Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 521 I am not a pure swordsman!


Tian Guang thrust out his sword, and the solid azure sword energy was almost spitting out. The blade trembled and whistled, like a living creature. It stabbed Luo Yan's neck at an extremely tricky and sharp angle. It was a killing move. , there was no intention of leaving any room at all, it seemed that he came here to take Luo Yan's life.

Luo Yan didn't want to think too much at the moment. He clenched Jidao with his palms and blocked it in front of him.


The next moment, Tian Guang's sword collided with the Ji Dao in Luo Yan's hand. The crisp sound of gold and iron resounded throughout the audience, and at the same time, two powerful sword energies rippled out.

Looking from a distance, it seems as if invisible air waves are rippling and shaking in all directions.


Tian Guang's sword was blocked, but his eyes did not change at all. He was still extremely cold. The hand holding the sword's hilt turned into a claw, and the palm of his hand suddenly breathed out extremely domineering inner energy. He used the powerful inner energy to control the sword in the air. The long sword remained in the mid-air position, and as the long sword rotated overwhelmed, an extremely domineering force burst out.

It turned into a blue sword energy and rolled towards Luo Yan.

The huge force instantly knocked Luo Yan backwards.


His feet rubbed against the ground, and with the impact, Luo Yan backed up with his sword. The next moment, his eyes focused, and his left hand was placed on the Jidao. All the inner energy in the body surged out, competing for the richness of the inner energy. Since he had the three skills After the Mother Gu, he really hasn't been afraid of anyone.

Immediately, he exerted force on his legs to stop the backward trend. At the same time, he exploded the strength of his arms in one go, and in conjunction with his inner breath, he slashed out with a sword.


This sword directly shattered the opponent's long sword, without much hindrance at all, and the sword energy flew out into the air and wreaked havoc on the streets.

It took a while to calm down.

Luo Yan frowned slightly and looked at the figure who had already moved a long distance away. He hesitated and did not choose to pursue him. He could not guarantee whether the other party had an ambush. He still understood the principle of not pursuing the enemy when you are poor. He was not The vulgar and reckless man will rush over and kill him as soon as he gets a hard scalp.

As the Grand Tutor of the Qin Kingdom, he is a representative of wisdom and talent.


The most important thing was that Luo Yan could feel that the opponent was not using all his strength and seemed to be deliberately hiding his strength.

"An acquaintance committed the crime?"

Luo Yan couldn't help but guess.

There are only two possibilities for hiding strength. One is that the opponent does not want to kill people, but this is obviously impossible. The opponent was quite cruel when he struck the first sword. If he had not sensed people, he might have been chopped down, and the horse Same, split in half by sword energy.

Since this is not possible.

What is left is undoubtedly that the other party is hiding his identity, worried that Luo Yan will recognize his sword moves, or worried that the sword marks left behind will be recognized.


Luo Yan held his palm in the air and held a broken sword fragment at his fingertips. He looked at it for a few times and confirmed his suspicion in his mind.

Because this sword is very ordinary and a commodity, nothing can be found at all.

"It seems that I will have to take my younger brother with me more when I go out in the future. I am being stared at when I relax a little. It seems that there are really many people staring at me now."

Luo Yan threw the fragments of the sword away casually, his eyes flickered, and he muttered mockingly.

After speaking, Luo Yan also shook his head.

He has many suspicion targets in his mind, but they all lack evidence. It is meaningless to rely on speculation. On the contrary, these speculations will interfere with his decision-making.

As his mind relaxed, the wound on his shoulder suddenly felt a stinging pain, which made Luo Yan twitch his lips. He quickly untied his clothes and checked them out, regardless of his image.

Fortunately, the wound was not deep, just a skin injury, and no damage to the muscles or bones.

It takes a while to cultivate and you will be back to your original state.

It didn't take long for the Qin guards to notice the movement and ran over.

