Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 392: Giving everything for the Queen Mother

Luo Yan also admired Lu Buwei's bad move.

I really don’t know what Lu Buwei was thinking before he made such a bad move. After looking at Lu Buwei’s life, he has made the right choices in his life. Even if the risks are extremely high, the benefits are huge. But it happened that Zhao Ji In this matter, Lu Buwei made the most wrong choice and decision.

Even because of this incident, I invested my whole life's hard work into it. Not only was my reputation ruined, but I even lost my life.

There is no one left.

It really proves the old saying, the older you get, the more confused you become.

Of course, it can also be understood that Lu Buwei underestimated Zhao Ji's destructive power and Lao Ai's ambition.

Many coincidences caused the greatest turmoil in Qin in the future.

"So, Lao Ai is still staying in Lanzhi Palace?"

Luo Yan followed Zhao Gao towards the harem, and at the same time listened to the news reported by Zhao Gao, with a solemn look on his face and spoke slowly.

Zhao Gao nodded, his expression unchanged, and said calmly: "Most of the people in Lanzhi Palace are manpower arranged by the Prime Minister, including me."

On the one hand, it's because Zhao Ji doesn't care about things, and on the other hand, it's because of the network.

It can be said that Zhao Gao's current situation is not very good.

Lao Ai's sudden intervention was no less than stepping into Zhao Gao's sphere of influence. This kind of almost grabbing cake is still very heartbreaking. This is one of the reasons why Zhao Gao chose to have a showdown with Luo Yan.

"what about now?"

When Luo Yan heard this, his eyes flickered and he chuckled.

"Zhao Gao has always been the Queen Mother's man."

Zhao Gao lowered his head and said calmly.

The meaning of the words is simple.

If Luo Yan has the ability to convince the Queen Mother Zhao Ji, then nothing will be a problem. The main thing is the attitude of the Queen Mother Zhao Ji. Her attitude determines many things, including Zhao Gao's choice.

"Would Lu Xiangguo know about my meeting with the Queen Mother?"

Luo Yan was silent for a while and asked.

"No need to worry about this, Master, I will take care of it."

Zhao Gao said calmly.

Luo Yan suddenly felt relieved and chuckled, "Then I'll give it a try."

. . . . . . . . . . .

Soon Luo Yan met Zhao Ji, the Queen Mother of Qin.

Compared with the previous few days when we met, Zhao Ji looked a little haggard today. Although she was still beautiful and graceful in her dress, the haze lingering between her eyebrows could not be concealed. The sad mood could be seen through at a glance.

Zhao Ji was never the kind of woman who was good at hiding her emotions and worries.

"I have met the Queen Mother."

Luo Yan entered the hall, folded his hands, and bowed to Zhao Ji who was not far away.


As Zhao Ji waved her sleeves, her long skirt hanging down to the floor danced. Her phoenix eyes stared at Luo Yan with a cold look, and she said in a deep voice: "What I said yesterday is still valid. I wish the Grand Master would become my servant. I can promise you all the glory, wealth, and honor, as long as you help me deal with Lu Xiangguo."

I am really annoyed by Lu Buwei~

There is no need to feel it. Zhao Ji's resentment towards Lu Buwei has almost turned into reality. It was clearly expressed in her words. She just said clearly that as long as Luo Yan helps her kill Lu Buwei, Zhao Ji can give Luo Yan everything he wants. .

And this also reflects a problem from the side, that is, Zhao Ji's political acumen is almost zero.

Everything comes out of his mouth without thinking.

"I am the Grand Tutor of Great Qin, and I shall serve the King and the Queen Mother."

Luo Yan kept bowing and said in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"So, you agreed!"

When Zhao Ji heard this, a flash of excitement appeared in her beautiful eyes. She couldn't help but take two steps forward, stared at the bent Luo Yan, and said.

In Zhao Ji's eyes, only Luo Yan has the ability to deal with Lu Buwei and make Lu Buwei pay the price.

Luo Yan slowly put away his salute and stood up straight. He no longer expected Zhao Ji to let him accept the gift. Looking at Zhao Ji who had no sense of place in front of him, he asked: "Dare you ask the Queen Mother, why do you want to deal with this?" Lu Xiangguo?"

When Zhao Ji heard this, she was slightly startled, and then her beautiful eyes became colder. She seemed to notice that Luo Yan was unwilling to help, and she couldn't help but said coldly: "Why, Taifu doesn't want to become a member of this palace? I would rather be like others, and become a member of the palace." Lu Buwei’s dog?!”

At this moment, Zhao Ji undoubtedly lost some sense and sense when speaking, and glared at Luo Yan.

