Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 427 Medical Treatment

After returning to Taifu's Mansion, Luo Yan met Jing Salad. After all, he had made an appointment yesterday and had to see Xiao Yan'er today.

Tai Hospital, the gathering place for Qin’s imperial physicians.

Luo Yan is very familiar with this place. The military medical manual written by Luo Yan some time ago was sent here. After analysis and summary by the doctors in the Tai Hospital, it was finally handed over to Meng Ao. Later emergency medical doctors will also come from it. Cultivated here.

Because of this friendship, Luo Yan has a pretty good relationship with the doctors here.

Regardless of that era, doctors are a group of people worthy of respect.

Although there are also quacks and some selfish people among them, this does not deny that all those who study medicine originally entered this industry with the idea of ​​​​treating diseases and saving lives. However, this big stain in society has changed their original intentions.

Just like Luo Yan, he was a pure boy before he entered society. He would sweat even holding a girl's hand.

Really pure as an angel~

Luo Yan thought wildly for a moment, then took Jing Salad's hand and helped Jing Sala get out of the carriage. At the same time, he did not forget to smile at Xiao Yan'er in her arms and said softly: "Don't worry, Mr. I am familiar with these guys, and their medical skills are all good. Even if they are not good, we can still ask for help from doctors in the future. I have already asked the people in the net to find out the information. "


Jing salamander looked at Luo Yan with gentle eyes and responded softly without saying any words of thanks.

There is no need to say this about their relationship.

Luo Yan smiled, then took Jingyu and Xiaoyu into Taiyuan Hospital and visited the director of Taiyuan Hospital, a gray-haired old man named Liu.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Mr. Liu's full name is Liu Zhongsheng. He is eighty-seven years old this year, which is an incredible achievement in this era. His hair is gray, but his complexion is extremely good. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as a child with gray hair. You can tell at a glance that this old man has taken good care of himself. add.

As for medical skills, the old man studied under the doctor Bian Que for a period of time when he was young.

To be honest, Luo Yan was quite confused when he heard the news, because Bian Que was from the last century, and from Mr. Liu's mouth, Luo Yan also learned that Bian Que was already a hundred years old when he taught him. Really old monster level.

At this moment, Mr. Liu was stroking his beard and taking Xiao Yan'er's pulse.

Xiao Yan'er was also very obedient and leaned in Jing Salamander's arms. She didn't make any noise or make any noise. She stared at Old Liu's beard with her bright black eyes, seeming to be quite interested in the beard.

"The madam was malnourished during her pregnancy, and she lost too much energy. Coupled with the fetal movement and premature delivery, she was born with insufficient blood and blood, and her heart pulse was extremely weak. If the madam hadn't used her inner breath to nourish her from time to time, she would never have survived. reason."

Mr. Liu quickly retracted his wrist and said slowly.

"Inner breath pregnant and nourished?"

Luo Yan was stunned for a moment and glanced at Jing Salamander, wondering why he didn't know about this.

Frightened Salamander pursed his lips and said softly: "The old gentleman is right."

Luo Yan was silent. He knew the reason, because they were in South Korea at that time and were taking risks all the time. Jingli's character was obviously not the kind of person who liked to talk things out. Trouble, he tightened his arms around Jing Salamander, then looked at Mr. Liu and asked, "Is there any way to treat it?"

"Congenital deficiencies can only be made up for in the day after tomorrow. However, she is still young and is not suitable for medication. The best way is to nourish the heart with gentle internal breath, plus acupuncture to stabilize the condition first, and then supplement with tonic medicine after she is three years old. You can nourish it slowly, but it will take a little longer.”

Mr. Liu gently stroked his beard and said calmly.

"This will cause trouble for Mr. Liu."

Luo Yan was relieved when he heard this, as long as there is a way.

Mr. Liu shook his head slightly: "Master, there is no need to do this. It is the duty of a doctor to treat illnesses and save people. Wait a moment, I will prepare some things."

Luo Yan nodded, and when Mr. Liu stood up and left, he held Jing Salamander's hand dissatisfiedly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier~"

Jing salamander looked up at Luo Yan, his eyes soft and bright, but he said nothing.

But Luo Yan understood the meaning of Jing Salamander: Their relationship didn't seem to be that serious at that time, not to mention that even if he told Luo Yan, Luo Yan couldn't do anything about it. After all, Luo Yan was very weak at the time and could only protect himself with inner energy. If it's not enough, how can we help?

"You didn't tell me after you entered Qin!"

Luo Yan snorted and said reluctantly.

"I owe you a lot."

Jing salamander pondered for a moment and spoke in a soft voice. After speaking, he felt a little lively and couldn't help but add: "The matter of conceiving and raising Yan'er's heart is not a big loss."

