Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 597 The barbarians go south

Luo Yan rubbed his nose, smiled at Concubine Yan's gentle and caring gaze, and said, "It's okay, it's just that my nose is a little itchy."

Immediately, he led Concubine Yan, Chief Commander, and the stern young man Gai Nie who followed behind, and stepped into Lord Long Yang's mansion. They were received by attendants along the way, and soon they arrived at the inner courtyard.

The courtyard is relatively spacious, and there are many exotic flowers and plants planted on the side. Even in late autumn, the flowers are blooming and blooming.

"I have met Marquis Yueyang."

The first person to greet Luo Yan was Wei Lingshu, the sixth son of the Wei Kingdom. He bowed his hands to Luo Yan in a rather polite manner.

"Sixth Young Master, you're welcome."

Luo Yan returned the salute, then looked at Long Yangjun beside Wei Lingshu, and chuckled: "I didn't expect that the relationship between the Sixth Young Master and Long Yangjun is so close."

"I once taught Lingshu some things, and I was half his teacher."

Long Yangjun nodded slightly, with a smile on his unparalleled handsome face, and explained softly, and then looked at Concubine Yan and others who were following Luo Yan, especially Gai Nie, who paused and his eyes flickered.

"Mr. Genie, we meet again."

"Long Yangjun."

Gai Nie cupped his hands, looked calmly, and spoke unhurriedly.

"Do you know each other?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Luo Yan was stunned and asked unexpectedly.

Long Yangjun directly explained Luo Yan's doubts: "I met the two people from Guigu a few years ago."

How many years ago?

At that time of Wei Yong?

Luo Yan instantly knew what happened. He was familiar with important plots and he still knew what happened back then. A few years ago, the great general of Wei State was forced to death by the King of Wei. Among them, Black and White Xuanjian, Wei Yong, Guigu disciples, etc. were involved, and they were also the ones involved. At that time, Gui Gu Zongheng fought against Black and White Xuanjian.

"Everyone, please."

Long Yangjun smiled and, having settled on what happened back then, did not continue to talk in detail, raised his hand and said.

Immediately, the group of people entered the pavilion.

The maid on the side began to serve tea and cakes, facing the refreshing autumn breeze, admiring the scenery of the courtyard, which was quite artistic.

Luo Yan took a few glances and then lost interest in the scenery in the courtyard. He preferred living things to dead things.

"I wonder what Mr. Long Yang wants to talk about with me when he invites you?"

Luo Yan swung the cup with his fingers, looked at Long Yangjun who was kneeling opposite him, and spoke first.

Hearing this, Lord Long Yang met Luo Yan's gaze with a smile and said in a gentle voice, "I want to make friends with Marquis Yueyang."

After a pause, he shook his head and smiled:

"There are many boring people in this world. I am very interested in making friends with interesting people like Marquis Yueyang."

As he spoke, he raised his glass to express that he had no ill intentions and did not want to talk about state affairs, but simply wanted to make friends.

I can’t afford it, I can’t afford it.

Luo Yan looked at Long Yangjun's bright eyes and kind attitude, and felt a little chilled for no reason. Although the legend cannot be fully believed, there is no smoke without fire. Later generations will use Long Yang's addiction to describe men's fencing, and it cannot be tolerated. Luo Yan didn't think much.

After all, he is so handsome and is known as a walking hormone, and this Long Yangjun just "lost his lover" not long ago...

"Long Yangjun doesn't care about the dispute between Qin and Wei?"

Although Luo Yan felt cold in his heart, he still had a smile on his face and said softly.

"State affairs are state affairs, and private affairs are private affairs. How can they be confused together? What's more, disputes between Qin and Wei are inevitable, and this does not hinder my personal relationship with Marquis Yueyang."

Long Yangjun said softly.

No, it's our first meeting, we have no personal relationship.

Luo Yan complained in his heart, but he agreed: "I personally like to make friends. Since Lord Long Yang invites you, how can I refuse?"

For the time being, he didn't understand Long Yangjun's purpose, so he naturally had to follow the other party and take a look before talking.

"Marquis Yueyang is indeed a wonderful man. He substitutes tea for wine. Please."


Luo Yan raised a glass to greet him and chuckled.

Then the two began to compliment each other, and most of what they talked about was nutritious nonsense. They didn't talk a word about the affairs between Qin and Wei in the whole process. They were just chatting over tea.

After about half an hour, Luo Yan stood up and left.

Long Yangjun led Wei Lingshu to send Luo Yan to the door. He didn't look back until the carriage was far away, but the smile at the corner of his mouth subsided. His eyes flashed slightly and he said softly: "This person is really interesting."

"Interesting? Teacher, won't you negotiate terms with him?"

Wei Lingshu frowned and asked, as for the conditions, they were naturally the conditions put forward by Luo Yan in the court. It was impossible for the Wei State to agree to that request, which was as loud as a lion's mouth.

"Talk? It's already settled."

After hearing this, Lord Long Yang smiled, said something casually, then turned around and walked towards the mansion.

Wei Lingshu blinked and looked at Long Yangjun, wondering what kind of riddle Long Yangjun was playing.

There is something about this Long Yangjun.

Luo Yan hugged Concubine Yan and his eyes moved slightly. Although he was chatting nonsense the whole time, the words also contained the two of them testing each other. Onlookers may not be able to hear anything, but Luo Yan can. Maybe this is It is the art of words.

