Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 11 Unteachable (Thanks to Su Anran’s leader)

After three rounds of drinking, I feel very drunk.

Luo Yan looked at Baima who was immersed in drinking. There was curiosity in his eyes.

Because this horse is really interesting.

He didn't need anyone to wait on him. He just opened the lid of the wine jar when he smelled the wine, stuck his broad head in, and started drinking.

From the looks of it, he was quite drunk.

Quite interesting.

"By the way, where did Brother Han buy this horse? If I have a chance in the future, I will get one too."

Luo Yan asked Han Fei.

Men all have a unique hobby for mounts.

Modern people like cars. As for ancient times, how could they be missing a horse?

"This horse was not bought, but was given to me by my father before I went on a study tour. As for how it learned to drink, it is interesting to tell. I was a good drinker back then, but my little sister was disgusted with it, so she wouldn't let me drink it, and she hid it well. The wine was all thrown away, so I had no choice but to hide it in the stable, thinking of drinking a little every time I went out, but this guy drank all the wine I had hidden."

Han Fei laughed as he spoke and shook his head, obviously reminiscing about the past.

Thinking about those days, they were the happiest and most carefree days for him.

after that. . . . Just don’t mention it.

"If you're born with it, there's nothing you can do about it."

Luo Yan said helplessly.

"I can't help~"

Han Fei shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

"Actually, it's not that there's nothing we can do. I just don't know how old Brother Han's horse is this year and whether it's an adult."

Luo Yan seemed to have thought of something, looked at Han Fei with a smile, and asked coldly.

Adult or not? !

Why did the topic suddenly go so far?

Han Fei looked at Luo Yan, whom he had just met, with a strange look, and asked in confusion: "Brother Luo, what do you mean by this?!"

"If Brother Han's favorite horse reaches adulthood, it will obviously be of mating age. When the time comes, we can find two good horses to mate with him, and we can always produce one or two foals that inherit his talent."

Luo Yan joked.


When Han Fei heard this, he looked at his beloved horse who was immersed in strong wine. After a moment, he held back a sentence: "Brother Luo, this idea is a bit powerful."

Ordinary people would never have this idea when seeing a good horse.

After all, this thing is the same as that for men, with the added bonus of being harmful to the body, and the same is true for horses.

Luo Yan's train of thought was a bit unusual.

"Mainly because of some interests, I studied some things about mating between animals."

As the topic progressed, some short videos of animal mating popped up in Luo Yan's mind. Perhaps because he got interested, he continued to chat with Han Fei about this topic.

Drink, brag and look at people.

When meeting people of the same age and with similar personalities, Luo Yan usually says whatever comes to his mind, without thinking carefully about whether he should say it or not.

Because when you speak and need to think, you have to consider whether you should drink this glass of wine and how to drink it.

For Han Fei.

Although they had known each other for a long time, Luo Yan could feel what the other person's personality was like, so he naturally spoke with less scruples and thoughts.

But they really treat each other as friends.

To put it simply, it feels like it.

Virgo friends also need feelings.

It's the same for both men and women.

When you find that getting along with the other person feels tiring, stressful, and not relaxing at all, it means that the two of you are not suitable for each other.

Study animal mating? !

Han Fei was a little confused when he heard this. He had never heard of any of the hundreds of schools of thought that specialized in the study of animal mating. I am afraid that even miscellaneous scholars rarely study this aspect. The key is animal mating. This thing Just let nature take its course, why study it? !

"Brother Han, are you looking down on him? Do you think he is a low-level person in this regard?"

Luo Yan didn't care about Han Fei's strange eyes and continued to boast.


Just for chatting.

If both parties are on the same side, what's the point of talking?

The essence of bragging is how you use your views and angles to convince the other person, even if you are wrong, you will succeed.

What's more, what Luo Yan is boasting now is well-founded, and there are countless short videos in his mind to support it, so he is full of confidence.

"I definitely don't mean to look down on you, I'm just a little surprised. Please give me some advice, Brother Luo."

Han Fei's drinking energy seems to have gone down a bit. Confucian disciples are extremely serious and focused on academic discussions. They will never despise any academic discipline. Even those academics that are not on the stage will be given basic respect. This It is a Confucian ritual.

"It's not about giving advice, it's just casual talk. It is said that among the hundreds of schools of thought in the seven countries, it is estimated that none of them have done any research on animal mating and men and women. However, they do not know the value and significance of this knowledge. In the past, To put it bluntly, mating between animals can increase the reproduction of livestock.

On a larger scale, this is related to the issue of population reproduction.

Brother Han, have you ever thought about the age at which a woman’s childbirth would place the least burden on her body and have the highest success rate in giving birth to offspring?

How to deliver a baby to ensure the success rate of childbirth?

What kind of technique, what kind of posture, what kind of medicine, and what kind of environment can improve the success rate?

There is a lot of knowledge here, but no one has ever sorted it out.

In the final analysis, scholars still look down upon it.

I once did a simple statistic.

For women under the age of fifteen who give birth to offspring, the mortality rate is as high as 70%.

After the age of fifteen, the mortality rate drops to 30%.

