Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 449 Dual Cultivation of Soul and Spirit

"Fei Yan, I wish I had met you earlier. I really want to hold you like this..."

In the palace, Luo Yan put his arms around Concubine Yan's waist and said in a serious tone. He spoke from the bottom of his heart, sincerely and without any guilt, because no man could refuse a woman like Concubine Yan.

The appearance, figure, temperament, origin, etc. are all impeccable and breathtakingly perfect.

want to……

And at this moment.

This perfect person was being held in his arms, and Luo Yan felt that he was entitled to be proud.

Hearing the words, Concubine Yan shook her head slightly, with a touch of tenderness and affection in her beautiful eyes. She looked up at Luo Yan with her flawless and beautiful face, opened her red lips lightly, and said in a very soft voice: "It should be me who was there earlier. It’s great to meet Luo Lang. It’s great to meet you.”

His expression was serious and dignified, as if he was telling something very sacred.

Her slender hand caressed Luo Yan's cheek, and she looked at Luo Yan's facial features affectionately, as if she wanted to remember Luo Yan deeply in her heart.

This...when you met me in the early years, I may not necessarily have feelings for you~

Luo Yan murmured in his heart. He suddenly remembered a question. How old was Concubine Yan in those early years? Was she thirteen or fourteen years old?

Although women of this era mature precociously, Luo Yan obviously has no feelings for such immature women. He, Luo Amo, is not that kind of pervert.

He looks at girls based on their temperament, not just their figure.

It’s too vulgar to look at the figure...

Wait, by the way, he was just talking casually, why is Concubine Yan so serious?

Luo Yan suddenly came to his senses. He was misled by Concubine Yan's dignified and serious expression. Does she need to be so serious about her casual sweet words?

This is outrageous.

The atmosphere is very wrong.

Luo Yan tactfully began to change the subject: "Every time I hug you, I have an irresistible impulse. You are so beautiful that I am fascinated and fascinated~"

Concubine Yan was sitting on Luo Yan's body, and she immediately felt Luo Yan's desire to move. She was as hard as steel. Her pretty face was slightly red, and she bit her lips lightly. She was a little panicked inside. She didn't know what she should do if Luo Yan wanted to go further.

Wouldn't it be inappropriate if she obeyed? Would Luo Yan think she was Meng Lang?

If he resists, will Luo Yan be angry?

For a moment, my mind was confused, my eyes were blurred and helpless, and mist was rising.

She needs a teacher.

No one taught this stuff in the past, and Donghuang Taiyi of the Yin Yang family obviously didn't know how to teach it, nor would he find a teacher to teach Concubine Yan this.

No matter how mature Concubine Yan is, she is still a novice in this regard. How can she be the opponent of Luo Yan? After a few tricks, Concubine Yan leaned softly in Luo Yan's arms and let this bad guy go. Give.

Only at the last step did Concubine Yan show some resistance.

But it's not drastic.

Based on Luo Yan's many years of experience, Concubine Yan's resistance was just a woman's reserve. If he wanted to, it would be broken if he polished it with a little force.

"Don't be afraid, I can control myself, I won't hurt you~"

Luo Yan stopped appropriately, hugged Concubine Yan like a gentleman, and said gently: "I am not a casual person..."

Luo Yan meant what he said.


The key is that Luo Yan is a little timid and doesn't dare to continue.

Because he was very sure that if he dared to take Concubine Yan's body today, the girl would most likely go home with him, and that would be a lot of fun.

"Luo Lang, you are so kind. I will remember your gentleness today~"

When Concubine Yan heard this, she felt inexplicably relieved. Then her love for Luo Yan became more and more intense. The anxiety in her heart disappeared. She leaned into Luo Yan's arms wholeheartedly, and a sweet love atmosphere instantly filled the air. , the kind that can drown a single dog.

At this moment, Concubine Yan let go of everything, silly girls are so easy to deceive~

Just remember...

Luo Yan murmured in his heart that he would definitely come back twice in the future.

"Will it feel uncomfortable?"

Concubine Yan hesitated and asked with concern.

"There will definitely be some, but it doesn't matter..."

Luo Yan shook his head and said it didn't matter. At worst, he would go out to find Da Siming later. He had confidence in Da Siming.

Da Siming:......

"...Luo Lang, do you still remember the dual cultivation method that you gave me last time? There are matching secret methods in it that can promote the dual cultivation of soul and soul, reaching the point of divine friendship~"

Concubine Yan pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, then finally firmed up, looked at Luo Yan seriously with beautiful eyes, and said.

Dual cultivation of spirit and soul?

Godly acquaintance? !

Hiss...why are these words so noble?

Luo Yan blinked in confusion. Isn't that technique a simple dual cultivation technique?

Why did the painting style suddenly change?

