Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 404 Open for all ages...

It is still the Lanzhi Palace, the Lanchi Palace where the Queen Mother is specially used to bathe.

When Luo Yan pushed the door open and entered, the Orchid Pond Hall was still in its original appearance. The tulle curtains were hanging and moving with the wind. A few candlelights brought a fire-colored halo, dispersing the darkness and giving the empty space a warm glow. There was a bit of haziness added to the hall.

The traces of the battle between Lao Ai and Six Sword Slaves have been cleared away, and there is no need to change the water in the pool.

Because the water in the pool uses mechanism technology, it is flowing all the time.

"Master, you are really a busy man. It is so difficult for me to see you~"

Luo Yan did not hold back. Not long after he stepped into the Lanchi Palace, a voice with the charm of a mature woman came from the inner hall.

The voice is charming and soft, like a little hand tickling people, tickling their hearts.

Only two days~

Luo Yan calculated the time of the last meeting in his mind, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Zhao Ji is really just like Mrs. Mingzhu.

It's just that Mrs. Pearl didn't have the shark's life, but she had the shark's appetite.

Luo Yan took a breath and suppressed the urge in his heart. He did this so late at night, especially when Lao Ai's incident had just ended. Not to mention, it felt so exciting that the person's whole body was trembling slightly. Of course, he, Luo Zhengchun, He is a well-educated man, no matter how anxious he is, he cannot show it on his face.

"The Queen Mother's Lanzhi Palace has not been cleaned up. I dare not come here rashly. If Lu Xiangguo finds out, it will only add to the trouble."

Luo Yan did not salute, but responded with a calm voice, and then stepped into the inner hall.

After a while, a pool filled with water mist came into view. At the same time, there were red gauze dresses and a bellyband embroidered with black birds on the hangers~

In the center of the pool, water mist is steaming.

A graceful figure with the moving curves of a mature woman came into view. The woman turned sideways towards Luo Yan. Her long black hair reaching her waist was like a waterfall. Her skin was flushed with a charming blush under the tossing of water mist. Her slender white neck was slightly light. Lifting her delicate chin, she revealed her proud curves and arcs.

The halo of the candlelight on the side makes it even more hazy and beautiful, giving it the feeling of a lustful woman and a witch.

There was a hint of anger and nobility in his eyes.

The combination of several unique temperaments, plus the blessing of the Queen Mother’s innate identity...

Luo Yan's Adam's apple rolled, and he inexplicably realized the true meaning of what the ancients said about all kinds of evil.

No wonder the ancients always said: After reading the book, you will eventually realize it is shallow, but you must know that you must practice it.

Luo Yan suddenly understood.

After all, the knowledge in books is pale and feeble. How can you understand the meaning without experiencing it yourself.

We scholars should practice our own actions and open up... a special way for all generations to come~

"You little thief, do you still know how to be afraid?"

Zhao Ji raised her fair-sleeved arm and poured some warm water on her body. Her charming eyes were lazily filled with affection and she said softly. She looked at Luo Yan, who was undressing and undressing, and pursed her red lips slightly. The blush on her pretty face became more and more intense, and her eyes were a little blurry.

"Of course I'm not afraid. What I'm afraid of is causing trouble to the Queen Mother."

Luo Yan slowly entered the water, took a dive, and appeared next to Zhao Ji again. He directly hugged Zhao Ji with his arms, feeling the smoothness of the delicate body in his arms, his eyes became more and more hot, and he did not forget to tease her. : "If the love lasts for a long time, how can it last day and night? What I want is never short-term happiness~"

Zhao Ji's eyes were a little confused when Luo Yan hugged her. When she heard this, she became even more obsessed and hugged Luo Yan tightly with her arms.

Luo Yan began to respond to Zhao Ji.

Zhao Ji was lying on her side on a soft couch specially designed for leaning on by the pool. Her beautiful eyes were charming and captivating, and her red lips were lightly pursed, revealing a bit of deep reluctance and attachment. She was lazy and charming. He asked to stay: "Don't you want to stay?"

"I still have business to deal with later. If I have time tomorrow, I'll come see you again."

Luo Yan put on his clothes, walked to the soft couch, stroked Zhao Ji's wet hair, and said softly.

"It's so late, what else can you do? Is there anything more important in your heart than this palace?"

Zhao Ji exerted a little force on her waist, stood up and leaned on Luo Yan's back. She hugged Luo Yan's waist tightly with both arms. Her clinginess was self-evident. For her, she wanted to tie Luo Yan to her at all times. On my own side.

"I've even given you the most important thing, and you still doubt my intentions?"

Luo Yan tilted his head and looked at the face that was close at hand, and explained softly: "As for business, Lao Ai's matter still needs to be dealt with. I have to go see Lu Buwei tonight. If this matter is not dealt with, there will be trouble. "

"It doesn't matter what that old immortal does, as long as I don't cause trouble for him, he still dares to cause trouble for you."

Zhao Ji snorted lightly, with a coldness floating in her beautiful eyes, and said coldly.


Luo Yan held her in his arms domineeringly and hummed forcefully: "The court is a man's game, you don't need to do anything, you and I are capable of handling everything.

What Lu Buwei owes you, I will make him spit it out in the future.