This includes rich and poor families. This is an overall statistics.

If we break down the statistics, the fertility of children of poor people will drop by another two levels. This has something to do with the environment.

After all, in this era, having a child depends on luck. No one has ever thought that sometimes the failure of a child is not due to luck, but to various influences. "

The more Luo Yan brags, the more immersed he becomes. I am not targeting anyone, I mean, all schools of thought are rubbish.

The content of this bragging is naturally not just some blind bragging by Luo Yan.

Except for the content of short videos.

In fact, every modern person has a basic concept about childbirth. Underage pregnancy is very dangerous, but in this era, no one knows this.

For people in this world, having a daughter represents a burden. They wish to get married early. They usually get married when they are twelve or thirteen years old. Therefore, early pregnancy occurs very often, and the natural mortality rate is also terrifyingly high, especially in the sanitary environment. This aspect is not enough, and it has increased many mortality rates.

To sum up, having children and raising children depends on God’s blessings.

Live as long as you live.

If you die, you will die. In a word, your life is bad.

How realistic.

Think about it.

Luo Yan missed modern times again. What if he got sick in this era?

Then I thought of the Frightened Salamander.

She is really strong. If it were a modern woman, nine and a half times out of ten she would die.

Luo Yan's words were like a thunderbolt hitting Han Fei's head.

this. . How can it be? !

This sentence suddenly appeared in Han Fei's mind, his face became solemn and his brows furrowed. He wanted to refute, but found that he couldn't say a word because he had never been involved in this aspect and had never thought about this issue. .

Regarding matters between men and women and the birth of offspring, this era emphasizes letting nature take its course and everything depends on fate.

Luo Yan's words seemed casual, but Han Fei understood that Luo Yan was not joking.

This is where Han Fei was most shocked and disbelieving.

"Brother Luo, what you said is not what you have been taught!"

Han Fei's eyes were complicated, he took a deep breath, stood up, bowed slowly and bowed to Luo Yan very solemnly, and said in a deep voice with a serious look on his face.

Confucian disciples in this era are very receptive and not exclusive.

This can be seen from the fact that Han Fei was a disciple of Confucianism, but derived from Legalist scholarship.

"You just say it, you still take it seriously, why do you need to do this, drink, drink!"

Luo Yan quickly stopped Han Fei and said with a casual smile. The key is that he is really bragging. Although it is a genuine brag, the essence remains the same.

"Brother Luo can afford this bow. At least no one has ever thought about this before Brother Luo."

Han Fei sighed softly and bowed abruptly.

The most common thing among the seven countries is to encourage childbirth.

If a woman does not marry at the age of sixteen and a man does not marry at the age of twenty, it is a serious crime and requires reform through labor.

As for what age is suitable for childbirth.

Who cares to think about this.

But Luo Yan studied these and came up with something.

How long does it take to explore these simple sentences? Three years or five years? !

How many three years and five years does a person have in his life?

This alone is worthy of Han Fei's admiration.

In an instant, Han Fei had countless thoughts in his mind.

He looked at Luo Yan with respect and admiration.

Luo Yan looked at Han Fei, whose eyes had changed a lot, and looked at his understanding expression. Luo Yan wanted to ask you what you understood.

"Okay, we've said it casually. Let's just talk about it over the wine table. Are you serious? Now the Seven Kingdoms are still going to war. Who cares if you can give birth? Who will fight if there is no population? Drink and talk. None of this makes any sense."

Luo Yan shook his head, grabbed the wine jar with one hand, and said to Han Fei.

He knows it very well.

Changing the views on childbearing in an era is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time. What’s more, we are still in troubled times and our families can’t afford to eat. Who has the heart to raise a girl to the age of sixteen or seventeen?

This era is not modern.

The nobles are fine, but ordinary people are lucky as long as they are alive.

They also just want to live.

In the past half month, Luo Yan has seen the cruelty of this era.

Human life is like a piece of grass. No one cares whether you die or not, whether you have food or not. No one is even willing to act.

If you die, then you will die.

A dead skeleton lies on the roadside.

One more body is not many.

If you want to change all this, you must first unify the world.

If we don't unify and end this chaotic world, how can we talk about governing the world?


These seem a bit far away, but also a bit close.

"Brother Luo, I have no respect for you, but I hope that one day you will have the opportunity to put what you have learned to use!"

Han Fei picked up the wine jar and chuckled.

It's a blessing to meet someone like Luo Yan on this forest trail, just be drunk!

. . . . . . .

not far away.

On the donkey cart, Jingyu was slightly confused when she heard Luo Yan's words. She understood Luo Yan less and less.

What kind of person is he? !

First of all, let’s get rid of one thing. This guy is not even remotely similar to the Snare Killer.


He turned out to be a real expert in women's fertility, and what he said was so reasonable that even the Confucian disciples admired him. The words he claimed to be a gynecological sage turned out to be not nonsense.

Jing Salamander had doubted it before.

But at that time, she obviously couldn't resist.

(There are also rewards from some brothers. I will open an order at the end of the month. Thank you. I am a newbie and I don’t know much about the rules. I am shy)

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