Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 27 Parade

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and a white cloud is floating lazily.

Just like someone, wandering lazily on the street.

On the streets, pedestrians were passing by and traffic was busy.

It's not as busy as modern congested streets, but it's still lively.

The vendors on the streets along the way were selling their goods enthusiastically. The scene reminded Luo Yan of the market scene at home when he was a child. It was a bit similar. At that time, there were not so many cars on the streets, but only tricycles, bicycles, or simple trailers. The slightly higher-end ones are tractors, which emit tons of black smoke as soon as they are started.

When he was a child, Luo Yan was really worried that it would fall apart.

But this thing was unexpectedly strong. Until Luo Yan traveled through time, there was an abandoned tractor in his hometown, which might still be usable after repairing it.

What a simple folk custom~

Luo Yan sighed inwardly and stopped in front of a small stall selling jewelry. He planned to buy some jewelry or something as a gift, either as a gift for the Amazing Salamander or as a gift for Purple Girl, so as to experience the customs and culture of Korea in this era.

As for favors, he had already experienced them last night.

To be honest, the tricks are a bit mediocre, and you still need to teach them through words and deeds.

"Guest, look, these are excellent jewelry, exquisitely made, and of the highest quality."

Seeing Luo Yan stop, the vendor quickly came up to him with a smile, picked up a few well-made gold hairpins and introduced them.

Luo Yan nodded slightly, reached out and grabbed a gold hairpin, weighed it gently, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, because the size was different from the weight of gold. Obviously, the gold hairpin was mixed with some other things, and it was mixed with gold. The weight is quite a lot, otherwise it would not be felt so easily.

Then he looked at the jade pendants around him. Sure enough, the material was average.

But it's normal.

If these things were real, it would be impossible for this vendor to set up a street stall.

The hawker also noticed the change in Luo Yan's eyes and the small movements of his hands, and understood that the other party was not a fat sheep. He suddenly became less enthusiastic and persuaded in a low voice: "Guest, we are a small business. Although the material is a bit worse, the workmanship is definitely not bad." , it’s not a problem to use it to fool the women at home.”

"Who do you think I am?"

Luo Yan said dissatisfied.

He is serious about every woman and relationship. How can he be fooled by this kind of thing? This is a matter of attitude.


The hawker's expression suddenly froze and he couldn't continue talking. He shook his head in frustration, understanding that the business was ruined.

"Wrap up these bracelets for me. As for these gold hairpins, you added too many. These pair of earrings are pretty good."

Luo Yan suddenly changed the subject, pointed to a few jade bracelets and earrings in good condition, and said.

The vendor was stunned for a moment, then the enthusiasm returned to his face, and he said with a smile: "Okay, I'll wrap it up for you. The customer has really good eyesight. I'll pick out the best-looking one for you."

Luo Yan nodded slightly and happily accepted the hawker's flattery.

It seems that he is quite good at jade.

As for the earrings.

This kind of smaller thing, even if it is mixed with other things, will not be too much, so you will not be cheated when you buy it.

Although he is not short of money, this is the process of buying things, and it is always unpleasant to be cheated.

What's more, these things are given to girls. There is no point in buying them if they are too good. What they are given are thoughts and stories. Only superficial women can judge the quality of things. It's okay for such women not to want them.

"Take it and go slowly. Welcome to visit next time."

The vendor handed the things to Luo Yan politely, took the knife coin from Luo Yan, and watched Luo Yan go away.

When Luo Yan walked away, the corner of the hawker's mouth curled up slightly, and his brows were full of anger. He skillfully took out a set of good-quality jade bracelets and earrings from underneath, mixed them in with these parallel imports, and started selling again. .

How can any honest person survive in this era?

They all have their own little cleverness.

There are only a few fat sheep after all.

But smart people like Luo Yan are the core customers of hawkers.

. . . . . . .

Luo Yan didn't know the hawker's subsequent movements and expressions. He had already arrived at a blacksmith's shop and planned to get a sword. He threw away all the swords from Luowen, because those swords had Luowen's unique markings on them. As for Frightened Salamander Sword.

Although Frightened Salamander didn't mind letting him use it, this sword was obviously not suitable for showing off.

Accident prone.

Especially for Wei Zhuang, a militant who longs for a powerful opponent. Once he sees himself holding a famous sword like the Jing Salamander Sword, his first thought will definitely be to rush up and say hello with shark teeth and say hello in the swordsman's way. .

Prevent yourself from being forced to comb your hair.

Luo Yan felt that it was better to put the Frightening Salamander Sword aside to gather dust.

"Sword? Does the guest have any requirements?"

The master of the blacksmith shop heard this and asked.

"Just hard enough."

Luo Yan thought for a moment and said softly.

He hopes that this sword can be as strong and tough as his brother, and can give him a little confidence and warmth in this troubled world.

"Hard? This... we can only do our best."

The master of the blacksmith shop looked at the serious Luo Yan with a strange look. He felt that the other party was here to play. How could anyone make a sword according to this requirement? Some people pursue beauty and handsomeness, some pursue sharpness and toughness, but hardness. This Still the first one.

"Whatever materials are easier to use, I'm not short of money."

Luo Yan took out a handful of gold coins from his arms and said that he was not here for fun and that he was serious.

"No problem! I also have a piece of ancestral meteorite iron here for the guest to use. I will definitely make you a peerless sword. I wonder what the guest is looking for in the shape of the sword?"

The master of the blacksmith shop's eyes suddenly lit up and he was attracted by the gold. His tone also became enthusiastic in an instant. He patted his bulging chest muscles and said confidently.

If it weren't for the fact that there is no Famous Sword Villa in this world, I would almost believe it.

Luo Yan complained in his heart. He didn't expect the other party to be able to shoot any great swords. He just needed to be able to use them. However, the shape the other party mentioned made him a little uneasy. After thinking about it, he picked up a piece of charcoal and placed it on the wall. As I started drawing, many short videos appeared in my mind.

After a while, a slender weapon that looked like a sword but not a sword, and looked like a knife but not a knife appeared on the wall.

At the same time, Luo Yan also wrote down rows of data.

"Master, follow this and use whatever good materials or means you have. This is a deposit."

Luo Yan threw the charcoal into the stove, pointed at the Tang Dao shape he had drawn, and said with a smile.

You really came here to play!

The master of the blacksmith shop looked at the weapons painted on the wall and felt a little certain.

After hammering so much iron, it was not like he had never beaten weapons before, but this was the first time he had seen a sword like the one Luo Yan drew.

But the shape is quite nice, and it would be great to use as a sword.

For the sake of Jin Zi, the master of the blacksmith shop decided not to talk much and just do things and follow the other party's requirements.

"Okay, I will pick up the goods in five days."

The master of the blacksmith shop nodded in response.

"Five days?!"

Luo Yan said with some surprise when he heard this.

"If the customer is in a hurry, we can rush him out in three days."

The master of the blacksmith shop frowned and said.

"Five days, just five days. I'm not in a hurry. I'm sorry, Master."

Luo Yan's blood suddenly cooled down and he said without interest. Fortunately, he had expected something just now, such as meeting some reclusive master and building a famous sword for himself.

It can be built in three days if you work hard, and maybe one or two days will be enough if you work harder.

What good products can be produced in mass production?

(I drank too much last night, so I’m going to make up one chapter. There are two more chapters tonight)

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