Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 377 I have a dream

"To build a road of a thousand miles, does Master know how much it costs?"

"I agree that although road construction will last a long time, it cannot be rushed. Moreover, Zheng Guo has already spent a lot of manpower and material resources building canals. If he builds an official road now, and it is a thousand-mile official road, it will most likely cause a great loss of national power. Even drag it down!"

"I think that although Taifu's words are good, there is no need to rush, and you can do it step by step!"

Zhangtai Palace was quiet for a while, and then several ministers walked out in an instant. They expressed their opinions to Ying Zheng one after another. The meaning was self-evident, that is, they would not agree.

Although Qin was strong, it could not withstand such losses.

Although infrastructure construction can bring convenience to the Qin State, the loss of manpower and material resources is greater, and the gain outweighs the loss.

At least that's the case for now.

Even if it cannot bring down the current Qin State, it is still enough to hinder Qin State's march eastward.

Qin's national policy has been set long ago.

As long as the channel construction is completed, more than 40,000 hectares of irrigated land and one million acres of fertile land can be obtained.

This is the opportunity for Qin to go eastward!

If you want to unify the world, food and grass are the key, especially the battle for national destiny. Once it starts, it will never end in a short time. How can it only increase worries at this time, and how to build a road!

At this moment, even the generals had no one to speak for Luo Yan, and they also knew the impact of what Luo Yan said.

Once the road is built, it will most likely affect the pace of going eastward.

This naturally hurts the general's interests.

Lu Buwei frowned slightly, looking at Luo Yan who was confident, and also thinking about Luo Yan's words.

As a businessman, how could Lu Buwei not know the significance of building roads? However, the cost is too high and it cannot be accomplished overnight, let alone such a large project involving thousands of miles.

All aspects need to be considered.

Could it be...

Luo Yan spoke again at this moment, and said unhurriedly: "That's why I said that the national treasury cannot support this matter. Going eastward is the national policy ideal of the Qin Dynasty, and it must not be shaken. Not to mention you, even I will not do it." promise!"


Hearing Luo Yan's words, the ministers present were slightly startled, not understanding what Luo Yan meant.

"I don't want Qin to get involved in this matter. Instead of wasting national power, it is better to contract this matter to Qin's wealthy merchants, or even the six countries. There are hundreds of wealthy merchants from the seven countries. All we need to do is win them over and hand them over in the form of contracts. They built it, and I thought it could be completed in less than three years without damaging Qin's national power.

You can even use this to attract a large amount of money into Qin. "

Luo Yan continued unhurriedly.

After hearing Luo Yan's words, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

Among them, Lu Buwei's expression changed the most. He narrowed his eyes and inexplicably thought of what Luo Yan had done in Korea. This man had a good knowledge of business, so he did not remain silent. He stepped forward and asked: "Businessmen pursue profits, Taifu How do you plan to win them over? The wealthy businessmen from the seven countries are not stupid!"

Businessmen would not do anything bad, especially if they were wealthy businessmen, they had no shortage of brains and heart. If they were expected to contribute money and effort, it would depend on what Luo Yan could offer.

"Status, interests!"

Luo Yan looked at Lu Buwei and said directly without thinking: "First of all, it is status. It has always been said that scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and businessmen have a low status. Why? Because businessmen are not engaged in production and pursue profits, so it is unpleasant, but you must not Do not admit it, businessmen are also an indispensable part of a country.

The labor of merchants is to promote the circulation of goods, meet the balance of market supply and demand, and promote urban development. They are an indispensable part of a country that wants to develop.

If there were no businessmen, have you ever thought about the consequences?

In the final analysis, the main reason is that a country has too few policies for businessmen and no systematic management.

How to control them, how to prevent them from disrupting a country's prices, etc. As long as these problems are solved, managing merchants will not be a problem.


As long as Da Qin gives them a fair enough status and business environment, I believe that the wealthy businessmen of the six countries will shift their focus to Qin and promote the development and construction of Qin. "

After Luo Yan finished speaking, the crowd became a little quiet.

Lord Changping even glanced at Lu Buwei from the corner of his eye, because Lu Buwei was once a merchant, and he was a legend in the merchant world. He had rare goods and became the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty. In addition, the bad deeds of merchants in the past attracted Qin's attention. The merchants were extremely unhappy and even a little afraid.

Those in power hate these uncontrolled beings.

At this moment, Luo Yan continued: "So, I am brave enough to hope that the king will give an order to grant the merchant a title!"


"Could it be that the master is crazy!"

As Luo Yan finished speaking, everyone present went crazy. They all stared at Luo Yan in disbelief, even absurdly, thinking that Luo Yan's brain was broken, how could the merchants compare with them.

However, some among them remained calm, such as Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei flashed slightly at this moment. He understood the meaning of Luo Yan's words. In his opinion, the title was something that could be used.

"Silence, what a mess in Zhangtai Palace!"

Lu Buwei shouted softly, interrupting everyone's quarrel, then looked at Luo Yan, and said unhurriedly: "What title does Taifu think is better? Da Qin's title is not so contemptible!"

If this matter is not handled well, it is very likely to cause dissatisfaction among the ministers.