Anyone who has bullied you will be made to pay the price. You, a woman, do not need to intervene in these matters. "

"...I just want to help you~"

Zhao Ji bit her lip lightly, looked at Luo Yan weakly, and explained in a low voice, as if she was afraid of making Luo Yan angry.

"You don't need to help me with anything. I will get what I want myself, not through your help. This will only make me feel incompetent."

Luo Yan snorted coldly.

"Well, whatever you say is whatever you want. I listen to you, so don't be angry."

Zhao Ji responded sweetly, her eyes looking a little more charming.

Apparently Zhao Ji liked Luo Yan's tricks.

"I'll see you tomorrow. I have to leave tonight."

Luo Yan gave Zhao Ji a deep kiss, then stood up slowly, straightened his collar like a dog, said something softly and walked out of Lanchi Palace.

"Little thief, I'm waiting for you~"

Zhao Ji's soft voice reached his ears, causing Luo Yan to quicken his pace.

He was afraid that if he waited a little longer, he wouldn't be able to leave.

A stunning beauty like Zhao Ji is definitely the kind of person who can kill a man.

At the entrance of Lanzhi Palace, Zhao Gao was waiting for Luo Yan.

Wait until Luo Yan walks out.

Zhao Gao lowered his head, as if he didn't see or hear anything. He moved his lips slightly and said lightly: "Master, the carriage is ready. Just leave directly. The access records of Xianyang Palace have been arranged. The master has been in the dungeon tonight, interrogating the prisoners, and has never left."

"Old Zhao, thank you for your hard work. What you said before will always be valid. From now on, you and I are brothers."

Luo Yan patted Zhao Gao hard and said seriously.

"The villain dare not."

Zhao Gao's attitude was a little more reserved and he responded in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about anything. I won't do anything like killing a donkey. I will do what I promised you. First of all, the snare must be in your and my hands. This is the first step. In the future, I will still I will help you climb to the high position of power in the Qin State. How can a servant be worthy of your ability? This is my promise."

Luo Yan looked at Zhao Gao and said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Zhao Gao's mood was also a little unstable. Luo Yan's attitude was enough to move Zhao Gao at this stage.

People's hearts are relative.

Zhao Gao is still just a low-level killer in Qin State.

A genius-level killer may sound nice, but in the final analysis, it means nothing. These days, power is everything.

Didn't Gai Nie, who didn't see the future, also be chased by Qin and run around?

This is still the case when Ying Zheng is not serious. If he really does it at all costs, Gai Nie will die. No matter where he escapes to, in the final analysis, Ying Zheng does not think that Gai Nie needs to pay such a high price.

From the perspective of an emperor, some things are just worth it.

Zhao Gao's goal is naturally to climb up, and Luo Yan's promise is self-evident to Zhao Gao.

"It's still the same sentence. Let's wait and see. If you don't let me down, I will definitely not let you down. In the future, there will be a place for you and me in Great Qin."

Luo Yan said in a deep voice and looked at Zhao Gao with burning eyes.

In fact, these words are all bullshit.

Because without Luo Yan, Zhao Gao could still climb to that position, but now with Luo Yan, Zhao Gao would climb more easily.

The so-called party members appear through collusion again and again.

After winning over Zhao Gao and Li Si, as well as Meng Tian and others in the army, we will build a school to win over hundreds of schools of thought in the future...

The future is promising.

The entire journey was silent.

Luo Yan soon left Xianyang Palace accompanied by Zhao Gao. There were no accidents during the period and everything was stable. In this regard, you can completely trust Zhao Gao.

It would be terrible to be Zhao Gao's enemy, but it would be very happy to be his friend.

"Let's go and deal with the last tail. Afterwards, I have to report back to the Queen Mother and the King..."

Zhao Gao watched Luo Yan's carriage drive away, then slowly turned around and walked towards Xianyang Palace. At the same time, he moved his lips slightly and said indifferently to the Six Sword Slave behind him.

The Six Sword Slaves' eyes remained unchanged and they followed Zhao Gao silently. They were just a group of killing machines with no need for emotion.

Zhao Gao's order is everything.

. . . . . . .

at the same time.

In Qinchuan Palace.

Ying Zheng stood in the corridor, staring at the darkness in the distance, with a cold expression, as if he was thinking about something. After a long time, he slowly turned around, looked at Gai Nie, and said softly: "I want to form a private army. , only needs to be responsible for a few people and monitor the world, but it has the power of life and death. Kill first and report later. Is Mr. Gai Nie willing to become its commander?"

After what happened at Lan Zhi Palace, Ying Zheng came up with this idea inexplicably. He lacked bright enough eyes and ears.

"If the king wants to form a private army, the personnel must be selected personally. They must be loyal and loyal. After all, Ge Ni is a foreign minister and is not suitable for this position."

When Gai Nie heard this, he did not hesitate and declined politely.

Ying Zheng frowned and hesitated. After all, he didn't force him. He knew Gai Nie's character. He was a pure swordsman. This was obvious from the first meeting.

Although he was talented and knowledgeable in both literature and martial arts, his heart was no longer focused on this.

Rather than fighting for power, Genie prefers the sword in his hand.

Ying Zheng was silent for a while and shook his head slightly. After all, this matter would have to wait until he takes office.

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