Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 384 This day is very busy

Lu Buwei, the Prime Minister of the Qin State, had been in power for more than ten years and was a veteran of the three dynasties.

Luo Yan, the Grand Tutor of the Qin Kingdom, a new and powerful person, a new one.

in other words.

Luo Yan had no foundation in the Qin State, and his only support was Ying Zheng, the king who had not yet officially taken power.

As for Lu Buwei.

It was deeply rooted in the Qin State, and it truly achieved the four words of "power over the government and the public", involving all aspects, from finance to military power, and countless officials and generals were promoted during this period. It can be said that Lu Buwei's villains are all over the Qin State.

Lu Buwei is now old and lacks energy. Ten years ago, Luo Yan would not have the confidence to come to Qin to compete with Lu Buwei for food.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain.

Unless one tiger is about to burp, the other tiger will have a chance.

But this metaphor is inappropriate.

After all, Luo Yan never thought of himself as a tiger.

As Luo Yan stepped into the study, Luo Yan soon met Lu Buwei.

Lu Buwei was kneeling on the table, with many bamboo slips placed in front of him, and he was also immersed in revising something. His expression was solemn, his eyes were serious, and coupled with his half-hundred-year-old hair and thin body, he gave people the impression that he was about to run out of oil. The feeling of a dead light.

Sure enough, the position of Prime Minister is not that easy to take. Look at Lu Xiangguo's exhaustion.

"Huh? Zhengchun is here!"

Lu Buwei also finished processing a file at this moment. He slowly raised his head and saw Luo Yan entering the room. His eyes suddenly lit up. He put down the documents in his hands and stood up to greet him with a smile: "Why didn't you send someone to inform me? It’s time to pick you up, I’m neglecting you.”

Lu Buwei's attitude was gentle, without the slightest intention of taking any offense, just like a kind old man treating a junior who liked him.

Believe it or not.

The bad old man is very bad.

He said something so nice that even when he walked in, Lu Buwei slowly stood up from his seat to greet him.

This shelf is perfectly executed, with a hint of taking advantage.

Rely on the old and sell the old.

Luo Yan murmured in his heart, but whoever asked him to care about Lu Buwei's legacy was naturally impossible to turn against him. The humble smile on his face remained unabated, and even showed a little touch of emotion. He folded his hands and saluted, bowed and said: "Based on my age, I am still Lu Xiangguo's junior, so how dare I go to the trouble of welcoming him.

What's more, after joining the Qin Dynasty as an official, Lu Xiangguo will need to take care of him in the future! "

"Zhengchun was joking. Sit down. No need to be polite. Just treat this place as your own home."

Lu Buwei stroked his beard gently and seemed to be very satisfied with Luo Yan's attitude. He made a gesture of invitation with a smile and continued: "I have wanted to have a chat with you Zhengchun for a long time, but it is a pity that I have been busy with official duties these days and can't spare the time. .”

"The Prime Minister has worked hard for the Qin State. The Qin Dynasty has such a great atmosphere, and the Prime Minister's hard work has achieved great results!"

Luo Yan's face was full of seriousness, and he looked at Lu Buwei seriously, with an expression of great admiration, and flattered him seriously.

That look, that look, that tone.

It seems that without Lu Buwei, the Qin State would not be able to reach this stage.

Lu Buwei felt comfortable all over because of Luo Yan's flattery, and the smile on his lips became a little thicker.

With Luo Yan's current status, speaking these words naturally gave Lu Buwei a different feeling.

At Lu Buwei's age, he cares more about his reputation and the opinions of others.

To put it more simply, it’s all about face.

After all, I am too old to do anything anymore, my power has come to an end, and I can't go up any higher. The only thing I can pursue is fame.

Lu Buwei smiled, looked at Luo Yan who was so wise, waved his hand and said: "It's not hard work, I just want to repay the kindness of the late king."

Luo Yan was almost offended by Lu Buwei's words and returned the kindness of the late king.

If Lu Buwei hadn't had a unique vision and a rare treasure, and given it to his concubine Zhao Ji, as well as the whole family's property, there would be nothing wrong with the late king.

To be more precise, Lu Buwei forced himself to be in this position.

Thinking about Lu Buwei's life, it can also be described as awesome.

"No one in the officialdom is thin-skinned~"

Luo Yan murmured in his heart, but he didn't mind. After all, he was not thin-skinned. He was an old fox who had practiced for thousands of years. Being thick-skinned was a basic skill.

