Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 149 She is shocked but not stupid

He put Zi Nu to bed, told some tender stories, and watched her fall asleep before Luo Yan got up and left.

On the way home, as usual, I bought a bowl of wontons for Jing Salamander from a roadside stall.

It doesn’t matter whether the Amazing Salamander eats it or not. What matters is that the intention is in place.

We can't forget about the Amazing Salamander when we have the Purple Girl.

He, Luo Zhengchun, is a loving and dedicated man, not one of those coquettish bitches outside.

As for the fact that he was almost drained by Madam Pearl, he was not too worried about being discovered, because he could now hide this part of his aura. Unless Jingli fought with him and discovered his actual shortcomings, simple perception would not be able to sense him. Current physical condition.

This can be regarded as a stable state after the balance between essence, energy and spirit.

In the words of modern teachers, this is called the stability of the triangle. The three are complementary. As long as one side does not lose too much, they can maintain a relatively stable balance and maintain the body's peak condition.

This is also why those old guys get stronger as they get older.

Of course, this is also related to the limitations of perception.

After entering this realm, Luo Yan discovered that this kind of perception ability was not as omnipotent as he thought. He could feel the entire state of your body just by perception.

If the warriors who have opened up the eight extraordinary meridians have this ability, then there will be no need for doctors in this era.

Just scan it with your senses and you will find what you want.

And this also gave rise to a problem.

"Sure enough, no matter whether it is modern or ancient times, you cannot have a girlfriend who is a medical student, because it is easy to get into trouble."

Luo Yan, who was sitting in the carriage, touched his chin and sighed softly.

I still feel a little numb when I think about the girl with a master's degree in medicine whom I hooked up with during my junior year.

Those who understand understand, those who don’t understand are lucky.


Mo Ya on the side looked puzzled when he heard Luo Yan's words, a little confused, but he instinctively felt that this sentence might be a wise saying, and seemed to have something to do with matters between men and women.

Luo Yan would always say something, some of which he could understand, and some of which he couldn't.

But what Luo Yan said this time was obviously more profound, and one needs to understand it carefully to understand it.

Write down this sentence silently.

Mo Ya thought for a while and did not forget the business. He said something more to Luo Yan: "Sir, Prime Minister Kaidi went to Zilanxuan today."

It sounds like a question, but it's in a declarative tone.

After all, many people saw Kaifangdi enter Zilanxuan today. This kind of thing does not need to be investigated at all, just look at it with your eyes.

"The person looking for Han Fei is probably related to the ghost soldier robbery case. I was not involved."

When Luo Yan heard Mo Ya's words, he understood what he meant and said it directly.

Just let Mo Crow pass his words directly to the general.

By the way, express a wave of loyalty.

He was loyal to the general and had no second thoughts.


Mo Ya understood the meaning of Luo Yan's words and nodded in response. He is a smart man and there are some things that don't need to be said.

It would be best for Luo Yan not to be involved in this matter, otherwise some things would be difficult to handle.

However, the fact that Ninth Young Master Han Fei dared to intervene in this matter was beyond Mo Ya's expectations.

The other party seems to be a little bold.

A powerless young man dares to intervene in this kind of fight, it's really a life-threatening situation.

But how to deal with it is up to Ji Wuye to decide.

Luo Yan glanced at Mo Crow, whose eyes flickered, and smiled without saying anything. He had no plans to break up with Ji Wuye yet.

At least not before seeing the Emerald Tiger.

Ji Wuye is still Luo Yan's general, and Luo Yan's loyalty is absolutely nothing to say, it's just leverage.

He treats the general with all his heart and soul!

. . . . . . . .

The mansion is very quiet at night, which is also related to the relatively large area of ​​the mansion.

With only a few dozen people living in such a huge mansion, it is naturally relatively deserted. It is a bit uncomfortable because of its empty space, which lacks a bit of the warmth of a small courtyard.

However, this feeling disappeared a bit after Luo Yan entered Jingli's room.

inside the house.

Jing Salamander had not yet rested, sitting on the edge of the sofa, sewing Xiao Yan'er's clothes by the light of the candlelight. Compared to the previous period, Jing Salamander's movements were much more skillful, and the clothes were also made in a stylish way.

Under the light, she was wearing a white gauze dress to cover up the spring sunshine, but it could not conceal her graceful curves and moving figure.

It is difficult to see the sequelae after giving birth to a child in her body.

Still so perfect and moving.

There is a touch of demureness and elegance in the cold and beautiful face, like autumn water.

Realizing that Luo Yan had entered the room, Jing Salamander raised his head slightly, looked over, and saw Luo Yan holding up the wontons in his hand with a smile on his face, and said with the same smile as before: "Eat it or not, I bought it for you. "

Jing Salamander looked calm and seemed to have gotten used to Luo Yan bringing him wontons, even though the wontons often ended up in Luo Yan's stomach.

"Is Xiaoyan'er asleep?"

Luo Yan walked to Jing Salaman's side with slight steps, glanced at the little guy sleeping on the soft couch, and chuckled.

He bent down and reached out to pinch the little guy's face. He didn't use force and was very gentle.

Mainly because I'm afraid that the salamander will slap me on the butt.

