Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 179 The true nature of a man

The time for a cup of tea passed quickly.

The closed door was slowly pushed open, and Luo Yan walked out of the house in high spirits. His clothes were disheveled, his hair was messy, and he had a more slutty attitude. He was holding a weak and boneless kitten in his arms. .

Yan Lingji was wrapped in Luo Yan's robe, with a slender and graceful figure. She curled up in Luo Yan's arms with a seductive posture. Her pretty face was slightly red, her fine eyebrows were lightly frowned, she was breathing in a small mouth, and her exposed feet were even more beautiful. It curled up slightly, as if it had been tortured quite a bit.

The emerald tiger glanced at Yan Lingji's exposed delicate jade with salivation. Apparently, this fat-headed tiger was also a foot fetishist.

Liuzi and Poisonous Scorpion stood respectfully on one side with flattering smiles on their faces.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time, brother~"

Luo Yan grinned, gave the Emerald Tiger a look that every man could understand, and chuckled.

Hearing this, the Emerald Tiger immediately winked and smiled strangely: "Brother Luo, it's good if you are satisfied, but even if you are a beautiful woman, you have to pay attention to your health. Even if Brother Luo is still young, this beauty is like a bone scraper. Too much can be harmful to the body." .”

I think you look down on me?

An eighteen-year-old boy is beyond the reach of an old man like you!

Luo Yan cursed in his heart, but he said: "Brother, I worry too much. Brother, I still know what's appropriate."

"Brother, I have also come from a young age. I have also been fascinated by this beauty. It is useless to know the right measures. I have to supplement more. I also have many precious nourishing things there, which are gentle and nourishing. I'll pick it up and deliver it to you in two days."

Jade Tiger said with a smile, with a caring look on his face, he really regarded Luo Yan as his younger brother.

"Thank you very much, brother."

Luo Yan didn't hesitate and agreed directly. These are good things, so be prepared for any trouble.

Everyone will have a day when they are exhausted.

"Why should you and I be so polite? Let's go."

The Emerald Tiger stroked his beard and smiled.

Luo Yan nodded, then carried Yan Lingji and walked outside.

Along the way, they passed the road full of slaves and medicine men again. Luo Yan clearly felt that Yan Lingji in his arms seemed to be in a much worse mood. She curled up more and more, like a little wild cat that was threatened. Hairy.

Obviously this girl is not really strong inside and still has a fragile side.

It's just that she won't show her emotions easily.

A difficult life will always make people learn to pretend to protect themselves.

Luo Yan tightened his arms.

Soon he came outside. The bright sunshine was shining. Luo Yan glanced at the Emerald Tiger and chuckled: "I will send this beauty back to Lanxiu Villa first. She probably won't be able to come out today."

"I understand, enjoy it and I won't disturb your enjoyment today!"

The Emerald Tiger nodded and smiled, and at the same time gestured to the Poisonous Scorpion beside him.

Venomous Scorpion immediately took a step forward and handed a box to Luo Yan with a smile on his face. At the same time, he said: "This is the medicine prepared for your safety, just in case. The usage is the same as before. I hope Mr. Accept it."

"Thank you."

Naturally, Luo Yan did not refuse. He gave Poisonous Scorpion a very sensible look, nodded slightly, and then hugged Yan Lingji and got into the carriage.

The Emerald Tiger stood on the side of the road, watching Luo Yan go away. After exchanging words with Liu Zi, he got into the carriage and left.

"Brother Six, did you make a lot of money this time?"

Poisonous Scorpion smiled, looked at Liu Zi, and asked.

Liuzi glanced at Poisonous Scorpion with a look of disdain, and lost all the flattery. He twitched the mustache at the corners of his mouth, and he said with a hint of success as a villain: "Do your own thing well, and there will be cooperation in the future. Chance."

After saying that, he led a dozen soldiers in armor and left.

"Damn, what the hell!"

Poisonous Scorpion watched Liu Zi go away with a smile on his face. As he walked further and further away, the smile on his face gradually faded, he narrowed his eyes and cursed coldly.

Damn it, this time he didn't get even a single benefit, and it was all swallowed up by the six sons.

But there was nothing he could do. Who knew that he had just joined the big ship Ji Wuye and Ye Mu, and he didn't have any good goods on hand. The top goods this time were also prepared by Liu Zi, and he was just responsible for taking care of them.

The only good thing was that he became familiar with the Emerald Tiger Luo Yan.

"Boss, do you want to kill him?!"

A masked killer in black approached and asked.

When Poisonous Scorpion heard this, he slapped him angrily and cursed: "Do you have any brains? Why are all my subordinates idiots like you? Okay, let's stop these things. Let's continue to grab Qijuetang's territory tonight. I want to see how long that old guy can carry it!"

. . . . . . . . . .

The carriage drove slowly on the road.

Inside the car, there were good and thick blankets to cushion the shock, and there was an incense burner emitting incense. Everything was full of the smell of money.

Luo Yan was lying half-lying, holding the back of his head with one hand, looking at Yan Lingji lying on his chest.

This peerless beauty is looking up at her beautiful face. Luo Yan's robe can't cover it all. With the change of posture, two wisps of white greasy are exposed, and her dreamlike eyes blink slightly, revealing a few... The purity of the girl is mixed with the style and charm of the royal sister. Everything is natural and extremely attractive.

