Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 562 How many fish can be caught in one net?

Compared with his previous prime ministers, Lu Buwei was very lucky to have such a sad exit. The prime minister of Qin State was just like Lord Wu An, quite poisonous, and few people in the past could resist him. Lu Buwei in history was also forced to death, although not We know what the real situation is, but this ending is definitely not that good.

Luo Yan thought about these things with his mind empty, watching Lu Buwei's motorcade slowly go away.

This time Lu Buwei will go to his own fiefdom to retire. It is really hard to say whether he can return to Xianyang City in the future. Maybe this trip will last a lifetime.

However, Lu Buwei's life can also be called a legend.

A businessman took the position of Prime Minister of the Qin State, and even had power over the government and the public, ruling the world for more than ten years. Based on this alone, Lu Buwei was proud enough to overlook most of the people in the world.

Compared with Luo Yan's relaxed and relaxed attitude, Da Siming on the side looked a little cramped. His slender legs were twisting uncomfortably, as if he was enduring something, and the blush on his pretty face had not gone away for a long time, and her eyes met hers. The disgust and coldness in his eyes were in sharp contrast.

There is a saying that the body is always more honest than the consciousness.

No matter who you are, even if you practice martial arts to an extremely high level, you cannot say that you have 100% control over yourself, because your body can never withstand external stimulation, and the subtle changes in your body will not be changed by your consciousness.

All one can do is be patient.

Da Siming may not have understood this before, but now, she must understand.

"Don't be so coy, it's not the first time."

Luo Yan withdrew his gaze, closed the window casually, glanced at Da Siming's small movements, and said angrily.

Da Siming pursed his lips firmly and did not answer, but the coldness in his eyes was even stronger. This reserve was her last bottom line now. She could not express her joy in Luo Yan's arms. Even if you kill her, she won't do it.

This is the last pride in Da Siming's heart. If even this point is gone, then Da Siming will no longer be Da Siming.

As for who.

Of course it was spoiled.

"Concubine Yan will return to Yin Yang's house in a few days. Do you know why she returned to Yin Yang's house?"

Luo Yan looked at Da Siming and asked.

He didn't want to ask Concubine Yan about this question, because Concubine Yan could tell herself what she wanted to say. Since he didn't say it, it was obviously not suitable to tell Luo Yan the secrets of the Yin and Yang family, and asking Da Siming was just a test. It was best to know naturally. It’s okay not to know.

He just suddenly thought of this question.

Although it's not good to think about another woman when working, doesn't Da Siming not think about her either?

This woman's thoughts were not focused on men at all, which made Luo Yan very sad.

It's a shame that he paid so much "sincerity" in vain.

"I don't know. I'm just the chief commander of the Yin Yang family. I'm not qualified to know such secrets. Moreover, the five elders of the Yin Yang family are not immutable. Once they lose their value, Lord Donghuang will choose them again. The only thing that has not changed in the past twenty years is The two adults, Dongjun and Yueshen, as for Xinghun.

Lord Dongjun's status is higher than that of Moon God and Star Soul, and second only to Lord Donghuang in the Yin Yang family.


What Lord Dongjun wants to do, it would be more appropriate for Marquis Yueyang to ask her. "

When Da Siming heard this, his expression was indifferent, like a female killer with no emotion, and he said coldly, but the red glow that had not dissipated added a bit of cold charm to this coldness, which was quite attractive.

This is all Luo Yan's credit, but he will not be proud.

Scholars of our generation never leave their names behind when they do good deeds.

Luo Yan nodded and did not ask any more questions. After all, the topic of the Yin Yang family was relatively taboo, and it was not suitable for in-depth research before being sure.

Besides, it is not appropriate to discuss this topic with Da Siming.

"Concubine Yan is leaving. You will be the only one left in the next few days."

Luo Yan suddenly looked at Da Siming and said with emotion.

Seeing that ugly face, the corner of Da Siming's mouth twitched. He wanted to slap him with two palms and slap this bitch to death, but Da Siming held back. After all, his legs were weak now.

. . . . . . . . . . .

After Lu Buwei left, Qin's internal conflicts seemed to ease in an instant.

Conflicts between people always come from interests. The power controlled by Lu Buwei is suddenly released. This huge cake is enough to meet the needs of most people. Before the dividend is digested, the conflicts will be greatly alleviated, not to mention whether it is Luo Buwei or Lu Buwei. Yan and Changpingjun are very busy during this period, so they don't have time to deal with others.

Luo Yan has been really busy recently, and he suddenly misses Lu Buwei. It turns out that Lu Buwei has been so busy these years. Without Lu Buwei, Luo Yan's burden suddenly became much heavier.

Ying Zheng threw many things to Luo Yan, which made Luo Yan unable to breathe and wished he could throw these things to Li Si.