Soon Luo Yan felt a little embarrassed, because he had always viewed Yin Yang and Huan Huan as a painting of a villain, so naturally he could not understand the so-called essence. As for Jing Salamander, she was not a Taoist or Yin Yang person, so naturally she could not understand it. Understand these things, not to mention the startling salamander itself is not interested in this stuff.

From Jing Salaman's point of view, Luo Yan was a typical playful person who didn't know where he got the stuff from, so how could he seriously discuss it with Luo Yan.

The Frightened Salamander is not that thick-skinned.

"What does it mean to have two souls and two souls, to have a divine friendship?!"

Luo Yan was extremely focused at the moment. He asked questions when he didn't understand something, and he was focused on getting the sage's book.

He, Luo, is a scholar and a practitioner of dual cultivation!

Hearing this, Concubine Yan said slowly: "The secret of Yin and Yang is to cure the spirit. When Yin and Yang are separated, the essence is eliminated."


Luo Yan blinked. He could understand, but not understand. Fortunately, the short video in his mind was more powerful.

This passage comes from "Suwen·Qi Qi Tongtian Lun", which is part of the Huangdi Neijing.

It means:

Yin and Yang confront, restrict and exclude each other in order to unify and achieve a relative dynamic balance between Yin and Yang, which is called the "Secret of Yin and Yang".

The yin one stores the essence and rises to the extreme, the yang one defends the outside and becomes solid.

True yin must have the function of converging and collecting **, and can nourish true yang and converge true yang (yin level).

The true yang must have the function of growing and resisting external evils, and not allowing the true yin to leak out and consolidate the true yin (yang secret)...

By the way, does this technique have something to do with Huangdi? !


Luo Yan watched the explanation in the short video and fell silent. He had the illusion that he was studying advanced mathematics back then.

I can see it, but I can't understand it.

As for the more profound ones, I am even more confused.

No wonder he hasn't been able to enter the secret method since he practiced it. It turns out that it's not that he can't get in, he didn't even understand the core of the inner method, and he was paying attention to those little people's paintings~

It’s really... embarrassing~~


Concubine Yan looked at Luo Yan and asked softly. She felt that Luo Yan should be able to understand these "easy-to-understand" words. After all, in Concubine Yan's eyes, these words were no different from vernacular writing.

The practice of Onmyoji also requires talent...

"Well, it's okay, you continue."

Luo Yan pretended to understand and nodded for Concubine Yan to continue.

Concubine Yan spoke some more technical terms that Luo Yan didn't understand, and then came to the key part that Luo Yan understood:

"The heaven and earth are divided into yin and yang, and humans are naturally included in them. The human body is composed of essence, energy, and spirit. This dual cultivation method promotes the simultaneous cultivation of essence, energy, and spirit through the reconciliation of male and female yang, so as to achieve the perfection of the three. , reaching the realm of unity between heaven and man, this secret method is extremely mysterious, and its origin must be extraordinary."

"What do you mean, let's practice the soul alone?"

Luo Yan pursed his lips, unable to suppress his inner curiosity, and asked.

No man must be able to control himself at this moment.

"Well, you can try it first. This secret method is quite mysterious and I haven't fully understood it. The Shenhun method is what the Yin Yang family is good at. You should be able to practice one method alone. Later, you can gradually study the Qi training method and Jingjing method. Dharma, until the three Dharma are cultivated together.”

Concubine Yan's pretty face was slightly red, but her eyes remained dignified and calm. She looked at Luo Yan and explained.

"Then try it. If there is any risk, stop immediately. I don't want you to get hurt."

Luo Yan looked at Concubine Yan and said considerately.

He looked like he had no interest in the secret method at all and you were everything to me.

After all, the secret technique can be practiced at any time. There is only one Concubine Yan, and Luo Yan can still distinguish the important one from the important one.

"Luo Lang, please relax, I have confidence in Shenhun."

Concubine Yan looked at Luo Yan confidently. In this regard, she, a strange woman of the Yin Yang family, had never been afraid of anything. Even the most difficult secret techniques of the Yin Yang family were easy to master in her eyes.

In a word, Concubine Yan's talent in this area has reached the MAX.

A bit similar to Xiaomeng in the late Qin Dynasty, he was born with this material.

Do you understand talent? !

Everyone who understands understands, and those who don’t understand don’t need to understand, because they can’t understand anyway.

"Okay, come on, what do you need to do?"

Luo Yan adjusted his mood and looked at Concubine Yan with a little expectancy. At the same time, he was also prepared. Once he found something wrong, such as memory sharing, he would immediately cut off everything.

You don’t need to practice the secret method, but your memory must not be wrong.

Once something goes wrong, it's not that the company is dead, but that it's killed by a chopper.

I have to say that practicing this thing is still a bit risky, but Luo Yan can't help but want to give it a try...

"Luo Lang, relax and leave the rest to me."

