Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 548 Qin only needs one voice

The physical problems did not make Luo Yan depressed for long, especially after being comforted by the Jingli, his thoughts became clearer.

He has never been the kind of character who feels sorry for himself. When he encounters a problem, he solves it. If he can't solve it, he avoids the problem. If he can't even escape, then he can only choose to ignore it. Being disturbed by problems will only make you feel better. Depression, the whole person starts to feel depressed.

What's more, Luo Yan's physical problems are not insurmountable. He is still very young anyway, and he has not planned to have children in recent years.

The yin and yang harmony between heaven and man is practiced first.

If it really doesn't work, just go to Taoism in a few years when everything is stable. After all, there will be a way to solve this problem.

Let’s take a step back.

Luo Yan would not be able to accept it if he really had no heirs for the rest of his life. He was not a serious ancient person, and he did not have the idea of ​​having no heirs in his head. Moreover, having no heirs was sometimes an excuse, especially For a dog like Luo Yan who has countless confidantes.

Of course, getting that far would mean his pond was about to explode.

A night of silence.

The baby fish kept splashing and jumping, and he almost couldn't hold it.

Early the next morning, Luo Yan rubbed his sore waist and got into the carriage. Today's court meeting was too important to miss.

In the carriage, Da Siming was already waiting.

Luo Yan, who had already emptied his inventory, naturally ignored Da Siming. He calmly crossed his legs and adjusted his breath, recuperating his energy. At the same time, he was thinking about the content of today's court meeting. The most important thing in today's court meeting was the handling of Zheng Guo. How to deal with Zheng Guo. Determines many things.

This matter is no longer just a trivial matter about Zheng Guowei being a spy. On a larger scale, it also involves the confrontation between Lu Buwei and Ying Zheng.

If Lu Buwei couldn't hold on this wave, then Lu Buwei would really retreat.

From Luo Yan's point of view, he felt that it was okay for Lu Buwei to retreat like this, but if he continued to persist, the final outcome would not be good for both parties.

"that power……"

Luo Yan opened his eyes, his eyes wandering, and whispered to himself.

After a moment, he chuckled.

"It's indeed a good thing!"

Da Siming knelt down and sat aside. Hearing this, he looked at Luo Yan. His cold eyes flickered for a moment, as if he was judging Luo Yan's thoughts. However, it was really hard to guess what Luo Yan was thinking, even though she and Luo Yan were already very familiar with each other. .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Xianyang Palace, Zhangtai Palace.

The ministers entered the procession. Ying Zheng was wearing a black robe and kneeling on the throne with a solemn expression, overlooking the ministers below.

After the salute, there was a report on trivial matters, and then the matter involved Zheng Guo.

"Pass on Zheng Guo!"

As a sharp voice sounded, after waiting for a while, an old man with dark skin wearing linen clothes was brought up.

The ministers were waiting and watching, and Luo Yan was no exception.

The old man in front of him was probably about fifty years old. His skin was rough from years of wind and rain, but he was still strong and his eyes were quite bright. He showed no fear after entering the palace. He bowed to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty Zheng Guo." Meet the king!"

"Shut up! What qualifications does a Korean spy have to call himself Qin Chen!"

"I second the proposal!"

Just when Zheng Guo spoke, a Qin minister scolded him, seeming to look down on Zheng Guo, a Korean who entered Qin as a spy!

"Shut up! The king hasn't asked yet, so what qualifications do you have to make noise in the palace!"

Lu Buwei frowned, took a step forward, and scolded in a deep voice.

Suddenly, all the officials in the palace fell silent.

Chang Wenjun, as the number one younger brother of Chang Ping Jun, naturally stood up and took the lead at this moment, and sarcastically said: "Lv Xiangguo, is it wrong for us not to welcome Korean spies? Since Zheng Guo entered the Qin Dynasty, in order to build that waterway I don’t know how much money and materials have been wasted, is it possible that the prime minister still needs to protect such spies?!"

"It is still unclear whether Zheng Guo is a Korean spy, so why are you so anxious?"

Lu Buwei glanced at Lord Chang Wen with a cold look, then glanced at Lord Chang Ping who was silent and waved his long sleeves slightly, seeming to be disdainful of the debate between Lord Chang Wen and others.


Ying Zheng glanced at the ministers indifferently. In the past six months, his own sense of majesty had become even stronger. Just a calm word was enough to shut everyone up.

Then Ying Zheng looked at Zheng Guo, his eyes silent, not threatening, but giving people a sense of oppression that could not be refused.

"Zheng Guo, let me ask you this, you are a Korean spy!"


Zheng Guo looked at Ying Zheng calmly and responded directly without any explanation.

After the words fell, the officials were in an uproar.

Among them was Lu Buwei. Lu Buwei also looked at Zheng Guo with a frown. He obviously didn't expect Zheng Guo to be so honest. He didn't even make any quibbles and just admitted it, nullifying all his back-up plans.

"You know this is a capital crime!"

Ying Zheng raised his hand to silence the ministers, continued to look at Zheng Guo, and said in a deep voice.

"When Zheng Guo entered Qin, he was indeed a spy at the beginning, but the construction of the canal did not involve fraud, pretentiousness, or delaying the progress. Lu Xiangguo can testify to all this, and anyone from Qin who built the canal can do it. Once the canal is built, it will definitely benefit Qin, but Irrigating the fertile soil in Guanzhong will prevent the Qin State from having bad years, and it will make great contributions to the world!"

Zheng Guo looked at Ying Zheng calmly and said slowly, without any wavering in his eyes, and his words were extremely firm.