However, Li Si was really too busy.

After all, there are still too few tools!

In Guanzhong, a rural area near Yueyang, Luo Yan was visiting this generation of old Qin people.

For two things, one is to investigate whether there are many people who can read in this kind of village, and the other is to ask the old Qin people about their views on reading. The academy is about to be built, and Luo Yan's first batch of students plan to come from Qin. The selection of descendants of the Old Qin people, especially those whose fathers died in the war, is a means to win them over.

The Qin State in the future cannot always follow the route of military success.

The imperial examination also needs to be passed.

This is what must be done to unify the world in the future.

"It's much worse than I thought."

Luo Yan spent a lot of time walking around roughly. Looking at the form and recorded numbers in his hand, he couldn't help but feel a little pain.

Eighteen villages, more than 2,000 people, less than three people are literate, and they don't know many words. They only know some commonly used words, which makes Luo Yan's idea of ​​popularizing newspapers simply scrapped. This thing can only be used for the time being. In Xianyang City and some large cities, it is impossible to completely popularize it in ten or eight years.

Fortunately, Lao Qin didn't resist studying, especially when he learned that he didn't need to pay. He looked at Luo Yan with great excitement and almost knelt down in front of Luo Yan.

"Are you really going to make these people read and write?"

The fragrant wind blew, and her black hair fell down. Yan Lingji bent down and looked at the form in Luo Yan's hand. Although she couldn't understand it, she understood what Luo Yan meant. Her dreamlike eyes blinked slightly, and she looked at it curiously. Luo Yan asked.

Luo Yan actually wanted ordinary people in Qin to read and write. It was really unreasonable and the difficulty was too great.

Yan Lingji couldn't understand Luo Yan's thankless behavior anyway.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. There is a difference between doing something and not doing it. Even if it is only popularized, it will be enough to change a lot of things. This kind of thing will last for a long time. Someone will do it sooner or later in the future. I am just one step ahead, even if It’s good to just plant some seeds.”

Luo Yan raised the charcoal pen, tapped Yan Lingji's head lightly, and chuckled, his eyes brightening.

Playing is about playing, making trouble is about making trouble. Luo Yan still approves of reading.

However, at the age when he should study, Luo Yan did not approve of reading. When he knew that studying was precious at this age, he found that he no longer needed to read too many books, because society itself is a book, and sometimes it is difficult to get along with others. More interesting than the book.

But these do not deny the importance of reading.

None of the top talents in the world can't read and write. How can one become talented without being wise?

"Just do it if you want to do it, others are just talking about it~"

Yan Lingji opened her red lips lightly, rolled her eyes charmingly, then stood up slowly, reached out and took a strand of hair that was blown by the breeze by her cheek, and said coquettishly, with a hint of coquettishness and seduction.

There is no trace of artificiality in it, everything is extremely natural. Yan Lingji herself is a fairy who can bring disaster to the country and the people.

Especially after being together with Luo Yan, her charming charm became even stronger.

I have to use an analogy.

This is a stunning beauty that can make men unable to get out of bed.


Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes moved slightly, and she glanced at Da Siming who was standing guard not far away, as if she had discovered some interesting prey. Her eyes were sharp for a moment, but she quickly calmed down, like an elegant little wild cat, stepping forward On the stage, a black and red dress similar to that of Da Siming danced gently, making it even more beautiful.

In terms of beauty alone, Yan Lingji has never been afraid of any woman.

"The great commander of the Yin Yang family?"

Yan Lingji's aqua blue eyes reflected Da Siming's figure, her red lips moved slightly, and she called out Da Siming's name.

Da Siming looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with cold eyes. How could she not know the identity of the other party? She knew her when she and Concubine Yan entered Luo Yan's home.

One of Luo Yan's women, and she has a bit of a bad personality. She is not that kind of gentle and cute girl.

What are you doing here? Do you think I'm easy to bully?

Da Siming sneered in his heart, and his beautiful eyes immediately looked at the Yan Ling Ji who came to the door. A curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said: "As one of the concubines of Marquis Yue Yang, it is very dangerous to run around without staying by his side. Yes, it would be a pity if someone scratched this little face~"

As he spoke, he looked at Yan Lingji's perfect face.

In terms of face alone, Da Siming can't compare to the fairy Yan Lingji, which makes her have the urge to destroy her. For a woman like Yan Lingji, destroying her face is more satisfying than killing her. pain.

Da Siming understands this very well.

Da Siming is a professional when it comes to torturing people.

Before meeting Luo Yan, her legend was still circulating in the world.

As for now, Da Siming's body is filled with the essence of Luo Yan's life.

One of the concubines?

Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes became more and more charming, and she said with a sweet smile: "It turns out that the great commander of the Yin Yang family is just a maid. If you have such a loud voice when you are a maid, you have to be taught a lesson by the master."

