Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 248 Using force to suppress others

"here we go!"

Wei Zhuang Zinu and Zhang Liangzheng were sitting in a special seat, looking at the two people who were already seated in the venue.

Zi Nu and Zhang Liang nodded slightly and looked at the two people who were about to debate with a slightly nervous expression. After all, famous people have great reputations, and there are countless people who have been defeated by famous people. It's not that they have no confidence in Luo Yan, but just arguing. Together, there are almost no people in the world who can say that they can surely surpass famous people.

Ji Wuye, Bai Yifei and others also stared at the two people in the stands. They came here more to watch the show.

Winning or losing is not important.

After all, whether Luo Yan wins or loses, it has no effect on them.

At this moment, in the stands.

Gongsun Linglong was the first to ask:

"Excuse me, Mr. Luo, do you know about birds?"

Same old thing?

Luo Yan frowned slightly, smiled in his heart, and asked instead of answering: "Mr. Gongsun wants to ask me, how can a son who is not a fish know the allusion of the joy of fish?"

The so-called argumentation means remembering to step into the thinking logic of others.

The rhythm must be controlled by yourself.

Just like trolling someone, you have to be able to troll ten times a second until the other person can't even type, then you'll win.

Not easy to deal with!

Gongsun Linglong's small eyes behind the mask narrowed, and she confirmed this in her heart. The smile on her lips became stronger, and her tone was a bit pretentious: "Sir, you are very knowledgeable. This is what the little lady wants to ask. I wonder if you can, sir?" Answer one or two.

Do people on this earth know the joy of birds in the sky? "

"Before answering this question, I would like to ask Mr. Gongsun, is this question important? What did the ancestors who raised this question really mean? Is it just a matter of arguing about this small issue?"

Luo Yan held the paper fan and slowly opened it, grinned, and continued:

"Is the happiness of fish important? Is the happiness of birds important? When Zhuangzi and Huizi discussed this issue, did Mr. Gongsun know what they wanted to express?"


Gongsun Linglong was slightly startled and was about to say something.

Luo Yan didn't give Gongsun Linglong a chance to speak at all. His small mouth fired like Gatling in all directions: "What do the two ancestors want to express? What they want to explain is an attitude, and It’s the so-called don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.

The point expressed by Mr. Zhuangzi is that different people have different feelings about the same thing. We can use our own requirements to restrain ourselves, but we cannot restrain others.

Keiko's point of view is to restrain yourself, respect others, and respect other people's feelings. This is the most basic courtesy in interactions between people.

The question is not important, what is important is the meaning behind the question. "

Having said this, Luo Yan dropped his serious tone and smiled slightly:

"Mr. Gongsun, do you think so!?"


Faced with Luo Yan's unreasonable behavior, Gongsun Linglong, who was still a young girl, had a mental breakdown.

Gongsun Linglong even felt as if she was being taught by her grandfather when she started preaching from such a high position. She originally planned to debate the basic logic, but Luo Yan's words immediately stunned her, and she didn't know what to say for a while. what.

The venue was quiet for a while.

Zhao Shen, who admired Gongsun Linglong, even looked stiff.

Gongsun Long opened his narrow eyes and looked at Luo Yan more seriously, because Luo Yan's answer just now was perfect and even killed the debate question at its root.

Once Gongsun Linglong is extremely messy and arrogant, he will only fall into disgrace and be despised by others.

Mrs. Mingzhu's beautiful eyes gleamed, and beauty was in the eye of a lover. Luo Yan seemed to be particularly handsome today, with scholarly energy and heroic appearance, which made her feel slightly wet.

Hu Meiren pursed her lips tightly and stared at Luo Yan, this piece of shit.

She had no interest in the outcome of the debate. She was just following Han Wangan this time.

As for Luo Yan, she wanted to bite him to death!

He bullied his sister and bullied her again.

Gongsun Linglong was silent for a while, calming down her mind, and just moved her lips, preparing to say something.

Luo Yan suddenly put away his fan.

at the same time.


The crowd in the distance suddenly burst into cheers, and soon the cheers resounded throughout the venue. Everyone followed the crowd, and soon the cheers resounded throughout the world.

Gongsun Linglong's expression stiffened.

From a close distance, Luo Yan could clearly see the corners of Aunt Gongsun's mouth twitching slightly. Her smile became brighter and gentler for a moment, and she felt emotional in her heart.

My money was not in vain, the atmosphere team outside performed well.

Yes, the first cheer was paid by Luo Yan to find someone to cooperate. As long as he put away his fan, someone would cheer outside.

Suppressing people with ventriloquism is only the first step, and using force to suppress talents is the second step.

The future Gongsun Linglong may be immune to this trick, but the current Gongsun Linglong is obviously not as shameless and confident as he will be later.

Age is a shackle.

Just like when Luo Yan was a teenager, he also cared about face. When he saw the little girl he liked, his palms would become sweaty and his heartbeat would speed up.

As for now.

The military immortal Han Xin once said: The more, the better!

"Sir, the little girl has learned a lesson."

Gongsun Linglong could afford to lose. She knew that she had lost in the first round. Luo Yan was the first to crush her in terms of eloquence and momentum. She didn't even have a chance to speak. She was decisive and stopped in time. If you lose in the first round, there are still several rounds left, so there is no need to dwell on temporary gains and losses.


Luo Yan said with a smile, his handsome face and chic posture were accompanied by a wave of cheers from all around.

The pretending Gongsun Linglong gritted his teeth.

Celebrities have always stepped on others, but when did others step on them?

"Admit defeat?"

At this moment, at a hidden high platform, the Six-fingered Black Man saw this scene and smiled in surprise. He was obviously surprised that the first round ended so quickly.

Yan Dan on the side nodded slightly and said nothing because he was not able to hear what was said in the stands.

He didn't have such superb martial arts skills as the Six-Fingered Black Man, so it was naturally impossible for him to hear the words of the two people in the stands from hundreds of meters away.

He could only awkwardly cooperate with the Six-fingered Black Man.

"Brother, sir, have you won?"

Little Canary Honglian raised her bright cheeks, stared at Han Fei with bright eyes, and asked curiously.

"Well, Brother Luo is very clever with this move. He uses his strength to overwhelm others, but it will be difficult to deal with him in the next round."

Han Fei nodded, but his face was not relaxed at all, and he said slowly.

If a famous person is so easy to deal with, then he is no longer a famous person.

What's more, the Gongsun family's trump card hasn't been revealed yet.

The first round was just a test of the waters. Looking at Luo Yan's ability, winning or losing didn't matter.

This second round is when ability really comes into play.

Just when Gongsun Linglong was about to use his trump card, Luo Yan

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