Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 367 I have something to say, please listen carefully

Da Qin, Xianyang Palace.

Zhangtai Palace.

When Luo Yan arrived, dozens of civil servants and generals were already waiting in front of the palace, forming small groups and whispering. The leader was naturally Lu Buwei, and there were dozens of officials gathered around him. You can tell from your uniform that these officials are of high status.

At least he's at the level of a doctor.

Next is the group of generals. These people are wearing armor, and each of them looks like a strong back. Even if they are old, they are full of momentum, which is intimidating, and their eyes are awkward and lively.

But when Luo Yan appeared, the group of people immediately shut their mouths, and the atmosphere instantly became quiet.

Everyone looked over with curiosity, expectation, sneer, or amusement.

“It’s really not very friendly~”

Luo Yan noticed the gazes of these people and couldn't help but murmured in his heart. He was not surprised by this.

As an outsider, who suddenly joined the big family of Qin and shared a delicious pastry as soon as he entered, who could bear this!


It’s easy to be jealous as a human being, but no one is a saint~

"Sister, you are Luo Yan and Luo Zhengchun, right? I heard about your name earlier, but I didn't expect to see you today!"

Just when Luo Yan was looking at these officials, a hearty and powerful laughter suddenly sounded, and then he saw a white-haired old man wearing a black and red robe, holding a wat board in his hand, striding over. Staring at Luo Yan, he walked with a breeze, followed by several generals in armor.

Seeing the old general who suddenly walked over, Luo Yan was a little surprised, but he soon realized his identity. He immediately greeted him, held his hands in his arms and said with a smile, "I have met Old General Meng."

"What, sir, do you know me?"

Meng Ao was stunned for a moment, looked at Luo Yan in surprise, and said curiously.

"I guessed it, it seems that I guessed it well~"

Luo Yan smiled slightly and said softly.

In fact, it's not a guess. When he first entered the Qin Kingdom, most people had a wait-and-see attitude towards him, or an indifferent attitude towards him. Now an old man suddenly came over to show his kindness, which was obviously not normal.

The only person Luo Yan could say he had some friendship with in Qin was Meng Tian.

Meng Tian's father and grandfather had a high status in the Qin Dynasty, especially his grandfather Meng Ao, who was highly regarded as a minister and had a very high status in the military.

"Guess? Haha, what that boy Meng Tian said in the message is true. Sir is indeed interesting. I just wonder if he is ready today?"

Meng Ao's eyes flashed, and then his smile did not diminish, and he reminded with concern: "Those guys are not easy to deal with, they are very talkative, and I often suffer~"

"Already prepared!"

Luo Yan smiled, nodded, and said softly.

"Okay, just have confidence, haha."

Meng Ao patted Luo Yan's shoulder gently, looked at Luo Yan with the eyes of a junior, laughed loudly, and led the group back along the original route.

It seems that I came here just to meet Luo Yan and care about this junior Luo Yan.

But not much contact.

"You're a lot older, but you're still so shrewd."

Luo Yan watched Meng Ao and others leave, muttering in his heart.

This Meng Ao man is very mature. He came over to show his goodwill and did not have too much contact. He was perfectly proportioned. He was obviously a neutral faction in the court and easily lost his position.

"Announce all ministers to enter the palace."

At this moment, suddenly a heavy clang of a bronze bell rang out, and then a sharp sound came from a distance. Suddenly, the officials who were watching the show closed their mouths and quickly divided into two teams, with the right as the most important and the second as the first. this arrangement.

Civil servants and military generals were mixed together and arranged according to their title.

This scene was quite interesting, and it reminded Luo Yan of the feeling of queuing in school.

But Luo Yan soon found out awkwardly that he didn't know where to stand.

Some are isolated and standing on one side holding a box.

Fortunately, a chamberlain came over and took Luo Yan to the side to wait, allowing the two teams of officials to enter the hall first.

Waited for a while.

A voice came from the hall.

"Mr. Xuanluo enters the palace."

"Sir, please."

The chamberlain said to Luo Yan with great respect, not daring to show any slightness.

Luo Yan nodded politely to the chamberlain, and then strode towards Zhangtai Palace.


Luo Yan felt the feeling of modern big stars walking on the red carpet.

The entire Zhangtai Palace is mainly black and decorated with dark red, which is full of a solemn atmosphere.

Especially when Luo Yan walked in and everyone looked at him, the feeling was filled with an invisible sense of oppression.

This kind of atmosphere would probably scare some timid people to the point where their legs would weaken and their mouths would tremble.

Naturally, Luo Yan didn't feel this way, and looked at Ying Zheng on the high platform. Then, from the corner of his eye, he instinctively glanced at the beautiful figure listening to the government behind the curtains. He took a gentle breath, then faced everyone's gaze, held his head high and held his chest high. , stepped into this hall with great confidence, his expression was calm, and he seemed not to be overwhelmed by this scene.

Extremely calm, standing in the center.

Luo Yan slightly arched his hands and bowed in a measured manner: "Luo Yan, Luo Zhengchun has met the King of Qin, the Queen Mother, and all of you."

This guy has an extraordinary temperament.

Everyone present looked at the handsome young man who was neither humble nor arrogant, and had this idea in their hearts. No matter how Luo Yan was, there was nothing wrong with his indifferent demeanor. It was very good.

Of course, the main thing is that it looks great.

It's pleasing to the eye.

