Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 595 King Wei, one of our own!

Early the next morning, the Wei State held a meeting.

With a melodious clang of bronze vessels, Luo Yan took steady steps and stepped into the hall that represented the power of the Wei state under the watchful eyes of the civil and military officials of the state of Wei.

With a gentle smile on his lips, Luo Yan walked to the center without being humble or arrogant, and bowed to the two figures on the throne: "Luo Yan, envoy of the State of Qin, has met the King of Wei, the Queen Mother, and all of you."

After saying that, without waiting for the King of Wei to speak, he put his hands away and stood up, looking at the officials of the Wei Kingdom around him.

Naturally, the one sitting on the throne is Wei Zeng. Although the throne succession ceremony has not yet been held, Wei Zeng's position as prince is obviously unshakable. The inheritance system of the eldest son will never be outdated in any era, as long as he can live to the old man. The day of death.

Sitting next to Wei Zeng is the aloof Queen Mother Leling. This unusual old lady has a very high status in the Wei Kingdom.

In the past, he rarely showed up, but this time he actually sat directly on the court, which was a little unusual.

The Wei ministers on both sides were sparse and ordinary. The only one who attracted Luo Yan was a very beautiful man. With just one glance, Luo Yan determined the identity of the other person. The legendary Lord Long Yang. Apart from him, Luo Yan Yan really couldn't think of anyone else who could look like this.

Beauty is still needed in modern times, but this world obviously doesn’t need it at all.

With Long Yangjun looking like this, he would probably look stunningly beautiful in women's clothes, although he might have bigger clothes than you.

Even worse than Yan Lingji.

Luo Yan lost interest after just one glance. Gentlemen are never interested in men or male monsters. The most important thing is that he likes those with broad minds.

"Marquis Yueyang is on a mission to Wei on behalf of Qin. Could it be that he is here to show off his power?!"

Before Wei Zeng could speak, the Queen Mother Leling beside her spoke first. Her silver hair was neatly dressed, and some of the majesty and refinement of the past could be seen in her old face. Her old voice had a sense of self-reliance, and she was silent. He looked at Luo Yan, as if the royal family were overlooking the common people.

He has an innate aura of nobility and majesty.

This old woman's prestige in Wei State is indeed very high.

Luo Yan judged this point by looking at the unresponsive ministers around him. Hearing this, he smiled slightly, put one hand behind his back, looked at Queen Mother Leling calmly, and asked without answering: "So what? !”

So what? !

After hearing Luo Yan's words, Queen Mother Leling's face froze, her eyes became sharper, and she stared at Luo Yan coldly, not to mention the others.

A civil servant holding a wat board with both hands immediately stepped forward and angrily scolded Luo Yan: "You are outrageous, this is the territory of Wei State, not your Qin State!"

"Not now, but not necessarily in the future. Is Wei Guo confident that it can withstand the Qin State's hundreds of thousands of troops? If he is so confident, then there is no need to say anything today, and he will turn around and return to Qin State to prepare for a decisive battle with Wei State. That’s all, what do you think?”

Luo Yan waved his sleeves and smiled casually, as if entering the Wei Kingdom was just a formality.

The moment the words fell, all the officials present looked ugly, as if they had eaten shit. They stared at Luo Yan. No one dared to refute anything. No one could bear the responsibility of starting another war with Qin.

"Qin wants to fight, and we, Wei, will accompany us, but I don't know if Qin can still use its territory now."

Long Yangjun, who looked like a pretty boy, took a step forward, with a faint smile on his unparalleled handsome face. There was no pressure, just like a good friend chatting, and he asked Luo Yan.

There’s something about this pretty face~

Luo Yan looked at Long Yangjun again, inexplicably thinking of the strength of the opponent's sword master. There were not many masters of this level in the world.

"Wei might as well give it a try. The worst that happens is that Qin withdraws its troops from South Korea and attacks Wei again. Qin is strong and has many soldiers. As long as Wei is interested, Qin will accompany it until the end."

Luo Yan's smile faded and his tone was calm, especially the last few words, which were decisive and indescribably lethal.

The entire Wei State ministers and the main hall were completely silent.

Long Yangjun frowned slightly and looked at Luo Yan. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether Luo Yan was serious or threatening. How could such a big thing be trivial? The Qin army is currently attacking South Korea. If the gun suddenly turns around, don't worry. Got stabbed in the ass.

But Luo Yan said it in front of so many people. If it really got to that level, the outcome would be hard to say.

Luo Yan's status in Qin was not low.

There was silence for a moment.

Long Yangjun said slowly: "Marquis Yue Yang is really brave, but in this case, Qin is really not afraid that all the countries will attack together and attack Qin together again?"

"Can Wei Guo survive until that day?"

Luo Yan sneered and mocked with disdain: "We, the Qin State, can accept defeat once, twice or even three times, but what about the Wei State? As long as the Wei State fails once, there will be no more Wei State in the world!"

Luo Yan raised a finger and looked at Long Yangjun calmly, as if he was not interested in playing any scheming games, just crushing him with his strength and having a big fist.

Wei can declare war if he refuses to accept it, and Qin is not incapable of attacking Wei and South Korea at the same time.