But this girl started to play with fire disobediently again. She made a heartbeat with her thumb and index finger, and with a crisp sound, a flame appeared on her fingertips. The halo dispelled the darkness in the car, making Yan Lingji... The face is more charming and charming.

This witch is so charming that she won't pay for her life.


Luo Yan did not pamper Yan Lingji, but slapped her hard on Yan Lingji's buttocks.

The sound was crisp and the feel was excellent. Luo Yan squeezed it lovingly and skillfully.

Well, it's very sexy.

The standard of giving birth to a son!

This slap was like flipping the switch of a lighter. With a crisp sound, the flame that had just risen was instantly extinguished.

Yan Lingji was in pain, her delicate and beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, the tenderness in her eyes turned cold again, her face changed very quickly, her cheeks bulged slightly, she stared at Luo Yan angrily, as if Luo Yan didn't give her a Explain, she will explode.

Even when the little wild cat is angry, it is so cute that it is hard to scold him.

Luo Yan lowered his voice and warned: "The people driving the carriage outside and the people guarding the surroundings are all the people of the Emerald Tiger, that is, the fat man's manpower. Don't play with fire casually. If you don't want your master to die, just be obedient." obedient!"

In addition to fighting with the little wild cats in the nest, Luo Yan was reluctant to use violence against Yan Lingji.

Tianze can only be used to reason.

"People are just afraid of the dark~"

Yan Lingji pursed her lips and suppressed the annoyance in her heart. The next moment she began to change her face and became extremely well-behaved again. She was as supple and well-behaved as if she had changed from a little wild cat to a pet cat. She lay obediently on Luo Yan's side. In his arms, he murmured softly.

That weak and well-behaved look gave Luo Yan the feeling that it was not her fault, but his own fault.

Suddenly Luo Yan understood King Zhou's thoughts.

What's more, Yan Lingji is not only a peerless enchantress, but also a fire girl.

Who among the modern pure men can resist a fire girl? !

"Stop pretending, your tricks are of no use to me. Let me tell you straight. I know where your master is being held, and there are ways to rescue your master, but not now."

Luo Yan stretched out his hand and pinched Yan Lingji's face. It felt great, and the skin was delicate, smooth, and flawless. The more he pinched, the more addictive he became.

Yan Lingji wanted to resist, but after hearing Luo Yan's words, Yan Lingji did not dare to resist. She just looked at Luo Yan tenderly and said softly: "Then how can you be willing to save my master?" ~”

As long as Han Fei and the others jump harder, the Bloody Marquis will arrogantly release the people!

Luo Yan joked in his heart, but his expression was extremely serious, and he said slowly: "Tianze was captured by the Xueyi Hou and imprisoned in a mysterious dungeon. Except for the Xueyi Hou, others can enter and exit that place. Others can break in." It will only kill him. If you want to release him, you can only rely on Xueyi Hou. This requires a detailed and appropriate plan, and I have already designed this plan. You only need to cooperate with me. I guarantee you that it will take two months at most. , your master will be able to regain his life!"

"Are you sure that the Bloody Marquis will let him go?!"

Yan Lingji slowly knelt down and sat down. Although her face was still pinched by Luo Yan, she no longer minded these trivial matters. She stared at Luo Yan with her beautiful eyes and asked suspiciously and seriously.

Bloody Marquis!

Yan Lingji naturally knew who it was.

In the land of Baiyue, the Bloody Marquis slaughtered countless people of Baiyue, and even his clothes were dyed red, so he got the title of the Bloody Marquis.

The identity and status of the other party are extremely transcendent in South Korea. Why did Luo Yan let the blood-clothed Hou release him?


Who is Luo Yan? !

"Of course, otherwise I don't need to tell you this. I can make an agreement with you. I can let you see Tianze within two months, and within these two months, you have to be obedient. How about that?"

Luo Yan chuckled lightly, and at the same time reluctantly let go of the dog's paw that was pinching her face. Looking at Yan Lingji's pretty face, which was pinched red, he felt in his heart that Yan Lingji's skin was so good, and she turned red even with the slightest effort. Made of water.

He will also set fire~

"Why should I believe you? Also, who are you, why do you want to save me, and why do you know so many things!"

Yan Lingji looked at Luo Yan with puzzled eyes and asked without listening. She felt that there were too many doubts about Luo Yan.

"Because you have no choice. Without me, who can you save as a little Baiyue slave girl who sets fire? Maybe she won't be saved, but you will be caught in it instead!"

Luo Yan said lightly.

"You underestimate me!"

Yan Lingji snorted, stared at Luo Yan, and said coldly.

"This is Korea, this is the Central Plains, not your land of Baiyue. If you were really capable, or if Wushuanggui and the others were really capable, Tianze wouldn't have been imprisoned for more than ten years, and you wouldn't have been arrested~"

Luo Yan looked at Yan Lingji seriously and said slowly.

"As for who I am, you will know in the future. Now you just need to know that I am not a bad person, and I have no bad intentions towards you. As for why I want to save you, you can think that I like you, the way men like women~"

Luo Yan said this very seriously. Yan Lingji's character and beauty were impeccable and she was indeed very lovable.

Of course, when it comes to the final summary, there are four words: the true nature of a man!

Yan Lingji is pretty enough.

Luo Yan is lustful and courageous enough.

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