozi. They had stayed in the Mo family for a long time and were familiar with each other. Moreover, they had a good sense of Xiaoyaozi, a senior Taoist. Yes, naturally I didn’t ask any further questions.

As for whether Xiaoyaozi would defect to the empire, at present, the possibility is basically zero. If Xiaoyaozi defected to the empire, it would be impossible for his group to leave Songhai City.

When they were at the Mo family's stronghold, Xiaoyaozi also spoke a lot for them.


They exchanged a few words with each other and then entered the cave. At the same time, they asked about each other's situation and learned about the subsequent events in Songhai City. Everyone present was silent. They never expected that the empire would really They took action against Confucianism, and even the small Shengxian Village was burned down.

"The empire has a plan long ago. This step was taken very quickly, but also very steadily. It didn't give the Confucian disciples any time to react."

Fan Zeng sighed softly and spoke slowly. At the same time, there was some confusion in his eyes as to why Xunzi also acquiesced to this matter. But after all, this was a matter between Confucianism and the empire, but he couldn't see through it.

Xiaoyaozi stroked his beard, smiled self-deprecatingly, and sighed in a low voice: "The empire has long thought about the various schools of thought, and the king of Yueyang in the empire is indeed powerful. Not long ago, he just went to the Taoist Tianzong and won over Master Xiaomeng, the leader of the Tianzong, as expected, the empire is planning to take action against the Human Sect. A few days ago, Master Xiaomeng challenged me to advance the discussion between the two sects of Taoism, heaven and man."

When this matter was mentioned, Xiaoyaozi looked a little helpless and had a headache, obviously not knowing how to deal with this matter.

"The empire doesn't even spare the Taoists?"

Xiang Liang frowned and said in a deep voice: "Is the empire really going to destroy all the families, like the Six Kingdoms?"

"pretty close."

Fan Zeng pondered for a while, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes: "The king of the empire, Yueyang, is really brave, and so is Qin King Yingzheng."

Any emperor would not be able to tolerate the people under him doing such a thing. The destruction of hundreds of schools of thought will definitely shake up the empire. This is definitely not a small matter. If it is not done well, it will shake the foundation of the country.

Everyone knows that there is a mixture of good and bad among the various schools of thought, and many people in the world use force to violate the prohibition, but it is not easy to deal with it.

Especially when it comes to Confucianism, Fan Zeng still can't figure out what Ying Zheng and Luo Yan think.

Just because Xuanhuang Academy wants to replace it?

The thing behind this shouldn't be that simple.

"This matter is a foregone conclusion. The next step for the empire should be farmers or Taoists."

Xiaoyaozi said slowly.

Hearing this, Xiang Liang said: "In recent days, the imperial general Wang Li is dispatching troops. The target is most likely the farmer's family. Moreover, the farmer's family has not been peaceful these days. Tian Meng, the leader of Lieshan Hall, died unexpectedly, which triggered There is civil strife in the Sixth Hall of the Nongjia, and it is very likely that the Empire is behind this."

"Are you here to help the farmers?"

Xiaoyaozi pondered for a while, then asked tentatively.

"To be honest, Taoist Master, the Nong family is inextricably linked to the Chu State. If the empire really wants to destroy the Nong family, we will have to help it."

Xiang Liang said in a deep voice, as for the so-called Qinglong Plan, he did not tell the whole story. It was not that he did not trust the other party, but that it was unnecessary.

In the final analysis, their strength is too weak at the moment, and the empire is developing too smoothly, leaving them, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, with no choice but to rely on farmers to start a business. Apart from farmers, other places are not suitable at all, even Chu. The old areas of the country were probably suppressed before the uprising started.

In contrast, the possibility of peasant uprisings is much higher.

"In the current situation, we really have to work together to help each other."

Xiaoyaozi nodded, and then seemed to remember something. He looked at Xiang Liang and continued: "By the way, there is one more thing I need to tell you. In the past, the most wise man in Chu State, Chu Nan Gong, died. As for the cause of death, I don't know the details. I don’t know, but he seems to have had a fight with the masters of the empire before.”


Hearing this, both Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng's expressions changed, and they were more confused. An old man of Chu Nan Gong's seniority was always a guest wherever he went, how could he suddenly be like this?

What happened?

"The King Yueyang of Qin has always been unscrupulous in his actions. It's really hard to predict what he wants."

Xiaoyaozi shook his head and said somewhat helplessly.

"Could it be related to Canglong Qisu?"

Fan Zeng pondered for a while and then spoke.

Xiaoyaozi's eyes flashed, "If so, this matter may be more complicated than we thought."

Everyone's topics seemed to become more and more serious with this news.

At this moment, Xiang Liang took the initiative to change the subject: "What are the Taoist priest's next plans? Why don't you go to the farmhouse with me? If the farmer's uprising succeeds, you can also help the Taoist priest."


Xiaoyaozi responded directly. He came here just for this matter. Now in this world, this is the only place that can cause trouble.

"What does the Taoist think of Yinghuo Shouxin the past few days?"

Fan Zeng suddenly asked at this moment.

Xiaoyaozi was silent for a moment and said in a solemn voice: "Judging from the stars, the man from the Qin Kingdom is about to die soon."

