Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 175 A brand new day

Looking at Han Fei with a smile on his face.

Luo Yan knew in his mind that Han Fei didn't know much about Mrs. Mingzhu.

But it's normal. Han Fei had just returned to South Korea not long ago. During this period, he went to Sanwang Zone to trade some things. Then there was the incident of ghost soldiers robbing wages. Even if the other party was in the mood to investigate these things, No time or energy.

Now that the ghost soldiers' robbery has finally come to an end, the other party has also won over Wei Zhuang and Zhang Liang to establish Liusha just like in the original work.

The next step is naturally to deal with Ji Wuye and Ye Mu.

If you want to deal with Ji Wuye, you must first deal with his four vicious generals and the Bird Killer Group.

Luo Yan's face softened slightly, but he still looked at Han Fei with the expression of someone who had made a careless friend. He snorted dissatisfiedly and said, "Is there anyone you suspect?"

Han Fei looked at Luo Yan who had agreed, and felt relieved. If the other party didn't agree, he couldn't be too forceful. The previous words were just a joke. He wouldn't really threaten Luo Yan for this matter. He smiled. He smiled, nodded and said: "Yes, according to the calculations made by Brother Wei Zhuang and Zifang last night, Mrs. Mingzhu is the most likely, followed by Hu Meiren!"

After speaking, he paused and continued:

"Nowadays, the most favored people in the palace are Mrs. Mingzhu and Hu Meiren. Mrs. Mingzhu has a special status, and her cousin is the bloody Hou Bai Yifei, so she is more likely to be a trendy banshee, and Brother Luo happens to teach Mrs. Mingzhu Painting makes it easier to investigate."

"As for Hu Meiren, although she has no actual contact with Ye Mu, her biological sister Mrs. Hu is the wife of Zuo Sima Liu Yi, and Zuo Sima Liu Yi is Ji Wuye's confidant, so the possibility of Hu Meiren Yes, but Brother Luo and Zuo Sima Liu Yi are inseparable, so..."

Luo Yan nodded after hearing this. Han Fei's inference was reasonable, but he still looked at Han Fei with a heavy face and said slowly: "Han Fei, they are your father's women, is it appropriate for me to investigate?" !”

"Brother Luo, just do your best. If it's really difficult, just pretend I didn't mention it!"

When Han Fei heard this, his expression straightened and he said in a deep voice.

"It's not that difficult. Since you said so, let me try to investigate. Who made me a friend like you~"

Luo Yan sighed softly, sighed, patted Han Fei's shoulder lightly, and walked towards the kitchen.

His mood at the moment is also quite complicated.

On one side is the bad friend I have made, a rare friend in this world.

On the other side is the most beautiful shark in his fish pond.

Caught between the two, Luo Yan felt that it was too difficult for him.

"I owe Brother Luo another favor!"

Han Fei bowed to Luo Yan and said softly.

"Come on, just treat me to a drink some other time~"

Luo Yan waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

This matter may be extremely dangerous to others, but to Luo Yan, it is like picking something out of a bag, opening his mouth to get something, without any difficulty.

The only difficult part is when to say it and how to say it.

How to prevent Mrs. Mingzhu and Han Fei from fighting each other to the death? It would not be good for either side if it hurts.

Mrs. Mingzhu understands that she is in love for a long time and is reluctant to let go.

If Han Fei is really going to take action, Zi Nu will definitely be involved in it, and it will make her feel distressed if she bumps into him.

It’s not easy to handle.

"It's hard for Brother Luo~"

Han Fei watched Luo Yan go to the kitchen and was too embarrassed to follow him. He just felt a little guilty for having asked him to do such a difficult thing. He moved his lips slightly and murmured to himself in a low voice. Then he shook his head and walked towards Wei Zhuang's room. Go.

He still had to discuss the future matters with Wei Zhuang.

When you start a business in Quicksand, you still need to build an intelligence network. This is the most important thing.

