Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 235 Progress

Feeling the slightest chill, Luo Yan's old face turned red.

The thought of showing off was stopped, and he sat back down again. He covered his body with a bath towel calmly, coughed slightly, looked at the sky with a serious face, and said, "The moonlight is pretty good today!"


As Luo Yan spoke, a silver bell-like laughter sounded, and at the same time soft words sounded: "Sir, you are such an interesting person~"

The little goblin Yan Lingji appeared beside the hot spring at some point, shrouded in water mist, dressed in an aqua blue gauze pajamas dress, even graceful and charming, her bright and charming face showed a bit of playfulness, and she winked slightly. There was no trace of embarrassment in his eyes, staring straight at Luo Yan.

Luo Yan is indeed interesting.

There are very few people in this world who can take life and death seriously, and Luo Yan is obviously one of them.

Female gangster!

Luo Yan glanced at the female fairy standing with Jing Salamander and snorted in his heart.

Boys must protect themselves outside. You never know how many women will covet your body and treasure.

Sitting down with Luo Yan.

Jing Salamander's cold, moon-like eyes turned around, with no trace of shame on his delicate face, and continued to ask: "Dugu Nine Swords?"

There was a bit of suspicion and confusion in his tone.

This sword technique has never been heard of before.

Yan Lingji also looked at Luo Yan curiously, while Xiao Yu, the unparalleled beauty beside her, had a look of ignorance.

"I figured it out myself!"

When Luo Yan heard this, he smiled slightly, met Jingshao's eyes, and said softly.

Jingli nodded, then turned around and walked away. She came here just to see what happened to Luo Yan. When she realized that Luo Yan had realized the artistic conception, she stopped and stared for a while to prevent anything from happening. Since Luo Yan As long as nothing happened, she wouldn't continue to stare.

As for the swordsmanship and sword intention that Luo Yan had mastered, Jing Salamander didn't ask because there was no need.

Too cluttered.

For half an hour, no fewer than ten kinds of sword intent emerged from Luo Yan's body, some were feminine, some were masculine, some were fierce and domineering, etc., and even more pure murderous intent!

But these sword intentions were obviously not understood by Luo Yan himself. They were extremely complicated and impure. They were just deliberate imitations without soul.

Just similar in appearance.

There is no God!

If the state of mind cannot keep up, no matter how similar the state of mind is, it will only be a resemblance.

Everything that needs to be said has been said before. Obviously Luo Yan still wants to keep trying, and there is nothing Jingyu can do about it. She is not a talkative person.

Now that Luo Yan has made this decision, Jing Salamander can only acquiesce.

Even if Luo Yan really loses his temper, Jing salamander feels that he can still protect him.


Luo Yan looked at Jing Salad who left without asking him, and the words he wanted to say were held in his mouth for a while.

The so-called Dugu Nine Swords are naturally fake. He just deliberately imitated many sword skills in short videos and the sword intentions of those sword masters. He imitated their moods according to their personalities, and the sword intentions were naturally displayed.

The more you practice with things like sword moves, you will eventually return to nature and turn complexity into simplicity.

Within half an hour, Luo Yan had thought through thousands of sword techniques. He suddenly felt that he had a new understanding of sword techniques, as if he had no sword in his hand but a sword in his heart.

This feeling is amazing and cannot be described in detail.

He planned to go back and discuss his experience with Jing Salamander later.

"Why don't you go back to sleep? Still want to watch?"

Luo Yan looked at Yan Lingji, who had not left, and suddenly stood up angrily, proudly puffed out his belly, and said without being shy at all.

He is not a child, and the other person is not shy. Why is he shy?

As long as you are big enough, you are afraid of others!

Yan Lingji couldn't bear it anymore, a flash of shame flashed between her brows and eyes, she raised a hand, a ball of flame appeared, she glared at Luo Yan, and hummed softly: "I'll burn it for you!"

After saying that, a wisp of flame was thrown at Luo Yan's brother.


However, the flames were extinguished halfway due to the water vapor, and Yan Lingji also disappeared in a flash.

Obviously the Fire Girl is reluctant to give up.

Or maybe I don’t want to worry about someone who is dying.