This is Xianyang City after all. The noise of Luo Yan's fight with the other party was not small. It would naturally disturb the guards patrolling Xianyang City. This is why Tian Guang did not get too entangled. If a sneak attack with a sword failed, it would be equivalent to losing the best opportunity. , the rest of the fight was just to see Luo Yan's trump card and prepare for the future.

After all, the opportunities for this kind of assassination are too few and far between.

Especially after this assassination, I think the difficulty of the next assassination will increase exponentially.

"The last general has met Taifu!"

After Luo Yan revealed his identity, the leader of the Qin army saluted Luo Yan. At the same time, he ordered the guards around him to block all the surrounding streets, and even built a human wall with high security to protect Luo Yan.

"Sorry General."

Luo Yan glanced at the other party, nodded slightly, and said softly.

The leader of the Qin army looked at the injury on Luo Yan's shoulder and said in a deep voice: "The last general's responsibility lies here. How is the Taifu's injury? Can he still walk easily?"

"It won't have much impact, but I still have to trouble the general to lead the army and accompany me to a place."

Luo Yan shook his head, thought for a while, and said.

The injury on his shoulder cannot be in vain. Although he does not know who assassinated him, it is not a big problem to take this opportunity to trick Lord Changping.

The opportunity is rare, how can we not seize it?

Soon, Luo Yan was escorted by the general and saw Li Yuan in embarrassment, his face slightly pale.

Li Yuan was also frightened at this moment, especially when he looked at the blood on Luo Yan's shoulder, he felt his heartbeat slow down a few times. Who knew that he would be the one to entertain Luo Yan tonight? If Luo Yan was assassinated on the way, then the Qin Congress would How to get angry?

Li Yuan will inevitably bear the brunt of Qin's wrath.

A great country was built, but when the imperial prince was assassinated in the royal capital, Qin was not a soft brother like South Korea. When it was time to be tough, he would never be soft.

Regardless of whether this matter has anything to do with Li Yuan or not, Li Yuan must be responsible for this matter and bear the wrath of Qin.

"Xian... Taifu, are you okay?"

Li Yuan swallowed, still a little drunk at this moment, looked at Luo Yan and asked with concern.

That caring expression was comparable to that of an old mother.

"Apart from some blood and a little pain on my body, everything else was fine. At least my life was saved."

Luo Yan coughed, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth just in time. Then he wiped it with his hand carelessly, making Li Yuan's eyes twitch.

"Brother Li, there is no need to worry about me. I just came here to see if anything happened to Brother Li. I can rest assured when I see that Brother Li is fine. It's great. It seems that the assassin's target is just me~"

Luo Yan looked at Li Yuan and chuckled.

"This matter has nothing to do with me!"

Li Yuan was no longer interested in acting at this moment. He looked at Luo Yan seriously and said in a deep voice.

This pot is so big that no one can carry it.

No one can bear the revenge of a Qin Tutor.

"Of course I trust Brother Li. If Brother Li really wants to do something to me, there is no need to use such a crude method, but this incident also reminded me."

After Luo Yan finished speaking, he paused, then met Li Yuan's eyes and continued slowly:

"It seems someone doesn't want you and me to have too much contact!"

But does tonight's incident have anything to do with this matter? At least for now, Luo Yan feels that tonight's incident has something to do with this matter.

It shouldn't be a problem to use Li Yuan's suspicion to trick Lord Changping.

At least it's okay to let Li Yuan be on guard against Lord Changping. By the way, this will make Li Yuan trust him more and prepare for future plans.

If not, wouldn't the blood shed tonight be in vain?

How could he be assassinated in vain?

Taluo never does business at a loss.


When Li Yuan heard this, his heart suddenly tightened and he looked at Luo Yan with some fear.

Luo Yan, however, said without hesitation: "Brother Li, please pay attention to one thing or two. Your Chu country is not at peace either. King Chu is unwell and is old. Chu is not the only one who is qualified to succeed King Chu in the future." The crown prince, after all, is too young to hold power.