The smile at the corner of Da Siming's mouth stiffened slightly, and he stared at Yan Lingji fiercely.

Yan Lingji's smile remained unchanged, but her beautiful eyes also became slightly fierce.

Luo Yan, who was not far away, noticed the atmosphere between the two women, and felt inexplicably that the women were really troublesome, couldn't they live in harmony?

He pinches him at every turn, even Da Siming is no exception.

too difficult.

The road ahead was too difficult, so Luo Yan was ready to sail.

Ignoring the interaction between Yan Lingji and Da Siming, he believed that Da Siming was sensible and would not deny him even this bit of face, otherwise his education during this period would have been in vain.

When Luo Yan thought of this, he lowered his head and continued to think about what would happen next.

The number of the first batch of disciples will not be too large. There are too many people to teach, so Luo Yan decided to recruit about 300 people in the first batch. These 300 people will be selected from all over the Qin State, and then 50 people will be given. Give it to the powerful children of the Qin State to build relationships.

Three hundred and fifty people, this was the number of the first batch of disciples, Luo Yan was tentatively settled.

Today, there are about thirty Confucian disciples available for teaching, and one person is responsible for ten people, which is enough for elite education.

Eliminated after three years of assessment.

Those who are good will continue to teach, and those who are not good will be sent down to teach. The Chamber of Commerce will help them build a bookstore, and then recruit students from it. This forms a virtuous circle. In five years, they can almost build a shelf. After fifteen years, it will be worth it. Very useful.

"hope everything is fine."

Luo Yan knew that this road would be difficult, but with Ying Zheng's support, it would not be a big problem. He was confident in this.

Almost when Luo Yan was confident, there was a sound of action behind him.


Two powerful internal auras suddenly collided with each other, and two heat waves swept across, instantly bringing Luo Yan's thoughts back to reality. At the same time, the expression on Luo Yan's face also stiffened, and he couldn't help but look at the fight behind him. The two women, at this moment, had toothache.

Yan Lingji played with a golden-red flame with one hand. It was hot and full of the meaning of burning everything. The bright halo illuminated her beautiful cheeks, like an elf queen in flames.

A few meters away, Da Siming formed a seal with his hands. A ball of black and red yin and yang rotated endlessly, pulling the power of heaven and earth around him, exuding a terrifying wave.

It was obvious that the two women had just gotten into a fight over a disagreement, and it looked like they were quite ruthless.

Luo Yan was a little suffocated when he saw it.

It wasn't that he was afraid, but he saw some glimpses of the future.

Just at this time.

Dozens of figures leaped over, and the aura on each one was not weak. They were all masters of the Luowang killing class. The leader was Tianze. They were responsible for protecting Luo Yan. They sensed the aura of the fight here and directly came from a distance. He rushed over and saw the scene of the two women fighting.

After hesitating for a moment, Tianze led people to stand on Yan Lingji's side.

No matter what, Yan Lingji is one of her own, so Tianze naturally brings people to support Yan Lingji, which immediately leaves Da Siming alone and helpless, which makes her look a little pitiful.

Da Siming didn't think so, but his beautiful eyes were colder and more solemn.

She didn't feel much pressure to bully Yan Lingji, but when faced with Tianze and the others, Da Siming thought he couldn't do it.

In this world, there are only a few people who can single-handedly fight dozens of people, not to mention that the people in front of them are not just miscellaneous soldiers, but elites in the net.

Stupid Tianze, I will replace you sooner or later!

When Luo Yan saw this scene, he immediately felt his heart twitching. He couldn't help but cursed Tianze secretly, "Can women take sides randomly in this kind of fight?"

Didn't you see him sitting still?

But now, what do you want him to do!

He is not afraid of god-like opponents, but of pig-like teammates. I thought Tianze had improved, but he was still so stupid.

It seems that Tianze did nothing wrong, but in fact he was extremely wrong.

He doesn't think about things from his own perspective at all.

"What are you going to do?!"

Luo Yan had many thoughts in his mind at that moment, but his reaction was faster. He jumped up directly, frowned and shouted angrily. In one sentence, the conflict between the two women was directly raised to everyone, regardless of the reaction of the two women. First, he glanced at Tianze and said in a deep voice: "You have nothing to do here, please leave!"

Hearing this, Tianze frowned and glanced at Da Siming.

"It's okay, I'm here."

Luo Yan's face softened slightly and he said calmly, how could he watch Yan Lingji being bullied? The only person in the world who could bully Yan Lingji was himself.

Tianze pondered for a moment, and then led the people to retreat, but they did not go far, and just stood guard not far away.

"She hit me and even scratched my face."

