Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 509 If life were just like the first time we met

Two days later, Luo Yan also saw the Mo family's mechanism beast Suzaku outside Hangu Pass.

The fiery red shape, the perfect combination of pure wood and bronze, creates an aircraft with wings similar to those of a bird waving gently. When the tail feathers swing, there seems to be an invisible airflow floating directly, dragging the machine beast to float. In mid-air.

That invisible air flow was clearly the spiritual energy that filled the heaven and earth. While pulling it, it turned into an upward force.

Runes from the Demon God of War?

Luo Yan stood at Hangu Pass, looking at the Suzaku hovering in the distance and not daring to come near, and silently murmured in his heart.

have to say.

In the world of Qin Dynasty, the most magical and outrageous things were these mechanical beasts.

Those that fly in the sky, those that swim in the water, those that lurk underground...

It's a pity that it cannot be mass-produced, otherwise it is really hard to imagine what the world would look like.

"Please ask Taifu Luo to ask the soldiers at Hangu Pass to put away their crossbows and let the Mohist machine beast Suzaku approach. If Taifu Luo has nothing else to prepare, we can set off."

Yan Dan looked at Luo Yan with an indifferent expression and said in a deep voice.

As for more words, Yan Dan didn't say anything because he didn't have the mood, let alone the obligation.

This time he was completely coerced, how could he be in a good mood.

"Then let's set off. I have nothing to prepare, but I have to trouble Your Highness this time."

Luo Yan looked at Yan Dan with a smile and said softly.

Yan Dan remained silent.

As Luo Yan waved his hand, the crossbows in the Han Valley closed around him were put away one after another. At the same time, Yan Dan also waved to the Mohist machine beast Suzaku. The machine beast Suzaku, which was confirmed to be safe, swooped down, extremely fast and agile. , and soon it was above Hangu Pass, floating in the air.

As the wings flapped, huge air waves swept across, completely out of proportion to the kinetic energy of the wings.

The ones driving the mechanical beast Suzaku were two Mohist disciples. They looked at the people at Hangu Gate with somewhat wary expressions.

"Let's go."

Luo Yan nodded to Concubine Yan beside him, and the two of them jumped onto the Mo family's machine beast Suzaku one after another.

As for Yan Dan.

He will not go to Jinghu with Luo Yan and Yan Fei.

Because he is a hostage.

Although Luo Yan trusts the credibility of the Mo family, he doesn't trust Yan Dan very much. It would be better to keep him in Qin. In this way, the remaining disciples of the Mo family will also be wary and nothing unpleasant will happen. matter.

He had no interest in gambling his life in Yan Dan's hands.

Luo Yan looked at the two Mohist disciples driving the machine beast Suzaku and said softly: "I'm sorry to bother you two."

The leader of the Mohist disciple said nothing, just nodded, and pulled a handle. The next moment, the wings of the mechanism beast Suzaku suddenly waved, and a huge air flow spurted out from the tail, and the Suzaku turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky. rise.

Luo Yan felt it silently and found that the flying speed of the Suzaku reached nearly a hundred yards. The most important thing is that the head of the Suzaku was very interesting. It seemed that it could cut the airflow in front and protect the passengers on it from being disturbed by the wind.

All in all...it's outrageous.

At the same time, it also made Luo Yan more interested in the mechanism beast runes of the Mo family and the Gongshu family.


Soon, the mechanism beast Suzaku flew above the clouds, and then slowly slowed down, flying towards the distance at a balanced speed.

"Do you two know Mo Ba and Mo Eleven?"

Luo Yan admired the high-altitude scenery for a while, and then started to talk. A Mohist disciple who can pilot the mechanical beast Suzaku is obviously not an ordinary-level Mohist disciple.

Hear the words.

The two Mohist disciples driving the machine beast looked at each other, with a hint of confusion in their eyes.

Don’t you know?

Luo Yan's eyes flashed slightly, and he murmured in his heart, could it be that Mo Ba and Mo Eleven were not the real names of those two people?

"I have a close relationship with you Mohist giants. You don't need to be on guard against me."

Luo Yan used his powerful PY ability and began to communicate with the two Mohist disciples.

Although the two were wary, they were not very scheming, and soon they started talking to Luo Yan.

It can be seen that Mohist disciples are generally very simple.

They are all honest people.

Feiyan stood beside Luo Yan, saying nothing, and stayed with Luo Yan.

After chatting for a while, Luo Yan also got the information he wanted.

This trip to Jinghu Lake, if everything goes well, such as not encountering extreme weather, can be reached in about four hours of flight, which is about eight or nine hundred kilometers when converted into kilometers.