How can you join society if you are not thick-skinned~

"The late king had a keen eye for discernment. Of course, what was more important was Lu Xiangguo's outstanding ability. Without real materials, how could the Xiangguo allow the Qin State to massacre all directions and dominate the world, especially the occupation of Shangdang County in South Korea? And he rebuilt Taiyuan County, isolated Han, Zhao and Wei, and touched Yan State. Such a generous move took an important step for Qin to unify the world. For this reason alone, I respect the Prime Minister."

Luo Yan looked at Lu Buwei solemnly and said in a deep voice.

It was as if the words he spoke came from the depths of his heart and there was no room for any falsehood. If Lu Buwei was any more modest, then Luo Yan would be in a hurry!

"Haha, Dashan, Zhengchun, I really hate how late we meet, how late we meet!"

When Lu Buwei heard this, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he couldn't help laughing, and said with emotion.

Many people in the world have seen that he has great power, but they have never seen his layout and efforts. Luo Yan's words alone are worthy of Lu Buwei's honorary treatment.

"I wish I had been born decades earlier and died serving the Prime Minister's country!"

Luo Yan nodded heavily and said with regret and emotion.

I guess only this guy knows how much sincerity there is in that doggy look.

"It's not too late now. You and I are both ministers of the Qin State. We should work together for the Qin State and work hard to unify the world!"

Lu Buwei's smile faded a lot, he looked at Luo Yan and said lightly.

"Naturally, this junior will definitely live up to the expectations of the Prime Minister and the entrustment of the King!"

Luo Yan sat up straight, like a primary school student who was scolded by his teacher in his previous life, and spoke to Lu Buwei meticulously.

Lu Buwei nodded and continued calmly: "Zhengchun, I have high hopes for you. Don't let me down or let Qin down!"

"Junior understands!"

Luo Yan responded in a deep voice.

"I am getting old and my energy is not as good as before. The future of Qin belongs to you young people."

Lu Buwei sighed softly, like an old man's sigh, and said slowly: "I don't know how many more years I can hold on now. I just hope that in these last few years, I can see the Great Qin that I have worked hard for all my life." Take a step further to help you and Da Qin go on the right path, Zhengchun, do you understand?!"

There’s something in this old guy’s words~

The translation of Lu Buwei's words is, old man, I can still work for a few more years, you have to wait, don't worry, what the old man gives you is yours, if I don't give it to you, you'd better not snatch it, otherwise I will also I don’t know how many more years I can work.

I have a strong sense of power.

But it is understandable that it would be too difficult to retire after sitting in Lu Buwei's position.

The higher he sits, the more people he offends. Once he loses power, the more people want him dead. Lu Buwei cannot be unaware of this.

Luo Yan was clear in his heart, looked at Lu Buwei with a moved face, and said with emotion: "Master Xiangguo has really spent his whole life for Qin State, and the younger generation should follow Master Xiangguo as an example!"

"Zhengchun, don't rush into anything. I will give you this."

Lu Buwei suddenly looked more serious, looked at Luo Yan, and said slowly.

What Luo Yan said in Zhangtai Palace was very good, and even Lu Buwei agreed with it. However, Luo Yan considered it too one-sided. He didn't know that some things would have a huge impact once they were started. Just the matter of knighting a businessman. , even in name only, is enough to cause the Qin State to tremble up and down.

Not to mention anything else.

Everything must be done step by step, especially for this kind of national event. You must not be careless. The slightest mistake will lead to catastrophe.

I've always liked taking things step by step.

Luo Yan retorted in his heart, but he readily accepted Lu Buwei's words.

After all, Lu Buwei’s status and age are put here. They have given it to you, how can you not accept it?

"I have thought carefully about the suggestions you made in court today. Paper can be popularized first. You can start a school. Road construction and merchants' ennoblement have to be considered. I will think carefully about the salt matter. , as for the rest, you can get started, I will ask Li Si to assist you."

Lu Buwei looked at Luo Yan and said calmly.

"Everything depends on the arrangements of Lord Xiangguo!"

Luo Yan cupped his hands and responded, feeling relieved at the same time.

He knew that his flattery today was not in vain. Lu Buwei meant to accept it. If he didn't accept it, Luo Yan would never want to work in Qin.

After all, the power of the Qin State is still in the hands of Ying Zheng, the father-in-law.

Without his consent.

Ying Zheng's words are not very effective.

At the same time, there was an unexpected gain, over there was Li Si.

Luo Yan didn't expect that Lu Buwei sent Li Si over because he didn't want it.

Happiness comes too suddenly.

Sure enough, no matter what age you are, if you flatter your boss well, your life will be comfortable. Those who can work will never live as well as those who can talk.

