Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 440 Your butt is so perky

How should I put it, Tian Mi is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Well...that's not right. It should be said that most of the women Luo Yan knows are not economical. In contrast, Tian Mi is a little green. Although she is charming and charming, she is limited by her age after all, and she still needs a few years of preparation. Becomes more fragrant.

Women are like wine, they need to be tasted carefully...

“Good wine~”

Luo Yan held the wine cup, gently shook the sauce inside, and said with a pun.

The wine is very fragrant and moist~

Sitting opposite Luo Yan was Lord Changping. When he learned that Luo Yan had come to this manor, he made a special trip and gave the land deed of the manor to Luo Yan. From now on, this manor belongs to Luo Yan. Yan's property.

I have to say that Mr. Changping is very generous and spends huge sums of money without batting an eyelid.

This is the boring life of the rich and powerful, which is enviable.

Mr. Changping looked at Luo Yan with a smile on his face and replied, "Brother Luo, just like it. It's not in vain."

"Brother treated me like this. I will remember this friendship. From now on, you and I will treat each other as brothers in private. If you have anything to do, just ask me. If you can do your best, I will never say anything!"

Luo Yan patted his chest and promised, with a sincere look on his face.

That's not what Mr. Changping wanted, and his smile became a little thicker: "We won't talk about business today, we will only talk about romance. Brother Luo, please!"

"Brother, please!"

Luo Yan climbed up and said with a smile on his face.

As they exchanged cups and cups, the relationship seemed to gradually become more harmonious, becoming less unfamiliar and more cordial.

"With Brother Luo's talents, once Lu Xiangguo resigns, the position of the next Prime Minister will definitely belong to Brother Luo!"

Chang Pingjun tried to test it with some drunkenness.

There is something in the words... Luo Yan muttered in his heart, unable to guess the true intention of Lord Changping, so he remained unchanged in response to all changes. He shook his head and said with a smile: "This matter still depends on the king's wishes, but brother, I have a desire for the position of prime minister." Not big, I want to teach and educate people more, and building a school that can accommodate the knowledge of hundreds of schools of thought is what I want to do, and the position of Taifu is just right."

After finishing speaking, he paused, then looked at Mr. Changping and continued:

"Why did my brother think of talking about this? With Lu Xiangguo's power, if he doesn't want to resign, even the king can't force him too much."

"This is because I feel that Lu Xiangguo has been sitting in this position for too long, and he is old and lacks energy. This is not a good thing for Qin. Of course, these are drunken words. Please don't tell Lu Xiangguo Prime Minister..."

Mr. Changping waved his hand and explained.

How did you know that I wanted to tell Lu Xiangguo... Luo Yan murmured in his heart, and at the same time it became clear that Lord Changping also seemed to covet the position of Xiangguo? !

What he talks about after drinking, this guy is testing his own thoughts and ideas through drinking.

Sure enough, when dealing with these people, I still have to be on guard.

What brother!

Who knows when he will be betrayed!

This ruthless officialdom really makes people like Luo Yan who value brotherhood feel helpless.

"It does make sense. After all, Lu Xiangguo is getting old, and he will not be able to sit on the position of Xiangguo for much longer. What's more, the king will be crowned in the next year and will be in charge soon. Lu Xiangguo's situation will become more and more embarrassing, and he really needs to be replaced. new ambience……"

Luo Yan also nodded when he heard this, then looked at Lord Changping, his eyes brightened, and he said quickly: "By the way, I have some ideas about the position of Prime Minister. With my status and status, it is more than enough for me to sit in the position of Prime Minister. You can rest assured, if my brother is willing, I can help persuade the king!"

"Just chatting casually after drinking, why should we take it seriously? After all, these things still depend on the king's will. The minister cannot decide these things."

Chang Pingjun drank a glass of wine and smiled.

It seems that I have no interest in the position of Prime Minister, but if the king insists on me, I can do it~

I believe you as a ghost...

But that's what Luo Yan wanted, let's have a casual chat after drinking~

Naturally, there are countless things you can say.

. . . . . . . . . .

After three rounds of drinking, Mr. Changping left with some excuse.

Luo Yan personally escorted Mr. Changping out of the house, watched him leave, and then returned to the mansion. Tian Mi was already waiting at the door, wearing a purple slit dress and a white jacket that could not cover up the look. The small waist of the water snake looks charming and charming when walking around.

This is a stunner that can make a man excited several times.

"Now that I've done what I told you, I can help you get rid of the poison and let you regain your freedom."

Luo Yan walked up to Tian Mi, reached out and pinched Tian Mi's chin, looked into those delicate and charming fox eyes, slightly curled up the corners of his mouth, and said softly with a hint of coaxing.