It’s understandable that some people don’t want you to be friends with me.

Of course, this matter is just a guess on my part. Brother Li, just listen to it.

My injury still needs to be treated, so I will stay there soon.

By the way, Brother Li needs to help me conceal this matter. The crowning ceremony of the king is coming soon, but we can't make the Qin country uproar because of this matter, which is not good-looking. "

"Of course, I will keep it secret!"

Li Yuan suppressed the shock and anger in his heart, pursed his lips, and responded with cupped hands.

Luo Yan smiled, nodded and left. Everything that needed to be said has been said. We are all smart people and there is no need to speak too clearly.

What's more.

Some words are easier to believe if you guess them yourself.

Isn't it?

. . . . . . . . . .

Changpingjun's residence, in the study.

Tian Guang had already taken care of all the tails and restored them to their original appearance. He stood respectfully in front of Lord Changping and told the story of tonight's assassination, which also included Luo Yan's suspected Yin Yang and Taoist transformation. Change shadow.

"I didn't expect this kid to have such strength. I was a little impatient tonight."

Upon hearing this, Lord Changping pondered for a moment, sighed, and spoke slowly.

He was a little bit confused by Li Yuan and Luo Yan and lost his previous calmness and sense of proportion.


Lord Changping paused, looked at Tian Guang, and said in a deep voice: "This son's relationship with the Yin Yang family is indeed extraordinary. During the time he entered Qin, he had close contact with the East Lord of the Yin Yang family, Da Siming, and others. It wouldn’t surprise me to say that he is a disciple of the Yin Yang family. As for the Taoist family, the Taoist family never interferes in these matters, so there is no need to think about it.”

"If he is really related to the Yin Yang family, or even a disciple of the Yin Yang family, it will be even more difficult to deal with him."

Tian Guang's eyes flickered and he said slowly.

"If you attack with all your strength tonight, how sure are you of killing him?"

Mr. Changping was silent for a while, looked up at Tian Guang again, and asked.

"needs time."

Tian Guang looked at Lord Changping and said in a deep voice.

He was sure to kill Luo Yan, but it would take time to grind it out, and it was impossible to kill Luo Yan in a short time. Luo Yan was not weak in strength, and he had many key methods, which were very troublesome.

Farmers are good at attacking with more and less, and encircling and killing with the help of formations. Fighting alone has never been the specialty of farmers.

This naturally includes Tian Guang, the hero.

"What if we invite the six elders from the farm?"

Chang Pingjun frowned and asked.

"Ever since the Bai Qi Incident, the six elders have lived in seclusion in the Six Sages Tomb of Emperor Yan, unable to leave. Even I cannot command them."

Tian Guang shook his head and gave up on Lord Changping's unrealistic idea.

Rather than inviting them, it would be more practical to let the masters of the six halls of the Nongjia take action together. However, if this happens, the Qin State will definitely not let go of the Nongjia. Such consequences are not something the Nongjia can bear.

As for what happened to Bai Qi back then, it meant that everyone in the world was going to die in Bai Qi, including Qin.

Farmers are just following the trend...

"Forget it, I'm just asking. After tonight, he will definitely be cautious and won't give us another chance."

Chang Pingjun shook his head and said helplessly.

Think about it.

Lord Changping shifted the topic to the Yin-Yang Family: "The Yin-Yang Family, since the Yin-Yang Family separated from Taoism, has been pursuing the secret of Canglong Qisu, and this secret involves seven countries, which is now Qi The country is protected by the royal families of each country and is sealed in seven copper boxes. Therefore, it has never been unlocked.

The Yin and Yang family has been waiting for thousands of years, maybe they are waiting for this opportunity.

So the Yin and Yang family was born and entered the Qin Dynasty! "

"Canglong Qisu? Your Majesty, how much do you know about it?"

Tian Guang looked at Mr. Changping curiously and asked.

"It is rumored that its secret contains the power to control the world. Do you believe it?"