After saying that, he and Fan Zeng looked at each other, and both fell silent. Things like stars cannot be explained in detail, and everyone sees things differently.

Same night.

Yin Yang family.

In the starry sky hall, a tall figure held the stars in his hand, and said in an ethereal voice: "There is no sorrow in parting, no joy in knowing each other... It's coming soon, we will meet again soon..."

The bright stars twinkled, and the tall figure slowly walked into the depths of the universe.

Everything is fantasy.

. . . . . . . . . .

Farmhouse, Kuei Hall.


With a sultry sigh, Tian Mi leaned softly in Luo Yan's arms, her eyes were as charming as silk, she hugged Luo Yan tightly with satisfaction, bit her lips lightly, and said sweetly: "The prince is still so powerful. , the slave family can’t bear it anymore~”

Can't stand it? That's still enough to eat.

Luo Yan put his arms around Tian Mi's slender waist, caressed her jade-white back with his big hands, and chuckled, "Did you miss me?"

"Of course, I miss you so much~"

Tian Mi raised her head, pecked Luo Yan on the lips, blinked her eyes, as soft as water, and her voice sounded a bit demonic. Different from Mrs. Mingzhu's charm, hers was more demonic, and she was very similar. A vixen, the kind that knocks bones and sucks marrow.

"Does Your Majesty miss me?"

Tian Mi looked at Luo Yan with misty eyes.

Luo Yan didn't answer and asked, "Can I come if you don't want me to?"

There is a saying that Tian Mi, this little honey jar, really makes men want to stop.

Tian Mi stared at Luo Yan passionately, and when she couldn't bear it, she slowly leaned down and bit her.

Tian Mi is like a black fish, with an extremely smooth taste. There is no need to find fault. She shows her best side in front of Luo Yan. Even if she has a lot of acting roles, who can refuse a honey pot.

The two of them struggled for half an hour.

Luo Yan then hugged Tian Mi and talked about the business: "How is the investigation at Sixxian Tomb? The location has been confirmed~"

"Isn't the news sent to you a long time ago? The slave family dare not neglect what the prince has told them. However, the six elders in retreat inside are very powerful. Chen Sheng worshiped one of them as his teacher back then. If the prince wants to deal with them, It’s best to call for more manpower.”

Tian Mi leaned lazily in Luo Yan's arms, her fair and round jade legs wrapped around Luo Yan's thighs, and her thin lips poured out words like orchids, seeming a little weak.


Luo Yan responded without saying anything else. He planned to leave the matter to Wang Li. Back then, the six elders of the farm family joined forces to kill Bai Qi. He wanted to see if the six immortals today could still do this. a little.

Tian Mi's eyes moved slightly, she pursed her lips, put her arms around Luo Yan's neck, and asked, "How does the prince plan to deal with the farmers this time?"

“Cut the grass and root out the roots.”

Luo Yan stroked Tian Mi's delicate skin and said softly.

"Could it be that the prince wants to kill even the slave family~"

Tian Mi said angrily, slightly propped up her body, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and she looked like you were bullying me. That flattering look certainly made your bones numb.

Luo Yan couldn't hear the little thoughts in Tian Mi's heart. He reached out and patted her buttocks and said teasingly: "Okay, now that this matter is over, you leave with me."

"The prince did not deceive the slave family?"

Tian Mimei's eyes brightened a little, she looked at it seriously and asked.

"Do I need to lie to you?"

Luo Yan reached out and pinched Tian Mi's pretty face, and said with a smile: "You have done well in the farm these years. I will support you for the rest of my life."


Tian Mi stared at Luo Yan with bright eyes, with a hint of affection. Although Luo Yan was a jerk in the past and only bullied her, after getting along with her for these years, Luo Yan still gave her a very good feeling, at least as a man. His words are still very reliable, he is not the kind of person who doesn’t keep his word and likes the new but hates the old.

In this era of comparison between bad people, Luo Yan is definitely not a bad person when it comes to men and women.

Just when Tian Mi was accompanying Luo Yan.

the other side.

However, Tian Hu stared at the visitors with cold eyes, especially the Zhu family at the head, and said with murderous intent: "Zhu family, you actually have the guts to come here!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and held it empty, and the powerful inner breath turned into invisible inner force and sucked the Tiger Soul Sword several meters away into his palm.

"Whether you believe it or not, Tian Meng's death has nothing to do with me. I came here just to pay homage to Tian Meng. If you are willing to listen to my explanation, I can have a good chat with you. If you don't want to, after today , you can do whatever you want."

The Zhu family took Situ Wanli and Liu Ji into Lieshan Hall, looked at the coffin lying in the mourning hall, and said slowly.


Tian Hu was silent for a moment, and finally suppressed his anger. He did not want to take action in front of his eldest brother's mourning hall.

As the Zhu family and others came forward to worship.

Tian Zhong, who was on the side, narrowed his eyes and slowly retreated. This was a good opportunity. How could he let the Zhu family and others leave? When these people came to the door, he naturally had to give them a knife.

Tian Hu is confused, but he is not a stabber in the back, he is professional.

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