Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 166 Gambling


Luo Yan had a simple meal at Zilanxuan, and then joined the Jade Tiger to meet with the dignitaries of the Korean capital.

Compared to Luo Yan, Jade Tiger was obviously more prestigious. He easily raised tens of thousands of gold in one afternoon.

Compare this to tens of thousands of gold.

Luo Yan's thousands of gold seemed a bit trivial.

The difference between the two sides is ten times, which also illustrates one thing on the other hand. These officials and nobles in South Korea are quite rich, provided that you can make them willing to take the money out of their pockets.

The Jade Tiger looked at Luo Yan who was sorting out the IOU, stroked the beard on his chin, smiled, and the fat on his face suddenly trembled: "Brother Luo, is this account correct?"

"It's Brother Hu who is more proud, a total of thirty-eight thousand gold~"

Luo Yan put the arranged IOUs in the brocade box aside, looked at the Emerald Tiger with the same smile, and said.

At this moment, Luo Yan suddenly felt that the fat-headed tiger in front of him was particularly cute and useful. He was worthy of being one of the four evil generals of the night. The circle of friends of rich people was different. Compared with Luo Yan's hard work in brushing his face, it was still... It is necessary to rely on the face of Anping Jun Longquan Jun and even the fourth son Han Yu.

Jade Tiger just mentioned it, and a lot of people came to invest money, and they spent a lot of money.

This is the gap.


This is not because Luo Yan is incompetent, but because of the relationship between time and capital.

Luo Yan had just arrived and was unfamiliar with the place. Most people were still waiting to see him and were not so easy to make a bet.

There are not so many fools in this world.

Although there are not that many smart people.

"It's just over 30,000 gold. Compared to the half a million gold my brother raised, this amount of money is really nothing."

The Emerald Tiger chuckled and said nonchalantly. At the same time, he bent slightly and pushed a poured cup of fragrant tea in front of Luo Yan, with an extremely polite attitude.

Luo Yan is now made of gold in his eyes, very precious.

"Has Brother Hu ever thought of how to clean this money and send it to those people legally?"

Luo Yan smiled, his eyes flickered, looked at the Emerald Tiger, and began to bring the topic to the point.

It makes no sense for both sides to brag about each other like this.

too fake.

Luo Yan smiled uncomfortably.

"It's nothing more than land deeds, slaves, treasures and other means. However, the number of five hundred thousand gold is too huge, and it takes too long to completely clean it. It cannot be done in a short time. Compared with these ordinary means , Brother Luo, do you have any different opinions?"

The emerald tiger narrowed his eyes, his smile did not diminish, he looked at Luo Yan and asked tentatively.

Luo Yan looked at the smiling tiger Jade Tiger and knew that this guy was deliberately testing his plans. With Jade Tiger's assets and connections, there was no way to clean up the money, but he said he was in a bit of trouble and it was obvious that he wanted to Use your own words.

Test yourself.

But it didn't matter, Luo Yan had no intention of letting Jade Tiger monopolize the money.

He also planned to make a fortune in this game, and he had to leave some money for Zi Nu. After all, there were so many sisters-in-law to support.

Wei Zhuang didn't care about their future, but Luo Yan did.

"Brother Hu, what do you think about gambling?"

The smile on Luo Yan's face gradually faded, he gently clenched his fist and said in a leisurely manner.

"Betting? This thing can be big or small, it all depends on how you play~"

When the Emerald Tiger heard this, a glint flashed deep in his eyes, as if he somewhat understood what Luo Yan meant, and he said lightly.

"Naturally, don't play with the small ones. It's too small and boring. Moreover, the general gameplay is too ordinary and lacks excitement. It has limited appeal to those dignitaries. If you want to play, play with the big ones. Play with excitement, such as winning or losing in one night. Ten thousand gold, how to play, I have enough here, enough to make them crazy and flock to it."

Luo Yan tapped his head gently and said softly.

Giving away money through gambling?

This method takes very seconds~

Jade Tiger instantly understood the meaning of Luo Yan's words, and he was thinking more. For example, if he gave the money away, he could "get it" back again, depending on how he did it.

He is quite good at anything related to gambling.

After all, that's how he started his career back then.

"It's so late to meet Brother Luo~"

The Emerald Tiger grinned, drank all the tea in the cup, pursed his lips, and hummed.

That look seemed a little scary.

Because Luo Yan's words had aroused his interest and greed.

The Emerald Tiger is not a kind person.

Luo Yan raised his cup and said, "It's not too late, is it?"

He is naturally not afraid, and no one tells him to be a good person.

In this world, all good people are dead.

"Haha, that's right, it's not too late!"

The Emerald Tiger laughed loudly and responded.

Immediately, the two "like-minded" people began to discuss the details of the bet. At first, it was a two-way discussion, but later it evolved directly into Luo Yan's explanation.

The Emerald Tiger was fascinated by what he heard.

He had never thought that there were so many ways to play gambling.

There are seven or eight ways to play a single dice, and other types of card mahjong are unheard of.

In particular, the several lucky games that Emerald Tiger was most interested in, such as scratch-offs and box-opening, made him want to play a few games himself.

"That's about it, how about it?"

Luo Yan took a sip of tea, moistened his throat, looked at the fat-headed tiger with shining eyes, and chuckled.

"I didn't expect Brother Luo to be so knowledgeable about gambling."

The Emerald Tiger looked at Luo Yan in surprise, seeming curious and puzzled.

"I understand~"

Luo Yan smiled and said modestly.

It’s just that I watched too many movies in my previous life. When I was in the second grade of secondary school, I often shouted a few words of “stud”. Thinking about it, I feel a little ashamed.

"Brother Luo is being humble. This is called a little understanding, but then I don't know anything at all?!"

The Emerald Tiger said dissatisfiedly with a straight face.

"If you think it's okay, let's start building a luxurious casino to accommodate dignitaries, wealthy businessmen, etc."

Luo Yan said with a chuckle.

"No problem, I can solve all these little things within three days, but what about the gameplay?"

The Emerald Tiger looked at Luo Yan hesitantly and said.

"I'll hand it over to you within two days."

Luo Yan said softly.

"Okay, then I'll look forward to good news!"

The Emerald Tiger laughed and responded cheerfully, but he felt a little nervous and even felt a sense of crisis.

Because Luo Yan's existence really threatened him.

Once Luo Yan becomes big, will Ji Wuye keep him? !

The night never leaves waste behind. Once it loses its value, there will naturally be only one end, death!

Anping Jun and Longquan Jun are an example.

As one of the Four Fierce Generals of the Night, Jade Tiger was naturally well-informed. Two dignified royal families, and the brother of Han Wangan, died today without any ability to resist.

If he ends up being an outcast, will he do the same thing?

"Brother Luo, you really gave me a difficult problem~"

The Emerald Tiger looked at Luo Yan with a kind smile on his face, but he was thinking quietly in his heart.

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