Luo Yan said a few more words, then pulled Concubine Yan to the back, holding Concubine Yan's waist and overlooking the scenery of the earth.

"Concubine Yan, are you afraid of heights?"

Concubine Yan shook her head and snuggled into Luo Yan's arms. She was not interested in the scenery. She only liked to lean into Luo Yan's arms.

Women in love are always so clingy.

It's really frustrating.


The two disciples of the Mo family also started whispering.

"This Daliang Zao of Qin is younger than rumored."

"He also has a very good personality. No wonder the giant is good friends with him."

"Old man Ban's worries are completely unnecessary..."

At the junction of Chu, Wei and Qi, it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with pleasant scenery. There is also a beautiful and secluded paradise called Jinghu Lake.

Mirror Lake is 300 miles away and can be painted anywhere.

This is the place I'm talking about.

at dusk.

Luo Yan also arrived here with Concubine Yan. As they were delivered, the two Mohist disciples refused to go with Luo Yan. It seemed that there was something terrible in this place of doctors that made them not want to get close.

In this regard, Luo Yan did not force himself. He made an appointment with them and took Concubine Yan towards the small building by the lake.

While hovering high in the sky, Luo Yan had already found his bearings.

have to say.

The environment of Jinghu Lake is quite good and suitable for retirement.

"Husband, how do you plan to persuade the doctors?"

Concubine Yan had her hands folded on her lower abdomen, her temperament was luxurious and gorgeous, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Luo Yan, and she asked softly.

When Luo Yan heard this, he shook his head and said without confidence: "I can only try, I can't force it. To be honest, I'm not sure. I won't know until we meet."

After all, it still depends on the attitude of the current head of the medical family.

to be honest.

If Meng Ao's body hadn't been able to withstand the torture, he would have been more willing to bring Meng Ao over for treatment. Unfortunately, the old man could no longer move.

Along with the conversation.

The two of them also arrived in front of the small building by the lake.

Suddenly a wooden board appeared in their sight, with three lines of words engraved on it.

Those who need to go down the mountain for medical treatment are not saved.

Those who go to the mountains to seek medical advice cannot be saved.

The person named Duanmu was not saved.

Luo Yan looked at these three lines and twitched the corners of his mouth. He had already been eliminated before they even met.

Except for the name line, which is in compliance with the rules, the other two lines are completely inconsistent.

Fortunately, Luo Yan didn't expect to rely on this at all.

Concubine Yan's beautiful slender eyebrows were also lightly frowned. Apparently she also felt that this rule was a bit strange. Of course, she felt more that Luo Yan might encounter difficulties this time, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Luo Yan didn't think about it for long before he stretched out his hand and knocked gently on the courtyard door.

This time he came to beg for help, not to offend anyone. He would not rush in recklessly, he still had some sense of propriety.

Jinghu Lake is very quiet at night, and the knocks on the door are carried by the wind.


In the perception of Luo Yan and Yan Fei, subtle footsteps came from the house, and then two figures appeared in their sight one after another from the house.

The leader is a woman in her thirties or forties. She is wearing a plain white dress and her face without makeup looks quite old-fashioned. She is like a rural woman and has no characteristics. Of course, even so, she can't hide her appearance. That generous and decent temperament and correct facial features.

Compared to this woman, the girl beside her is extremely delicate and refined, full of aura, and her elegance cannot be concealed even by the linen clothes she wears.


This mother-daughter pair is the current head and contemporary successor of the medical family.

Nian Duan and Duan Murong.

Nianduan's name is also very interesting, it seems to hide some story.

Luo Yan muttered in his heart, and at the same time he bowed his hands and said in a very polite manner: "Luo Yan, Luo Zhengchun, Grand Tutor of the Qin State, would like to see the medical immortal."

The moment the words fell, Nian Duan and Duan Murong's expressions changed slightly in front of the door.

The former's eyes naturally narrowed slightly, as if he sensed that trouble was coming.

The latter is out of curiosity.

Some time ago, she eavesdropped on the conversation between the master and the Mohist giant. The protagonist was the Qin State Taifu in front of her. She had also read the two medical books presented by Luo Yan. They were two very powerful medical books. Therefore, for this Luoyang man People who can say "establish a mind for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the livelihood of the people, carry on the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations" are full of curiosity.

"Rong'er, go and open the door."

Nian Duan pondered for a moment, then looked at the girl Duan Murong beside him, and gave instructions softly.

Since Luo Yan came to the door, it was naturally difficult to turn him away.

"Yes, master!"