Yan Lingji took the lead in issuing the attack horn, looked at Luo Yan aggrievedly, leaned into Luo Yan's arms, and said weakly and pitifully, as if she was no match. She was scolded, beaten, and even threatened by Da Siming. Now Hurt both physically and mentally.

Da Siming sneered, looked at this scene, and said coldly: "Marquis Yueyang would be better off taking care of his concubine, otherwise it will not be like this one day when Lord Dongjun takes action."

Are you teaching me how to do something? !

Luo Yan raised his brows and instantly felt that Da Siming was disliked. Sure enough, he still liked girls like Yan Lingji who could act coquettishly.

A common problem among men.

"You can let her try~"

When Yan Lingji heard this, she said it in a nonchalant manner. At the same time, she glanced at Luo Yan. She also wanted to know whether Luo Yan would help her or that woman.

Women all like to compare.

Comparing who is the most important person in Luo Yan's heart, Yan Lingji does not feel that she is inferior to Concubine Yan. She was the one who came first. As for Jing Salamander, Jing Salamander does not fight or grab, so he is not considered an opponent.

For Yan Lingji, the biggest threat now is Concubine Yan.

Noisy! Just make trouble! Sooner or later one day I will take care of you all.

Luo Yan was very hard-hearted in his heart, and also very hard-spoken: "Stop making trouble, I haven't finished handling my business yet. Da Siming, you are too. Concubine Yan asked you to protect me, not to cause trouble for me. ."

A flash of sarcasm flashed in Da Siming's eyes, and he was too lazy to pay attention to Luo Yan.

During this period of time, the protector didn't see him, he was just bullied by Luo Yan. Which bodyguard is like this? !

Adding trouble to Luo Yan?

It was obviously Luo Yan who was blocking her.

"that's all?"

Yan Lingji's beautiful eyes turned fierce, and she looked at Luo Yan with dissatisfaction. She tugged on Luo Yan's clothes with her beautiful hands. She seemed to think that Luo Yan's handling was too simple. If she wanted to fool her like this, wouldn't she be bullied by Da Siming in vain? Already? !

Although she was not bullied, she was very unhappy when a "maid" dared to attack her.

She hasn't even seen Concubine Yan in person, how can she still not be able to deal with a "maid"?

How to deal with Concubine Yan in the future.

At worst, I'll bully you back in the future.

Luo Yan thought of her lovingly, but he said seriously: "She is here to protect me, and she is not my subordinate. I can't control her."

"She just had murderous intentions towards others."

Yan Lingji moved her lips slightly, looked at Luo Yan with her beautiful eyes, and said slowly.

So why do women have such strong force!

The ancestors said that it is virtue for a woman to have no talent, which makes sense!

It's a pity that Luo Yan realized it too late.

Luo Yan's heartbeat accelerated a few times. He felt that his face might not be able to control the situation in the future. Yan Lingji and Da Siming were so disrespectful. In the future, Mrs. Mingzhu and Concubine Yan would meet... Don't be afraid, As long as they can't meet each other, it's not a big problem.

Luo Yan thought of deceiving himself, then looked at Da Siming with an evil look, and said in a deep voice: "Are you really murderous?"

He knew that Da Siming must have moved.

This woman is very murderous!

He even had murderous intentions towards Luo Yan many times. If Concubine Yan hadn't suppressed him, he might have done it secretly.

What's more, it's against Yan Lingji.

Da Siming glanced at Luo Yan indifferently, ignored Luo Yan, turned around and walked away.

Just leave. I'm afraid you might talk back. I can't even talk back in front of Yan Lingji.

Luo Yan frowned and watched Da Siming go away, then he put his arms around Yan Lingji's waist and warned him seriously: "Stay away from her in the future. The women of the Yin Yang family are very murderous. She might really do something to her. Do you do it?"

"If she kills me, will you still like that woman?"

Yan Lingji raised her head slightly, her dreamlike eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, she looked at Luo Yan and asked curiously.

I don't even know how to answer this question.

Luo Yan pretended to be thoughtful and thought for a while. After a moment, he hugged Yan Lingji tightly and said in a deep voice, "I can't live without you!"

Hearing this, Yan Lingji blinked her beautiful eyes, then softened, leaned obediently into Luo Yan's arms, and hugged this stinky man tightly.

Luo Yan instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

Too many women can sometimes be a trouble, just like a net. When too many fish are caught in the net, the net is often useless and cannot be recycled.

Luo Yan is almost at this stage now.

I want to network more, but I don’t dare to network more. I can only look back and sigh. It is so difficult to make a breakthrough.

Life is hard...

PS: It’s a big quantity, I’m awesome, (1/4), I’ll try 20,000 words today, just to give it a try, anyway, it’s definitely over 10,000, don’t hold out hope, such a surprise will be even better.

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