Zhao Ji, who was listening behind the curtain, looked at Luo Yan. A strange color flashed in her phoenix eyes. The jade hands folded on her lower abdomen tightened slightly. She seemed to be thinking about the private exchange with Luo Yan yesterday, and her emotions were a little turbulent. It is difficult to calm down, and it is impossible to calm down.

Ying Zheng was wearing a dark black robe, sitting on the throne, with a solemn and majestic face. Although he was young, he already had an imperial demeanor and was not angry. He looked down at the ministers in the entire hall and looked at them calmly. Luo Yan, who entered the main hall to salute, raised his hand slightly to show reception, and said calmly: "Sir, there is no need to be polite. Once you enter the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty will treat you with courtesy."

After closing his words, he looked around at the ministers present, seeming to be reminding him of something.

"We have met sir."

As Ying Zheng finished speaking, although the surrounding ministers were somewhat dissatisfied, they did not dare to show any signs of dissatisfaction in the court, and one after another raised their hands in return to Luo Yan, expressing their respect for Luo Yan.

During the Warring States Period.

The respect for scholars and talents is obviously not comparable to that of later generations.

Even if someone doubts Luo Yan's talent, they will still show due courtesy before being exposed. This is the magnanimity of a big country.

After all, the scene still needs to be maintained.

It's obviously a bit vulgar to start complaining. How is it different from a rogue in the market?

Cultural people inform each other first and then start complaining.

This is more cultural.

"Don't dare."

Luo Yan politely returned the favor.

"The matter discussed in the meeting today is to confer Mr. Daliang Zao on. Since Mr. Sir is here, if you have any doubts, just speak up."

Ying Zheng glanced sharply at the people who jumped the most in the court yesterday, and said slowly.

Luo Yan was not kept waiting for too long.

Perhaps Ying Zheng's prestige is too low now, and the strength of his words is obviously not enough to intimidate the ministers. Almost at the moment Ying Zheng's words fell, a middle-aged man holding a wat board came out and saluted Ying Zheng. He said in a deep voice: "The matter is of great importance. It is not that the ministers have violated the king's wishes, but that the gentleman has just entered the Qin Dynasty and has not made any achievements, so he was named Daliang Zao by the king. This is really illegal according to the law.

Since the Shang Dynasty's reform, officials and titles in the Qin Dynasty have been awarded according to the law and according to the size of their merits.

This is the foundation of the Qin State. How could the king be so careless and do it at will? "

Luo Yan couldn't help but glance at the middle-aged man. He was a bit direct in his words.

This is as close as pointing at Ying Zheng's nose and saying he is young and willful.

Brother, do you still want to hang out~

Luo Yan didn't even need to look at Ying Zheng's expression to know that the road for this young man was narrow. At the same time, he glanced at the leader of the hundred officials, Lu Buwei, who was standing motionless. This old guy was indeed calm and relaxed as soon as he entered the palace. He closed his eyes and meditated, motionless, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

A sure deal~

"I second my suggestion. Sir, you may have amazing talents that are worthy of the king's attention, but that does not violate the laws of our Great Qin."

"That's what Yueyang Ling said. Your Majesty, he received salary without merit. This makes other people in Da Qin think of him, and it also makes other countries think of me, Da Qin."

"I agree, the foundation of the country cannot be shaken."

As someone started to make a start, the ministers began to squirt, climaxing one by one. It seemed that they had prepared their lines a long time ago, and began to walk on the stage one after another. Each one screamed with enthusiasm. At the beginning, they spoke quite well. , but as we went to the back, the words gradually became unpleasant to listen to.

Just say that Luo Yan is a villain who flatters the king.

Luo Yan couldn't help but glance at this person and silently wrote down his face.

Someone in Taluo is not very ambitious.

"Above the court, everything is as chaotic as a vegetable market. How elegant is it?"

Lu Buwei seemed to feel that the atmosphere was almost brewing. He opened his eyes and slowly took a step forward. Everyone immediately closed their mouths and fell silent. At the same time, Lu Buwei's old and powerful voice sounded, with a bit of dissatisfaction. , the voice was not loud, but it was heard by everyone in this quiet atmosphere.

"Mr. Jean is a joke."

Lu Buwei looked at Luo Yan, and looked at Luo Yan for the first time. His eyes were as calm as a deep pool, and he said calmly.

"I don't dare. Your Excellencies are also here for Qin, and what you say is not unreasonable. But can you please say a few words first? Your Excellencies are so enthusiastic, and I really can't say anything."

Luo Yan's smile did not diminish, he raised his hands to Lu Buwei and said, and then looked at everyone present.

"Sir, just speak freely."

Lu Buwei's eyes narrowed slightly and he said calmly. He was very curious about what the boy in front of him could say.

As expected of Lu Xiangguo, this status is transcendent~

Luo Yan glanced at the silent Ying Zheng on the throne, then his smile faded, he raised his head slightly, looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "I have something to say, please listen carefully!"

Subtext: I'm going to get mad, pick it up!

So brave!

Hearing Luo Yan's words, the civil servants in the palace were excited. Apparently they didn't expect that Luo Yan would dare to drag them so hard and ask them to listen quietly. He was so brave!

PS: I’m asking for a monthly ticket. I suddenly found that the monthly ticket is very useful to me. I didn’t find it before. This is my first time asking for a ticket. Please give me some face.

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