Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 480 Please call me Director Luo

Life is like a play, and everyone can be a director.


Everyone can be an actor too.

Therefore, you can also call me Director Luo.

Looking at Tian Mi's superb acting skills, Luo Yan curled his lips and waved his hand. The guard on the side opened the cage, and then walked into Tian Mi's cage under Wu Kuang's sad and angry glare. During the incident, Tian Mi, who was "scared", instinctively grasped her already messy clothes, kicked her calves hard on the ground, and almost shrank in the corner.

A pair of eyes full of fear, as if he was afraid of Luo Yan.

"What? Where do you want to escape here?"

Director Luo had a very cooperative sneer on his face, and walked towards Tian Mi slowly, humming softly, with an expression that showed Tian Mi was convinced.

Tian Mi looked at Luo Yan with a look of despair, biting her lips tightly, holding back the fear in her heart, and looked at Director Luo's approach with a pale face.

At this moment, both of them were possessed by movie stars.

Luo Yan almost couldn't resist Tian Mi's deceptive look, which I felt pity for, and he had a primitive impulse to rush forward and tear her apart.

This woman is really easy to arouse men's desires in this regard.

Luo Yan couldn't accept it.

"What are you going to do? Come at me if you can!"

When Wu Kuang saw this scene, he immediately clenched his fists, glared at Luo Yan, and growled.

This is really incompetent.

When Luo Yan heard this, he couldn't help but responded to Wu Kuang in his heart. He, Luo Yan, was not the kind of ruthless person who killed both men and women. However, the movements of his hands paused and he did not continue to approach Tian Mi. Instead, he stood up and looked at He looked at Wu Kuang, with a smile on his lips, and asked: "It seems you really care about this bitch!"

His smile suddenly faded, and he grabbed the hair on Tian Mi's head with a slap, and with a slight force, Tian Mi screamed in pain in a very cooperative manner, with a look of pain on his face.

"You! As a master of the Qin Kingdom, it doesn't matter if you bully a woman!"

When Wu Kuang saw this scene, his breathing became a little faster. He wanted to rush over and fight Luo Yan, gritting his teeth and angrily yelling.

He never thought that Luo Yan, who was famous all over the world, could be this kind of person!

This person can actually say four words like Hengqu's!

It simply subverted Wu Kuang's cognition and world view.

"Bullying women? It seems that you sent her to me specially to bully me. I have always been very gentle towards women, but this does not include women with evil intentions. If I hadn't been careful, I would have been so sweet. The girl has been fooled, don’t you think so~"

Luo Yan let go of his hand, and with Tian Mi's pained sound, he slowly knelt down, stretched out his hand to caress Tian Mi's cheek, gently wiped the stains on her face, and asked softly.

Tian Mi bit her lips tightly, fear, despair and strength flowed on her face, and she looked at Luo Yan with an unyielding look.

"This woman has a very tough mouth. I've been asking her all night but she hasn't come up with anything. I wonder if you would be willing to answer some of my questions for her?"

While Luo Yan treated Tian Mi gently, he asked Wu Kuang like a devil.

"Brother Wu Kuang...can't...wuwu~"

Hearing this, Tian Mi quickly shouted to Wu Kuang, but Luo Yan pinched her cheek, unable to say a word in pain.

"Shut up, bitch!"

Luo Yan snorted and used a little more force on his hands to make the scene more realistic.

But the strength is well controlled.

Key Tian Mi’s acting is really great!

"Tian Mi..."

When Wu Kuang saw this scene, he felt his heart breaking and stinging, making him clenched his fists tightly.

He can only do this at the moment...

"Wu Kuang? Who was the person with you last night who owned the famous sword Juque?"

Luo Yan looked at Wu Kuang knowingly and asked.

"Brother also..."

Wu Kuang's pupils shrank, and for a moment his heart became heavier. He obviously did not expect that because of his children's affair, his most beloved woman and brother would suffer such a disaster. For a moment, he felt unspeakable regret and regret in his heart. .

If I had known this, I shouldn't have pestered Tian Mi in the first place and just kept this love in my heart.

"Brother? Okay, stop talking nonsense. If you don't want her to suffer, just answer my questions. I know you are all from farmers. I want to know your purpose. Are there any disciples from your farmers in Xianyang City? etc!"

Luo Yan pinched Tian Mi's cheek, stared at Wu Kuang, and asked.


Wu Kuang was silent after hearing this. Now that things have happened, how could he betray the peasant family again? If so, is he still a human being?

"It seems he doesn't want to save you. I thought he cared about you?"

Luo Yan began to caress Tian Mi's neck with one hand and moved downwards. Not to mention, it was quite exciting.

This was his first time playing a role-playing game like this.

Key Tian Mi's acting is really great.

With tears in her beautiful eyes, she looked at Wu Kuang desperately from the corner of her eye.

That little expression is really amazing.

Luo Yan felt a little heartbroken when he saw it, and couldn't help but increase the strength of his hands to cooperate with Tian Mi's acting skills, not wanting to affect Tian Mi's performance because of his poor acting skills.

Director Luo is still very professional in this regard.

"Tian Mi..."

Wu Kuang's lips trembled, and he looked almost despairingly at the scene of Tian Mi being humiliated. He was struggling wildly in his heart. He was so caught up in the personal relationship between his children and the righteousness of the farm family that it was difficult to make a choice.

