Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 435: Being remembered (Thanks to the leader Jiu Shili)

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, two days have passed.

In a small forest in the mountains at the junction of Qi and Yan, there is a small lake like a mirror, with ripples in the breeze.

Indescribable contentment, as if in a paradise, far away from the world.

Quiet and elegant.

And beside this beautiful lake, there is a bamboo house.

The bamboo house is surrounded by railings. There are vegetable gardens and medicinal gardens inside, which are planted in different categories. They look well-proportioned and extremely harmonious. It can be seen that the person who planted these medicinal materials is a skillful and patient person. Moreover, he has The medicinal properties of herbs are extremely well understood.

But today, this tranquility was destroyed.

Because there was a figure in black robe standing at the door, staring silently at the sign hanging at the door.

The handwriting on the sign is very old, and the wind and rain have left many marks.

It can be seen that it was carved a long time ago.

These handwritings are all written in the Yan Kingdom.

Three lines in total:

Those who need to go down the mountain for medical treatment are not saved.

Those who go to the mountains to seek medical advice cannot be saved.

The person named Duanmu was not saved.

The figure in black robe paused for a long time while looking at the sign, then sighed slightly, raised a hand with six fingers, made a fist and knocked lightly on the bamboo door. After a while, footsteps came from inside the house. , and then a woman who looked to be in her thirties came out.

The woman was dressed simply, with regular and delicate features, but her face was slightly pale, and she seemed to be a little weak.

A pair of calm eyes were cold and indifferent, as if they had already seen through life and death.

Whether it's someone else or yourself.

The young woman walked out of the bamboo house and saw the figure at the door. She seemed a little surprised. She walked over in small steps and opened the door. At the same time, she looked at the person outside the house. After a moment, her lips moved slightly: "You are not injured, and there is no one behind you." Take people, what do you want to do.”

After saying that, the young woman blocked the doorway, with no intention of letting the Six-Fingered Black Man in.

"Don't worry, I won't break your rules, but your rules can really kill people sometimes."

The six-fingered black man shook his head, glanced at the rules at the door, and said with a wry smile.

He has known Nianduan, the medical master in front of him, for many years. He is considered a good friend. In the past, he often found precious medicinal materials or daily necessities for the other party through his contacts in the Mohist family. In return, the other party would help the Mohist disciples treat their injuries. .

After going back and forth, the relationship was maintained.

However, Nian Duan's temper is not very good. He has a very rational character, and he never breaks the rules after they are set.

In her words: Doctors can save countless people, but they cannot save themselves.

This rule is to protect oneself, and also to protect the inheritance of the medical family.

As for the last line of rules, this involves Nian Duan’s past, which can be regarded as a willfulness in the past...

"People die every day in the world. Can it be blamed on me?"

Nian Duan snorted coldly, seeming to look down on the Six-Fingered Black Man's philosophy of loving all people, and choked out in a stiff tone.

The six-fingered black man smiled bitterly and said softly: "When you can, you should try your best to do more if you can. Isn't this also the philosophy of your doctors?"

Doctors should treat diseases and save people, regardless of good or evil, powerful, etc. This is the philosophy and belief of every doctor in studying medicine.

"That's the doctor's, not mine!"

Nian Duan looked at the Six-Fingered Black Man silently and said calmly, without any emotion at all.

"I'm not here to tell you this. This time I went to Xianyang, Qin State, and met a little friend. He asked me to bring a gift and a letter to you, hoping to invite you to come out."

The six-fingered black man looked at Nianduan who was blocking the door, and understood that the other party was in a bad mood today, so he stopped trying to keep it secret. He took out two medical techniques made from paper and a letter from his arms and handed them to Nianduan, explaining at the same time got these things.

"You know my rules. The medical family will not get involved in the disputes between the seven countries. I brought Ronger here to avoid this!"

Nian Duan didn't answer, and even frowned, with a look of dissatisfaction on his pale face. He stared at the Six-Fingered Black Man and said coldly.

The coldness in his tone was self-evident.

"Let's take a look. This is an invitation from Daliang Zao of the Qin State. He wants to create a school that includes hundreds of schools of thought. Among them is a medical school that specializes in training doctors, organizing medical books, researching prescriptions, etc. This was created for medical practitioners.

He promised me that when you enter the academy, you only need to do what you want to do and pass on your knowledge, and he will block other trivial matters for you.

And it will not restrict your freedom, you can come and go as you please..."

The Six-Fingered Black Man was obviously not a qualified lobbyist, so he directly said what Luo Yan said to Nianduan.

"……Do you believe it?"

After hearing the words, Nian Duan was silent for a long time, then looked at the Six-fingered Black Man and asked.

"I believe it, and I was convinced by him."

The six-fingered black man nodded and said with burning eyes.

"That's your choice. It has nothing to do with me. I'm still telling you the truth. The doctors don't want to get involved in anything happening in the Seven Kingdoms."

Nian Duan looked at the Six-fingered Black Man with an unchanged expression and said calmly.

"Why don't you agree? This matter is good for both doctors and the world. Isn't the biggest wish of doctors is to spread their medical skills?"