Just to make it clear, Luo Yan was no different from anyone else.

Luo Yan was silent for a while, then facing Zhao Ji's slightly cold gaze, he sighed and said as if he was heartbroken: "Queen Mother, is it really worth being angry and sad for a man who doesn't love you?"


Zhao Ji's beautiful eyes flickered, and she dodged Luo Yan's gaze, turning sideways to face Luo Yan. Her beautiful body curves were enough to make any man's blood boil, especially her graceful and luxurious temperament~

How could the woman who fascinated both Qin Yiren and Lu Buwei back then be so stunningly beautiful?

"There are thousands of men in the world, and with the Queen Mother's status and beauty, which man would not be tempted by her? As long as the Queen Mother is willing, everything is at your fingertips, so why bother dwelling on the past."

Luo Yan took a step forward, stretched out his hand very boldly, hugged Zhao Ji's waist, and held Zhao Ji into his arms domineeringly. He looked at the beautiful face in front of him with burning eyes. Even though he was shy, he still had aura. It can't be weak and give people a very aggressive feeling.

It's hot and powerful, like waves of strong impact.


Zhao Ji obviously didn't expect that Luo Yan would be so reckless this time and dare to attack her directly. Her heartbeat accelerated for a moment. Her red lips moved slightly, wanting to rebuke angrily, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Does the Queen Mother really not know my feelings for the Queen Mother?"

Luo Yan hugged Zhao Ji tightly with both hands and said in a deep voice.


Before Zhao Ji could finish her words, she was blocked by Luo Yan's mouth. Her beautiful eyes suddenly opened wide, her eyes full of disbelief. Apparently she didn't expect Luo Yan to dare to be so presumptuous, and her hands tightened involuntarily. He held Luo Yan's clothes and wanted to push Luo Yan away, but the strength in his body was gradually sucked away by Luo Yan.

a long time.

Luo Yan slowly let go, looking at Zhao Ji who softened in his arms with gentle and domineering eyes, and said slowly: "For the Queen Mother, I am not afraid of death, so why should I be afraid of Lu Buwei? What I am afraid of is that the Queen Mother does not have me in her heart~ "


Zhao Ji's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she looked at Luo Yan with a turbulent mind. Her breathing was a little short of being chewed, and her heartbeat was accelerated due to lack of oxygen. It was confusing and her brain was empty.

For a moment, Zhao Ji didn't know what to think. She was just shocked and trembling, and there was also a trace of inexplicable desire.

It comes from the longing of the body and the emptiness in the heart.

This tug made Zhao Ji grip Luo Yan's clothes tightly, her beautiful eyes half-opened and half-closed, her gesture of resisting despair was filled with an unspeakable charm.


Luo Yan simply refused to do anything, picked up Zhao Ji, and walked towards the soft cave not far away. He planned to let Zhao Ji witness the miracle. Even though she was weak at the moment, Zhao Ji was not a martial arts practitioner. , he felt that if he squeezed in, there would be no problem.

The appearance of Lao Ai brought a sense of crisis to Luo Yan, making it impossible for him to proceed step by step with Zhao Ji.

God knows if Lao Ai can play any tricks.

"what are you up to!"

Zhao Ji was picked up by Luo Yan, and as she walked towards Ruantan, she realized something was wrong and immediately shouted.

"There are many things in the world that don't make sense and have no reason, such as when I met the Queen Mother~"

Luo Yan had a smile on his lips. He looked at Zhao Ji who was nervous in his arms. He didn't feel much resistance from the other party. He was already seven points calmer. He chuckled and said, "This may be God's arrangement. The Queen Mother asked me if I was the Queen Mother's person." , are you willing to deal with Lu Buwei? I just want to say that from the moment I saw the Queen Mother's heartbeat, as long as the Queen Mother wants it and as long as I have it, I will do my best and give everything I have!"

"Are you really willing to give everything for me?"

Zhao Ji stared at Luo Yan closely and asked in a deep voice.

After being abandoned by Lu Buwei three times, Zhao Ji's defense was almost broken at this moment, and she was extremely insecure.

Luo Yan's appearance made up for this.

If Luo Yan hadn't appeared, Lao Ai would have taken action when Zhao Ji's mood dropped. With Lao Ai's illusion level as a Tianzi-level killer and his martial arts training, it wouldn't be too difficult to deal with Zhao Ji, especially from behind. There is also the support of Lu Buwei.

Maybe everything will go to history.

But now we have reached a fork in the road because of Luo Yan's intervention.