Can telling Tian Mi really be saved?

But don’t tell me, Tian Mi will be humiliated now...

Wu Kuang had never been so desperate for a moment. He closed his eyes in grief and anger, his body tensed and trembled in despair, but his reason told him that he could not say anything.

Very strong willed.

Luo Yan was naturally observing Wu Kuang, and when he noticed Wu Kuang's expression, he understood that this young man was very determined and very playful.

"It seems you are nothing in his mind~"

Luo Yan caressed Tian Mi, who was moaning, and said with some regret.

Tian Mi looked at Luo Yan with soft but strong eyes, seemingly unmoved.

Acting is still addictive.

Luo Yan felt happy in his heart, and immediately fought Tian Mi, slapped her on the buttocks, and coldly snorted: "You have such a tough mouth. I just didn't have enough fun last night. Let's continue today. I see How long can you endure it?"

Immediately, under Wu Kuang's gaze, Luo Yan slowly walked away with Tian Mi on his shoulders.

Until you can't see it.

Wu Kuang closed his eyes melancholy and angrily, he hated it.

at the same time.

Luo Yan had already let go of Tian Mi. Tian Mi wiped her tears and simply tidied up her messy hair. Not to mention, Tian Mi also had an unspeakable charm amidst this mess, especially those pair of The charming thoughts flowing in the fox's charming eyes are captivating.

Not only are those stains not disgusting, but they make Tian Mi’s skin whiter and softer, making her want to endure the bullying~

"It seems that you are not very good in his mind~"

Luo Yan admired Tian Mi for a while and said lightly.

He didn't bother to bully Tian Mi in front of Wu Kuang. That was too beastly. Besides, he didn't have any thoughts of appreciation.

Tian Mi gently wiped the stain on her cheek, looked at Luo Yan pitifully with her beautiful eyes, and defended in a low voice: "Wu Kuang and Chen Sheng are both orphans adopted by farmers. To them, farmers are their reborn parents. Wu Kuang How could he betray the farmer's family because of Tian Mi? What's more, in such a desperate situation with no hope..."

She actually knows that what a fool like Wu Kuang values ​​most is brotherhood!

"Then there's nothing we can do. He can't handle it, so we can only break through from your side."

Luo Yan sighed lightly, looked at Tian Mi, and said slowly.

The first scene was a bit of a flop.

Fortunately, Director Luo also prepared two games.


Tian Mi blinked her passionate fox eyes and looked at Luo Yan with a confused expression, unable to understand the meaning of Luo Yan's words.

"Tian Mi, don't disappoint me, this is related to whether you can take the position of the hero in the future."

Luo Yan looked at Tian Mi tenderly and said softly.

This tone is very much like a modern capitalist's promise. Anyway, it's just talk~

Hearing this, Tian Mi's beautiful eyes showed a touch of excitement, but soon turned into disappointment, and she retorted in a low voice: "There are many people in the farmer's family who can sit in this position, but I can't sit in this position."

"You have me. The Qin State is behind me. As long as you want it, I will give it to you. I am sincere to you."

Luo Yan gently stroked Tian Mi's cheek, and finally pinched his chin, speaking domineeringly and gently.

Tian Mi was momentarily distracted. What a scumbag couldn't resist the most was this temptation of reality.

Love is bullshit to her.

But the promise given by Luo Yan made her unable to hold her legs tightly.

The hero of the peasant family~

That was something Tian Mi never dared to think about.

Tian Mi bit her lip lightly and said obediently: "I am at your mercy~"

Soon, the actors and the director discussed the script and entered the second scene.


As the cage opened, Tian Mi, who had eaten and drank enough, was thrown back into the cage. This time, there were some blood stains on Tian Mi's clothes. Her whole figure seemed to have been damaged. She was slumped in the corner and could only struggle. He moved his body to show that he was still alive.

Her pink hair was soaked with sweat and stuck to her face, looking indescribably haggard and pitiful.

"Tian Mi, are you okay?!"

When Wu Kuang saw this scene, he asked tremblingly.

Tian Mi pursed her lips and ignored Wu Kuang. At this moment, she was playing the role of a tortured poor woman. How could she still have the strength to answer Wu Kuang's questions.

At this moment, Luo Yan came out with a toothpick in his mouth, spit it aside casually, looked at Wu Kuang, whose eyes were splitting, shrugged his shoulders, and explained: "She has a really tough mouth, and she won't say anything no matter how hard she presses her." , just like you, very loyal to the farmer~"

"You beast!"

Wu Kuang clenched his fists, shook the chain, and glared at Luo Yan, wishing he could rush over and fight Luo Yan.

Luo Yan narrowed his eyes, looked at Wu Kuang, and snorted coldly: "I gave you a chance, but you approached me with ill intentions. I just fought back. Is this unbearable?"


Wu Kuang stared at Luo Yan coldly and said nothing.

"By the way, your eldest brother is also in this dungeon. I'll go see him first and come back later to continue playing with you."

Luo Yan said lightly, then turned and left. He had to give Tian Mi and Wu Kuang some separate space to brew up the atmosphere of despair.

In this regard, Luo Yan has great confidence in Tian Mi.

Director Luo has a good eye for actors~

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