"Go and wash up first, the clothes are ready for you."

Jing salamander looked at the interaction between Luo Yan and Xiao Yan'er, a soft color appeared in his eyes, and he said softly.

"Okay, you eat some of the wontons first, and I'll eat the rest."

Luo Yan placed the wontons beside the bed, nodded, picked up the neatly folded clothes and walked out of the house, intending to ask the maid to prepare hot water and take a hot bath.

After Luo Yan walked out of the door, Jing salamander glanced at the steaming wontons on the bedside and felt slightly absent-minded.

Life has been a little too peaceful recently, and it feels a little unreal to be overly frightened.

After a while, he came back to his senses and continued making clothes.

This is one of the few hobbies that Jing Salamander has now. As for the other one, of course it is spanking Luo Yan.

. . . . . . .


Luo Yan was lying in the bathtub with half of his head buried in the water, blowing bubbles and thinking about today's events.

Reflect and think about things in the future.

What happened to Mrs. Mingzhu was a bit unexpected for Luo Yan, but some things were inexplicable. God knows why Mrs. Mingzhu suddenly became greedy for his body. This may have something to do with Mrs. Mingzhu being single for too long.

Men can easily get sick if they stay single for too long, and the same goes for women.

Of course, this also has something to do with Luo Yan being interesting and handsome enough.

Thinking about the plots in TV series and history books in previous lives, this seems to be nothing.

After confirming this, Luo Yan recalled today's events inexplicably.

Well, very smooth~

Back to topic.

In any case, Mrs. Mingzhu must be a dangerous woman. Although she was full of tenderness towards him today and seemed to want to drown in Luo Yan's arms, it was difficult for Luo Yan to guess what she was really thinking.

Women's minds are always more complex and emotional than men's.

This is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

If this was not done well, Luo Yan might really die from Mrs. Mingzhu.

So it is very important to see Mrs. Mingzhu tomorrow to find out what she wants to do.

"There is also the matter of Han Fei. He is going to fight with Ji Wuye. It's a bit difficult for me to be caught in the middle. Why doesn't my dear tiger come~"

Luo Yan had some helplessness in his eyes and thought silently in his heart.

As the saying goes, people make plans and God makes things happen. Some things still depend on others' cooperation.

The Emerald Tiger came so slowly that Luo Yan couldn't start many things and could only continue to work hard.

"If it doesn't come by the end of the month, I'll have to find another way."

Luo Yan thought in his mind that he couldn't put all his expectations on the Emerald Tiger. It was really not possible. It was not impossible to cooperate with the Fourth Young Master Han Yu, who also had a lot of money.

But in this way, his cheap brother Liu Yi and the "clear streamers" behind him will no longer be fooled.

After all, these guys are greedy, timid, and very shrewd.

"We still have to urge Ji Wuye."

Luo Yan closed his eyes. After thinking about it, Ji Wuye was more reliable, leaning against the big tree to enjoy the shade.

Ji Wuye and the night curtain he possesses are really useful.

It's really fragrant to use.

But as he soaked in the bath, Luo Yan suddenly thought of the fire girl who might be taking a bath in some cave~

By the way, where is Yan Lingji?

Don't get me wrong, Luo Yan is not interested in beauty, he is simply interested in Yan Lingji's ability to set fire.

If this were to be the case in modern times, it would be more respectable to take a fire girl out for a walk or smoke. It would look good and be useful.

"People from Baiyue."

Luo Yan's thoughts began to change. As expected, these people would still appear and make the situation in South Korea more and more chaotic.

Baiyue's group had many extraordinary talents, and many of them were simply monsters in Luo Yan's opinion.

If you use it well, it will be a bug-level existence.

But my mind is not very good.

But Luo Yan likes this very much. He likes to cooperate with upright people.

Finally, there is Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, if you don't come, I will be drained by the goblins."

Luo Yan's scalp went numb for a moment when he thought about meeting Mrs. Mingzhu tomorrow. He couldn't help but scream inwardly and screamed in excitement. His emotions were quite complicated.

To sum it up in four words: If you want to reject it, you should welcome it.

Mrs. Mingzhu wanted it, but as a scholar, it was not easy for him to refuse, and he couldn't refuse it.

. . . . . . . . .

After finishing washing, Luo Yan came to Jing Sala's room in his nightgown. The floor in the room had already been laid. This was obviously done by Jing Sala, because maids generally could not enter this room.

He declared to the outside world that his wife was afraid of strangers.

This can be regarded as a kind of protection for Jing Salamander and Xiao Yan'er.

Luo Yan looked at the ravioli that had been eaten by Jing Salamander and didn't dislike it. He picked it up and ate most of the remaining wontons, then lay down on the floor with a satisfied look on his face.

After resting for a while, Frightened Salamander came over with small steps, holding two small branches in his hands. He looked at Luo Yan with his cold eyes, reminding Luo Yan that it was time to practice.

Recently, Jingyu doesn't like spanking anymore and likes to hit Luo Yan on the head.

Luo Yan rubbed his face and pretended to be tired and looked at Jing Salad, trying to win Jing Sala's sympathy, but Jing Sala ignored it because she had been fooled by this trick once and would not be fooled again.

She was shocked but not stupid.

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