"I never promise anything to a woman, I only do it. The first half of the Queen Mother's life was very difficult, and in the second half of her life, I will do my best~"

Luo Yan was not slow in his steps, he had already carried Zhao Ji to the soft cave, put her down gently, looked at the beautiful and luxurious Queen Mother Zhao Ji, and opened her mouth with sweet words.

This skill has already become instinctive, and there is no need to think about it.

"...You are really presumptuous!"

Zhao Ji stared at Luo Yan, bit her red lips, and said coldly.

"I used to be a scholar, but after meeting the Queen Mother, I was so moved that I wanted to be a gangster. Now, I want to do something that only a gangster would do. Please allow the Queen Mother~"

Luo Yan's eyes were intense, and he caressed Zhao Ji's back with his palms. One hand had already grasped the thin belt around Zhao Ji's waist, and he slowly pulled it outward.


Zhao Ji's pretty face was slightly red. As long as she gave a light drink at this moment, she would naturally be able to stop Luo Yan's next move.

But for some reason, Zhao Ji didn't want to stop it. Even because of Luo Yan's unbridled and bold behavior, she felt an indescribable pleasure and satisfaction in her heart, and at the same time she felt a sense of comfort in taking revenge on Lu Buwei.

Didn't Lu Buwei want to find a man for her?

As the Queen Mother of Qin, wouldn't she be able to find it herself?

Compared with an unknown man, Luo Yan, who is younger and has a higher status, is obviously a better choice.

That’s all~

Zhao Ji's eyes flashed, her red lips moved slightly, with an incredible sense of laziness and relief, as if she no longer wanted to resist and struggle, and said to Luo Yan provocatively: "I will give you a chance to serve me. I just don’t know if Tai Tu is in good health, but don’t let me down.”

For a moment, her eyes were as charming as silk, and her voice was even more charming and sultry.

Luo Yan swallowed...

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The storm stopped suddenly.

Luo Yan felt that the absurdity last night was far less absurd than this morning.

"why are you crying?"

Luo Yan hugged Zhao Ji and leaned on the soft couch. Looking at the tears flowing from the corners of Zhao Ji's eyes, he asked with some confusion.

Could it be that I just used too much force?

Shouldn't it?

Zhao Ji's charming face had an intoxicating blush. She leaned into Luo Yan's arms with blurred eyes, biting her lips. Her voice was a little numb, and she sighed in a complicated tone: "These thirty-odd years have passed." This is the first time in years that I feel like a woman~"

Zhao Ji looked at Luo Yan's body with burning eyes. Some things are difficult to stop once they have started, especially for a woman like Zhao Ji.

This...can't be true~

Luo Yan suddenly smelled something bad. Zhao Ji's attitude seemed to be very problematic. Could this be coming again?

Soon Luo Yan knew that he had guessed correctly.

But Luo Yan obviously couldn't refuse, so he could only bite the bullet and face the difficulties.

Truly do what you said before and give it your all.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


Outside the palace.

Zhao Gao, who was waiting at the entrance of the palace, had a slightly turbulent and strange look in his eyes. He had guessed that Luo Yan might succeed in persuading Zhao Ji, but the method of persuasion definitely did not include this method.

Also, is Luo Yan really not afraid?

That person was the Queen Mother of the Qin Dynasty, and Luo Yan, a newcomer to the country, actually dared to hook up with the Queen Mother. Once this was leaked, she probably wouldn't even know how to write the word "death".

But obviously, Zhao Gao will not leak this news.

On the one hand, he is Zhao Ji's person and knows many things about Zhao Ji, such as the relationship between Zhao Ji and Lu Buwei.

Therefore, the ability to accept these things is relatively strong.

on the other hand.

Luo Yan and Zhao Gao are now in a cooperative relationship. Their opponents are Lu Buwei, Lao Ai and others. Zhao Gao wants to get the entire net, but Luo Yan obviously wants more than Zhao Gao. What happened in the palace You have to guess a thing or two.

"Your Majesty, Queen Mother..."

Zhao Gao's eyes flashed slightly, thinking about how to treat Luo Yan in the future.

Starting today, Luo Yan's identity will change again.

If something like this happens with Zhao Ji, Luo Yan's identity and status will also change subtly. As long as nothing happens, Luo Yan, who has the support of Zhao Ji and Ying Zheng, can basically walk sideways in the court, even if it is Lu Buwei couldn't touch Luo Yan easily.

Once Luo Yan helped him get the trap.


Zhao Gao's dead fish eyes flickered.

PS: It’s a little rushed, but fortunately the coding is finished. I’ll update it tomorrow. That’s what I said.

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