Fortunately, Luo Yan combines the two and is a perfect talent. He can both fuck and lick~

Luo Yan got what he wanted and left quickly.

. . . . . . . . .

Lu Buwei sent Luo Yan to the front yard and stopped. When Luo Yan was far away, the smile on his face faded slightly, but there was an intriguing sparkle in his old eyes, and he stroked his beard gently. , said slowly: "This boy is smooth, young, talented, and extraordinary."

"The master spoke highly of him."

Mr. Lu from before, the old housekeeper of the Prime Minister's Mansion, appeared behind Lu Buwei at some point. He hunched over and spoke slowly after hearing the words.

"He deserves this evaluation."

Lu Buwei nodded and continued: "The king is about to be crowned and will be in charge of the throne. At that time, it will be difficult for me to be my father-in-law.

Compared to me.

This son is young, highly valued by the king, and has great talents. The most important thing is that he is extremely smooth in dealing with people and knows how to advance and retreat. This is what I value most.

The road to officialdom is never that simple.

Originally, I wanted to train Li Si, but unfortunately he was a bit useless and wavering.

Wu Sui had such a good opportunity in front of him but didn't know how to take it. He was greedy for life and afraid of death. It was simply stupid. "

If Luo Yan was here, he would probably be surprised, and then he would smile after being surprised.

Because this anticlimactic assassination was really carried out by Lu Buwei. His purpose was to give Li Si a chance and at the same time transfer Wu Sui's 100,000 Pingyang heavy armor troops to Ying Zheng, so that his military power would gradually decrease and he would gradually withdraw from the political stage.

Obviously Lu Buwei also knew that his identity was gradually embarrassing.

The new king is in charge. How can he not be embarrassed when he, an important minister left by the previous king, is also the prime minister with all the opposition?

Only by retreating bravely from the rapids can we have a happy ending.

How to withdraw is the question.

It won't work if you retreat too quickly, and it won't work if you retreat too slowly.

The position of Prime Minister is not easy to fill, especially for the elderly Prime Minister, who has difficulty handling all aspects.

"Gan Luo is actually not bad, but he is too young and has a naive mind. I don't have much time to train him, but this Luo Yan is different..."

Lu Buwei said slowly.

"But the origin of his identity!"

Mr. Lu said in a deep voice.

"There's no rush, I haven't decided yet."

Lu Buwei said slowly, then paused and added: "Look again, I can still afford to wait for one or two years."

After saying that, he seemed to have thought of something and continued:

"How's the matter with Lao Ai?"

"The arrangements have been made, and you can enter the palace tomorrow. But, sir, are you sure you want to do this?"

Mr. Lu said hesitantly. He had followed Lu Buwei for decades. He would not say anything about things in the past, but this time, he was really hesitant.

After all, the one in the palace...

"Zhanri is good at illusions. How to let her fall unconsciously is the key. You also know Zhao Ji's character. If I cut off the relationship with her directly, she will definitely be dissatisfied with her character. The only way to let her go is to make her suffer. You have to be willing to do it, and this is what Hidden Sun will do well, he knows the right amount."

Lu Buwei did not hesitate and said indifferently that he had already thought about this matter.

Zhao Ji is getting more and more difficult now. Lu Buwei had no choice but to come up with this trick. He didn't want to continue to be entangled with Zhao Ji.

If you want to succeed and retire, this is inevitable.

As for the promiscuous harem.

It's never been a big deal, it never was, and it never will be.

At least in Lu Buwei's view, even if Zhao Ji is the Queen Mother, she is just a woman, a stupid and ignorant woman.

. . . . . . . . . .

Luo Yan sat on the carriage and leaned against the wall lazily. He stretched out his hand to rub his cheeks and smiled fakely all afternoon. This feeling was really uncomfortable. Although he was skilled at playing tricks, he felt very tired after a long time. See People speak human words, but ghosts speak nonsense, which is also a test of one's mental strength.

After all, you have to consider the meaning of the other person's words and how well you speak yourself.

If you are not careful, you may be able to offend some people with an ordinary word.

This is an official game for adults.

Fortunately, Luo Yan has mastered it and is not afraid.

"Now that the paper is done, let's start with the enlightenment books and make a name for myself first. Lu Buwei won't let me take over power rashly. This has to be done slowly until Ying Zheng takes over. The academy must be established. , divided into categories according to modern subjects.

It can be regarded as a gift for future generations. Damn it, how many words do I need to write..."

Luo Yan muttered for a while, and suddenly thought of what he wanted to write. His scalp went numb for a moment, wondering if there were any dead people to write about in Chinese things that have been written for thousands of years.