Duan Murong heard the words and responded softly, then trotted to the front of the courtyard, stretched out her hand to open the courtyard door, and saw Luo Yan and Concubine Yan at the same time.

Looking at the two of them, Duan Murong's eyes also blinked slightly.

Luo Yan was younger than she imagined, with a mature and gentle temperament, and matched up with the kind of person she thought had the world in mind.

As for Concubine Yan.

The moment she looked at the other person, Duan Murong felt a sense of shame rising in her heart. The other person's beauty was dazzling, as noble as the sun in the sky.

"Two guests, please."

Duan Murong pursed her lips cautiously and said softly.


Luo Yan looked at Duan Murong, a girl who was one or two years younger than Hong Lian, and felt a little weird. In the original work, Chi Lian called Duan Murong his sister, but the real situation was that Hong Lian was older than Duan Murong. Sure enough, women are older in age. All aspects are taboo, and never try to guess their true age.

Duan Murong nodded politely and led the way in a very orderly manner.

Concubine Yan's eyes moved slightly, and she was a little surprised when she looked at Duan Murong. This was the first time she saw such a clean girl, so fresh and surprising.

Enter the courtyard.

A strong medicinal fragrance came from all directions, and the smell was very mixed.

Follow into the house.

With a thought, he invited Luo Yan and Concubine Yan to sit down. His pale face looked a little haggard, as if he was not in good health, but his eyes were bright and calm. He looked at Luo Yan silently, as if he had understood Luo Yan's intention: "I don't know. What is the purpose of Taifu coming here?"

This woman is not easy to fool.

Luo Yan was determined in his heart, and he did not dare to trick or be petty, and said truthfully: "Please Mr. Nianduan come out and heal an elder for me."

"Master should have seen the rules in front of my door."

Nian Duan looked at Luo Yan, showing no disgust or friendliness, just stating a fact calmly.

At the same time, he politely rejected Luo Yan.

These are her rules.

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. The person we want to save this time is General Meng Ao of the Qin State. His life and death may only be a matter of life to you, but his life and death is related to the lives and deaths of countless people in the world. The crowning ceremony of King Qin is about to take place. If there is no support from General Meng Ao, there will inevitably be another turmoil. This is one of them.

Once the crowning ceremony of King Qin is affected, the path of King Qin and his subordinates will inevitably be hindered, and countless people will also be affected.

I am not saying this with the intention of forcing Mr.

I just hope that sir can help me once.

If my husband is worried about being involved in the Qin State turmoil, I can keep the whole process secret, and I can even swear on my life to protect my husband. "

Luo Yan looked at Nianduan and said sincerely.

In the face of a woman like Nianduan who has seen through the world, there is no point in playing tricks. It is better to have a frank and open talk.

If it was Duan Murong, Luo Yan wouldn't have to worry about anything.

Young girls are definitely easier to deal with than middle-aged women.

at the same time.

Duan Murong also came over with tea, handed the tea to everyone obediently, and then knelt down to one side and remained silent.

The fragrance of tea is refreshing and has a unique charm.

However, Luo Yan was not in the mood to sip tea. He looked at Nianduan, waiting for Nianduan's decision. Her decision was related to Luo Yan's next plan.

"The Taifu wants to build a school to train doctors, study medicine carefully, and write books to pass down to the world?"

Nianduan looked at Luo Yan and asked.

"After the crowning ceremony of the King of Qin, I will start building a school. In addition to doctors, all the schools of thought will also be accommodated. Sir, the purpose of hiding from the world is to protect the inheritance of medicine in this troubled world, so I don't want to provoke Right or wrong, I can understand this.

But can we really avoid right and wrong by hiding from the world?

Humans are social animals. The gentleman has seen through the mortal world and can avoid it, but can this girl Rong do the same?

How can we talk about being born in the world without joining the world?

Besides, she is still young.

She will get out one day. "

Luo Yan looked at the girl Duan Murong beside him, and said calmly under the gaze of Duan Murong's eyes.

Duan Murong was deceived by Yan Dan in the later period because of the influence of Nianduan's education. She was tricked by Yan Dan into working for the Mo family and even worked as a nanny for Yue'er.


When Nian Duan heard the words, his eyes moved slightly and he looked at Duan Murong with complicated eyes for a moment.

Nianduan also knew what Luo Yan said.

She also knew that her body could not hold on much longer. It was difficult for a doctor to heal himself. She knew very well what state her body had reached.

She can protect Rong'er for a while, but obviously she can't protect Rong'er for her whole life.

In these troubled times, there is no real paradise.

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