There is one thing left unsaid, that is, Luo Yan has been too busy since joining the Qin Dynasty, and Jing Salamander is not the kind of person who likes to ask for help.

"It adds up over time!"

Luo Yan sighed, squeezed Jing Salamander's hand, and said helplessly.

Jingli shook her head and said it was okay. The loss of inner energy was nothing to her. She was not very interested in martial arts. She used to be forced by life and would die if she didn't get stronger. Now that her life is stable, she practices martial arts. His thoughts became lighter.

Just let everything take its course.

When her cultivation reached her level, it was not cultivation itself that could make her progress.

"Don't hide anything from me in the future. We are all a family. We don't owe you anything. If you really feel you owe me something, just give me a son~"

Luo Yan looked into Jingshao's eyes, showed the courage of the head of the family, and hummed softly.

Jing salamander looked at Luo Yan, as if to confirm whether he was serious, but finally changed his gaze in defeat, his earlobes felt slightly warm, and he responded softly.

The beauty of that moment is so intoxicating~

Luo Yan was so beautiful.

Xiao Yan'er raised her cute little head and blinked her bright black eyes, not knowing why.

. . . . . . . . . . .

at the same time.

In a high-end restaurant in Xianyang City, a young man holding an abacus dial flexibly dialed the abacus in his hand. His sneaky little eyes seemed to be brewing small thoughts at all times. He sighed from time to time and looked at a person not far away. The little dwarf sighed with emotion: "What a loss, we lose tens of thousands of gold every day. If we were to do this, we would definitely make a lot of money. It's a pity, it's such a pity~"

"Don't be pity, this business is not accessible to everyone, the risk is too high."

The little dwarf looks extremely funny. He has a chubby body and a golden lock on his chest. He looks like a child, but he wears a black striped mask on his face. His two slender breaths are extremely funny, and his tone is even more funny. He warned with some helplessness.

If Luo Yan were here, he would have discovered that these two people were Situ Wanli and the Zhu family from the farm family.

Zhu family.

The master of Shennong Hall, one of the six farm halls, is known as "half-hearted" and "thousands of people with thousands of faces". He is smooth and smooth in dealing with people, and is very good at finding out information. Among the six halls of the farm house, the Zhu family is the most well-informed. If there is any trouble in the country, he will definitely know about it.

The petite and round figure, coupled with the ever-changing mask, looks a bit like a vaudeville artist.

But those who know him never dare to judge a book by its appearance.

The Zhu family's ability to become the head of Shennong Hall was never achieved by being cute.

Despite her petite appearance, her clothes are extremely neat and meticulous.

That appearance, minus the mask, resembles that of a rich man.

At this moment, the Zhu family had their hands behind their backs in annoyance, shaking their heads constantly, pacing back and forth, like a little old man, sighing: "It's annoying, it's annoying~"

The palm slows itself down and then takes it out.

But he saw a roll of paper in his hand that had just appeared recently, and he patted the other hand gently, as if the thing in his hand was what bothered him.

"What is there to worry about, Mr. Zhu? If it is bothering me, it's up to me. It's so uncomfortable. I have such a big deal in front of me, but I don't have the chance to do it. I feel bad."

Situ Wanli on the side shook the abacus in his hand, reset the abacus to zero, looked at the Zhu family turning back and forth in a funny way, and said with a smile.

"Brother Situ is worried about money, and what worries me is money. Sometimes money is really not the same thing."

Zhu Jia jumped slightly, casually rolled up the paper and spread it out. It was spread out by an invisible force and fell just under his butt. He sat down on his butt. Then Zhu Jia's face changed and he used his hands. Holding his chin, he sighed with sadness showing through his blue mask of melancholy.

"I never worry about money. I only worry about not making money. Money is a good thing."

Situ Wanli shook his head and retorted.

This is a matter of principle, and he does not agree with the Zhu family's point of view.

"What Brother Situ said is not unreasonable. Boss, this money itself is a thing. How can you say it is not a thing?"

The man standing in a corner joked with a playful smile.

The man had a mustache and looked arrogant. He threw two gold coins in his hand with a playful look on his face.

"Brother Liu Ji, stop joking at this time and think about what to do. Xiakui's mission this time is not easy."

Zhu Jia shook his head, sighed, and said.

To be honest, the Zhu family really didn't want to come to Qin State's Xianyang City, especially to have contact with the most powerful Taifu in Qin State.

This chamber of commerce is not easy to get into, let alone get something out of it.

This is not an easy job to do. If you don't do it well, you will lose your head.

This errand is not easy to handle.

Opportunity and risk have always been opposites.

The Zhu family has always been clear-headed and will never be distracted by immediate interests.