Lord Changping looked calm and said silently.

"I do not believe"

Tian Guang looked at Lord Changping and said in a deep voice.

"I don't believe it either. This world has never been a world of secrets, but a world of people. It's ridiculous to try to gain the power to control the world by relying on a secret. But there are so many ignorant people in the world, and there are countless people who are pursuing it!"

Lord Changping chuckled and said with seeming disdain.

He, Lord Changping, never believed in these things. He believed that things depended on human efforts and that the destiny of the world was determined by people.

"Since the Yin Yang family has been pursuing this secret, it is a bargaining chip. Tian Guang, I will ask you to go to Chu State in the next period of time and be responsible for investigating the whereabouts of the copper box. I will write a letter and you will give it to Lord Chun Shen. He Will help you!"

Changping Jun looked at Tian Guang and said in a deep voice.


Tian Guang answered with cupped hands.

. . . . . . . . .

Just when Mr. Changping was thinking wildly.

Luo Yan had already arrived at Meng Ao's General Mansion and asked two descendants of the medical family to help bandage the wound. Although the injury was not serious, this was also a reason to get close.

The relationship between people is deepened through continuous contact until in-depth communication can be achieved.

Anyway, they were all injured and lost a lot of blood.

Where to bandage is not a bandage, naturally consider the place with the greatest benefit.

"It's okay, come on, I'm not afraid of pain."

As Luo Yan spoke, he revealed his strong upper body, with perfect muscle lines, which was quite charming. For a woman, this figure is undoubtedly extremely perfect, especially the wound on the shoulder, which added a bit more The masculinity of men is enough to touch the hearts of many women.

Just as men like to look at beautiful women, women don't like men with good figures.

But this obviously does not include Duan Murong and Nianduan.

Both women are doctors. To them, a man's body is no different than pork. Their eyes are extremely calm, without any emotion.

This undoubtedly made Luo Yan quite helpless. He felt that it was a waste to show such a good figure to them.

"Jian Shang, are you a swordsman?"

Nian Duan was still wearing linen clothes and looked at Luo Yan indifferently with a stern face. When he saw Luo Yan's wounds and the Ji Dao beside him, his thin eyebrows furrowed slightly, his beautiful eyes were a little unkind, and he asked coldly, it seemed that I don't like swordsmen very much.

"I was assassinated by someone who was a swordsman. As for me, I'm not a pure swordsman. I used to practice not only swordsmanship but also spearmanship. In fact, my marksmanship is more powerful than my swordsmanship. You can't say I'm a spearman. It’s too much!”

When Luo Yan heard this, he remembered that Nian Duan had a problem with the swordsman in the original work, and said without thinking.

This was said with absolute sincerity and sincerity.

Anyone who knows him or Luo will understand.

When Nian Duan heard the words, his eyes softened a bit. He nodded and signaled Duan Murong to treat Luo Yan's wounds. At the same time, he stood aside and said softly: "The person who assassinated you has a very domineering sword aura, but his sword and sword aura don't match, so The wounds caused are very special. If the opponent has a sword that matches, your arm will not be as simple as a superficial wound."

Duan Murong stood aside, her delicate face was very beautiful, especially her light purple eyes looked at Luo Yan's wounds seriously, and her slender jade fingers gently treated the wounds, her movements were delicate and a bit pleasing to the eye.

The most important thing is that Duan Murong has a very good temperament, like a breeze in the mountains, moisturizing the heart and lungs~

"It's all trivial matters. These things have nothing to do with you. I said that after you enter Qin, you only need to be responsible for medical matters. You don't need to care about other trivial matters or pay attention to them. Otherwise, it will only add trouble to you. In this way, I I’ll feel bad about it.”

Luo Yan looked at Nianduan and said softly with a smile.

Just like what he promised when he was in Jinghu.

Hearing this, Duan Murong couldn't help but glance at Luo Yan's handsome face.

Luo Yan seemed to feel surprisingly reliable to her.

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