This is why Han Fei had no choice but to ask Luo Yan for help, because he really has no one available. There are only a few people in the entire organization, and there are only three or two kittens.

Make bricks without straw.

. . . . . . . . .

When Luo Yan returned to Zi Nu's room with the tray, Zi Nu had already stood up. She was wearing a dignified purple dress. The purple hair on her head had been pulled up and bound by a hosta. She was cold and charming, but when she saw Luo Yan entering the room, there was a touch of tenderness between her eyebrows and her mouth, and a slight curve appeared at the corner of her mouth.

The morning sunlight scatters along the windows, forming a beautiful picture.

"Don't you want to sleep for a while?!"

Luo Yan put the millet porridge he had cooked by himself on the table beside him. He looked at Zi Nu who stood up to dress up and asked with a smile. Then he walked over, took the comb from Zi Nu's hand, and started to help Zi Nu with skillful movements. Comb your hair.

Zi Nu sat meekly and responded softly: "I can't sleep without you around."

When Luo Yan got up, Zi Nu woke up. She had always been a light sleeper, not to mention the movements of the person next to her pillow.

"I know you covet my handsome face. Tell me honestly, have you fallen in love with me since the first time we met, but you're just too embarrassed to say it~"

Luo Yan gently combed Zi Nu's hair, but he was teasing her uncontrollably.

"Fuck you~"

Hearing this, Zi Nu glared at the bad guy in the bronze mirror and hummed softly.

But thinking about meeting Luo Yan for the first time, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to find it very interesting.

Now that I think about it, it still feels a bit unreal.

After all, at that time, she never thought that she and Luo Yan would reach this point. Her eyes looked gently at the gold bracelet on her wrist, which was a symbol of status.

Luo Yan smiled and continued: "Don't be embarrassed, just like me, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. At that time, I only had one thought in my mind, I must let such a beautiful girl give me Give birth to a child, obviously, I did it, your man and I are awesome!”

Speaking of this, my tone became a bit more arrogant and proud~

Zinu spat lightly, she really couldn't stand Luo Yan's nasty words, but she couldn't help but feel a little sweet in her heart. If Luo Yan didn't take the initiative later, she would probably never have anything to do with Luo Yan in her life.

She is lucky.

Zi Nu leaned slightly into Luo Yan's arms, her expression gentle and demure for a moment, as if she wanted time to stay at this moment forever.

But this is obviously impossible.

Because time cannot stop, just like people, no one can stay with someone forever.

What's more.

Luo Yan had to rush home to have breakfast with Jing Salamander, so he took the initiative to break the warmth and said softly: "Eat something first. I will come back to you in the evening if I have something to do later."

After saying that, he gently held Zi Nu's head and looked at it in front of the bronze mirror.

Well, the look is perfect, this couple is a perfect match!

Then Luo Yan walked to the table where the rice porridge was placed, picked up the millet porridge, and then sat next to Zi Nu.

"Open your mouth~"

"I'm not a child, so I don't need you to take care of me."

Zi Nu looked at Luo Yan who wanted to feed her porridge, her eyes became more tender, but her mouth declined softly: "If you have anything to do, please leave first, I will eat it by myself later."

"I'll watch you finish eating before leaving. If you feel uncomfortable, rest for a while."

Luo Yan said caringly and considerately, while blowing on the hot rice porridge, scooping a spoonful and passing it to Zi Nu's mouth.

Zi Nu looked at Luo Yan helplessly and could only open her mouth and eat it obediently.

this moment.

Luo Yan seemed to really treat her as a child.

This feeling is undoubtedly novel for Zi Nu, because in Zi Lan Xuan, she has always been the eldest sister, and she needs to take care of everyone, even Wei Zhuang.

Zi Nu was slightly absent-minded and looked at Luo Yan, who was taking care of her tenderly.

She felt as if she could not do without Luo Yan more and more.

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