The Six-Fingered Black Man looked at Nian Duan in confusion, wondering why Nian Duan was so persistent.

"Why should I trust a stranger? If he really wants to do these things, I can send him a copy of the doctor's medical book, but there is no need to say anything more after he is born."

Nianduan's eyes were calm and firm, and he said in a deep voice.

The idea of ​​doctors is indeed to treat diseases and save people, so that people can stay away from injuries. However, the cruelest thing in the world is never injuries, but the human heart. The complexity of the human heart is always more terrifying than injuries. For example, the cruelty caused by the ambitions and desires of those in power in various countries. war.

Far more people die from wars than from injuries and illnesses in the world.

Doctors can save people, but they can never save the world.

"It's better to take a look at these things first."

The six-fingered black man was silent for a while, then handed over the thing in his hand again and said to Nian Duan.


This time Nian Duan did not refuse. It seemed that the words spoken by Six Finger Black Man had some effect. He reached out and took the two medical skills and a letter handed over by Six Finger Black Man.

These two books are "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases" and "Compendium of Materia Medica" respectively.

Luo Yan worked on it some time ago and has been busy for several days. However, what Nianduan has in his hands is only part of it. The complete Luo Yan has not yet written it all... After all, he is extremely hardworking most of the time and has very little time to squeeze out. not much.

That's why Luo Yan hoped that the Six-fingered Black Man could deceive the doctors into coming out.

In this way, Luo Yan could completely rely on his words to save time, and let the doctors reorganize it according to the actual situation to make it more suitable for this world.

Nian Duan reads books very quickly. Professionals read professional books at a glance. After reading them, they will know the value and use of these things. Many of them are of some use to her, but what makes her more curious and admired is , the person who wrote this book actually relied entirely on prescriptions and acupuncture to treat illnesses, without the need for internal force in the entire process.

Even an ordinary person can learn these things as long as they are talented.

As for the Compendium of Materia Medica, it is also very interesting. Many of the herbs in it have not even been seen by Nianduan, while some are relatively familiar.

Then Nian Duan looked at the letter from Luo Yan. The letter was neat, nothing too out of the ordinary, and mostly just an expression of sincerity. Secondly, if the heir of the medical family really doesn't want to go out, I hope the heir of the medical family will pack up a copy of the medical book and give it to him. The Mohist giant was sent to Xianyang City.

After Nianduan had finished reading everything, the Six-fingered Black Man asked, "How is it?"

Although he was standing at the door, he was not impatient.

"Go in and chat. If it's convenient, tell me about this person."

Nian Duan pondered for a moment, looking at the Six-fingered Black Man, and finally felt a little moved.

If her heart was really dead, how could she often take Rong'er to the foot of the mountain to rescue nearby villagers? After all, she was still cold on the outside and hot on the inside...

Nowadays, how can he be a really cold-blooded person if he can become the head of a medical family?

If that were the case, the Mohist giant would not be friendly with him.


The six-fingered black man's eyes brightened slightly and he responded in a deep voice.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly.

A girl of about sixteen or seventeen years old was holding a boat, rowing through the clear blue lake water, and slowly approaching the ferry. She was wearing light blue uniforms, with a light-colored silk scarf wrapping her hair, and carrying a medicine basket behind her back. It was Ronger who had just returned from collecting herbs.

The only descendant of the contemporary medical family, Duan Murong.

Facing the moderate breeze, the boat slowly docked. Duan Murong skillfully threw the rope to the bridge railing, raised his leg and jumped, landing steadily on the bridge.

The moment he landed.

The wind in the forest blew again, revealing her beautiful and beautiful face.

Duan Murong raised her hand to brush away the hair covering her eyes, revealing a pair of purple eyes, which were smart, delicate, clean and clear, like a lilac flower that had just bloomed.


Duan Murong lifted the heavy medicine basket behind her, let out a breath, and walked toward the bamboo house. Just as she was about to call the master to open the door, she found that the door had already been opened.

A guest came... Duan Murong was surprised. She couldn't help but lower her steps, pursed her lips, leaned over curiously, and began to eavesdrop.

The conversation in the room did not stop and continued chatting.

The topic seems to revolve around a man.

Duan Murong couldn't help but listen carefully, and finally confirmed that this man was a man named Luo Zhengchun, the great master of the Great Qin Dynasty. The man seemed to be very powerful. During the chat, even her master seemed to be interested in him. Also highly rated.

Duan Murong couldn't help but remember this name.

"Luo Zhengchun..."

Duan Murong's lips moved slightly, and her eyes were a little more curious. How could Duan Murong, a young girl, not be curious about the outside world.

She also wanted to see what the outside world was like.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Luo Yan obviously didn't know that he was interested in a young girl.

But even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't care. After all, a good man can't hide his brilliance no matter what.

Even if she is stripped naked, she is still dazzling and dizzying.

For example, at this moment, Luo Yan was "ambushing" the Queen Mother Zhao Ji. Because the Queen Mother rarely had time to go to the garden today, Luo Yan missed the opportunity. However, as a patient fishing expert, he would hold a harpoon in his hand. Wait patiently for the moment when the fish surfaces.

Seize the opportunity and take a shot...

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