"...Even if you regain your freedom, where can the slave family go~"

Tian Mi looked at Luo Yan sadly, pursed her plump and attractive lips, and said softly.

Everything he says and does is full of pity-inducing temptation.

"What, you still want to stay with me?!"

Luo Yan looked at Tian Mi with some surprise, and asked, he didn't think he had any feelings for Tian Mi. Tian Mi was obviously not the kind of woman who would stay loyal to others until her body was taken over. Although this woman We only met four or five times, but Luo Yan saw clearly.

This woman is definitely not the kind of woman who is emotional. She lives a very clear life, a bit like a modern woman.

Know what you want.

And this is exactly what interests Luo Yan.

"The slave family is willing to be a slave and a maid by the Taifu's side, and there will be no complaints..."

Tian Mi stepped forward slightly, leaned into Luo Yan's arms, and whispered.

"Look at your performance~"

Luo Yan stretched out his hand and caressed Tian Mi's cheek. He seemed to have seen through Tian Mi's little trick. His eyes were cold and he said lightly.

Tian Mi bit her lip lightly and stopped talking. Facing a man who was very stubborn about holding up his pants, she expressed her despair as she always liked to use beauty as a weapon.

"Stay well here. I will come to see you when I have time."

Luo Yan tidied his clothes, gave a faint explanation, and walked out of the mansion.

It's getting late, it's time to go home.

As a good man, Luo Yan would always go home at night no matter how much he played outside. This is the meaning of home.

"The slave family respectfully sends off the master..."

Tian Mi bowed down and saluted respectfully, giving people the ultimate experience, and her expression was even more pitiful. However, after Luo Yan disappeared from her eyes, the softness was gone, and her beautiful eyes were slightly narrowed, like a cunning vixen with a hint of pity in her eyes. The color of thinking.

In fact, Tian Mi didn't lie about what she just said, but it wasn't entirely true.

Following Luo Yan is also a choice for Tian Mi, but this choice is a bit no choice. She does not want to just be Luo Yan's plaything outside.

Once the novelty of a toy wears off, it becomes worthless.

Tian Mi knows very well the virtues of a man.

His biggest capital is gone, and it is too difficult to grasp Luo Yan, especially when he knows everything.

As for the farmhouse...

What Luo Yan told her was undoubtedly a betrayal of the farmer's family, and would even bring big trouble to the farmer's family. Once the incident came to light, she would probably suffer as well, and the people in the sixth hall of the farmer's family would not let her go.

"...I have no choice~"

Tian Mi's charming face showed a hint of complexity, her thin lips moved slightly, and she whispered to herself.

She had to listen to Luo Yan's words, because her life was still in Luo Yan's hands, and it was absolutely impossible to follow him for the rest of her life.

Because her mother was a man's plaything back then and ended up tragically. She must not make the same mistake again.

She wants to play with these men, not be played by them...

. . . . . . . . . . .

Under the cold moonlight, Xianyang City seemed to be covered with a layer of white frost.

A light mist shrouded the streets.

It makes the moonlight look even more desolate and hazy...

Looking at the empty street, Luo Yan, who was sitting on the carriage, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He thought about what happened just now in boredom. He found it interesting inadvertently. When Mr. Changping felt that he was hiding everything from him and was secretly plotting, he But I could even see through his underwear.

Chatting at this time is very interesting, just like watching a clown's funny performance.

"I'm just here to watch the show..."

Luo Yan touched his somewhat shriveled belly. He felt a little hungry for a while. He couldn't help but knock on the wall of the car and ordered: "Go to the gate of the city and buy some midnight snacks to take back."

It’s been a long time since I bought wontons for Jing Salamander, and I felt nostalgic for the moment.

However, the carriage had not traveled very far when Luo Yan was attracted by a sound.

"Selling chestnuts... fragrant and sweet chestnuts..."

Hearing the sound, Luo Yan opened the car curtain and looked over.

In the light mist, I saw an old woman carrying a bamboo basket walking slowly forward with stumbling steps.

At first it was a little unreal, a little vague, like a ghost.

Stay close.

The old woman was dressed in an old gray-white coat, with gray hair and wrinkles on her face. She was stooped and seemed to be struggling to walk. The basket in her hand was covered with a layer of cotton, and bursts of heat seemed to be emanating from it. It has a bit of aroma.

This point.

at this place.

Suddenly I met such an old woman.

No matter how much I think about it, I feel like something is wrong, abnormal, and even a little weird.

After all, Xianyang City also has a curfew, and only certain places can open small stalls to serve patrolling soldiers and dignitaries who stay out at night.

