Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 365 Wait and see

After all, Zhao Ji is not the kind of stupid woman with no brains at all. At least she still has some intelligence until there is no trap.

With a slight exertion on her waist, Zhao Ji stood up slowly, and at the same time took a step back, keeping a safe distance from Luo Yan. Her soft eyes became a little more wary, she looked at Luo Yan, and said in a deep voice: "You and I What do you mean by saying this!"

"I have no other intention in saying this to the Queen Mother. I just hope that the Queen Mother will stop being so sad. There is still a long way to go, and people have to look forward!"

Luo Yan did not go further and stood still, but he no longer had the respect he had before because he had already figured out Zhao Ji's character.

Compared to Mrs. Mingzhu, Zhao Ji's character is obviously easier to deal with.

Of course, this also has something to do with Luo Yan knowing about Zhao Ji's deeds. If it were someone who didn't know anything and was teasing her here, she would probably be dead.

How to speak, how to speak into Zhao Ji's heart, is a science in itself.

Human language has always been an art.

The same sentence can have many different meanings, let alone these.

"Looking forward, what else is there to see in this palace~"

When Zhao Ji heard this, she smiled self-deprecatingly and said in a neutral tone.

Luo Yan looked at Zhao Ji's face and said seriously: "Queen Mother, please forgive me for being bold. With the beauty and power of the Queen Mother, what kind of man in this world can't get it? Why cling to the past and feel sad for a man who doesn't love you?" Cry."

"Sir, you know so many things. Are you really not afraid?"

Zhao Ji looked at Luo Yan indifferently, as if she didn't think Luo Yan was a good person, and said in a deep voice.

"I am just telling the Queen Mother this because I feel sorry for the Queen Mother and don't want her to be taken advantage of. If the Queen Mother thinks that I have other ideas, there is no need to do so. As for the so-called position of Daliang Zao, I have never taken it seriously. To put it bluntly, With my ability and talent, I can easily get the position of Daliang Zao without difficulty.

What's the difficulty in blocking the mouths of all the ministers of Qin?

Only incompetent men need women's help! "

Luo Yan said extremely confidently, even arrogantly.

That touch of high-spiritedness attracted Zhao Ji's attention, especially the confidence in her words that made her a little distracted. Then she came back to her senses, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, she looked at Luo Yan in confusion, and asked in a deep voice: "Is someone taking advantage of me?" , Sir, what do you mean by this!"

"The Queen Mother's only relative in this world is the King!"

Luo Yan looked at Zhao Ji and reminded him in a deep voice.


Zhao Ji's lips moved slightly, and the figure of Ying Zheng appeared in her mind, recalling for a moment the days when they had relied on each other in the Zhao Kingdom.

At that time, they only relied on each other.

As for Qin Yi and Lu Buwei, they were enjoying the glory, wealth, wealth and food in Qin...

"I met the king in South Korea and accompanied him all the way back to Qin. The purpose of joining Qin is to help the king unify the world and create a peaceful and prosperous age. This is my ideal in life, my teacher's destiny, and it is also the goal of me and the king!"

Luo Yan was talking eloquently, with his hands behind his back. After speaking, he paused, looked at Zhao Ji, and continued:

"After entering the Qin Dynasty, I investigated a lot and found that the situation of the king was not good. He was assassinated in South Korea and was attacked and killed by the old general Wang Yan in Wu Sui. All this represents that the entire Qin State has Many people were enemies of the king.

The king has grown up, and he does not want to rely on others. He only wants to bear everything by himself. This is a man's self-esteem and self-improvement.

But Queen Mother, the King is your only relative after all, and your only support in the future.

Compared with other people who have ulterior motives and take advantage of the Queen Mother, shouldn't the Queen Mother help him?

Say something ugly.

The entire Qin Kingdom, except the king, everyone else is the enemy of the Queen Mother. They will try their best to take advantage of the Queen Mother. Once the Queen Mother's value is drained, they will give up on the Queen Mother. "

Luo Yan began to give eye drops to Lu Buwei and Lao Ai. After these words came out, he didn't believe that Lao Ai could still hook up with Zhao Ji.

He wanted to know how Zhao Ji would react after Lao Ai was sent to the palace by Lu Buwei.

"I say these words because my body and mind stand with the Queen Mother and the King. Even if I dare to be bold, I am willing to take the risk. I just hope that the Queen Mother can listen to a few words. Also, I said that the Queen Mother is extremely beautiful. Things come from the heart!

It's a pity that time, place and identity were missed after all. "

Luo Yan took a breath, then slightly raised his hands to Zhao Ji, and said calmly: "I have finished speaking, let the Queen Mother handle it!"

It seemed that it was the first time that someone spoke so heart-to-heart, Zhao Ji felt a little confused for a moment, and an unspeakable feeling filled her heart, making her not know how to answer.

At the same time, there was also a sense of resentment, maybe Lu Buwei had been taking advantage of her.

Could it be that after he became worthless, he would really abandon him ruthlessly! ?

"I am exhausted~"

Zhao Ji was silent for a long time and said silently.

Got it~

Luo Yan knew that his adventure was successful this time. He did not refute, nor did he do anything irregular. He raised his hands and saluted: "The Queen Mother, if you have any worries in the future, I am willing to relieve the Queen Mother's worries!"