But does Wei dare?

Luo Yan ignored Lord Long Yang, looked past him, looked at Wei Zeng on the throne, and said softly: "I wonder what King Wei thinks?"

Then he looked at Queen Mother Leling.

"Or should this matter be decided by the Queen Mother?"

Luo Yan said this sentence in a playful and provocative way.

Wei Zeng is not young at all. A man in his thirties can't even sit on the throne. He still needs his grandmother to take charge. It's really funny.

Wei Zeng's face suddenly stiffened, and the anger flashed in his eyes. He wanted to explode, but he held it back. His father lived a long life, and his grandfather lived longer. It is quite rare for a suppressed prince to live longer.

"That's enough. Since you, Marquis Yueyang, are on a mission to Wei on behalf of Qin, you must not be here to declare war. Since you are not, you might as well make it clear!"

Empress Dowager Le Ling was also irritated. She stood up suddenly and knocked the crutch in her hand heavily on the ground, suppressing everyone. At the same time, she glared at Luo Yan and asked.

"Qin State also needs Jicheng and Yuncheng. In addition, Wei State also needs to compensate Qin State millions of dollars."

Luo Yan looked at Empress Dowager Leling and spoke loudly, not mentioning the cities he had already occupied. He asked the Wei State to cede territory again and pay compensation. The two cities he wanted were two extremely important cities for the Wei State and involved the Wei State's defense line and Transportation artery.

If these two cities were taken by Qin, Wei's legs would be no less than broken.

As expected.

The moment the words fell, Queen Mother Leling refused without thinking: "Impossible. If Qin really wants to fight, Wei will accompany him to the end!"

How can we agree to such an agreement that is humiliating to the country?

"Since the State of Wei insists on this, I will leave today and return to the State of Qin."

Luo Yan smiled slightly and responded directly. Regardless of the expressions of the people present, he turned and walked directly outside the hall. It seemed that this was his home court at this moment. From beginning to end, he directly ignored the dignitaries of Wei State. It seemed that Today is really about looking for trouble and declaring war.

"Marquis Yueyang, stay!"

At this time, Wei Zeng couldn't sit still and stood up directly to stop Luo Yan. He had only been the king of Wei for a few days, and he did not want to be the king of the country.

If you can't beat him, your tone will naturally soften.

Queen Mother Leling frowned and did not stop her. She had naturally said something angry just now, but once she said it, how could she take it back? However, Wei Guo would never agree to the conditions proposed by Luo Yan.

"I wonder what King Wei has to say."

Luo Yan had not taken a few steps before he turned around and looked at Wei Zeng who was getting up, and asked.

"The request put forward by Marquis Yueyang is too harsh. We can't make a decision at the moment. It will take a few days to consider. How about Marquis Yueyang staying in Daliang for a few days?"

Wei Zeng was obviously an indecisive character. He did not make a decision directly and spoke in a muddled manner.

"Of course you can. I'm not an unreasonable person. Everything can be discussed."

Luo Yan smiled at Wei Zeng very politely, and at the same time softened his words and continued: "What I said before is not beyond negotiation. Who would have thought that the Queen Mother was so decisive that she almost triggered a bloody battle between Qin and Wei, eh~"

After saying that, the guy sighed.

Everyone present looked at Luo Yan's expression like this. Everyone was speechless, but most of them breathed a sigh of relief. Just now they thought Luo Yan was serious.

If a fight breaks out, the outcome is unpredictable. No matter what happens to Qin in the end, Wei will obviously not be able to bear it.

Just negotiate.

Wei Zeng was unknowingly led into the rhythm by Luo Yan. He seemed to feel that the previous conditions were not too bad, and he could just bargain a bit. Wei Zeng's country had a great cause and it was not something he could not afford to lose. As long as this war was over, it would be fine. Only in this way can he succeed to the throne and govern personally.

I will regain my position from Qin in the future.

Xiao Ren is nothing for a moment.

It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge after ten years!

Wei Zeng secretly felt cruel in his heart.

Lord Longyang looked at Luo Yan solemnly, Marquis Yueyang knew how to manipulate people's hearts.

This tightening and loosening coupled with the oppression of Qin's army, most of the people in Wei could not hold on and could only follow Luo Yan's rhythm.

You know, this is the royal palace of Wei State, the place where hundreds of officials gather.

It was really ironic for a group of people to be led by Luo Yan to talk.

Long Yangjun glanced at the powerful officials present and sighed in his heart. He really couldn't see where the future of Wei was.

Empress Dowager Le Ling also felt the same way. Looking at Luo Yan who was talking eloquently, and then at Wei Zeng who was trying his best to cater to her, she closed her eyes in despair for a moment, as if she didn't know what to say.

When did the State of Wei become unable to withstand even an envoy from the State of Qin?

At this moment, Queen Mother Leling felt indescribably tired and exhausted, and she no longer wanted to speak.

This new king of Wei is good, he is one of our own, and we can let him stay in this position for a few more years.

Luo Yan sighed in his heart.

The longer Wei Zeng stayed on the throne, the more desolate the Wei state became.

God bless the Qin Dynasty.

PS: There is one more chapter, keep going, I am awesome!

Asking for a monthly ticket

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