An old woman was selling chestnuts on such a day, and she happened to be standing in front of him.

This is... interesting.

Luo Yan was curious, so he knocked on the wall of the carriage to stop it, jumped down, and actively blocked the old woman's way. With a gentle smile on his face that was harmless to humans and animals, he asked: "Old man, what's wrong with the chestnuts?" Sell?"

"Buy...buy chestnuts? My lord, how many do you want?"

The old woman looked at Luo Yan, her body trembled slightly, and she said with some awe and restraint.

"Let me taste it first. If it tastes good, I'll buy a few more pounds."

Luo Yan said with a smile.

"It's fresh out of the oven, still hot and very fragrant."

When the old woman heard this, her smile showed a bit of confidence. She reached out and took out a few chestnuts and handed them to Luo Yan and said.

Luo Yan reached out to take it, but when he touched the old woman's hand, his heart moved. His five senses, which were already inhuman, made him clearly feel that the old woman's hand was not the hand of an elderly person, although the appearance was similar. , but the touch is absolutely impossible to be so soft.

He couldn't help but feel a little wary, but Luo Yan's movements and expressions didn't change at all. He pinched the hot chestnuts, peeled one off and threw it into his mouth, without worrying about the poison.

With the Mother Gu of the Three Ultimate Gu nearby, he even looked forward to someone poisoning him to nourish the Mother Gu of the Three Ultimate Ultimate Gu that was getting thinner.

"Not bad, very sweet and fragrant. Come on, two pounds."

Luo Yan chewed it, his eyes lit up, and he said.

"Two pounds and half a penny will do."

The old woman said with a smile, then wrapped roughly two kilograms in tree leaves and handed it to Luo Yan.

Luo Yan took it, paid the money, and then started to eat. While eating, he looked at the old woman and asked curiously: "Where are you going, old man? It's so late. How can your family feel relieved to let you go?" from."

"It's okay. I have a young child at home. I plan to go to the city gate to sell some chestnuts to make some money while there are fewer people at night."

Hearing this, the old woman smiled, packed the basket, and said slowly.

"I happen to be going to the city gate to buy some wontons, so I'll go with you. It's not convenient for you because you're old, so I'll carry you there."

Luo Yan took action as he spoke. Like a good and enthusiastic citizen, he stretched out his hand and snatched the bamboo basket from the old woman's hand. He picked up the confused old woman on her back and held it up with both hands.

This squeezing feeling... is a bit big~

"Tianze, don't worry about the carriage. The elderly can't stand the fatigue of the boat and carriage. It's more convenient for me to carry it on my back."

Luo Yan vigorously lifted the old woman behind him, and then did not forget to remind Tianze who was driving the carriage, and immediately walked towards the city gate pretending to be extremely strenuous.

Tianze, who was a little confused at first, couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. At the same time, his eyes flickered and he stared at the old woman being carried by Luo Yan. At this time, if he didn't know that there was something wrong with this old woman, then he would really He was so stupid that he immediately got off the carriage and followed in stride. At the same time, he did not forget to whistle. Suddenly, dozens of Snare Assassins appeared around to protect the surroundings.

"Don't be afraid, old man. These are to protect me and will not hurt you."

Luo Yan explained softly.

The old woman looked at the scene surrounded by people, her eyes slightly condensed, she was a little unsure whether she was exposed.

If he was exposed, why would Luo Yan still carry him and behave in such a polite manner.

Could it be that this person is really just a good old guy? !

to be honest.

Siming had seen many people of all kinds, but this was the first time she had seen a simple and good man like Luo Yan.

For a moment, I felt a little weird in my heart.

If Luo Yan was just an ordinary farm boy, she wouldn't be so surprised, but Luo Yan was a great man of the Qin State. He was the Grand Tutor of the dynasty. How could someone who could sit in this position in the Qin State be a simple good man?

Da Siming would rather believe that he was exposed, but how exactly was he exposed? !

There was some doubt in my heart for a while.

Of course she couldn't have known that the moment her little hand was touched by Luo Yan, everything about her was exposed. If she had known, she would probably become autistic.

While thinking about it.

Da Siming's old palm hidden in his sleeves was entangled with strands of dark red mist. As these obscure inner auras floated, the old palm quickly lost its wrinkles and turned into a bright red almost demonic hand. The strange and slender jade palm is alluring and beautiful, with strange lines on it, like a ghost hand that wants to choose people and devour them.

At this moment, Da Siming was ready to take action.

"Grandma, your butt is so perky~"

At this moment, Luo Yan suddenly made a joke and squeezed his big hand irregularly...

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