"This title is not a title for you and me, but is separated from the title system of the Qin Dynasty. A system of titles is set up to specifically reward industrialists, merchants and peasants who have contributed to the Qin State. Certain privileges can be granted, such as no need to salute when meeting the king, etc., giving them a symbol Sexual status is improved, that’s all.”

Luo Yan showed a smile and said unhurriedly.

To put it simply, this is just a bit of formalism and a false title, but it is enough to drive the wealthy businessmen of the seven countries crazy.

The so-called no need to salute, does it mean that those merchants who have been awarded the title really dare not to salute?

It just sounds comfortable.

None of the ministers present were smart. They instantly understood the meaning of Luo Yan's words and what Luo Yan meant by improving his status.

"I believe that the core of Qin is to govern the country according to law. As long as there are appropriate laws to check and balance merchants, everything will be no problem!"

Luo Yan looked at Ying Zheng and emphasized again.

Luo Yan would not have said this to other kings of the Seven Kingdoms, but Ying Zheng was different. Ying Zheng had a big heart and strong abilities, and he could control it all. This is why Luo Yan was free to do it. .

Qin has no shortage of strength.

What the Qin State lacks is a national constructor, and Luo Yan can stand on thousands of years of history and build the great ship of the Qin Dynasty into an even stronger one.

Luo Yan gave the outline and in terms of details, Luo Yan already had a candidate in mind.

Is there a better tool man than Li Si?

There is no shortage of talent in this era!

"If it is such a title, it is not necessary. I agree with the Taifu's suggestion. However, how to implement it requires drafting a charter and not acting rashly."

Lu Buwei did not remain silent for too long. He took a step forward and took the lead in expressing his stance.

To be honest, Lu Buwei has always known the role of merchants. Merchants are indispensable to a country, but how to change the status of merchants, Lu Buwei has never been able to do anything. After all, he was once a merchant. If he jumped out and said this, it would be no less than It will give people a bad feeling to the officials of Qin State.

Lu Buwei, who cherished feathers, naturally didn't do anything.

Luo Yan is different. With yesterday's momentum, he can speak freely. With a little push from Lu Buwei, the matter will be settled.

"What do you think?"

Ying Zheng was silent for a moment, looked down at the ministers, and asked in a deep voice

"I have no objection!"

After the words fell, the ministers responded one after another with their hands raised.

Luo Yan's suggestion did not harm their interests, and it was beneficial to Qin, so naturally not many people objected. Of course, there were also old antiques among them, but Lu Buwei had already expressed his position, so it was useless for them to refute it.

"In this way, this matter has been settled for now. How to implement it will be discussed later!"

Ying Zheng said in a deep voice, then looked at Luo Yan and continued to ask: "This matter will be left to the Taifu to draw up the regulations!"

"I accept your order!"

Luo Yan responded directly with his hands in hand.

"How is Taifu prepared for the academy?"

Ying Zheng looked at Luo Yan and asked inexplicably expectantly. He felt that since Luo Yan entered Qin, Da Qin seemed to be more angry and no longer dull.

This is great for a young emperor!

"This matter is related to the fate of the country, so we must not be careless. I plan to build a palace of hundreds of schools of thought within five years. It will be a university. During this period, with the help of paper, I can attract scholars from all over the world and great talents from hundreds of schools of thought to enter the palace to promote their theories. , wrote books and biographies, and did not reject anyone who came.

This is the first step, and the second step is to train students and prepare for the future unification of Qin.

The future is the future of young people and the future of children.

Our generation is the generation of the Six Kingdoms. We may remember that there are seven countries in the world, and the hatred between each other cannot be eliminated.

Especially the hatred of destroying the country in the future.

But I hope that a hundred years from now, everyone in the world, including the children of the future, will only remember one country, and that is Da Qin. There will no longer be any hatred between each other, and there will be only one country and one family in their hearts!

I have a dream!

In the future, all children in Da Qin will be able to attend school for free, and all our people in Da Qin will be literate and sensible!

Create that peaceful and prosperous age! "

Luo Yan spoke in a solemn tone, full of righteousness.

After the words fell, the hall became quiet for a while.

Everyone looked at Luo Yan with mixed feelings in their hearts. At this moment, Luo Yan's image in everyone's hearts was almost comparable to that of a saint.

At the same time, Luo Yan's words yesterday also echoed in everyone's hearts.

Establish a mind for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living and the people, carry on the unique teachings for the past saints, and create peace for all generations...

It turns out that your husband is not just talking about it, but he actually has this idea.

"A gentleman's ambition is respected by everyone."

Ying Zheng stood up first and slowly bowed to Luo Yan. He was Luo Yan's student, so it was no problem to bow to him. What's more, Luo Yan's words about making the people of the Qin Dynasty literate and sensible made him tremble. A young man How can an emperor be without ambition?

If we can unify the world, we can do this again.

He, Ying Zheng, can surely surpass those Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

"Respect sir!"

Ying Zheng bowed to him, how could the ministers present not bow to him?

One by one, they bowed their hands to Luo Yan, and the scene was extremely shocking for a while.

Goodbye again~

Zhao Ji looked at Luo Yan, her eyes hard to calm down, and her heart was shocked. She had never seen such a strange man...

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