After saying that, he walked out of the hall without any hesitation.

Zhao Ji watched Luo Yan with complicated eyes.

Luo Yan didn't go far when he suddenly stopped. Without turning his head, his tone suddenly became gentler: "Queen Mother, you look so beautiful when you smile~"


Zhao Ji was slightly absent-minded, and Luo Yan had disappeared from sight.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Zhao Gao still waited at the palace gate until Luo Yan came out.

"Sir, please."

Zhao Gao didn't ask more about what Luo Yan and Zhao Ji talked about. He couldn't interrupt in such matters, and he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

Even though Zhao Gao's status in Luowang is a bit high, compared to the entire Qin State, he is just a chamberlain with some status, relying on Zhao Ji's status to gain a foothold in the Qin State.

These days, high strength is really fierce.

But without status and power, some people's words are enough to make them disappear from the world.

Luo Yan had no intention of explaining to Zhao Gao. He just smiled, nodded and said, "Trouble~"

Chatting along the way.

Soon Luo Yan followed Zhao Gao out of the palace, and at the same time he saw the Six Sword Slaves. These brothers still had the same cold look, watching Luo Yan and Zhao Gao silently, showing no emotion in the standard way. The killer.

Luo Yan habitually looked at the two sisters of Zhuanpo Dehuhun. Although their appearance was not good-looking, their legs were in perfect shape.

Turn the soul and destroy the soul:...

The rest of the Six Sword Slaves:...

Zhao Gao:......

Although Luo Yan's movements were very subtle and he only glanced at them from the corner of his eye, none of the people present were top experts and had extremely strong perception. Luo Yan's actions were no different from being upright.

Soon, everyone passed through the blockade of several guards and arrived in front of a huge palace.

Yong Temple.

Covering a very large area, it looks like a huge monster creeping among many palaces, standing alone among the group.

The entire Xianyang Palace.

There are only a few palaces of this size, representing their unique status.

"This is the study where the king handles government affairs daily. Mr. Luo can get acquainted with it in advance."

Zhao Gao nodded to Luo Yan, paused, and said softly.


Luo Yan nodded, stood on the high platform, overlooking the palaces in the distance, remembered this place, and then said to Zhao Gao: "Let's go, don't keep the king waiting for too long."

"Sir, please."

Zhao Gao stretched out his hand and said politely.


Luo Yan smiled and said extremely politely.

When people get along with each other, basic etiquette should not be forgotten. These days, people who are too crazy are easy to be played to death. Which old man is not kind-hearted, gentle, and harmless to humans and animals?

This is standard.

Zhao Gao stepped forward and knocked lightly. Following the knock on the door, a faint voice came out from the hall: "Come in."


Zhao Gao pushed open the tall palace door and stepped into it first.

Luo Yan followed closely behind.

The entire Lama Temple is extremely huge, but the interior is not as empty as Zhao Ji's palace. It is filled with many bookcases, with a large number of bamboo slips, brocade cloth, etc. placed on them. The huge group of bookcases really makes Luo Yan had the illusion of walking into a library.

In the center, a desk is placed.

At this moment, Ying Zheng is sitting here on his knees, wearing a white robe with gold edges, his hair is combed extremely neatly, his clothes are meticulous, his eyebrows are sharp and his eyes are starry, his whole person is filled with a faint sense of majesty, which is unsettling. Dare to look directly.

It seems that after the young emperor experienced Wu Sui's incident, his whole person also underwent an indescribable transformation.

A lot more sharpness and edge.

On the side, Gai Nie stood with his sword in hand, like a patron saint, guarding this eternal emperor.

"I have met the king."

Luo Yan walked over, saluted respectfully to Ying Zheng, then looked at Ge Nie not far away and nodded slightly.

"No need to be polite, sir, please get up. I wonder if my mother is in trouble, sir."

Ying Zheng looked up at Luo Yan, whom he had not seen for several days, with a smile on his lips. He put down the pen in his hand, stood up slowly to greet him, and asked at the same time.

Ying Zheng was very clear about his mother's temper.

In recent years, Zhao Ji's temper has become increasingly weird and unpredictable, and she often loses her temper. Even Ying Zheng was often reprimanded. As a result, there was some estrangement in the relationship between mother and son, and they lost the intimacy they had in Zhao Kingdom.

"The Queen Mother did not make things difficult, she just chatted for a few words. The Queen Mother is still very concerned about the King."

Luo Yan shook his head and said softly.

To be honest, he felt that Zhao Ji was easy to deal with, far easier to deal with than Madam Mingzhu.

"Queen mother..."

Ying Zheng nodded when he heard this, as if he didn't want to discuss his biological mother. He looked at Luo Yan and changed the subject and said, "I didn't ask you about the matter that Mr. Canon made for Daliang in advance. Do you have any opinions?"

"Of course not. I came to Qin for fame and fortune. If the king gives me a chance, I will seize it!"

Luo Yan said with great confidence.

This is his first battle in Qin, how could he lose!


Ying Zheng's eyes flickered, looking at the confident Luo Yan, he chuckled and said, "It seems that you are confident, sir!"

"After tomorrow, no one will dare to doubt the king's vision!"

Luo Yan looked at Ying Zheng and said in a deep voice.

"We will wait and see!"

Ying Zheng smiled.

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