For example, Long Yangjun said that the tea was too hot and it would be more palatable to drink it after cooling it down.

This means to persuade Luo Yan not to push Wei too hard. If it comes to that point, Wei will definitely be in a dead end with Qin. Even if Qin really destroys Wei, it will pay a huge price.

This sentence may not mean this alone, but coupled with Long Yangjun's expression, Luo Yan thought so.

The following words also confirmed Luo Yan's idea.

"If the Wei State wants to defeat all odds, it must have that ability."

Luo Yan shook his head and threw these thoughts away. Whether he would agree or not would depend on Wei Guo's attitude. If Wei Guo's offer was too little, Luo Yan wouldn't mind enlarging his appetite.

Some things cannot be taken back. If you take one step back, you have to take more steps back. You have to press forward step by step in order to get more and ask for more.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Qin State, Xianyang City.

Today, an urgent and secret letter from the North was delivered to Xianyang City. With just one glance, Ying Zheng's eyes turned completely cold, with a cold light flashing. He threw the secret letter on the ground and looked at the man standing on one side with a bow. Lord Changping's voice was extremely cold: "Twenty thousand barbarians are heading south, led by the Wolf King himself. They have broken through the defense line and are plundering the northern land!"

"How could this be? The man stationed in the north is the old general Hegong."

Lord Changping pretended to be confused, looked at Ying Zheng in shock, and asked in a deep voice.

"Hong Gong died in battle, and the north direction has been completely lost!"

Ying Zheng frowned and said with a heavy tone, this Duke Hu was a veteran of the same era as Wang Jue and had made great contributions to the Qin State, but now he died in the Northland like this and was killed by the barbarians.

The most important thing is that over the years, Qin has not been forced to this point by the barbarians for a long time.

Especially after most of the Great Wall was built, with the help of Wolf Smoke, there was no fear of barbarians suddenly going south to attack and plunder.

As a result, this accident happened.

Duke He died in battle?

Changping Jun was slightly stunned and speechless for a moment. He leaked the border defense map to the Hu people. It seemed that the effect was too good to be true. This Duke was considered a fierce general of his generation, but he died like this.

This is naturally due to the influence of the environment in the north. When the border defense map is completely controlled by the Hu people, the Hu people can naturally take the lead in eradicating Qin's scouts. By the time the front line notices something is wrong, it is already too late.

In the case of mental arithmetic and unintentional calculation, Mr. He was directly tricked to death by Mr. Changping.

This is the terrible thing about Erwuzi. He is unreasonable when he overturns his car.

"Command, Li Xin is the commander-in-chief, Meng Wu and Wang Ben are the deputy generals, and 200,000 troops are mobilized from the Lantian camp to unite with the northern troops and horses to defeat the Hu people. In this battle, we want the head of the Wolf King!"

Ying Zheng looked at Lord Changping and ordered in a deep voice.

The Qin State has never been afraid of war, and it is even less likely to be afraid of the Hu people. Since the Hu people want to find trouble, they will fight. This time, Ying Zheng wants to beat the Hu people painfully and fearfully.

"In this case, we have to fight on two fronts. The general is leading a large army to attack South Korea. It may be inappropriate if other countries provide support at this moment."

Lord Changping said with his hands raised.

"I second my suggestion. Your Majesty may wish to send a message to Marquis Yueyang. Otherwise, the Wei State will be stabilized. If the Wei State also sends troops to assist South Korea, the battle will be difficult."

Wei Liao took a step forward and suggested to Ying Zheng, because there was already something strange happening in Zhao State.

If the three kingdoms of Han, Zhao and Wei unite, Qin's purpose in this war may fail.

There is a fire in the backyard of the Northland. It is a big trouble for the Qin State. It has to be taken care of. It is absolutely impossible to allow the barbarians to plunder and cause chaos in the Northland.

"Call Wang Jian, I only give him ten days. Within ten days, Xinzheng, the capital of South Korea, will be captured at all costs!"

Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, then made a decision the next moment and said in a deep voice.

"As for Wei, I have confidence in Marquis Yueyang."

Lord Changping's eyes flashed. Ying Zheng's trust in Luo Yan was really enviable. This was definitely not a good thing for Lord Changping. But at this moment, it was obvious that he couldn't say anything. He could only pray that Wei Guo would have some temper and send troops. Aid South Korea and defeat Qin.

In this way, the Qin State failed to draw water from a bamboo basket, and mobilized troops but got nothing.

Soon the ministers retreated.

Ying Zheng stood in the main hall, his hands behind his back, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he said in a deep voice: "You also go to the Northland, find out what is going on at the Northland defense line, and by the way, clear the way for Li Xin and others. Secondly, bring Duke Heng’s body back to me.”

Ying Zheng still has some memories of the old general Hegong. He was an upright old general who had made great contributions to the Qin State.


A figure appeared from the darkness in front of Ying Zheng, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully responded: "No!"

Under the illumination of the light, a stern young face appeared. The strong lines of his face showed his resolute obedience and decisive character. His eyes were sharp and showed a bit of edge. His light armor was decorated with terrifying bone-corroding skulls. Showing his ruthless and murderous temperament.

Like a young Death.

His identity is naturally the leader of the Shadow Guard, Zhang Han.

The weapon that Ying Zheng had just polished was unsheathed for the first time.

The opponents are the barbarians in the north.

PS: There is one more chapter, it’s a bit stuck, no, my head is stuck, I’ve been at home for too long.

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