It seems that as long as Ying Zheng allows him to continue building, he will definitely be able to reap all this.

Of course, the choice lies with Ying Zheng, the King of Qin.

"That's nonsense!"

Chang Wenjun continued to jump up and down, and scolded in a deep voice: "Since you are a Korean spy, how can you believe your words? Your Majesty, never believe the words of a villain!"

"The general seconded the proposal! Since South Korea dares to use tricks to plot against Qin, the general is willing to lead the army to destroy South Korea!"

At the same time, a handsome but burly general strode out and said in a deep voice.

Looking at the general who came out, Luo Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, because this person was clearly Fan Yuqi, a person Luo Yan had met several times.

This person participated in the Changanjun Chengxi rebellion that year, and was considered a follower of the other party. He should have been punished as well, but was spared by Changpingjun. As for more details, Luo Yan also inquired from Zhao Gao. It seems to be because Fan Yuqi didn't have much evidence of his crime, and he was involved in the crime in a daze.

As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty, and generals always obey orders. Therefore, Fan Yuqi's life was saved, and he deserved meritorious services!

Anyway, things were quite chaotic that year.


The most important thing was that Lord Changping had great reputation and that Ying Zheng had not yet been crowned as pro-government at that time. Various factors led to this result.

Anyway, Fan Yuqi survived.

(This is what Li Mu said in the Qin Dynasty. You can check it out. Don’t ask me if I wrote it blindly)

"The last general invites you to fight!"

"The last general invites you to fight!"

When they heard that there was a battle, many generals also stepped forward and asked for battle in a low voice.

Naturally, Meng Tian was included among them. Luo Yan had a toothache when he saw it. No wonder the Six Kingdoms were called the Qin Kingdom, the Kingdom of Tigers and Wolves. This bellicose and willing-to-fight attitude was really undeniable. They were all like tigers and wolves who smelled fishy smell. It seemed that they only wanted to win. After the government gave the order, they dared to rush up and eat South Korea.

Ying Zheng quite recognized the attitude of the generals. He nodded slightly and waved for them to retreat. However, he did not forget to take a look at Fan Yuqi. Apparently, he still had some impression of Fan Yuqi.

After all, Fan Yuqi was also one of the famous generals of the Qin State before he participated in the Chang'an Jun Chengyu case!

Not as good as Wang Jian and his ilk, but still considered a second-rate existence.

When it comes to fighting ability, he is not weak.

"Xiangguo, what do you think?"

Ying Zheng did not order the attack on South Korea, but looked at Lu Buwei, who had an ugly face, and asked in a deep voice.

It was Lu Buwei who supported Zheng Guo when he entered the Qin Dynasty. Now that Zheng Guo admitted that he was a Korean spy, Lu Buwei was undoubtedly humiliated. The most important thing was that he protected Zheng Guo a few days ago!

"I believe that although Zheng Guo is a spy, he has never done anything to harm Qin State. Although the construction of canals consumes national power, once completed, it will bring huge benefits to Qin State. Irrigation of hundreds of miles of land in Guanzhong is enough for Qin State to gain more A granary!

Compared to this matter, whether Zheng Guo is a Korean spy is of no consequence at all! "

Lu Buwei pondered for a moment, then looked at Ying Zheng and said in a deep voice.

One sentence.

It is impossible to admit his mistakes, and he did not do anything wrong in this matter. It will also be beneficial to Qin if he continues to do so!

Lu Buwei is not willing to bow his head, or it should be said that he has no such awareness at all. His years of high-ranking career have made him no longer have this awareness. Even though Ying Zheng has now been crowned as pro-government, he is Ying Zheng's father-in-law and Qin's father-in-law. Xiangbang!

"The Prime Minister's words are wrong!"

Lord Changping took a step forward and joined the fight.

Suddenly the court meeting became lively, and his subordinates began to join in the melee.

Luo Yan looked at Loneliness and did not interrupt the whole time. He knew that Zheng Guo would not be dealt with, but he would not continue to use it in the short term. The main thing was to see if Lu Buwei bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

Sometimes these big shots are no different from ordinary people!

Luo Yan couldn't help but murmur in his heart, especially when they quarreled, they also glared at each other.

Soon the meeting ended like this.

The two sides argued endlessly without any result.

Lord Changping naturally wanted to suppress Lu Buwei, but Lu Buwei wanted to protect Zheng Guo to the death!

Ying Zheng stood on the sidelines and watched everything in front of him.

Yong Temple.

When Luo Yan arrived, Ying Zheng was standing on the high platform, holding one hand behind his back and clenching his fist lightly. He seemed to be aware of Luo Yan's approach. His calm voice revealed a bit of indifference and seriousness: "Mr. Will the North Korea meeting be interesting in the next few days?"

Luo Yan frowned, not understanding what Ying Zheng meant.

"The officials are quarreling endlessly, which is extremely ridiculous. However, these people are the mainstay of the Qin State and hold great power. With them, a few people can destroy the six countries?"

Ying Zheng slowly turned around and looked at Luo Yan, his eyes were calm and cold and arrogant, showing a touch of majesty. Without waiting for Luo Yan to speak, he continued: "I have not wasted so much time in vain. Since the Prime Minister is unwilling to take a step back, then I will help him, Qin only needs one voice!"

The voice is serious and cannot be refused!

"I understand!"

Luo Yan's eyes flashed slightly, he understood what Ying Zheng meant, and he responded with his hands in hand.

It was time for Gan Luo to make this move.

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