Qin Dynasty snare people

Chapter 636 I long for peace

The moon is gradually setting in the west.

The movement in the house gradually subsided at some point. Da Siming stood outside the house with his eyes closed, blocking his hearing. With his long skirt fluttering, he looked aloof and almost like a goddess.

It's a pity that no one saw this scene.

at the same time.

inside the house.

Luo Yan had already stood up, arranged his clothes like a dog, and his face was rosy and shiny. If he only looked at his appearance, he could be regarded as a talented person now, worthy of the word "gentle and beastly".

In ancient times, the word "gentle beast" was a complimentary word, praising the scholar's success.

I understand everything.

Compared to Luo Yan.

"Don't look at me like that. You are my trophy. According to the rules of your grassland, it is the winner's right to enjoy the trophy."

Luo Yan arranged his clothes, looked at Hu Yu on the soft couch, and said seriously.

He had no shame at all and had no intention of dating Hu Yu.

Because I’m not in the mood anymore.

The heart is so big that it cannot hold so many women, not to mention that a woman like Hu Yu cannot have the so-called love.

He prefers taking kidneys to taking care of his heart.

Hu Yu bit her lower lip, a little blood making her red lips even more poignant, and stared at Luo Yan resentfully.

"Why do you hate me so much? I'm just telling the truth."

Luo Yan sat next to Hu Yu, stretched out his hand to caress her beautiful cheek, and launched a verbal offensive: "The rules of the grassland, you are my woman, I think you should try to accept me, I am Qin's Liyang Hou, in terms of status, you are much more noble than you, the daughter of the Wolf King. Now that we are all like this, I might have my child in your belly.

If he's lucky, he can become the new Wolf King next year, don't you think? "

Hearing this, Hu Yu's heart thumped, and she couldn't help but reach out and touch her belly. The hatred she originally looked at Luo Yan suddenly became complicated.

My heart was in chaos for a while.

At this moment, Hu Yu felt that her head was in a mess, and she felt helpless like never before.

Lost the support of the royal court.

After all, she, the so-called daughter of the Wolf King, is a woman under twenty.

Now that I have lost my home, I don't know whether my sister is alive or dead, and she has fallen into the hands of this shameless Central Plains man. Even my own thoughts are being controlled by the other party.

Even the younger sister may fall into the hands of the other party because of her carelessness.

Think of this.

Tears finally fell from Hu Yu's stubborn eyes, and the crystal tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Hu Yu looked at his heart completely collapsed.

Luo Yan understood that it shouldn't be a problem to control her.

Luo Yan is naturally not the kind of person who is motivated by sex. He did this entirely for the sake of the Central Plains and the Central Plains' future generations for thousands of years.

Don't look at the fact that the Hu people are not strong at this stage.

The combined strength of the whole clan is only 400,000 to 500,000, which is not enough for the Qin State to fight. If the grassland is not located in the far north, it is worthless, and the area is too large, it would be too difficult to exterminate the clan. Look at the Qin State. Or could Zhao State be able to defeat the Hu people to annihilation?

The geographical location makes these barbarians difficult to eliminate and difficult to deal with.

Kill a group of people and start to flourish again hundreds of years later.

Once there is any civil strife in China, these guys will go directly south to plunder.

Since ancient times.

Which foreigner does not take a look at the vast resources and abundant flowers in the Central Plains?

If you want to completely solve this mess, you have to turn the entire prairie and even the royal court into the territory of the Central Plains, and let these barbarians become Central Plains people. There is no doubt about the tolerance and assimilation of the Central Plains people. As long as the Hu people are abolished Human language and writing, a few generations of cultural baptism, are enough to make these barbarians recognize their ancestors.

Because of this, Luo Yan chose to sacrifice his ego and contribute to peace.

Unfortunately, there is no Nobel Peace Prize in this era.

At this moment, Luo Yan convinced himself.

Because Luo Yan understood that he was now standing at a turning point in history. If he took a step forward, he would be able to make the Huns, Liao, Manchus and other foreigners in future generations disappear completely and disappear from their ancestors.

Thinking of this, Luo Yan's eyes became firmer.

Seeing Hu Yu crying, Luo Yan didn't show any mercy. To treat a Hu man softly would be to be cruel to the people of the Central Plains.

What's more.

The first step has only been taken now, and the key is whether Hu Yu's sister can be captured next.

It is rare that the descendants of this generation of wolf kings only have two daughters and no sons.

This is the best time.

Also the worst time.

Because if you grasp it well, you can completely solve the problems on the grassland. If you don't grasp it well, it will give the grassland a chance to unify. No one understands better than Luo Yan the horror of the unification of the people on the grassland.

History has illustrated this countless times.

"Cry slowly, and after you finish crying, think about the future. If nothing happens, your sister will fall into my hands. You sisters will be reunited in three days at most."

Luo Yan looked at Hu Yu calmly, without any intention of comforting him, and said lightly.

Comfort doesn't exist.