If I don’t write, I feel sorry for future generations. If I write, I will exhaust myself~

"Forget it, let's just write an enlightenment lesson~"

Luo Yan whispered softly.

He wants to become a replicating machine with no emotions.

As for other trivial matters, let's leave it to Li Si, the tool man. With Li Si's talent, he should be able to do a good job.

Li Si is responsible for all aspects, and Luo Yan is responsible for the general direction.

The final credit belongs to Luo Yan,

It's perfect~

. . . . . . . . . .

"What? Fuck him?"

After Li Si returned to the Qin State, he was not reused. Even because of Luo Yan's appearance, his status was affected and he became a non-existent minor role. Ying Zheng did not take this wallflower with him because there was no one around him. .

Even though Luo Yan praised Li Si to Ying Zheng, Ying Zheng has no interest in Li Si for the time being.

After eating the big meal of Luo Yan, the little fruit of Li Si seemed sour and hard to eat.

Therefore, Li Si became an existence that was tasteless and was a pity to throw away.

Lu Buwei was also very disappointed with Li Si's performance in Wu Sui, so after he came back, he appointed him a minor official and ignored him. He planned to show off Li Si first and talk about it later.

Li Si was also a little decadent, but he did not give up.

But he didn't expect that after waiting for several days, he would get such a result, asking him to go work with Luo Yan.

Thinking that Luo Yan had become a great master in a short period of time, he was honored as a Tai Tu.

Let’s not talk about the jealousy in Li Si’s heart.

Originally, he was still a small figure in Korea, and he even looked down upon him. He kept his eyes on Han Fei, thinking that Han Fei was the biggest threat, but he didn't expect that he was wrong.

This Luo Yan is a ruthless character.

Now that he is about to become the other party's subordinate, he has mixed feelings for a while.

"Yes, this is what the Prime Minister wants. You can pack up and go there tomorrow morning without any delay."

The attendant gave a faint order, turned around and left, with no intention of continuing to communicate with Li Si.

Because Lu Buwei's intention to release Li Si has been made clear.

You, Li Si, should follow Luo Yan from now on.

I don't need people like you anymore in the Prime Minister's Office.

"...How dare you insult me ​​like this!!"

Li Si clenched his fists tightly, his face was frighteningly pale, his eyes were filled with unwillingness and humiliation, his body was trembling slightly, and he was roaring in his heart.

Li Si is unwilling to give in! !

He really wasn't willing to do this.

But what can you do if you don't want to give in? This is the cruel reality.

"Li Si, Li Si, you are really ridiculous..."

Li Si swayed, looking at his humble abode a little absent-mindedly, and smiled to himself, but then lost his voice, as if he had accepted his fate.

. . . . . . . . . .

Luo Yan went shopping and bought some things, and then returned to his Taifu's residence, first going to Yan Lingji's place.

Yan Lingji wore a bright red dress today with black patterns, which made her even more gorgeous and beautiful.

The face is like a hibiscus and the eyebrows are like willows.

Her eyes, which are more charming than peach blossoms, are very attractive. They seem to reveal thousands of charms in a blink of an eye. Her skin is fair and firm, her black hair is pulled into a high bun, and her red lips are slightly raised, with a beautiful smile. Yi looked at the hairpin handed over by Luo Yan.

"I went to the jewelry store to pick it up on the way back. Do you like it?"

Luo Yan looked at the girl who was getting more and more beautiful after being nourished. He walked over and handed over the hairpin he bought along the way. Then he put his arms around Yan Lingji's waist, put his arms behind her and said with a smile.

"Bring it to me."

Yan Lingji was naturally very happy. She handed the hairpin in her hand to Luo Yan, tilted her head slightly and said softly.

Naturally, Luo Yan would not refuse. Women are formalists. You have to give her the feeling that you care about her.

Rather than just relying on your heart.

If you care in your heart but don't take action or express it, it's all nonsense.

How could I know if you have me in your heart~

"is it beautiful?"

Yan Lingji put on her hairpin and turned slightly in a circle, like an elf coming out of the flames, looking at Luo Yan expectantly with her water-blue eyes.

Does this require an answer?

Luo Yan expressed it with actions, not to mention that it was still early in the morning. In order to prevent Yan Lingji from disturbing his and Jing Salamander's world at night, he had to feed the little goblin in advance...

PS: Eat it tomorrow, I can’t finish writing today, o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o, I love you all, please give me a monthly pass, I almost finished it.

Also, finally a million words blah blah blah~~~~~~~

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