"Brother, I really want to get in touch with this guy. The stuff from this Chamber of Commerce is so tempting and crazy."

Situ Wanli was obviously very interested in contacting Luo Yan. He was not interested in the person, but in the money.

Whether it is refined salt or paper, it is a profitable business.

It's much faster than his Qianlong Hall.

The premise is that you can keep this deal.

But this has never been a problem for Situ Wanli. As the leader of a farmhouse, what he lacks is business and goods, not sales channels.

"Brother Situ, you really want money rather than life!"

Liu Ji on the side couldn't help but joked.

"If your life is gone, it will be gone. If you don't make this money, it won't be your turn."

Situ Wanli chuckled lightly and said nonchalantly.

Typical of asking for money rather than life.

If the benefits are sufficient, it doesn't mean you can't take a gamble.

"Now the question is how to contact him. This person is by no means simple. The Chamber of Commerce has been established. Although we have the support of farmers, we must be careful in everything. This is Qin State. If we accidentally offend someone who shouldn't be offended, it's not a big deal. Good thing."

The mask on Zhu Jia's face had turned red and black, and he said in a deep voice with a sense of calmness and self-power.

"Master Zhu, why don't we start with these wealthy businessmen who have joined the Chamber of Commerce? I have a good goal, but I don't know if you dare to take a gamble."

The abacus in Situ Wanli's hand shook slightly, his eyes flickered, and he spoke unhurriedly.


The Zhu family's mustache trembled, like an excited fat mouse, and asked.

"Jade Tiger, one of the four fierce generals before the night, I have dealt with this person before. Since he followed this person into the Qin Dynasty, he did not hesitate to abandon the night for this. It is obvious that he has a close friendship with this person. It is a good idea to enter the game with this person. A good start, this deal can definitely be done.”

Situ Wanli said in a deep voice, his eyes flashing, obviously he had thought about this sentence carefully.

"Emerald Tiger! Businessman, if he can betray Ji Wuye, he can betray others. It is indeed a good choice, but since it is gambling, it is best to place bets separately."

Zhu Jia said very rationally.

He never liked putting eggs in a cage.

"So I have to act separately from Master Zhu."

Situ Wanli said with a smile.

"...I think we should send a woman to contact him~"

Liu Ji showed a lewd smile, looked at the eldest son of the Zhu family and Situ Wanli, and smiled mischievously: "For example, let that naughty bitch from Kuei Hall go. I feel that she will be more useful than all of us put together. That bitch Absolutely amazing at seducing men!”

With that said, Liu Ji gave a thumbs up.

Obviously she thinks Tian Mi is strong enough, as long as she can eat it.

"Brother Liu Ji, are you really not worried about those two brothers hacking you to death? You are very brave."

Hearing this, Situ Wanli joked with a smile.

Everyone knows that there is a voluptuous and charming beauty in Kuei Hall, but have you ever seen anyone from the farmhouse try to provoke her?

The two brothers of Kuei Hall are not ordinary protectors.

The most important thing is that it is extremely powerful.

No one wants to provoke someone for no reason.

"Brother Liu Ji's suggestion is good."

Zhu Jia immediately put on a mask of thinking, touched his slender beard, pondered for a moment, and said slowly: "But the two brothers of Kuei Hall are all one-minded, and that woman is not our hall." People, it’s a pity, forget it, don’t think about this anymore, just follow Brother Situ’s thoughts.

Let’s start with the Emerald Tiger.

As for Brother Liu Ji and I, there are many wealthy businessmen in Qin State, so we have many choices~"

After saying that, the mask on Zhu Jia's face turned into a sinister black and blue color, showing a bit of evil.

Obviously, the Zhu family are not good people either.

"Master Zhu, you'd better be careful, Qin is not a vegetarian."

Situ Wanli pondered for a moment and reminded.

"Don't worry, I won't break the rules of the game and get into trouble. I still have some sense of propriety."

Zhu Jia pinched the beard on his chin and said softly.

"Okay, leave the Jade Tiger to me. I think we should focus on making money in the early stage. As for contacting that person, don't act rashly for the time being. Let's wait and see what other halls do."

Situ Wanli suggested.

"I know that in fact, not only people from other halls, but also people from various schools of thought must pay attention. This time there are not a few people who are taking action after hearing the news."

Zhu Jia narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

"All schools of thought? Why, there are so many people participating in this game?"

Liu Ji asked curiously.

"Just talk about this piece of paper, and Confucianism will not fail to take action."

Zhu Jia said softly.

"And the Mo family..."

Situ Wanli added in a playful tone.

"Tsk, it's getting more and more interesting."

Liu Ji touched his chin and said angrily.

Right now.

A knock on the door came from outside the house...

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