A woman cannot be coaxed. The more she coaxes, the more she will do it. Luo Yan will never admit that it is because she is easy to bully.

After saying that, Luo Yan walked out of the house.

At this moment, Hu Yu has been ruined, and he only needs to leave it to Da Siming.

I have sacrificed myself in this way.

If Da Siming still can't succeed, then Luo Yan will suspect that Da Siming is perfunctory with him.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

The moonlight was bleak and the cold wind was howling.

In the valley.

Zhang Han, who had been running around for a day, had arrived at the valley where his target was located. At the same time, more than a hundred shadow guards and dozens of snare killers arrived.

It can be said that all the forces that Northland can gather as quickly as possible have been gathered here.

Zhang Han slowly pulled out the long sword from his waist. Under the icy moonlight, the cold light flickered slowly, giving the night a sense of chill. Those dark eyes were unruffled and indifferent. Issue an order: "Except for the target in the central felt bag, kill everyone else!"

As a few orders were passed out, the Snare Killer and the Shadow Guard began to take action.

Night is the best cover.

Like executioners, they approached the valley silently, and soon there was the sound of killing.

It was quiet at first, but as more and more people were killed, the movement became harder to suppress.

The smell of blood filled the air.

With the screams of the barbarians, a large number of desperate barbarians began to rush out, tightly protecting the felt bag in the center, which also made them targets. The killers in the trap did not know any rules and used poisonous smoke and hidden weapons. Wait, someone will fall every time you take a shot.

Just like experienced hunters, teasing the prey in the net.

Frontal battlefield.

Five hundred barbarians are enough to crush five hundred snare killers to ashes.

But in the dark night.

Especially in such a hidden dense forest valley, dozens of trap killers are enough to kill hundreds of barbarians, and they have no temper at all.

This is not a battlefield.


As Zhang Han's figure swayed, a sword pierced the necks of three Hu men, and blood overflowed all over the ground. He stepped on the blood-red ground like a god of death, and walked towards the felt bag unhurriedly, along the way. All the barbarians who came close were crushed and killed by him mercilessly.

Until the felt bag was opened, a woman wearing a veil walked out.

Hu Ji looked at the battlefield that turned into a sea of ​​​​blood in shock. Countless Hu people were fighting with some men in black and guards in light armor. However, the situation was very bad. The people who came were cooperating with each other, just like poisonous snakes, coming unexpectedly. One blow, and every blow is extremely fatal.

There is no hard steel with Hu people.

At first glance, these people are not warriors on the battlefield, but killers.

The moment Zhang Han saw the other person walking out, he recognized the other person's identity, even though he was wearing a veil.

Because the two sisters look exactly the same.

Apart from the different clothing and temperament, in Zhang Han's opinion, there is no difference.

"found it!"

The moment Zhang Han saw Hu Ji, he became even more powerful. With a focused gaze, he charged directly at Hu Ji. The shadow guards around him cleared the way for him, and soon he was in front of Hu Ji. Then a sword was placed on her white neck, and her eyes were cold as she looked at the barbarians who were about to surround her.

The barbarians glared at Zhang Han, but no one dared to move.

"Are you from the Central Plains?!"

Although Hu Ji was very scared, her face remained calm. She looked at Zhang Han and asked in a soft voice.

Zhang Han ignored it, because the killings around him continued. These Hu people who protected Hu Ji were all Touman's confidants, and their fighting power was not weak. On the battlefield, they were definitely as good as one against ten. Unfortunately, facing a group of killers, They are undoubtedly very fragile.

In the end, everyone was killed, and the strong smell of blood directly filled the entire valley, and no one could escape at all.

Except for Hu Ji, everyone else was slaughtered.

The group of killers in Luowang are also experienced.

After killing this group of people, he did not forget to stab each person twice in the heart to prevent anyone from being left alive.

After counting the number of people.

The leader of Luowang reported to Zhang Hanhui: "Sir, there are 418 people in total, all of them are here, and there is no one left alive!"

Luo Wen... Zhang Han looked at Luo Wen's performance. He knew that the Shadow Guards still had a way to go, and their professionalism was a bit inferior. But now was obviously not the time to think about this. He nodded and looked at the person beside him. Hu Ji: "Come with us."

Can I say no?

Hu Ji pursed her lips, she couldn't refuse at all.

But she also saw that the group of people in front of her were probably from the Central Plains. They got the news from someone unknown and came to kidnap her.

Fortunately, she had released the golden eagle just now, and her sister should get the news.

Hu Ji didn't expect that such a big change would happen just after she made the decision to commit herself to Touman.

If it falls into the hands of the Central Plains people, what will be its fate next?

Hu Ji herself doesn’t know anymore.

After all, Hu Ren and Hu Ji are familiar with each other, and they are no strangers either.

But the Central Plains.

Hu Ji didn't know much, let alone whose hands she would fall into.

Zhang Han obviously wouldn't give her an explanation, and coldly led Hu Ji towards the north...

PS: Good night

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