Concubine Yan stood up from Luo Yan, knelt down and sat down opposite Luo Yan dignifiedly, straightened her clothes, and whispered, while forming a seal with her hands, a golden mist spread out, like a three-legged golden crow. He slowly unfolded his wings, and at the same time, the sound of dragon roars resounded, turning into a golden dragon shadow that surrounded the surroundings.

The blue-red infinite yin and yang emerged from the ground, covering Luo Yan and Yan Fei.

Luo Yan let out a breath. He believed that Concubine Yan would not mess with him. If Concubine Yan's feelings for him were false, then he would be fooled to death.

As Luo Yan concentrated his mind, an invisible ripple rippled along Concubine Yan's eyebrows, covering the two people, echoing each other with a unique frequency.

"Luo Lang, remember this feeling, relax your mind and meet me~"

Concubine Yan slowly closed her beautiful eyes, and formed seals with her hands. Her fingertips exuded a bright halo, and a mysterious aura spread out, pulling the power of the surrounding heaven and earth to turmoil, and the golden dragon shadow and the three-legged golden crow became more and more condensed. In fact, an invisible sense of oppression rippled out.

Of course, Luo Yan couldn't feel it. He had already cooperated as Concubine Yan said.

I thought it would be very difficult, but I found that it was extremely easy to do what Yan Fei said. I felt that unique feeling, caught the tug in an instant, and then followed the other party to invade the feeling.

Instantly, a cold and refreshing feeling washed over the entire soul.

Luo Yan was so happy that her tight feet were really so happy...

Concubine Yan also bit her lip, her cheeks were a little red. She naturally felt what Luo Yan felt. She was extremely shocked at this moment, because Luo Yan's soul was extremely powerful, so powerful that it was unbelievable that it was perfect with her. The fit does not mean that they are weaker than the disadvantage at all.

Nothing she feared happened.

When practicing dual cultivation techniques, there is also a distinction between the two. If the gap between the strengths and weaknesses of the two is too large, the strong one will naturally need to restrain themselves to prevent the weak one from being sucked dry. This will lead to the so-called harvesting of yin and replenishing yang and the harvesting of yang. It’s a matter of replenishing yin.

You must know that the art of the Yin Yang family emphasizes the use of swords to move forward, which is different from the ordinary step-by-step practice. It refines and transforms Qi, uses Qi to open up the eight extraordinary meridians, and then practices the spirit and soul to achieve the integration of the three parts of essence, Qi and Shen, and enter the heaven. A state of unity.

The path taken by the Yin Yang family is the path of the soul, using the soul to draw the power of heaven and earth to train oneself.

This path is almost as good as a master who has opened up the eight extraordinary meridians, but the risk is also extremely high. If one fails, he will kill himself. Secondly, the soul is not strong enough and cannot withstand the power of heaven and earth. The backlash and the practice of Yin and Yang techniques can easily turn oneself into a psychopath.

Therefore, the strength of the soul also represents the talent of practicing Yin and Yang.

Concubine Yan also didn't expect that Luo Yan's talent in this area was no less than her own. She felt a little turbulent for a moment, and the process of divine friendship suddenly changed from being led by her to being led by Luo Yan~

Concubine Yan bit her lip lightly to prevent herself from making a sound of comfort. Her upbringing prevented her from doing such a wild behavior.

Luo Yan's patience is obviously stronger than that of Concubine Yan.

After all, Luo's experience value is not a guarantee. Every experience gained by him, Luo Zhengchun, is real.

Concubine Yan looked at Luo Yan's calm expression and couldn't help but admire her. He was indeed the one she loved...

. . . . . . . .

Just when Luo Yan and Yan Fei were practicing the secret method of dual cultivation.

The Moon God in the same palace also looked at the palace where Concubine Yan was in puzzlement. With her perception, she could clearly feel that the power of heaven and earth around Concubine Yan's palace was vibrating. In addition, there were several types of yin and yang. There are signs that the spell is working, and there is a bit of movement.

Is Concubine Yan practicing?

Moon God frowned lightly, a little puzzled and confused. Concubine Yan's practice had never made such a big noise in the past, not to mention that Luo Yan was still in her palace, so how could Concubine Yan practice suddenly.

Could it be that Luo Yan did something?


Moon God's doubts became more serious and she wanted to get closer to have a look. However, she was beaten several times by Concubine Yan during this period, which made her reluctant to seek abuse.

Concubine Yan's character is not that easy to talk to.

Her tenderness is limited to those she loves.

As for other people, even the senior brothers and sisters of the Yin Yang family, they are like nothing in her eyes, including the Moon God.

"Hunxi Longyou...senior sister, what on earth are you doing?"

Luna's moist lips moved slightly and whispered to herself.

Her attention is always on her senior sister and she cares about everything about her, because Luna wants to win her once, no matter what aspect.

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