Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 138 They are friends

Celebrating is naturally just a joke.

What's more, Wei Zhuang's cold expression quickly stopped the conversation between Luo Yan and Han Fei. The mood terminator was not about joking. As long as the other party sat here, many joking topics would naturally stop.

Because I can't talk anymore.

Facing Wei Zhuang's face, few people could joke.

Let’s put the purple girl’s matter aside for now.

As Zi Nu said, this is her private matter. Wei Zhuang can care about it and question it, but he cannot make decisions for Zi Nu.

This is the purple girl's choice.

No matter what the future holds, at least for now Zi Nu feels that her decision is the right one.

Follow your heart.

Zi Nu felt that she liked it, so she liked it.

There is no right or wrong in matters of love. If you meet someone and you happen to like them, that is luck. As for whether they will last a lifetime, it depends on their fate.

Soon the topic became serious, and Luo Yan was mentioned.

The main reason is that Wei Zhuang is more concerned about these things.

Luo Yan didn't hide anything and used his usual rhetoric.

He, Luo Yan, whose courtesy name was Zhengchun and whose nickname was Ah Ma, had a broken family since he was a child. He was a prodigal son with no friends or relatives. He had an enlightenment teacher and a mistress who loved him, but they both passed away when he was young.

After burying them, Luo Yan began to travel around the world, studying under hundreds of schools during this period.

Until today.

Now the only ones I have with me are the pretty widow I picked up on the roadside and her daughter.

Life aspirations are copied from Hengqu’s four sentences.

With an expression that would be expected of a scholar of our generation, Wei Zhuang blocked many of his words.

These words made Zi Nu feel very sorry for Luo Yan. She felt that Luo Yan must have suffered a lot in these years, and at the same time, she felt that the inferior gold bracelet on her wrist was getting heavier and heavier.

This is the relic of his master's wife, and it is Luo Yan's most precious thing.


After listening to Luo Yan's words, Wei Zhuang was dubious, but he was quickly attracted by Luo Yan's last words. He did not expect that the other party's choice was the same as his senior brother.

Wei Zhuang became alert when the topic about his senior brother came up.

It's like a little wolf dog seeing delicious meat.

"Well, Qin is the only country in the world that shows signs of unifying the world, so I decided to go to Qin to have a look. If the King of Qin is a wise king, I will help him to unify the world. If he is not, I will travel around the world, teach and educate people, and use what I have learned. The proceeds are passed on.”

Luo Yan nodded and said softly.

He looks very ambitious.

After saying that, he still glanced at Zi Nu and squeezed her hand to express that he would not forget her.

"Although the Qin State is strong, the King of Qin is weak. Now the Qin State's political affairs are completely controlled by Lu Buwei. What will happen if you go?"

Wei Zhuang looked at Luo Yan and asked.

"Lu Buwei is old. He has to do so many things every day. How many more years can his energy last? King Qin will eventually come to power. The difference is just a few years later and a few years earlier. What will happen to the world in the future still depends on this. What kind of king is the King of Qin!"

Luo Yan played with Zi Nu's little hand, his eyes were calm and indifferent, and he said softly.

"Then why do you do these things in Korea?!"

Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly, he looked at Luo Yan and asked in a deep voice.

Since Luo Yan's goal was Qin, why did he stay in South Korea? He used Zilanxuan as a springboard, and even more boldly extended his dog's paws to Zinu. The most important thing was that he succeeded!

"For Han Fei and myself, but now it's for Zi Nu!"

Luo Yan was silent for a moment, looked at Wei Zhuang, and said slowly: "Han Fei and I traveled to South Korea, and what we saw and heard was really shocking. South Korea is already seriously ill, and now it is just lingering. I knew that Han Fei wanted to change South Korea, so I helped him This is a helping hand.

It just so happens that I also need to make a name for myself and prepare for joining the Qin Dynasty.

But now I am thinking more about Zi Nu and Zi Lan Xuan.

I have a hunch that Zi Nu will not follow me into Qin. I have to prepare some escape routes for her. Even if I am gone, I have to protect her.

It is my responsibility. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Fei's expression was a little complicated. He didn't expect that Luo Yan did this because of him in the first place.

They had known each other for less than a month at that time.

But think about it.

If it weren't for him, there would be no need for Luo Yan to do these things inexplicably and for no reason.

This favor seems to be owed even more.

As for Zi Nu, her heart has been melted by Luo Yan's words. If Wei Zhuang and Han Fei hadn't been there, they would have pounced on her, with her deep and charming purple eyes filled with deep affection and sweetness.

The most handsome moment for a man is undoubtedly when he is serious about himself.

Zi Nu was attracted by Luo Yan's words.

Wei Zhuang obviously didn't expect that Luo Yan had done so many things for Han Fei and Zi Nu, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Even if he felt something was wrong, Wei Zhuang obviously couldn't deduce anything without knowing the future.

After all, no one would have thought of it.

Luo Yan has done so many things for the sake of King Qin Yingzheng who will come to South Korea in a few months!

How many people in the world can predict the future!

. . . . . . .

Night falls and the sky is dotted with stars.

A lot of food and wine in the room had been eaten, and the window on the side was open, letting in the night breeze, which was cool and comfortable.

Two figures were leaning against the window, admiring the night, pushing glasses and changing glasses.

It was Luo Yan and Han Fei.

As for Wei Zhuang, he had already left. Wei Zhuang never participated in drinking and chatting.

I can only sigh with emotion: A cold and arrogant young man doesn’t know what it’s like to be sad~

“Nice view at night~”

Luo Yan looked at the charming night scene and said softly.

Han Fei took a sip of wine and nodded, looking at the night in Xinzheng with enchanted eyes, and said with a smile: "It is indeed beautiful, but the wine is even more beautiful~"

"Are you really an alcoholic? You have been drinking as your companion all your life?"

Luo Yan chuckled and teased.

"It's okay to be alone, but it's a pity that there is no such thing in this world~"

Han Fei squinted his eyes, facing the night wind, and sighed softly, then slowly opened his eyes, looking at the night with his dark eyes, which seemed a little clearer.

"Brother Luo, doesn't the woman who came with you have an unusual identity?"

The voice was very light, smiling, and casual. If Luo Yan hadn't had good hearing, he almost wouldn't have heard it clearly.

Hearing Han Fei's words.

Luo Yan was stunned. At this moment, he understood that Han Fei had guessed something, but it was normal. Han Fei knew him earlier and deeper than Zi Nu Wei Zhuang. The most important thing was that he knew Jing Salamander and had seen him before. Many times, without denying it, he nodded and admitted: "Yes, her identity is very unusual. Everything I planned has something to do with her. If you want to know, I can tell you."

"No, it's enough between you and me."

Han Fei smiled, raised the wine cup in his hand, and gestured to Luo Yan.

Luo Yan looked at Han Fei's movements, a hint of curvature appeared at the corner of his mouth, raised his glass and knocked it over, and then the two drank it down.

Look at each other and smile.

It’s all in the wine, no need to say more.

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