Yan Lingji left, but Xiaoyu couldn't leave. Her pretty face was flushed, and there seemed to be tears floating in the corners of her eyes. She looked at Luo Yan with a desire to refuse but to welcome her, which made people feel pity.

Luo Yan's breath was suffocated. He had just forgotten this caring and lovely maid.

. . . . . . . . . .

After finally comforting Xiaoyu, Luo Yan returned to Jingyu's house wrapped in pajamas.

Jing salamander had already laid the floor for Luo Yan and was sitting on the edge of the bed. His beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Yan'er who was sleeping gently. After Luo Yan entered the room and closed the door, he looked over. Without waiting for Luo Yan to speak, His lips moved slightly, and a cold voice sounded: "Are you really planning to take this road to the end?"

Yan Lingji was standing aside just now, and there were many things that Jing Salamander didn't say.

Now that there was no one around, Jing Salaman could not help but say it again. This was extremely rare for her character, which showed that she still cared a little about Luo Yan.

Things like feelings, after a long time, there will still be some everywhere.

"Let's give it a try. I have no idea how to understand the sword's intention. Let's compare with each other and let you see my new swordsmanship!"

Luo Yan looked at Jing Salamander with a smile and invited him.

He can naturally feel the kindness of Jing Salamander, and the future is promising!

The premise is that you can withstand Bai Yifei!

Live until the day you fight with a giant salamander in its den.

Jing salamander looked at Luo Yan, who took the initiative to invite him to spar, and felt a little confused. After thinking for a moment, he stood up and walked over, taking the thin branch handed over by Luo Yan. He looked at Luo Yan's smiling expression with his beautiful eyes. Frowning slightly, he knelt down on the floor, his posture elegant and quiet.

Luo Yan also knelt down opposite Jing Salamander and extended his hand in a gesture of invitation.

The Jing Salamander was not polite. He held a wooden branch in his slender hand like an English teacher. The slender wooden branch was stabbed at Luo Yan's neck at a tricky angle. It was a killing move as soon as it came up, and it was extremely fast.

Luo Yan looked at the stabbed wood branch, and inexplicably had many changes in the sword's movements in his mind. The sword moved according to his heart, and he moved forward very skillfully, attacking Jing Salamander's wrist.

At this distance, if the Frightened Salamander continued to stab, his wrist would definitely be pierced first.

Because the arm lengths are different.

The Jing Salamander's thorn turned into a downward slash, and Luo Yan's branch bounced away. Luo Yan took advantage of the situation and lifted it lightly. His movements were lighter and more concise than before, as if he were returning to his original nature. Every move was extremely concise and fast, just like some master-level swordsmen. He has integrated many sword skills into himself and reduced complexity into simplicity.

Jing salamander was a little surprised by the change in Luo Yan's moves. The opponent's sword moves seemed to be not only imitating his own, but also had many changes. The most important thing was that Luo Yan's sword moves were faster, without any hesitation, everything was close to instinct, as if he was shocked. The moment Salamander drew his sword, he had already thought about how to deal with it, instead of drawing his sword after hesitating in his brain.

In the span of ten breaths, Jing Salamander and Luo Yan exchanged dozens of moves.

For a time, it was 50-50, and even Jing Salamander felt a little struggling. Without using his inner breath, he couldn't suppress the opponent with just sword moves and a little sword intention.

This is a bit outrageous.

Soon, Jing Salamander sheathed his sword and stared at Luo Yan with beautiful eyes, looking a little surprised and confused.

In a short period of time, Luo Yan has improved so much in swordsmanship. This can no longer be regarded as progress, he is simply a different person.

"How about it, my swordsmanship is pretty good, right?!"

Luo Yan chuckled and asked.

"You are more talented in swordsmanship than I am."

Jing salamander looked at Luo Yan, his beautiful eyes looked complicated, and he nodded slowly.


Luo Yan said modestly that his family knew his own affairs, and in terms of swordsmanship alone, even ten of him could not compare to Jing Salamander.

He just relied on short videos to forcefully make up for the gap in sword moves.

But the difference in artistic conception is probably very difficult in this life.

What is copied is what is copied.

Of course, Luo Yan didn't mind, this was his talent.

Jingyu didn't know this. The higher Luo Yan's talent, the more complicated her emotions became. She felt that she owed Luo Yan more and more things.

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